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The open-source solution for design and prototyping. UXBOX is currently at an early development stage but we are working hard to bring you the beta version as soon as possible. Follow the project progress in Twitter or Github and stay tuned!

See SVG specification

SVG based

UXBOX works with SVG, a standard format, for all your designs and prototypes . This means that all your stuff in UXBOX is portable and editable in many other vector tools and easy to use on the web.



The development environment consists in a docker container that mounts your local copy of the uxbox souce code directory tree and executes a tmux inside the container in order to facilitate execute multiple processes inside.

System requirements

You should have docker installed in your system in order to set up properly the uxbox development enviroment.

In debian like linux distributions you can install it executing:

sudo apt-get install docker

Start the docker container

Requires a minimum knowledge of tmux usage in order to use that development environment.

For start it, staying in this repository, execute:

./manage.sh run-devenv

This will do the following:

  • Build the image if it is not done before.
  • Download all repositories if them are not downloaded previously.
  • Start a container with predefined tmux layout.
  • Start all needed processes such as gulp and figwheel.

First steps with tmux

Now having the the container running and tmux open inside the container, you are free to execute any commands and open many shells as you want.

You can create a new shell just pressing the Ctr+b c shortcut. And Ctrl+b w for switch between windows, Ctrl+b & for kill the current window.

Inside the tmux session


The UI related tasks starts automatically so you do not need do anything. The window 0 and window 1 are used for the UI related environment.


The backend related environment is located in the window 2, and you can go directly to it using ctrl+b 2 shortcut.

By default this tasks are performed:

  • Start postgresql.
  • Load initial fixtures into the database.

The repl should be started automatically, if not, you can execute:

clojure -Adev:repl

Then use (start) to start all the environment, (stop) for stoping it and (reset) for restart with code reloading. If some exception is raised when code is reloaded, just use (refresh) in order to finish correctly the code swaping and later use (reset) again.

Production (Docker)

Docker is also used to build release images for backend and frontend. Use the helper script manage.sh to build the images. You can run locally UXBOX through a docker-compose or by manually running the containers.

Complementary to the docker images you can build locally from this repository, you can find additionnal flavors for backend and frontend on external repositories:

Persistent data

The UXBOX installation and all data are stored in the database (file uploads, etc). The docker daemon will store that data within the docker directory /var/lib/docker/volumes/.... That means your data is saved even if the container crashes, is stopped or deleted.

To make your data persistent to upgrading and get access for backups is using named docker volume or mount a host folder. To achieve this you need one volume for your database container.


  • /var/lib/postgresql/data PostgreSQL Data
$ docker run -d \
    -v db:/var/lib/postgresql/data \

You also need to persist the UXBOX backend public resources (media and assets) to not lose images uploaded and allow the frontend to expose assets.

  • /srv/uxbox/resources/public UXBOX backend public resources
$ docker run -d \
    -v db:/srv/uxbox/resources/public \

Auto configuration via environment variables

The following environment variables are also honored for configuring your UXBOX instance:


Only available at build time!

  • -e UXBOX_API_URL=... (defaults to /api)
  • -e UXBOX_VIEW_URL=... (defaults to /view/)
  • -e UXBOX_DEMO=... (not defined, setting any value will activate demo mode)
  • -e UXBOX_DEBUG=... (not defined, setting any value will activate debug mode)

Available at runtime:

  • -e LANG=... (defaults to en_US.UTF-8)
  • -e LC_ALL=... (defaults to C.UTF-8)


Available at runtime:

  • -e LANG=... (defaults to en_US.UTF-8)
  • -e LC_ALL=... (defaults to C.UTF-8)
  • -e UXBOX_HTTP_SERVER_PORT=... (defaults to 6060)
  • -e UXBOX_HTTP_SERVER_DEBUG=... (defaults to true)
  • -e UXBOX_DATABASE_USERNAME="..." (defaults to nil)
  • -e UXBOX_DATABASE_PASSWORD="..." (defaults to nil)
  • -e UXBOX_DATABASE_URI="..." (defaults to , will be computed based on other DATABASE parameters if empty)
  • -e UXBOX_DATABASE_NAME="..." (defaults to "uxbox")
  • -e UXBOX_DATABASE_SERVER="..." (defaults to "localhost")
  • -e UXBOX_DATABASE_PORT=... (defaults to 5432)
  • -e UXBOX_MEDIA_DIRECTORY=... (defaults to resources/public/media)
  • -e UXBOX_MEDIA_URI=... (defaults to http://localhost:6060/media/)
  • -e UXBOX_ASSETS_DIRECTORY=... (defaults to resources/public/static)
  • -e UXBOX_ASSETS_URI=... (defaults to http://localhost:6060/static/)
  • -e UXBOX_EMAIL_REPLY_TO="..." (defaults to no-reply@uxbox.io)
  • -e UXBOX_EMAIL_FROM="..." (defaults to no-reply@uxbox.io)
  • -e UXBOX_SUPPORT_EMAIL="..." (defaults to support@uxbox.io)
  • -e UXBOX_SMTP_HOST="..." (defaults to "localhost")
  • -e UXBOX_SMTP_PORT=... (defaults to 25)
  • -e UXBOX_SMTP_USER="..." (defaults to nil)
  • -e UXBOX_SMTP_PASSWORD="..." (defaults to nil)
  • -e UXBOX_SMTP_SSL=... (defaults to false)
  • -e UXBOX_SMTP_TLS=... (defaults to false)
  • -e UXBOX_SMTP_ENABLED=... (defaults to false)
  • -e UXBOX_REGISTRATION_ENABLED=... (defaults to true)
  • -e UXBOX_SECRET="..." (defaults to "5qjiAndGY3")

Important note: make sure to use quotation marks for string variables or the backend might try to interpret the values as symbols and have weird issues.

Collections import

You can easily import icons and images as global stores with the backend collection importer:

  • Create a media folder with the following sample structure:
  • Add some icons (SVG format) and images to your collection
  • Create a config.edn file with the following content
 [{:name "Generic Icons 1"
   :path "./icons/my-icons-collection/"
   :regex #"^.*_48px\.svg$"}
 [{:name "Generic Images 1"
   :path "./images/my-images-collection/"
   :regex #"^.*\.(png|jpg|webp)$"}]}
  • Then go to the backend directory and import collections:
clojure -Adev -m uxbox.cli.collimp ../media/config.edn

Take a look at the sample_media directory for a sample configuration.


Open to you!

We love the open source software community. Contributing is our passion and because of this, we'll be glad if you want to participate and improve UXBOX. All your awesome ideas and code are welcome!

Please refer to the Contributing Guide


This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.