- bumped `ember-auto-import` dependency
- updated `autoImport` config to match new format
- added dependencies for node packages that no longer have built-in polyfills in webpack@5
- updated `asset-delivery` to work with `ember-auto-import@2`
- reverted to standard ember `index.html` to let `ember-auto-import` handle it's insertion of multiple JS chunk files
- updated the `asset-delivery` addon to copy the the `index.html` and `/assets` to `core/built/admin/{development|production}/` directory rather than splitting the `index.html` file apart from the assets inside Ghost's directory structure
- switched to relative root URL in development/production
- required because assets are served from the same directory the index file is served from in Ghost rather than from the root
- Admin uses `/#/` URLs so it can be served from any subdirectory without requiring prior knowledge of that directory at build time
Co-authored-by: Kevin Ansfield <>
refs a4a4136c2f (commitcomment-79676720)
- `ember-auto-import` does the right thing automatically so manual `app.import` is not necessary and avoids potential pitfalls with multiple copies of react being bundled
- added the `window.*` global attachments after importing so that our async loaded UMD components have access to our bundled React and ReactDOM instances
- Fixes the horizontal overflow caused my longer warning/error messages. This means the <pre> tag is sized to fit the container and can now be scrolled and read in its entirety.
- Adds some top margin so these errors are not so bunched up to the text & input.
- the WYSIWYG editor supports ^2^ for superscript and ~2~ for subscript
- with this change, the same syntax is supported in the markdown card, which was missing
Co-authored-by: Hannah Wolfe <>
no issue
- Added `/explore` route which requires min. Admin and is behind a feature flag
- Fetches Admin API key and ID to create a token and return back to Ghost Explore with the correct query params
- Fullscreen UI
no issue
- switched from needing to extend from `ReactComponent` to using a `{{react-render}}` modifier
- modifiers are modern idiomatic Ember for handing "did-insert" hooks and associated lifecycle
- moved code from `<ReactMobiledocEditor>` into `<KoenigReactEditor>`
- no need for the extra layering of components and need to remember two places to modify when adding passthrough args/props
no issue
- `react-editor` controller has much of the same code as the normal editor controller but not all of the editor-instance methods are supported in the react editor yet
- commented out the remaining `.cleanup()` calls that are intended to remove empty cards because the method does not exist and was throwing errors when leaving the react-editor route
no issue
- use the `didCreateEditor` hook to register the editor instance as we do with our Ember version of Koenig
- allows for initial handling of focus control for moving cursor between title and body inputs
- disabled card cleanup call because the react editor does not yet have cards or the custom `cleanup()` method
no issue
- switched to using the `window.ReactDOM` instance that is created when importing the react/react-dom libraries
- React stores state/component references inside of the ReactDOM instance when rendering so we need to make sure all renders use the same instance otherwise it loses track of which component a hook belongs to
- cleaned up unnecessary vendor shims and `prop-types` import
- `react` and `react-dom` vendor shims are unused when using the globals instead of imports
- `prop-types` import+shim is not required as it's part of the `@tryghost/koenig-react` build unlike the earlier direct import of `react-mobiledoc-editor`