With multiple newsletters, paid members can choose their newsletter preference at the time of signup via Portal. This change handles the newsletter preference via stripe checkout metadata and stores it against the member on completing signup.
With multiple newsletters, free members can choose their newsletter subscription preference while signing up.
This change -
- includes newsletters data in magic link token creation
- attaches newsletter data to new members created via magic link
- Sets the `mrr` column correctly when updating a subscription
- We can use this value in the future to have an improved calculation of mrr_delta, but we first need to have the migration in place
- Updated missing cancelled -> canceled
When a new member signs up on the site, by default they should get subscribed to all newsletters. A new member can get added via different ways (stripe webhook, admin add, free signup), so this change updates the base member repository which gets used irrespective of how member is added to ensure default newsletters are always included for new member.
If a member already has a custom newsletters list attached, we don't change anything.
no issue
- When Ghost is running in a test environment, it is configured with an invalid Stripe key that looks like `sk_test***`. In this case the migrations try runnig creating request to Stripe, which fail. The failures pollute the output, which makes other valid errors lost.
- An example of such error log is following:
Invalid API Key provided: sk_test_******ripe
Error: Invalid API Key provided: sk_test_******ripe
at res.toJSON.then.StripeAPIError.message (/home/naz/Workspace/Ghost/Ghost/node_modules/stripe/lib/StripeResource.js:214:23)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
- There doesn't seem to be a good reason to do migrations in the test environment. Skipping them as a special case to fix the output pollution problem seems like a right solution
With multiple newsletters, members can now have one or more newsletter subscriptions that is attached to them. This change updates the member BREAD service to handle attaching newsletter data to member, based on the newsletter flag.
- if newsletter flag is disabled, add/edit methods delete any newsletter data attached to member
- sets `newsletters` as a default relation for read/browse methods so a member always has newsletter data attached to them
no issue
- When a new member is added via the API, with a stripe_customer_id, the member bread service is passed also with a default option: `withRelated: ['labels']`.
- This option is passed along to the member repository, and further and is also passed when loading relations that don't have a relationship called 'labels'.
- This results in a `labels is not defined on the model` error when you try to create a new member with a stripe customer id.
- Test that found this issue will be added to the Ghost repo.
When you add a redirect multiple times, and remove it afterwards, an error is thrown:
`Cannot destructure property 'fromRegex' of 'this.redirects[redirectId]' as it is undefined.`
This was caused by `redirectIds` that contained the same id multiple times.
* Added a test for adding a redirect multiple times and removing it once
* Fixed adding same redirect multiple times throws an error on removal
- This enables this package to declare the version of all its dependencies
- It avoids using a different `@tryghost/domain-events` version, which ends up creating a new underlying EventEmitter than the one used with the other packages in this monorepo.
- The long term fix to avoid to have multiple EventEmitters is to make domain-events an injected dependency, so that it's only a dependency of Ghost core.
- when a member had canceled subscriptions the check we have to match products to subscriptions to determine whether to insert the hardcoded complimentary subscription was incorrectly matching against the canceled subscriptions
- updated to match only active subscriptions
- The goal is to retrieve the product name for canceled subscriptions
- The property is located at ``
- We can't easily get the full product as products are retrieved using a join through `members_products`, and there is only a `members_products` row when the subscription is active
We had a bug where Tiers would have a name of 'Default Product', and a
Stripe Product would be created with the same name. This migration will
fixes those broken Stripe Products
First, this default value didn't make sense as it was written when we
had a boolean visible column, second, we don't need to add defaults here
- this implementation is super tied to the models anyway, so we may as
well rely on the model defaults - if we do pull it out similar to
Offers, then it may make sense to add a default there.
We also update the JSDoc to match the updated data structure.
- Uses the right method to update a model (`edit`)
- Also fixes the `updateLastSeenAt` comment that wasn't reflecting the code
- Using the package directly was creating a second instance and was never triggering the subscriber
- Passing DomainEvents as a dependency solves this issue
- This removes the limitation described in commit ff46449ad6
- The only edge case is that when a publication changes their timezone, it will have maximum 24 hours where the member last_seen_at could be incorrect