- These regression tests introduce very little additional value in exchange for an expensive time to run them. Because we mostly care about stable support for the latest stable API version, the older API version test for "internal" API can go away
- In case there are bugs found we do care about in the v2/v3 APIs we can always revert some of these tests.
- The v2 and v3 redirects APIs are unofficial and should not be used by anyone in production. There's no good reason to maintain expensive to run test suites for old unofficial APIs.
- The test cases in canary suite covers the functionality of redirects enough to be sure they work as expeted
- These tests still rely on the frontend to be present. Needs further investigation to remove "frontend: true" flag - it slows down test runs!
- Final batch of the refactor to async/await syntax. Doing these refactors before modifying "testUtils.startGhost" everywhere to boot only with the backend
- This is a continuation of a bigger refactor to use async/await syntax before migrating "startGhost" methods to only use backend boot
- Removed a little bit of dead code (like admin user creation) which should speed up test execution too!
- Refactored user variables to be declared closer to their usecases instead of being high up in a global scope - variables shoul not live that far apart from the code that uses them
- First batch of the refactor to async/await syntax. Next one will cover the rest. Doing these refactors before modifying "testUtils.startGhost" everywhere to boot only with the backend
- There is no good reason to keep this extra variable around just call "stop" in couple very specific cases. Even for those cases, there's `testUtils.stopGhost` method which achieves the same without additional variable to track.
- Having the "ghost" alias only added cognitive load when reading through the test code and didn't provide any additional value. Removed the pattern to keep things simpler and more explicit
- Using asycn/await syntax is way more readable and allows to identify further reusable patterns in test initialization. This refactor also served as an exploreation around how the code looks like at this point
The launch wizard completed flag was previously stored at per user level in accessibility column of user table, so an administrator still got the option to complete the launch wizard even if the owner had completed it previously, which is not expected pattern. This change moves the launch complete flag for Admin to common settings from per user level so a site only needs to complete the launch wizard once irrespective of which user completes it
- adds new `editor_is_launch_complete` setting to track if a site launch steps are completed in Admin
- adds new migration util to easily allow adding new setting
- adds migration to introduce new `editor_is_launch_complete` setting
- adds migration to update launch complete flag for a site if any of the users have already completed the launch steps
refs refs
- The tests needed to have a clean state with empty redirects file, which was previously ensured through "configUtils". Because configUtils don't play ball with the class initialization pattern this approach was chosen
- It's an end-to-end test with lots of logic and pobably would be enough to run against single API endpoint. Leaving it as is and to be improved in the future
- stores values of custom theme settings
- will be merged with full settings data parsed from themes for API output
- will be cached and made available for lookup in themes to avoid db roundtrips
- stores type of custom theme settings so we can coerce values and know if the type has changed when syncing
- records will be synced with themes upon activation
- We need a place to persist the email freeze state between instance restarts - settings table record is the best place for it
- This is part of the quest to separate the frontend and server & get rid of all the places where there are cross-requires
- At the moment the settings cache is one big shared cache used by the frontend and server liberally
- This change doesn't really solve the fundamental problems, as we still depend on events, and requires from inside frontend
- However it allows us to control the misuse slightly better by getting rid of restricted requires and turning on that eslint ruleset
refs a7dec233ba
- Additional validation protects from problems like the ones in refed commit from even getting through to the database.
- At the moment only used notificatons and couple more settings to ensure they are arrays when passed into the API. This is to avoid making big change in settings straight away - this is a problematic area which needs cautious approach.
- Ideally in the future the list of settings to check the "array" type (and other types) should be automatically generated based on the default-settings.json (or whatever way we define settings in the db a that moment)
- There's an ugly code-tripplication going on in this change. This is a separate topic that will be addressed once we work on API cleanup.
New settings added for newsletter customisation options:
- `newsletter_header_image` - `null/"$url"`
- `newsletter_show_header_icon` - `"true/false"`
- `newsletter_show_header_title` - `"true/false"`
- `newsletter_title_alignment` - `"center/left"`
- `newsletter_title_font_category` - `"serif/sans_serif"`
- `newsletter_show_feature_image` - `"true/false"`
`newsletter_show_header` has been dropped because the same functionality can be achieved by setting both `newsletter_show_header_icon` and `newsletter_show_header_title` to `false`
- migration to convert and delete `newsletter_show_header` setting
- removed `newsletter_show_header` from default settings to ensure it doesn't get re-created
- replaced main labs template and template settings generation with the labs template
- deleted labs template
- `portal_products` stores list of products available in Portal
- adds new `portal_products` setting to default settings
- adds migration to populate `portal_products` with current product so its available by default
- update tests
no issue
Shows impact of new code behind labs flags through the existing acceptance/regression tests. Allows for existing tests to be updated to match new behaviour rather than requiring separate tests where individual flags are enabled. Should result in minimal test updating once code reaches GA.
- adds a forced `'labs:enabled'` fixture op that edits the `labs` setting to enable all flags then restarts the settings service to pick up the new setting
- modifies labs service to not remove ALPHA_FEATURE labs settings when running in a testing environment
- There is no usecase for editing "labs" settings outside of canary/v4 API versions. Removing support for older versions makes the supported API surface smaller (easy maintenance).
- To safeguard from mise of a very permissing "object" value of the "labs" setting this change introduces an "allowlist" approach to filtering unrecognized labs flags
- Should allow maintainers to have a clear view of which labs flags are currently in use and manage them accordingly
- starting and stopping Ghost is part of our rather unloved acceptance test framework
- moving them into their own file to make the different pieces clearer and also to start to make improvements
- first improvement had to happen as an aside - exposing the existingData property via a function and making the API clearer
- this was a weird thing set on module.exports, very hidden and hard to follow
- Note: stopGhost is only used once in the regression/modles/model_posts_spec.js file to make the test run fast enough...
- These tests are effectively "DB integration" tests e.g. non-unit tests because they do use the DB, they need their own framework
- The previous `.then` chaining was outdated, while in this part of code did a tiny cleanup which should improve future maintenance slightly
- The previous `.then` chaining was outdated and was causing 2x ghost instance initialization per test suite
- With a refactor there's only one intance initialization per suite (saves running time!) and we use more readable async/await syntax, which should make things more maintainable
- The tests were skipped and were throwing an eslint warning, which soon will become an error.
- They were skipped initially as they used an outdated authorization mechanism. With migration to token based auth the tests are green again
no issue
- The test was skipped, which should not have been commited into the trunk in the first place. The checks were reworked to reflect the reality - the endpoint ignores the "group" qurey parameter
no refs
Since backend now allows multiple prices but we want the prices to be currently limited to monthly/yearly on UI, we need new settings to store the current monthly/yearly price by the site owner. These settings determine the active prices shown in Admin / Portal for the site till we allow all custom products/prices again.
- The frontmatter field has leaked into the API layer unintentionally when it was introduced into the DB schema during 4.0 release.
- The fix add the field to "trim" list in all API. A proper validation and handling will be add per API as usecase for the field becomes clear
The "free" price - when Members signup without using Stripe, should have
a name and description, so that it can be displayed in Portal in a
similar way to paid price's. As there is only ever one, and it is not a
fully fledged price, a setting makes more sense than a dedicated db
We want to give more control over the default selection of email recipients when publishing a post, to do that we need somewhere to store those settings. These settings are site-wide and intended for use by admins to control the default editor behaviour for all staff users. They _do not_ control API behaviour, if you want to send email when publishing via the API it's still necessary to explicitly opt in to that using the `?email_recipients_filter=` query param.
- new `editor` settings group to indicate that these settings only affect the UI rather than the API
- `editor_default_email_recipients` controls overall behaviour, string/enum with these allowed values:
- `'disabled'`: no option to send email is shown in the editor's publishing dropdown
- `'visibility'`: (default) selected member segment is dynamic and matches the post visibility filter
- `'filter'`: specific member filter defined in `editor_default_email_recipients_filter` setting
- `editor_default_email_recipients_filter` is an NQL string for selecting members, used when `editor_default_email_recipients` is set to `'filter'`
- default value is `'all'`
- the segment string can be any valid NQL filter with the additional special-case values of `'all'` and `'none'`
- Having these as destructured from the same package is hindering refactoring now
- Events should really only ever be used server-side
- i18n should be a shared module for now so it can be used everywhere until we figure out something better
- Having them seperate also allows us to lint them properly
refs c873899e49
- as of `bson-objectid` v2.0.0, this library exports the function
to generate an ObjectID directly, and then you need to use `.toHexString()`
to get the 24 character hex string - 6696f27d82
- this commit removes all uses of `.generate()` and replaces with this
Currently the members signup setting is explicitly yes/no to allowing free members signup, with the implication that when set to "no" members is still active but members have to be created via Stripe or the admin API.
This change renames the setting and changes its type to allow more than a binary option.
- migration to create/update the new setting based on the old value
- free signup = "all", no free signup = "invite"; matches the current UI for this setting
- rename setting everywhere it's used/tested against
- modify `getAllowSelfSignup()` used to configure members packages to only return `true` when the new setting is set to `'all'` to match behaviour to the older setting
- update importer to rename the setting when importing from an older Ghost version
- The `oauth_client_id` and `oauth_client_secret` are placeholders to store OAuths related data.
- The flag for `oauth_enabled` or anything along those lines was not added intentionally in favour of checking if the `oauth_client_id` & `oauth_client_secret` are null.
- Export files included a lot of data which was not used in the importer, for example: members, labels, migrations and many more. This lead to a lot of clutter in the import files and made it hard to reason about their purpose.
- The main purpose of exports - is to export importable resources. These are posts, tags, and users. The rest of data like members or migrations either have their own importer (like CSV importer for members) or does not and should not have any ways to be imported.
- These changes are in now way complete. It's a first step towards resource-based exports which could be properly versioned in the future on API level and not be a mirror of the DB structure.
- This is sort of a breaking change. But we are doing it because: (1) its an internal API that should not be used by external clients, (2) there was no public contract to have this API stable at any point, (3) we really need to get back the control over export files structure and size
- In case an external client was dependent on some structure of the exported json file they can still pass in ALL of previously exported data by passing table names in `include` query parameter.
no issue
- We had a suspicion about a regression with these endpoints and there was no quick way to verify if these endpoints were failing due to a misconfiguration on the server or they broke generally for everyone
- Added tests as they were clearly lacking
- Tests confused versions after doing a "tripplication"
- Extracted a global "API_VERSION" variable for each suite to make api version used in the test explicit
- API changes introduced:
canary/v4 Admin API
GET /settings/ (browse)
+ "unsplash" present in response as boolean value
GET /settings/:settingName (read)
+ "unsplash" present in response as boolean value
PUT /settings/ (edit)
+ "unsplash" updates setting, accepts ONLY boolean format
v3 Admin API
GET /settings/ (browse)
+ "unsplash" present in response with object value
GET /settings/:settingName (read)
+ "unsplash" present in response with object value
PUT /settings/ (edit)
+ "unsplash" updates setting, accepts either boolean or object formats
v2 Admin API
GET /settings/ (browse)
+ "unsplash" present in response with object value
GET /settings/:settingName (read)
+ "unsplash" present in response with object value
PUT /settings/ (edit)
+ "unsplash" updates setting, accepts object format