11 KiB
id | title |
plugin-auth | Authentication Plugin |
What's an Authentication Plugin?
Is a sort plugin that allows to handle who access or publish to a specific package. By default the htpasswd
is built-in, but can easily be replaced by your own.
Getting Started
The authentication plugins are defined in the auth:
section, as follows:
file: ./htpasswd
also multiple plugins can be chained:
file: ./htpasswd
foo: bar
bar: foo
foo: bar
bar: foo
If one of the plugin in the chain is able to resolve the request, the next ones will be ignored.
How do the authentication plugin works?
У суштини треба да вратимо објекат коришћењем методе зване authenticate
која прима 3 аргумента (user, password, callback
On each request, authenticate
will be triggered and the plugin should return the credentials, if the authenticate
fails, it will fallback to the $anonymous
role by default.
interface IPluginAuth<T> extends IPlugin<T> {
authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: AuthCallback): void;
adduser?(user: string, password: string, cb: AuthCallback): void;
changePassword?(user: string, password: string, newPassword: string, cb: AuthCallback): void;
allow_publish?(user: RemoteUser, pkg: AllowAccess & PackageAccess, cb: AuthAccessCallback): void;
allow_access?(user: RemoteUser, pkg: AllowAccess & PackageAccess, cb: AuthAccessCallback): void;
allow_unpublish?(user: RemoteUser, pkg: AllowAccess & PackageAccess, cb: AuthAccessCallback): void;
apiJWTmiddleware?(helpers: any): Function;
are optional, verdaccio provide a fallback in all those cases.
Од верзије v4.0.0
је уведен од PR#1227 како би се омогућила потпуна контрола над управљањем токенима (token handler). Ако бисте прегазили тај метод, онемогућили бисте login/adduser
подршку. We recommend don't implement this method unless is totally necessary. Детаљни пример можете пронаћи овде.
What should I return in each of the methods?
Verdaccio relies on callback
functions at time of this writing. Each method should call the method and what you return is important, let's review how to do it.
Једном када се аутентификација изврши, на располагању су 2 опције које дају одговор verdaccio-у
If the authentication fails
If the auth was unsuccessful, return false
as the second argument.
callback(null, false)
If the authentication success
Auth је успешно објављена.
чини низ стрингова у који спада корисник.
callback(null, groups);
If the authentication produce an error
The authentication service might fails, and you might want to reflect that in the user response, eg: service is unavailable.
import { getInternalError } from '@verdaccio/commons-api';
callback(getInternalError('something bad message), null);
A failure on login is not the same as service error, if you want to notify user the credentails are wrong, just return
instead string of groups. The behaviour mostly depends of you.
If adduser success
If the service is able to create an user, return true
as the second argument.
callback(null, true)
If adduser fails
Any other action different than success must return an error.
import { getConflict } from '@verdaccio/commons-api';
const err = getConflict('maximum amount of users reached');
If the request is successful
If the service is able to create an user, return true
as the second argument.
const user = serviceUpdatePassword(user, password, newPassword);
callback(null, user)
If the request fails
Any other action different than success must return an error.
import { getNotFound } from '@verdaccio/commons-api';
const err = getNotFound('user not found');
, allow_publish
, or allow_unpublish
These methods aims to allow or deny trigger some actions.
If the request success
If the service is able to create an user, return a true
as the second argument.
allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: PackageAccess, cb: Callback): void {
const isAllowed: boolean = checkAction(user, pkg);
callback(null, isAllowed)
If the request fails
Any other action different than success must return an error.
import { getNotFound } from '@verdaccio/commons-api';
const err = getForbidden('not allowed to access package');
Generate an authentication plugin
For detailed info check our plugin generator page. Run the yo
command in your terminal and follow the steps.
➜ yo verdaccio-plugin
Just found a `.yo-rc.json` in a parent directory.
Setting the project root at: /Users/user/verdaccio_yo_generator
_-----_ ╭──────────────────────────╮
| | │ Welcome to │
|--(o)--| │ generator-verdaccio-plug │
`---------´ │ in plugin generator! │
( _´U`_ ) ╰──────────────────────────╯
/___A___\ /
| ~ |
´ ` |° ´ Y `
? What is the name of your plugin? service-name
? Select Language typescript
? What kind of plugin you want to create? auth
? Please, describe your plugin awesome auth plugin
? GitHub username or organization myusername
? Author's Name Juan Picado
? Author's Email jotadeveloper@gmail.com
? Key your keywords (comma to split) verdaccio,plugin,auth,awesome,verdaccio-plugin
create verdaccio-plugin-authservice-name/package.json
create verdaccio-plugin-authservice-name/.gitignore
create verdaccio-plugin-authservice-name/.npmignore
create verdaccio-plugin-authservice-name/jest.config.js
create verdaccio-plugin-authservice-name/.babelrc
create verdaccio-plugin-authservice-name/.travis.yml
create verdaccio-plugin-authservice-name/README.md
create verdaccio-plugin-authservice-name/.eslintrc
create verdaccio-plugin-authservice-name/.eslintignore
create verdaccio-plugin-authservice-name/src/index.ts
create verdaccio-plugin-authservice-name/index.ts
create verdaccio-plugin-authservice-name/tsconfig.json
create verdaccio-plugin-authservice-name/types/index.ts
create verdaccio-plugin-authservice-name/.editorconfig
I'm all done. Running npm install for you to install the required dependencies. If this fails, try running the command yourself.
⸨ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░⸩ ⠋ fetchMetadata: sill pacote range manifest for @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx@^7.7.4 fetc
After the install finish, access to your project scalfold.
➜ cd verdaccio-plugin-service-name
➜ cat package.json
"name": "verdaccio-plugin-service-name",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "awesome auth plugin",
Full implementation ES5 example
function Auth(config, stuff) {
var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
self._users = {};
// config for this module
self._config = config;
// verdaccio logger
self._logger = stuff.logger;
// pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
return self;
Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
var groups;
callback(null, groups);
module.exports = Auth;
И на крају, конфигурација изгледа овако:
file: ./htpasswd
При чему је htpasswd
суфикс за име плугина. пример: verdaccio-htpasswd
и остатак body секције ће дати параметре за конфигурисање плугина.
List Community Authentication Plugins
- verdaccio-bitbucket: Bitbucket authentication plugin за verdaccio.
- verdaccio-bitbucket-server: Bitbucket Server authentication plugin за verdaccio.
- verdaccio-ldap: LDAP auth plugin за verdaccio.
- verdaccio-active-directory: Active Directory authentication plugin за verdaccio
- verdaccio-gitlab: користи GitLab Personal Access Token за аутентификацију
- verdaccio-gitlab-ci: Омогућава GitLab CI да authenticate против verdaccio.
- verdaccio-htpasswd: File plugin за Auth based on htpasswd (ugrađen), за verdaccio
- verdaccio-github-oauth: Github oauth authentication plugin за verdaccio.
- verdaccio-github-oauth-ui: GitHub OAuth plugin за verdaccio login дугме.
- verdaccio-groupnames: Plugin to handle dynamic group associations utilizing
syntax. Works best with the ldap plugin. - verdaccio-sqlite: SQLite Authentication plugin for Verdaccio
- verdaccio-okta-auth Verdaccio Okta Auth
- verdaccio-azure-ad-login Let your users authenticate into Verdaccio via Azure AD OAuth 2.0 API
- verdaccio-auth-gitlab Verdaccio authentication plugin by gitlab personal access tokens.
Have you developed a new plugin? Add it here !