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id: конфигурисање
title: "Фајл за конфигурисање"
This file is the cornerstone of Verdaccio where you can modify the default behaviour, enable plugins and extend features.
A default configuration file `config.yaml` is created the very first time you run `verdaccio`.
## Подразумеване поставке (Default Configuration)
The default configuration has support for **scoped** packages and allows any user to **access** all packages, but only authenticated users to **publish**.
storage: ./storage
file: ./htpasswd
url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
access: $all
publish: $authenticated
proxy: npmjs
proxy: npmjs
- { type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http }
## Секције
The following sections explain what each property means and their different options.
### Меморија за складиштење
Је локација на којој се врши складиштење података. **Verdaccio је иницијално подешен као local file system**.
storage: ./storage
### Plugins
Is the location of the plugin directory. Useful for Docker/Kubernetes-based deployments.
plugins: ./plugins
### Authentication
The authentication setup is done here. The default auth is based on `htpasswd` and is built in. You can modify this behaviour via [plugins](plugins.md). For more information about this section read the [auth page](auth.md).
file: ./htpasswd
max_users: 1000
### Сигурност
<small>Since: <code>verdaccio@4.0.0</code> <a href="https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/168">#168</a></small>
Сигурносни блок Вам омогућава да прилагодите потпис за токен (token signature). To enable a new [JWT (JSON Web Tokens)](https://jwt.io/) signature you need to add the block `jwt` to the `api` section; `web` uses `jwt` by default.
Конфигурација је подељена у две секције, `api` и `web`. To use JWT on `api` it has to be defined, otherwise the legacy token signature (`aes192`) will be used. For JWT you might want to customize the [signature](https://github.com/auth0/node-jsonwebtoken#jwtsignpayload-secretorprivatekey-options-callback) and the token [verification](https://github.com/auth0/node-jsonwebtoken#jwtverifytoken-secretorpublickey-options-callback) with your own properties.
legacy: true
expiresIn: 29d
someProp: [value]
expiresIn: 7d # 7 days by default
someProp: [value]
> Јако Вам препоручујемо да се пребаците на JWT пошто је legacy signature (`aes192`) застарео и неће га бити у новијим верзијама.
### Сервер
Скуп својстава за мењање понашања сервер апликације, посебно API-ја (Express.js).
> Можете задати да HTTP/1.1 сервер одржава време после којег се буди за долазне конекције. Ако задате вредност 0, http сервер ће се понашати слично као Node.js верзије старије од 8.0.0, које нису имале уграђену функцију: keep-alive timeout. ЗАОБИЛАЖЕЊЕ: Датим конфигурисањем, можете заобићи следећи проблем: https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/301. Set to 0 in case 60 is not enough.
keepAliveTimeout: 60
### Web UI (кориснички интерфејс)
This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web UI page](web.md).
enable: true
title: Verdaccio
logo: logo.png
### Uplinks
Uplinks add the ability to fetch packages from remote registries when those packages are not available locally. For more information about this section read the [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
### Пакети
This section allows you to control how packages are accessed. For more information about this section read the [packages page](packages.md).
access: $all
publish: $authenticated
proxy: npmjs
## Напредна подешавања
### Публиковање offline
By default `verdaccio` does not allow you to publish packages when the client is offline. This can be can be overridden by setting this value to *true*.
allow_offline: false
<small>Почевши од верзије: <code>verdaccio@2.3.6</code> члан (due) <a href="https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/223">#223</a></small>
### URL Префикс
The prefix is intended to be used when the server runs behinds the proxy, check the **reverse proxy setup** page for more details.
url_prefix: /verdaccio/
> Verdaccio 5 has an improved prefix behaviour, [check here details](https://verdaccio.org/blog/2021/04/14/verdaccio-5-migration-guide#url_prefix-improved-behavior).
### Максимална величина body секције документа
By default the maximum body size for a JSON document is `10mb`, if you run into errors that state `"request entity too large"` you may increase this value.
max_body_size: 10mb
### Listen Порт
`verdaccio` runs by default on the port `4873`. Changing the port can be done via [CLI](cli.md) or in the configuration file. The following options are valid:
# - localhost:4873 # default value
# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
To enable `https` in `verdaccio` it's enough to set the `listen` flag with the protocol *https://*. For more information about this section read the [SSL page](ssl.md).
key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
### Proxy
Proxies are special-purpose HTTP servers designed to transfer data from remote servers to local clients.
#### http_proxy i https_proxy
If you have a proxy in your network you can set a `X-Forwarded-For` header using the following properties:
http_proxy: http://something.local/
https_proxy: https://something.local/
#### no_proxy
This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions that the proxy should not be used for.
no_proxy: localhost,
### Нотификације
Enabling notifications to third-party tools is fairly easy via webhooks. For more information about this section read the [notifications page](notifications.md).
method: POST
headers: [{ "Content-Type": "application/json" }]
endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
> За детаљније опције подешавања, молимо Вас да [погледате source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
### Audit (ревизија)
<small>Since: <code>verdaccio@3.0.0</code></small>
`npm audit` is a new command released with [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio includes a built-in middleware plugin to handle this command.
> Ако имате нову инсталацију, све је већ укључено у оквиру ње. У супротном, треба да додате наведене додатке (props) у Ваш config фајл
enabled: true
### Experiments
This release includes a new property named `experiments` that can be placed in the `config.yaml` and is completely optional.
We want to be able to ship new things without affecting production environments. This flag allows us to add new features and get feedback from the community who decides to use them.
The features under this flag might not be stable or might be removed in future releases.
Here is one example:
token: false
> To disable the experiments warning in the console, you must comment out the whole `experiments` section. |