Deleting members with email disabled, results in deleting all members
due to a broken NQL filter.
The filter `(email_disabled:1)` results in selecting all members because
of the surrounding brackets, which cause a `yg` filter to be generated
by NQL which is not supported by code that handles the Mongo filters.
This is a quick fix to reduce damage, this will need a proper fix in NQL
/ lower level.
Added files for swiss german (de_CH). Went for the formal "Sie" (as
opposed to the informal "du" currently used in the locale de).
Suggestion: Allow variants like de_CH@informal and de_CH@formal to make
it possible to be able to offer both, formal and informal addresses for
languages like f.e. german or french and their respective variants.
Co-authored-by: Ryan Feigenbaum <>
fixes GRO-105
The newsletter value is mapped to an empty value when shown to the
users, this matches the backend behaviour.
When entering an empty value, this is stored internally as 'newsletter'.
The replyToInput component now uses its own state for the input value.
This avoids weird issues when the rendered value changes, e.g. when
entering the text 'support' or 'newsletter' in the field.
no issues
- consistent spacing between modal and preview modal
- no action button jumping between the modals
- cleaner stats section in the edit screen
- changed the ship command in portal to avoid checking the status of
files in all of Ghost and just checks for the status of files inside
Portal before publishing to NPM.
Co-authored-by: Daniel Lockyer <>
fixes ADM-43
- The slash '/' search was firing when it wasn't suppose to, eg via the
URL editor inside the minimal koenig editors.
- this fix makes sure that if any input field has focus, that the slash
search function doesn't get fired.
fixes GRO-103
When a custom reply-to address was set using one of the new flags, and
those flags were disabled - the dropdown showed an empty value and
saving was broken because of this value.
This change automatically reverts back to 'newsletter' as a default
value when editing a newsletter with an invalid reply-to value.
When generating page/post metadata, we generate a "context object" from
several meta helpers. In the event there is no context from the resource
type, we generate a fallback object.
However... we generate this fallback object no matter what.
Now, the fallback object is just 3x settingsCache.get, which should be
fast, but it's not. I've opened a separate issue for that:
In the mean time, we can switch this logic around to only do these calls
when we have no other context.
From testing, this allows for 10% more throughput on a post 🤯
refs ADM-37
- backdrop click should be disabled for modals, especially when modals
contain user editable fields
- to make things consistent, all offers related modals are not closeable
by backdrop clicking
fixes ADM-22
- the mobile tab bar is shown within screen size of 800px and below
- this makes the preview visbility consistent with the mobile screen size range
fixes ADM-40
- removed layout switch feature, and made the list layout default
- removed the help link, because it will no longer be necessary on the
list screen
- fixed offers count in the table header
Google AMP is on the way out. In Ghost 5.0 we changed the integration's
default state to be `disabled`, and we have planned to remove it
completely in Ghost 6.0 for a while — but we haven't shared this
@gergelyorosz bumped into this today:
This PR is to start communicating our intent to remove AMP in the next
major release of Ghost, by adding inline messaging to the integration
settings in Ghost Admin
fixes GRO-72
- added "default_email_address" and "support_email_address" to the
public settings
- when available, use these addresses in Portal. Otherwise, fallback to
current logic