refs 1606a10ff8
- One-off jobs have been released and needed a little bit of documentation for engineers to find their feet quick with a new concept.
- One-off jobs have a quality of executing only ever once within the lifetime of Ghost instance. For example this feature enabled moving members-migrations from the main path of boot process - boosts the boot time significantly (refed commit)
- Fixed support for resizing images from Unsplash using the `img-url` helper (previously the size property was ignored for images from Unsplash)
- Added support for `avif` file formats (supported by sharp out of the box)
- Added support for setting the format of images, with a new `format` option:
E.g. to convert an image to webp (only works in combination with size for now, except for Unsplash where you can use it without size):
{{img_url @site.cover_image size="s" format="webp"}}
This can help improve the performance of a theme, by serving assets in `<picture>` elements with webp and fallback image formats.
Usage example:
srcset="{{img_url feature_image size="s" format="avif"}} 300w,
{{img_url feature_image size="m" format="avif"}} 600w,
{{img_url feature_image size="l" format="avif"}} 1000w,
{{img_url feature_image size="xl" format="avif"}} 2000w"
sizes="(min-width: 1400px) 1400px, 92vw"
srcset="{{img_url feature_image size="s" format="webp"}} 300w,
{{img_url feature_image size="m" format="webp"}} 600w,
{{img_url feature_image size="l" format="webp"}} 1000w,
{{img_url feature_image size="xl" format="webp"}} 2000w"
sizes="(min-width: 1400px) 1400px, 92vw"
srcset="{{img_url feature_image size="s"}} 300w,
{{img_url feature_image size="m"}} 600w,
{{img_url feature_image size="l"}} 1000w,
{{img_url feature_image size="xl"}} 2000w"
sizes="(min-width: 1400px) 1400px, 92vw"
src="{{img_url feature_image size="xl"}}"
alt="{{#if feature_image_alt}}{{feature_image_alt}}{{else}}{{title}}{{/if}}"
- paywall card in Admin now inserts cta and restricts content for newsletters as well
- mimics paywall behavior in posts for newsletters
- if the threshold is Infinity, we shouldn't be loading the newsletter
subscription events because we are saying there is no threshold
- the code has a quick path to avoid comparing the values, but it still
loads the events upfront
- this commit moves the quick path up to return earlier
- this has the nice side-effect of producing 100% coverage on this
- up until now, the test framework has copied all theme fixtures to the
test directory when it boots Ghost
- the vast majority of tests don't need all the themes, so this is quite
a wasteful operation
- this commit disables copying all themes by default, and provides the
`copyThemes` boot option to enable this
- also adds a `copySettings` option, and defaults `redirectsFile` to
false to further reduce the number of file copies
- When a one-off job fails it could be restarted during the next call, given it has been cleared from the job queue.
- This readding WILL NOT work for jobs that are restarted within same process (while being kept in the bree's queue). It's specifically targetting one-off jobs like migrations that **might** fail and are only added once per process lifetime.
- Without going into the model layer (schema) for a job it's hard to figure out which job statuses are available. Using an object with hard typed properties makes the code less prone to typos.
- The method is a bit of a dangerous to use in cases when the job takes a long time to execute.
- Returning a boolean value did not make sense and provided no helpful information. Having a job model (or not having one) gives the context in which the "completion" happened.
- using test emails via email preview in admin were failing due to missing post data attached to them
- adds test to make sure email segment rendering doesn't crash even with missing data
This property can be used by theme developers to determine if comments
are available for the currently logged in member. It follows the same
logic as used internally in the comments helper, so that they can be
used interchangeably
This updates the comments helper based on the design document
Changes include:
- `color_scheme` renamed to `mode`
- `avatar_saturation` renamed to `saturation`
- `saturation` default changed from 50 to 60
- `count` option added
- `title` option added
The count and title options allow theme developers to better customise
the output of comments, so that they can either pass in their own
title, or pass in no title, and instead provide HTML in the them to
handle it. The same is the case for the count option, which is used to
toggle whether or not the comment count is shown.
- Made `max-width` smaller to avoid super-long lines
- Added `span` elements with `nowrap` to avoid one or two-word orphans
Co-authored-by: Rishabh <>
refs 8255bfdfda
- the original project had a commit which fixes a specific test for
missing host headers
- funnily enough, this was our only missing coverage on this package, so
we achieve 100% with this
- The execution of members migration only ever has to be done once in the lifetime of the Ghost instance. It is slightly slow and blocking process, which slows down instance boot time considerably. Putting the execution into one off job allows to execute migrations only once and save boot time on each consequent instance restart - less resource usage, save the planet!
refs ttps://
- One off jobs need a way to check for prior execution and await for their completion (in cases when it is reasonably short).
- Added `hasExecuted` and `awaitCompletion` methods to the job manager allowing to monitor one off job state
- Sending newsletters got broken because underlying "inline job" execution had a bug.
- The real problem was in the job manager trying to verify inline unnamed job status in the database without having a name.
We've moved the BREAD logic out of the endpoint and into a controller which
interfaces with the `frame` object from our API framework. The service handles
the core logic of comments, and has been updated with several fixes. This
separation means we keep the HTTP API logic and the underlying comments logic
We've also updated the naming to make it clear that it is part of the members api.
Permissions have been implemented, ensuring that members cannot create comments
if they do not have the required access, but they are able to edit their existing comments,
regardless of access.
The edited_at field is now correctly updated when a comment is edited.
- now we've switched to a monorepo, commands like `knex-migrator health`
won't work from the top-level directory because they expect to be run
alongside the MigratorConfig.js file
- this commit adds a `knex-migrator` script in the top-level
package.json so you can run `yarn knex-migrator ...`
- whilst this is only a bandaid, it should give a route forwards for
running knex-migrator commands from your top-level directory
- we have this in the `ghost/core` .gitignore too, but with the latest
monorepo change, some developers might prefer to have their Caddyfile
in the top-level directory, of which we need to ignore it
- it was incorrectly referencing `tpl` as a dependency, which must have
been accidentally included when the package was created
- this has been switched out for `@tryghost/tpl`
- also added the missing `@tryghost/errors` dependency
- Inline one off jobs are needed in situations when we want to run a certain operation only once in the lifecycle of the Ghost instance. These operations should not be extremely long to execute though (not suited for backups or import types of tasks)
- It's up to a user to decide initializing the job manager without a "jobModel". In these cases the regular recurring job scheduling should work as it did before
- these agent files are all very similar and should be grouped together
- moving them into a subfolder makes the `test/utils` folder a little
bit easier to browse