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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.worker.import
(:refer-clojure :exclude [resolve])
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.files.builder :as fb]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes.path :as gpa]
[app.common.json :as json]
[app.common.logging :as log]
[app.common.media :as cm]
[app.common.schema :as sm]
[app.common.text :as ct]
[app.common.time :as tm]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.repo :as rp]
[app.util.http :as http]
[app.util.i18n :as i18n :refer [tr]]
[app.util.sse :as sse]
[app.util.zip :as uz]
[app.worker.impl :as impl]
[app.worker.import.parser :as parser]
[beicon.v2.core :as rx]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[tubax.core :as tubax]))
(log/set-level! :warn)
;; Upload changes batches size
(def ^:const change-batch-size 100)
(def conjv (fnil conj []))
(def ^:private iso-date-rx
"Incomplete ISO regex for detect datetime-like values on strings"
(defn read-json-key
(or (sm/parse-uuid m)
(json/read-kebab-key m)))
(defn read-json-val
(and (string? m)
(re-matches sm/uuid-rx m))
(uuid/uuid m)
(and (string? m)
(re-matches iso-date-rx m))
(or (ex/ignoring (tm/parse-instant m)) m)
(defn get-file
"Resolves the file inside the context given its id and the
data. LEGACY"
([context type]
(get-file context type nil nil))
([context type id]
(get-file context type id nil))
([context type id media]
(let [file-id (:file-id context)
path (case type
:manifest (str "manifest.json")
:page (str file-id "/" id ".svg")
:colors-list (str file-id "/colors.json")
:colors (let [ext (cm/mtype->extension (:mtype media))]
(str/concat file-id "/colors/" id ext))
:typographies (str file-id "/typographies.json")
:media-list (str file-id "/media.json")
:media (let [ext (cm/mtype->extension (:mtype media))]
(str/concat file-id "/media/" id ext))
:components (str file-id "/components.svg")
:deleted-components (str file-id "/deleted-components.svg"))
parse-svg? (and (not= type :media) (str/ends-with? path "svg"))
parse-json? (and (not= type :media) (str/ends-with? path "json"))
file-type (if (or parse-svg? parse-json?) "text" "blob")]
(log/debug :action "parsing" :path path)
(let [stream (->> (uz/get-file (:zip context) path file-type)
(rx/map :content))]
(rx/map tubax/xml->clj stream)
(rx/map #(json/decode % :key-fn read-json-key :val-fn read-json-val) stream)
(defn- read-zip-manifest
(->> (uz/get-file zipfile "manifest.json")
(rx/map :content)
(rx/map json/decode)))
(defn progress!
([context type]
(assert (keyword? type))
(progress! context type nil nil nil))
([context type file]
(assert (keyword? type))
(assert (string? file))
(progress! context type file nil nil))
([context type current total]
(assert (keyword? type))
(assert (number? current))
(assert (number? total))
(progress! context type nil current total))
([context type file current total]
(when (and context (contains? context :progress))
(let [progress {:type type
:file file
:current current
:total total}]
(log/debug :status :progress :progress progress)
(rx/push! (:progress context) {:file-id (:file-id context)
:status :progress
:progress progress})))))
(defn resolve-factory
"Creates a wrapper around the atom to remap ids to new ids and keep
their relationship so they ids are coherent."
(let [id-mapping-atom (atom {})
(fn [id-mapping id]
(assert (uuid? id) (str id))
(get id-mapping id))
(fn [id-mapping id]
(assert (uuid? id) (str id))
(cond-> id-mapping
(nil? (resolve id-mapping id))
(assoc id (uuid/next))))]
(fn [id]
(when (some? id)
(swap! id-mapping-atom set-id id)
(resolve @id-mapping-atom id)))))
(defn create-file
"Create a new file on the back-end"
[context features]
(let [resolve-fn (:resolve context)
file-id (resolve-fn (:file-id context))]
(rp/cmd! :create-temp-file
{:id file-id
:name (:name context)
:is-shared (:is-shared context)
:project-id (:project-id context)
:create-page false
;; If the features object exists send that. Otherwise we remove the components/v2 because
;; if the features attribute doesn't exist is a version < 2.0. The other features will
;; be kept so the shapes are created full featured
:features (d/nilv (:features context) (disj features "components/v2"))})))
(defn link-file-libraries
"Create a new file on the back-end"
(let [resolve (:resolve context)
file-id (resolve (:file-id context))
libraries (->> context :libraries (mapv resolve))]
(->> (rx/from libraries)
(rx/map #(hash-map :file-id file-id :library-id %))
(rx/merge-map (partial rp/cmd! :link-file-to-library)))))
(defn send-changes
"Creates batches of changes to be sent to the backend"
[context file]
(let [file-id (:id file)
session-id (uuid/next)
changes (fb/generate-changes file)
batches (->> changes
(partition change-batch-size change-batch-size nil)
(mapv vec))
processed (atom 0)
total (count batches)]
(->> (rx/from (d/enumerate batches))
(fn [[i change-batch]]
(->> (rp/cmd! :update-temp-file
{:id file-id
:session-id session-id
:revn i
:changes change-batch})
(rx/tap #(do (swap! processed inc)
(progress! context :upload-data @processed total))))))
(rx/map first)
(->> (rp/cmd! :persist-temp-file {:id file-id})
;; We use merge to keep some information not stored in back-end
(rx/map #(merge file %))))))
(defn slurp-uri
([uri] (slurp-uri uri :text))
([uri response-type]
(->> (http/send!
{:uri uri
:response-type response-type
:method :get})
(rx/map :body))))
(defn upload-media-files
"Upload a image to the backend and returns its id"
[context file-id name data-uri]
(log/debug :action "Uploading" :file-id file-id :name name)
(->> (http/send!
{:uri data-uri
:response-type :blob
:method :get})
(rx/map :body)
(fn [blob]
{:name name
:file-id file-id
:content blob
:is-local true}))
(rx/tap #(progress! context :upload-media name))
(rx/merge-map #(rp/cmd! :upload-file-media-object %))))
(defn resolve-text-content
[node context]
(let [resolve (:resolve context)]
(->> node
(fn [item]
(cond-> item
(uuid? (get item :fill-color-ref-id))
(d/update-when :fill-color-ref-id resolve)
(uuid? (get item :fill-color-ref-file))
(d/update-when :fill-color-ref-file resolve)
(uuid? (get item :typography-ref-id))
(d/update-when :typography-ref-id resolve)
(uuid? (get item :typography-ref-file))
(d/update-when :typography-ref-file resolve)))))))
(defn resolve-fills-content
[fills context]
(let [resolve (:resolve context)]
(->> fills
(fn [fill]
(cond-> fill
(uuid? (get fill :fill-color-ref-id))
(d/update-when :fill-color-ref-id resolve)
(uuid? (get fill :fill-color-ref-file))
(d/update-when :fill-color-ref-file resolve)))))))
(defn resolve-strokes-content
[fills context]
(let [resolve (:resolve context)]
(->> fills
(fn [fill]
(cond-> fill
(uuid? (get fill :stroke-color-ref-id))
(d/update-when :stroke-color-ref-id resolve)
(uuid? (get fill :stroke-color-ref-file))
(d/update-when :stroke-color-ref-file resolve)))))))
(defn resolve-data-ids
[data type context]
(let [resolve (:resolve context)]
(-> data
(d/update-when :fill-color-ref-id resolve)
(d/update-when :fill-color-ref-file resolve)
(d/update-when :stroke-color-ref-id resolve)
(d/update-when :stroke-color-ref-file resolve)
(d/update-when :component-id resolve)
(d/update-when :component-file resolve)
(d/update-when :shape-ref resolve)
(cond-> (= type :text)
(d/update-when :content resolve-text-content context))
(cond-> (:fills data)
(d/update-when :fills resolve-fills-content context))
(cond-> (:strokes data)
(d/update-when :strokes resolve-strokes-content context))
(cond-> (and (= type :frame) (= :grid (:layout data)))
(fn [cells]
(->> (vals cells)
(reduce (fn [cells {:keys [id shapes]}]
(assoc-in cells [id :shapes] (mapv resolve shapes)))
(defn- translate-frame
[data type file]
(let [frame-id (:current-frame-id file)
frame (when (and (some? frame-id) (not= frame-id uuid/zero))
(fb/lookup-shape file frame-id))]
(if (some? frame)
(-> data
(d/update-when :x + (:x frame))
(d/update-when :y + (:y frame))
(cond-> (= :path type)
(update :content gpa/move-content (gpt/point (:x frame) (:y frame)))))
(defn process-import-node
[context file node]
(let [type (parser/get-type node)
close? (parser/close? node)]
(if close?
(case type
:frame (fb/close-artboard file)
:group (fb/close-group file)
:bool (fb/close-bool file)
:svg-raw (fb/close-svg-raw file)
#_default file)
(let [resolve (:resolve context)
old-id (parser/get-id node)
interactions (->> (parser/parse-interactions node)
(mapv #(update % :destination resolve)))
data (-> (parser/parse-data type node)
(resolve-data-ids type context)
(cond-> (some? old-id)
(assoc :id (resolve old-id)))
(cond-> (< (:version context 1) 2)
(translate-frame type file))
;; Shapes inside the deleted component should be stored with absolute coordinates
;; so we calculate that with the x and y stored in the context
(cond-> (:x context)
(assoc :x (:x context)))
(cond-> (:y context)
(assoc :y (:y context))))]
(let [file (case type
:frame (fb/add-artboard file data)
:group (fb/add-group file data)
:bool (fb/add-bool file data)
:rect (fb/create-rect file data)
:circle (fb/create-circle file data)
:path (fb/create-path file data)
:text (fb/create-text file data)
:image (fb/create-image file data)
:svg-raw (fb/create-svg-raw file data)
#_default file)]
;; We store this data for post-processing after every shape has been
;; added
(cond-> file
(d/not-empty? interactions)
(assoc-in [:interactions (:id data)] interactions)))
(catch :default err
(log/error :hint (ex-message err) :cause err :js/data data)
(update file :errors conjv data)))))))
(defn setup-interactions
(letfn [(add-interactions
[file [id interactions]]
(->> interactions
(reduce #(fb/add-interaction %1 id %2) file)))
(let [interactions (:interactions file)
file (dissoc file :interactions)]
(->> interactions (reduce add-interactions file))))]
(-> file process-interactions)))
(defn resolve-media
[context file-id node]
(if (or (and (not (parser/close? node))
(parser/has-image? node))
(parser/has-stroke-images? node)
(parser/has-fill-images? node))
(let [name (parser/get-image-name node)
has-image (parser/has-image? node)
image-data (parser/get-image-data node)
image-fill (parser/get-image-fill node)
fill-images-data (->> (parser/get-fill-images-data node)
(map #(assoc % :type :fill)))
stroke-images-data (->> (parser/get-stroke-images-data node)
(map #(assoc % :type :stroke)))
images-data (concat
(when has-image
[{:href image-data}]))]
(->> (rx/from images-data)
(rx/mapcat (fn [image-data]
(->> (upload-media-files context file-id name (:href image-data))
(rx/catch #(do (.error js/console "Error uploading media: " name)
(rx/of node)))
(rx/map (fn [data]
(let [data
(cond-> data
(some? (:keep-aspect-ratio image-data))
(assoc :keep-aspect-ratio (:keep-aspect-ratio image-data)))]
[(:id image-data) data]))))))
(rx/reduce (fn [acc [id data]] (assoc acc id data)) {})
(fn [images]
(let [media (get images nil)]
(-> node
(assoc :images images)
(cond-> (some? media)
(assoc-in [:attrs :penpot:media-id] (:id media))
(assoc-in [:attrs :penpot:media-width] (:width media))
(assoc-in [:attrs :penpot:media-height] (:height media))
(assoc-in [:attrs :penpot:media-mtype] (:mtype media))
(cond-> (some? (:keep-aspect-ratio media))
(assoc-in [:attrs :penpot:media-keep-aspect-ratio] (:keep-aspect-ratio media)))
(assoc-in [:attrs :penpot:fill-color] (:fill image-fill))
(assoc-in [:attrs :penpot:fill-color-ref-file] (:fill-color-ref-file image-fill))
(assoc-in [:attrs :penpot:fill-color-ref-id] (:fill-color-ref-id image-fill))
(assoc-in [:attrs :penpot:fill-opacity] (:fill-opacity image-fill))
(assoc-in [:attrs :penpot:fill-color-gradient] (:fill-color-gradient image-fill))))))))))
;; If the node is not an image just return the node
(->> (rx/of node)
(rx/observe-on :async))))
(defn media-node? [node]
(or (and (parser/shape? node)
(parser/has-image? node)
(not (parser/close? node)))
(parser/has-stroke-images? node)
(parser/has-fill-images? node)))
(defn import-page
[context file [page-id page-name content]]
(let [nodes (parser/node-seq content)
file-id (:id file)
resolve (:resolve context)
page-data (-> (parser/parse-page-data content)
(assoc :name page-name)
(assoc :id (resolve page-id)))
flows (->> (get page-data :flows)
(map #(update % :starting-frame resolve))
(d/index-by :id)
guides (-> (get page-data :guides)
(update-vals #(update % :frame-id resolve))
page-data (cond-> page-data
(assoc :flows flows)
(assoc :guides guides))
file (fb/add-page file page-data)
;; Preprocess nodes to parallel upload the images. Store the result in a table
;; old-node => node with image
;; that will be used in the second pass immediately
(->> (rx/from nodes)
(rx/filter media-node?)
;; TODO: this should be merge-map, but we disable the
;; parallel upload until we resolve resource usage issues
;; on backend.
(fn [node]
(->> (resolve-media context file-id node)
(rx/map (fn [result]
[node result])))))
(rx/reduce conj {}))]
(->> pre-process-images
(fn [pre-proc]
(->> (rx/from nodes)
(rx/filter parser/shape?)
(rx/map (fn [node] (or (get pre-proc node) node)))
(rx/reduce (partial process-import-node context) file)
(rx/map (comp fb/close-page setup-interactions))))))))
(defn import-component [context file node]
(let [resolve (:resolve context)
content (parser/find-node node :g)
file-id (:id file)
old-id (parser/get-id node)
id (resolve old-id)
path (get-in node [:attrs :penpot:path] "")
type (parser/get-type content)
main-instance-id (resolve (uuid (get-in node [:attrs :penpot:main-instance-id] "")))
main-instance-page (resolve (uuid (get-in node [:attrs :penpot:main-instance-page] "")))
data (-> (parser/parse-data type content)
(assoc :path path)
(assoc :id id)
(assoc :main-instance-id main-instance-id)
(assoc :main-instance-page main-instance-page))
file (-> file (fb/start-component data type))
children (parser/node-seq node)]
(->> (rx/from children)
(rx/filter parser/shape?)
(rx/skip 1) ;; Skip the outer component and the respective closint tag
(rx/skip-last 1) ;; because they are handled in start-component an finish-component
(rx/mapcat (partial resolve-media context file-id))
(rx/reduce (partial process-import-node context) file)
(rx/map fb/finish-component))))
(defn import-deleted-component [context file node]
(let [resolve (:resolve context)
content (parser/find-node node :g)
file-id (:id file)
old-id (parser/get-id node)
id (resolve old-id)
path (get-in node [:attrs :penpot:path] "")
main-instance-id (resolve (uuid (get-in node [:attrs :penpot:main-instance-id] "")))
main-instance-page (resolve (uuid (get-in node [:attrs :penpot:main-instance-page] "")))
main-instance-x (-> (get-in node [:attrs :penpot:main-instance-x] "") (d/parse-double))
main-instance-y (-> (get-in node [:attrs :penpot:main-instance-y] "") (d/parse-double))
main-instance-parent (resolve (uuid (get-in node [:attrs :penpot:main-instance-parent] "")))
main-instance-frame (resolve (uuid (get-in node [:attrs :penpot:main-instance-frame] "")))
type (parser/get-type content)
data (-> (parser/parse-data type content)
(assoc :path path)
(assoc :id id)
(assoc :main-instance-id main-instance-id)
(assoc :main-instance-page main-instance-page)
(assoc :main-instance-x main-instance-x)
(assoc :main-instance-y main-instance-y)
(assoc :main-instance-parent main-instance-parent)
(assoc :main-instance-frame main-instance-frame))
file (-> file
(fb/start-component data)
(fb/start-deleted-component data))
component-id (:current-component-id file)
children (parser/node-seq node)
;; Shapes inside the deleted component should be stored with absolute coordinates so we include this info in the context.
context (-> context
(assoc :x main-instance-x)
(assoc :y main-instance-y))]
(->> (rx/from children)
(rx/filter parser/shape?)
(rx/skip 1)
(rx/skip-last 1)
(rx/mapcat (partial resolve-media context file-id))
(rx/reduce (partial process-import-node context) file)
(rx/map fb/finish-component)
(rx/map (partial fb/finish-deleted-component component-id)))))
(defn process-pages
[context file]
(let [index (:pages-index context)
(fn [page-id]
[page-id (get-in index [page-id :name])])
pages (->> (:pages context) (mapv get-page-data))]
(->> (rx/from pages)
(rx/tap (fn [[_ page-name]]
(progress! context :process-page page-name)))
(fn [[page-id page-name]]
(->> (get-file context :page page-id)
(rx/map (fn [page-data] [page-id page-name page-data])))))
(rx/concat-reduce (partial import-page context) file))))
(defn process-library-colors
[context file]
(if (:has-colors context)
(let [resolve (:resolve context)
(fn [file color]
(let [color (-> color
(d/update-in-when [:gradient :type] keyword)
(d/update-in-when [:image :id] resolve)
(update :id resolve))]
(fb/add-library-color file color)))]
(->> (get-file context :colors-list)
(rx/merge-map identity)
(fn [[id color]]
(let [color (assoc color :id id)
color-image (:image color)
upload-image? (some? color-image)
color-image-id (:id color-image)]
(if upload-image?
(->> (get-file context :colors color-image-id color-image)
(rx/map (fn [blob]
(let [content (.slice blob 0 (.-size blob) (:mtype color-image))]
{:name (:name color-image)
:id (resolve color-image-id)
:file-id (:id file)
:content content
:is-local false})))
(rx/tap #(progress! context :upload-media (:name %)))
(rx/merge-map #(rp/cmd! :upload-file-media-object %))
(rx/map (constantly color))
(rx/catch #(do (.error js/console (str "Error uploading color-image: " (:name color-image)))
(rx/of color)))))
(rx/reduce add-color file)))
(rx/of file)))
(defn process-library-typographies
[context file]
(if (:has-typographies context)
(let [resolve (:resolve context)]
(->> (get-file context :typographies)
(rx/merge-map identity)
(rx/map (fn [[id typography]]
(-> typography
(assoc :id (resolve id)))))
(rx/reduce fb/add-library-typography file)))
(rx/of file)))
(defn process-library-media
[context file]
(if (:has-media context)
(let [resolve (:resolve context)]
(->> (get-file context :media-list)
(rx/merge-map identity)
(fn [[id media]]
(let [media (-> media
(assoc :id (resolve id))
(update :name str))]
(->> (get-file context :media id media)
(rx/map (fn [blob]
(let [content (.slice blob 0 (.-size blob) (:mtype media))]
{:name (:name media)
:id (:id media)
:file-id (:id file)
:content content
:is-local false})))
(rx/tap #(progress! context :upload-media (:name %)))
(rx/merge-map #(rp/cmd! :upload-file-media-object %))
(rx/map (constantly media))
(rx/catch #(do (.error js/console (str "Error uploading media: " (:name media)))
(rx/reduce fb/add-library-media file)))
(rx/of file)))
(defn process-library-components
[context file]
(if (:has-components context)
(let [split-components
(fn [content] (->> (parser/node-seq content)
(filter #(= :symbol (:tag %)))))]
(->> (get-file context :components)
(rx/merge-map split-components)
(rx/concat-reduce (partial import-component context) file)))
(rx/of file)))
(defn process-deleted-components
[context file]
(if (:has-deleted-components context)
(let [split-components
(fn [content] (->> (parser/node-seq content)
(filter #(= :symbol (:tag %)))))]
(->> (get-file context :deleted-components)
(rx/merge-map split-components)
(rx/concat-reduce (partial import-deleted-component context) file)))
(rx/of file)))
(defn process-file
[context file]
(let [progress-str (rx/subject)
context (assoc context :progress progress-str)]
(->> (rx/of file)
(rx/merge-map (partial process-pages context))
(rx/tap #(progress! context :process-colors))
(rx/merge-map (partial process-library-colors context))
(rx/tap #(progress! context :process-typographies))
(rx/merge-map (partial process-library-typographies context))
(rx/tap #(progress! context :process-media))
(rx/merge-map (partial process-library-media context))
(rx/tap #(progress! context :process-components))
(rx/merge-map (partial process-library-components context))
(rx/tap #(progress! context :process-deleted-components))
(rx/merge-map (partial process-deleted-components context))
(rx/merge-map (partial send-changes context))
(rx/tap #(rx/end! progress-str)))]))
(defn create-files
[{:keys [system-features] :as context} files]
(let [data (group-by :file-id files)]
(->> (rx/from files)
(rx/map #(merge context %))
(rx/merge-map (fn [context]
(->> (create-file context system-features)
(rx/map #(vector % (first (get data (:file-id context)))))))))
(->> (rx/from files)
(rx/map #(merge context %))
(rx/merge-map link-file-libraries)
(defn parse-mtype [ba]
(let [u8 (js/Uint8Array. ba 0 4)
sg (areduce u8 i ret "" (str ret (if (zero? i) "" " ") (.toString (aget u8 i) 8)))]
(case sg
"120 113 3 4" "application/zip"
"1 13 32 206" "application/octet-stream"
(defn- analyze-file-legacy-zip-entry
[features entry]
;; NOTE: LEGACY manifest reading mechanism, we can't
;; reuse the new read-zip-manifest funcion here
(->> (rx/from (uz/load (:body entry)))
(rx/merge-map #(get-file {:zip %} :manifest))
(fn [manifest]
;; Checks if the file is exported with
;; components v2 and the current team
;; only supports components v1
(let [has-file-v2?
(->> (:files manifest)
(d/seek (fn [[_ file]] (contains? (set (:features file)) "components/v2"))))]
(if (and has-file-v2? (not (contains? features "components/v2")))
(rx/of (-> entry
(assoc :error "dashboard.import.analyze-error.components-v2")
(dissoc :body)))
(->> (rx/from (:files manifest))
(rx/map (fn [[file-id data]]
(-> entry
(dissoc :body)
(merge data)
(dissoc :shared)
(assoc :is-shared (:shared data))
(assoc :file-id file-id)
(assoc :status :success)))))))))))
;; NOTE: this is a limited subset schema for the manifest file of
;; binfile-v3 format; is used for partially parse it and read the
;; files referenced inside the exported file
(def ^:private schema:manifest
[:map {:title "Manifest"}
[:type :string]
[:id ::sm/uuid]
[:name :string]]]]])
(def ^:private decode-manifest
(sm/decoder schema:manifest sm/json-transformer))
(defn analyze-file
[features {:keys [uri] :as file}]
(let [stream (->> (slurp-uri uri :buffer)
(fn [body]
(let [mtype (parse-mtype body)]
(if (= "application/zip" mtype)
(->> (uz/load body)
(rx/merge-map read-zip-manifest)
(fn [manifest]
(if (= (:type manifest) "penpot/export-files")
(let [manifest (decode-manifest manifest)]
(assoc file :type :binfile-v3 :files (:files manifest)))
(assoc file :type :legacy-zip :body body)))))
(rx/of (assoc file :type :binfile-v1))))))
(->> (rx/merge
(->> stream
(rx/filter (fn [entry] (= :legacy-zip (:type entry))))
(rx/merge-map (partial analyze-file-legacy-zip-entry features)))
(->> stream
(rx/filter (fn [entry] (= :binfile-v1 (:type entry))))
(rx/map (fn [entry]
(let [file-id (uuid/next)]
(-> entry
(assoc :file-id file-id)
(assoc :name (:name file))
(assoc :status :success))))))
(->> stream
(rx/filter (fn [entry] (= :binfile-v3 (:type entry))))
(rx/merge-map (fn [{:keys [files] :as entry}]
(->> (rx/from files)
(rx/map (fn [file]
(-> entry
(dissoc :files)
(assoc :name (:name file))
(assoc :file-id (:id file))
(assoc :status :success))))))))
(->> stream
(rx/filter (fn [data] (= "other" (:type data))))
(rx/map (fn [_]
{:uri (:uri file)
:error (tr "dashboard.import.analyze-error")}))))
(rx/catch (fn [cause]
(let [error (or (ex-message cause) (tr "dashboard.import.analyze-error"))]
(rx/of (assoc file :error error :status :error))))))))
(defmethod impl/handler :analyze-import
[{:keys [files features]}]
(->> (rx/from files)
(rx/merge-map (partial analyze-file features))))
(defmethod impl/handler :import-files
[{:keys [project-id files features]}]
(let [context {:project-id project-id
:resolve (resolve-factory)
:system-features features}
legacy-zip (filter #(= :legacy-zip (:type %)) files)
binfile-v1 (filter #(= :binfile-v1 (:type %)) files)
binfile-v3 (filter #(= :binfile-v3 (:type %)) files)]
;; NOTE: LEGACY, will be removed so no new development should be
;; done for this part
(->> (create-files context legacy-zip)
(fn [[file data]]
(->> (uz/load-from-url (:uri data))
(rx/map #(-> context (assoc :zip %) (merge data)))
(fn [context]
;; process file retrieves a stream that will emit progress notifications
;; and other that will emit the files once imported
(let [[progress-stream file-stream] (process-file context file)]
(rx/merge progress-stream
(->> file-stream
(fn [file]
(if-let [errors (not-empty (:errors file))]
{:status :error
:error (first errors)
:file-id (:file-id data)}
{:status :finish
:file-id (:file-id data)}))))))))
(rx/catch (fn [cause]
(let [data (ex-data cause)]
(log/error :hint (ex-message cause)
:file-id (:file-id data))
(when-let [explain (:explain data)]
(js/console.log explain)))
(rx/of {:status :error
:file-id (:file-id data)
:error (ex-message cause)})))))))
(->> (rx/from binfile-v1)
(fn [data]
(->> (http/send!
{:uri (:uri data)
:response-type :blob
:method :get})
(rx/map :body)
(fn [file]
(->> (rp/cmd! ::sse/import-binfile
{:name (str/replace (:name data) #".penpot$" "")
:file file
:project-id project-id})
(rx/tap (fn [event]
(let [payload (sse/get-payload event)
type (sse/get-type event)]
(if (= type "progress")
(log/dbg :hint "import-binfile: progress"
:section (:section payload)
:name (:name payload))
(log/dbg :hint "import-binfile: end")))))
(rx/filter sse/end-of-stream?)
(rx/map (fn [_]
{:status :finish
:file-id (:file-id data)})))))
(fn [cause]
(log/error :hint "unexpected error on import process"
:project-id project-id
:cause cause)
(rx/of {:status :error
:error (ex-message cause)
:file-id (:file-id data)})))))))
(->> (rx/from binfile-v3)
(rx/reduce (fn [result file]
(update result (:uri file) (fnil conj []) file))
(rx/mapcat identity)
(fn [[uri entries]]
(->> (slurp-uri uri :blob)
(rx/mapcat (fn [content]
;; FIXME: implement the naming and filtering
(->> (rp/cmd! ::sse/import-binfile
{:name (-> entries first :name)
:file content
:version 3
:project-id project-id})
(rx/tap (fn [event]
(let [payload (sse/get-payload event)
type (sse/get-type event)]
(if (= type "progress")
(log/dbg :hint "import-binfile: progress"
:section (:section payload)
:name (:name payload))
(log/dbg :hint "import-binfile: end")))))
(rx/filter sse/end-of-stream?)
(rx/mapcat (fn [_]
(->> (rx/from entries)
(rx/map (fn [entry]
{:status :finish
:file-id (:file-id entry)}))))))))
(fn [cause]
(log/error :hint "unexpected error on import process"
:project-id project-id
::log/sync? true
:cause cause)
(->> (rx/from entries)
(rx/map (fn [entry]
{:status :error
:error (ex-message cause)
:file-id (:file-id entry)}))))))))))))