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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-13 16:21:57 -05:00

🎉 Add binfile-v3 export/import file format

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2024-10-15 17:56:22 +02:00
parent 4fb5d3fb20
commit 8618cb950f
35 changed files with 2031 additions and 599 deletions

View file

@ -37,6 +37,21 @@
(def ^:dynamic *state* nil)
(def ^:dynamic *options* nil)
;; Threshold in MiB when we pass from using
;; in-memory byte-array's to use temporal files.
(def temp-file-threshold
(* 1024 1024 2))
;; A maximum (storage) object size allowed: 100MiB
(def ^:const max-object-size
(* 1024 1024 100))
(def xf-map-id
(map :id))
@ -56,6 +71,13 @@
(def conj-vec
(fnil conj []))
(defn initial-state
{:storage-objects #{}
:files #{}
:teams #{}
:projects #{}})
(defn collect-storage-objects
[state items]
(update state :storage-objects into xf-map-media-id items))
@ -87,6 +109,8 @@
(defn update-index
(update-index {} coll identity))
([index coll]
(update-index index coll identity))
([index coll attr]
@ -114,6 +138,16 @@
[cfg project-id]
(db/get cfg :project {:id project-id}))
(def ^:private sql:get-teams
"SELECT t.* FROM team WHERE id = ANY(?)")
(defn get-teams
[cfg ids]
(let [conn (db/get-connection cfg)
ids (db/create-array conn "uuid" ids)]
(->> (db/exec! conn [sql:get-teams ids])
(map decode-row))))
(defn get-team
[cfg team-id]
(-> (db/get cfg :team {:id team-id})
@ -167,9 +201,10 @@
(defn get-file-object-thumbnails
"Return all file object thumbnails for a given file."
[cfg file-id]
(db/query cfg :file-tagged-object-thumbnail
{:file-id file-id
:deleted-at nil}))
(->> (db/query cfg :file-tagged-object-thumbnail
{:file-id file-id
:deleted-at nil})
(defn get-file-thumbnail
"Return the thumbnail for the specified file-id"
@ -224,26 +259,26 @@
(->> (db/exec! conn [sql ids])
(mapv #(assoc % :file-id id)))))))
(def ^:private sql:get-team-files
(def ^:private sql:get-team-files-ids
"SELECT f.id FROM file AS f
JOIN project AS p ON (p.id = f.project_id)
WHERE p.team_id = ?")
(defn get-team-files
(defn get-team-files-ids
"Get a set of file ids for the specified team-id"
[{:keys [::db/conn]} team-id]
(->> (db/exec! conn [sql:get-team-files team-id])
(->> (db/exec! conn [sql:get-team-files-ids team-id])
(into #{} xf-map-id)))
(def ^:private sql:get-team-projects
"SELECT p.id FROM project AS p
"SELECT p.* FROM project AS p
WHERE p.team_id = ?
AND p.deleted_at IS NULL")
(defn get-team-projects
"Get a set of project ids for the team"
[{:keys [::db/conn]} team-id]
(->> (db/exec! conn [sql:get-team-projects team-id])
[cfg team-id]
(->> (db/exec! cfg [sql:get-team-projects team-id])
(into #{} xf-map-id)))
(def ^:private sql:get-project-files
@ -257,6 +292,10 @@
(->> (db/exec! conn [sql:get-project-files project-id])
(into #{} xf-map-id)))
(defn remap-thumbnail-object-id
[object-id file-id]
(str/replace-first object-id #"^(.*?)/" (str file-id "/")))
(defn- relink-shapes
"A function responsible to analyze all file data and
replace the old :component-file reference with the new
@ -339,6 +378,12 @@
(defn disable-database-timeouts!
(let [conn (db/get-connection cfg)]
(db/exec-one! conn ["SET LOCAL idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0"])
(db/exec-one! conn ["SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED"])))
(defn- fix-version
(let [file (fmg/fix-version file)]
@ -432,6 +477,20 @@
(defn register-pending-migrations
"All features that are enabled and requires explicit migration are
added to the state for a posterior migration step."
[cfg {:keys [id features] :as file}]
(doseq [feature (-> (::features cfg)
(set/difference cfeat/no-migration-features)
(set/difference cfeat/backend-only-features)
(set/difference features))]
(vswap! *state* update :pending-to-migrate (fnil conj []) [feature id]))
(defn apply-pending-migrations!
"Apply alredy registered pending migrations to files"

View file

@ -49,15 +49,6 @@
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
;; Threshold in MiB when we pass from using
;; in-memory byte-array's to use temporal files.
(def temp-file-threshold
(* 1024 1024 2))
@ -65,11 +56,6 @@
(def ^:const buffer-size (:xnio/buffer-size yt/defaults))
(def ^:const penpot-magic-number 800099563638710213)
;; A maximum (storage) object size allowed: 100MiB
(def ^:const max-object-size
(* 1024 1024 100))
(def ^:dynamic *position* nil)
(defn get-mark
@ -258,12 +244,12 @@
p (tmp/tempfile :prefix "penpot.binfile.")]
(assert-mark m :stream)
(when (> s max-object-size)
(when (> s bfc/max-object-size)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :max-file-size-reached
:hint (str/ffmt "unable to import storage object with size % bytes" s)))
(if (> s temp-file-threshold)
(if (> s bfc/temp-file-threshold)
(with-open [^OutputStream output (io/output-stream p)]
(let [readed (io/copy! input output :offset 0 :size s)]
(l/trace :fn "read-stream*!" :expected s :readed readed :position @*position* ::l/sync? true)
@ -381,10 +367,12 @@
::l/sync? true)
(doseq [item media]
(l/dbg :hint "write penpot file media object" :id (:id item) ::l/sync? true))
(l/dbg :hint "write penpot file media object"
:id (:id item) ::l/sync? true))
(doseq [item thumbnails]
(l/dbg :hint "write penpot file object thumbnail" :media-id (str (:media-id item)) ::l/sync? true))
(l/dbg :hint "write penpot file object thumbnail"
:media-id (str (:media-id item)) ::l/sync? true))
(doto output
(write-obj! file)
@ -466,8 +454,8 @@
(defn- read-import-v1
[{:keys [::db/conn ::project-id ::profile-id ::input] :as cfg}]
(db/exec-one! conn ["SET LOCAL idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0"])
(db/exec-one! conn ["SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED"])
(bfc/disable-database-timeouts! cfg)
(pu/with-open [input (zstd-input-stream input)
input (io/data-input-stream input)]
@ -559,7 +547,9 @@
(when (seq thumbnails)
(let [thumbnails (remap-thumbnails thumbnails file-id')]
(l/dbg :hint "updated index with thumbnails" :total (count thumbnails) ::l/sync? true)
(l/dbg :hint "updated index with thumbnails"
:total (count thumbnails)
::l/sync? true)
(vswap! bfc/*state* update :thumbnails bfc/into-vec thumbnails)))
(when (seq media)
@ -738,7 +728,7 @@
:cause @cs)))))
(defn import-files!
[cfg input]
[{:keys [::input] :as cfg}]
"expected valid profile-id and project-id on `cfg`"

View file

@ -141,16 +141,15 @@
(write! cfg :team-font-variant id font))))
(defn- write-project!
[cfg project-id]
(let [project (bfc/get-project cfg project-id)]
(events/tap :progress
{:op :export
:section :write-project
:id project-id
:name (:name project)})
(l/trc :hint "write" :obj "project" :id (str project-id))
(write! cfg :project (str project-id) project)
(vswap! bfc/*state* update :projects conj project-id)))
[cfg project]
(events/tap :progress
{:op :export
:section :write-project
:id (:id project)
:name (:name project)})
(l/trc :hint "write" :obj "project" :id (str (:id project)))
(write! cfg :project (str (:id project)) project)
(vswap! bfc/*state* update :projects conj (:id project)))
(defn- write-file!
[cfg file-id]
@ -363,7 +362,7 @@
(bfc/get-team-projects cfg team-id))
(run! (partial write-file! cfg)
(bfc/get-team-files cfg team-id))
(bfc/get-team-files-ids cfg team-id))
(run! (partial write-storage-object! cfg)
(-> bfc/*state* deref :storage-objects))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,957 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.binfile.v3
"A ZIP based binary file exportation"
(:refer-clojure :exclude [read])
[app.binfile.common :as bfc]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.json :as json]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.common.schema :as sm]
[app.common.thumbnails :as cth]
[app.common.types.color :as ctcl]
[app.common.types.component :as ctc]
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
[app.common.types.page :as ctp]
[app.common.types.plugins :as ctpg]
[app.common.types.shape :as cts]
[app.common.types.typography :as cty]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.config :as cf]
[app.db :as db]
[app.storage :as sto]
[app.storage.impl :as sto.impl]
[app.util.events :as events]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[clojure.java.io :as jio]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[datoteka.fs :as fs]
[datoteka.io :as io])
;; --- SCHEMA
(def ^:private schema:manifest
[:map {:title "Manifest"}
[:version ::sm/int]
[:type :string]
[:generated-by {:optional true} :string]
[:id ::sm/uuid]
[:name :string]
[:project-id ::sm/uuid]]]]
[:relations {:optional true}
[:tuple ::sm/uuid ::sm/uuid]]]])
(def ^:private schema:storage-object
[:map {:title "StorageObject"}
[:id ::sm/uuid]
[:size ::sm/int]
[:content-type :string]
[:bucket [::sm/one-of {:format :string} sto/valid-buckets]]
[:hash :string]])
(def ^:private schema:file-thumbnail
[:map {:title "FileThumbnail"}
[:file-id ::sm/uuid]
[:page-id ::sm/uuid]
[:frame-id ::sm/uuid]
[:tag :string]
[:media-id ::sm/uuid]])
(def encode-file
(sm/encoder ::ctf/file sm/json-transformer))
(def encode-page
(sm/encoder ::ctp/page sm/json-transformer))
(def encode-shape
(sm/encoder ::cts/shape sm/json-transformer))
(def encode-media
(sm/encoder ::ctf/media sm/json-transformer))
(def encode-component
(sm/encoder ::ctc/component sm/json-transformer))
(def encode-color
(sm/encoder ::ctcl/color sm/json-transformer))
(def encode-typography
(sm/encoder ::cty/typography sm/json-transformer))
(def encode-plugin-data
(sm/encoder ::ctpg/plugin-data sm/json-transformer))
(def encode-storage-object
(sm/encoder schema:storage-object sm/json-transformer))
(def encode-file-thumbnail
(sm/encoder schema:file-thumbnail sm/json-transformer))
(def decode-manifest
(sm/decoder schema:manifest sm/json-transformer))
(def decode-media
(sm/decoder ::ctf/media sm/json-transformer))
(def decode-component
(sm/decoder ::ctc/component sm/json-transformer))
(def decode-color
(sm/decoder ::ctcl/color sm/json-transformer))
(def decode-file
(sm/decoder ::ctf/file sm/json-transformer))
(def decode-page
(sm/decoder ::ctp/page sm/json-transformer))
(def decode-shape
(sm/decoder ::cts/shape sm/json-transformer))
(def decode-typography
(sm/decoder ::cty/typography sm/json-transformer))
(def decode-plugin-data
(sm/decoder ::ctpg/plugin-data sm/json-transformer))
(def decode-storage-object
(sm/decoder schema:storage-object sm/json-transformer))
(def decode-file-thumbnail
(sm/decoder schema:file-thumbnail sm/json-transformer))
(def validate-manifest
(sm/check-fn schema:manifest))
(def validate-file
(sm/check-fn ::ctf/file))
(def validate-page
(sm/check-fn ::ctp/page))
(def validate-shape
(sm/check-fn ::cts/shape))
(def validate-media
(sm/check-fn ::ctf/media))
(def validate-color
(sm/check-fn ::ctcl/color))
(def validate-component
(sm/check-fn ::ctc/component))
(def validate-typography
(sm/check-fn ::cty/typography))
(def validate-plugin-data
(sm/check-fn ::ctpg/plugin-data))
(def validate-storage-object
(sm/check-fn schema:storage-object))
(def validate-file-thumbnail
(sm/check-fn schema:file-thumbnail))
(defn- write-entry!
[^ZipOutputStream output ^String path data]
(.putNextEntry output (ZipEntry. path))
(let [writer (OutputStreamWriter. output "UTF-8")]
(json/write writer data :indent true :key-fn json/write-camel-key)
(.flush writer))
(.closeEntry output))
(defn- get-file
[{:keys [::embed-assets ::include-libraries] :as cfg} file-id]
(when (and include-libraries embed-assets)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
"the `include-libraries` and `embed-assets` are mutally excluding options")))
(let [detach? (and (not embed-assets) (not include-libraries))]
(cond-> (bfc/get-file cfg file-id)
(-> (ctf/detach-external-references file-id)
(dissoc :libraries))
(update :data #(bfc/embed-assets cfg % file-id)))))
(defn- resolve-extension
(case mtype
"image/png" ".png"
"image/jpeg" ".jpg"
"image/gif" ".gif"
"image/svg+xml" ".svg"
"image/webp" ".webp"
"font/woff" ".woff"
"font/woff2" ".woff2"
"font/ttf" ".ttf"
"font/otf" ".otf"
"application/octet-stream" ".bin"))
(defn- export-storage-objects
[{:keys [::output] :as cfg}]
(let [storage (sto/resolve cfg)]
(doseq [id (-> bfc/*state* deref :storage-objects not-empty)]
(let [sobject (sto/get-object storage id)
smeta (meta sobject)
ext (resolve-extension (:content-type smeta))
path (str "objects/" id ".json")
params (-> (meta sobject)
(assoc :id (:id sobject))
(assoc :size (:size sobject))
(write-entry! output path params)
(with-open [input (sto/get-object-data storage sobject)]
(.putNextEntry output (ZipEntry. (str "objects/" id ext)))
(io/copy! input output (:size sobject))
(.closeEntry output))))))
(defn- export-file
[{:keys [::file-id ::output] :as cfg}]
(let [file (get-file cfg file-id)
media (->> (bfc/get-file-media cfg file)
(map (fn [media]
(dissoc media :file-id))))
data (:data file)
typographies (:typographies data)
plugins-data (:plugin-data data)
components (:components data)
colors (:colors data)
pages (:pages data)
pages-index (:pages-index data)
thumbnails (bfc/get-file-object-thumbnails cfg file-id)]
(vswap! bfc/*state* update :files assoc file-id
{:id file-id
:project-id (:project-id file)
:name (:name file)})
(let [file (cond-> (dissoc file :data)
(:options data)
(assoc :options (:options data))
path (str "files/" file-id ".json")]
(write-entry! output path file))
(doseq [[index page-id] (d/enumerate pages)]
(let [path (str "files/" file-id "/pages/" page-id ".json")
page (get pages-index page-id)
objects (:objects page)
page (-> page
(dissoc :objects)
(assoc :index index))
page (encode-page page)]
(write-entry! output path page)
(doseq [[shape-id shape] objects]
(let [path (str "files/" file-id "/pages/" page-id "/" shape-id ".json")
shape (assoc shape :page-id page-id)
shape (encode-shape shape)]
(write-entry! output path shape)))))
(vswap! bfc/*state* bfc/collect-storage-objects media)
(vswap! bfc/*state* bfc/collect-storage-objects thumbnails)
(doseq [{:keys [id] :as media} media]
(let [path (str "files/" file-id "/media/" id ".json")
media (encode-media media)]
(write-entry! output path media)))
(doseq [thumbnail thumbnails]
(let [data (cth/parse-object-id (:object-id thumbnail))
path (str "files/" file-id "/thumbnails/" (:page-id data)
"/" (:frame-id data) ".json")
data (-> data
(assoc :media-id (:media-id thumbnail))
(write-entry! output path data)))
(doseq [[id component] components]
(let [path (str "files/" file-id "/components/" id ".json")
component (encode-component component)]
(write-entry! output path component)))
(doseq [[id color] colors]
(let [path (str "files/" file-id "/colors/" id ".json")
color (-> (encode-color color)
(dissoc :file-id))
color (cond-> color
(and (contains? color :path)
(str/empty? (:path color)))
(dissoc :path))]
(write-entry! output path color)))
(doseq [[id object] typographies]
(let [path (str "files/" file-id "/typographies/" id ".json")
color (encode-typography object)]
(write-entry! output path color)))
(when-let [data (not-empty plugins-data)]
(let [path (str "files/" file-id "/plugin-data.json")]
(write-entry! output path data)))))
(defn- export-files
[{:keys [::ids ::include-libraries ::output] :as cfg}]
(let [ids (into ids (when include-libraries (bfc/get-libraries cfg ids)))
rels (if include-libraries
(->> (bfc/get-files-rels cfg ids)
(mapv (juxt :file-id :library-file-id)))
(vswap! bfc/*state* assoc :files (d/ordered-map))
;; Write all the exporting files
(doseq [[index file-id] (d/enumerate ids)]
(-> cfg
(assoc ::file-id file-id)
(assoc ::file-seqn index)
;; Write manifest file
(let [files (:files @bfc/*state*)
params {:type "penpot/export-files"
:version 1
:generated-by (str "penpot/" (:full cf/version))
:files (vec (vals files))
:relations rels}]
(write-entry! output "manifest.json" params))))
(defn- read-zip-entries
[^ZipFile input]
(into #{} (iterator-seq (.entries input))))
(defn- get-zip-entry*
[^ZipFile input ^String path]
(.getEntry input path))
(defn- get-zip-entry
[input path]
(let [entry (get-zip-entry* input path)]
(when-not entry
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :inconsistent-penpot-file
:hint "the penpot file seems corrupt, missing underlying zip entry"
:path path))
(defn- get-zip-entry-size
[^ZipEntry entry]
(.getSize entry))
(defn- zip-entry-name
[^ZipEntry entry]
(.getName entry))
(defn- zip-entry-stream
[^ZipFile input ^ZipEntry entry]
(.getInputStream input entry))
(defn- zip-entry-reader
[^ZipFile input ^ZipEntry entry]
(-> (zip-entry-stream input entry)
(jio/reader :encoding "UTF-8")))
(defn- zip-entry-storage-content
"Wraps a ZipFile and ZipEntry into a penpot storage compatible
object and avoid creating temporal objects"
[input entry]
(let [hash (delay (->> entry
(zip-entry-stream input)
(get-size [_]
(get-zip-entry-size entry))
(get-hash [_]
(deref hash))
(make-reader [this opts]
(jio/make-reader this opts))
(make-writer [_ _]
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "not implemented")))
(make-input-stream [_ _]
(zip-entry-stream input entry))
(make-output-stream [_ _]
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "not implemented"))))))
(defn- read-manifest
[^ZipFile input]
(let [entry (get-zip-entry input "manifest.json")]
(with-open [reader (zip-entry-reader input entry)]
(let [manifest (json/read reader :key-fn json/read-kebab-key)]
(decode-manifest manifest)))))
(defn- match-media-entry-fn
(let [pattern (str "^files/" file-id "/media/([^/]+).json$")
pattern (re-pattern pattern)]
(fn [entry]
(when-let [[_ id] (re-matches pattern (zip-entry-name entry))]
{:entry entry
:id (parse-uuid id)}))))
(defn- match-color-entry-fn
(let [pattern (str "^files/" file-id "/colors/([^/]+).json$")
pattern (re-pattern pattern)]
(fn [entry]
(when-let [[_ id] (re-matches pattern (zip-entry-name entry))]
{:entry entry
:id (parse-uuid id)}))))
(defn- match-component-entry-fn
(let [pattern (str "^files/" file-id "/components/([^/]+).json$")
pattern (re-pattern pattern)]
(fn [entry]
(when-let [[_ id] (re-matches pattern (zip-entry-name entry))]
{:entry entry
:id (parse-uuid id)}))))
(defn- match-typography-entry-fn
(let [pattern (str "^files/" file-id "/typographies/([^/]+).json$")
pattern (re-pattern pattern)]
(fn [entry]
(when-let [[_ id] (re-matches pattern (zip-entry-name entry))]
{:entry entry
:id (parse-uuid id)}))))
(defn- match-thumbnail-entry-fn
(let [pattern (str "^files/" file-id "/thumbnails/([^/]+)/([^/]+).json$")
pattern (re-pattern pattern)]
(fn [entry]
(when-let [[_ page-id frame-id] (re-matches pattern (zip-entry-name entry))]
{:entry entry
:page-id (parse-uuid page-id)
:frame-id (parse-uuid frame-id)
:file-id file-id}))))
(defn- match-page-entry-fn
(let [pattern (str "^files/" file-id "/pages/([^/]+).json$")
pattern (re-pattern pattern)]
(fn [entry]
(when-let [[_ id] (re-matches pattern (zip-entry-name entry))]
{:entry entry
:id (parse-uuid id)}))))
(defn- match-shape-entry-fn
[file-id page-id]
(let [pattern (str "^files/" file-id "/pages/" page-id "/([^/]+).json$")
pattern (re-pattern pattern)]
(fn [entry]
(when-let [[_ id] (re-matches pattern (zip-entry-name entry))]
{:entry entry
:page-id page-id
:id (parse-uuid id)}))))
(defn- match-storage-entry-fn
(let [pattern (str "^objects/([^/]+).json$")
pattern (re-pattern pattern)]
(fn [entry]
(when-let [[_ id] (re-matches pattern (zip-entry-name entry))]
{:entry entry
:id (parse-uuid id)}))))
(defn- read-entry
[^ZipFile input entry]
(with-open [reader (zip-entry-reader input entry)]
(json/read reader :key-fn json/read-kebab-key)))
(defn- read-file
[{:keys [::input ::file-id]}]
(let [path (str "files/" file-id ".json")
entry (get-zip-entry input path)]
(-> (read-entry input entry)
(defn- read-file-plugin-data
[{:keys [::input ::file-id]}]
(let [path (str "files/" file-id "/plugin-data.json")
entry (get-zip-entry* input path)]
(some->> entry
(read-entry input)
(defn- read-file-media
[{:keys [::input ::file-id ::entries]}]
(->> (keep (match-media-entry-fn file-id) entries)
(reduce (fn [result {:keys [id entry]}]
(let [object (->> (read-entry input entry)
object (assoc object :file-id file-id)]
(if (= id (:id object))
(conj result object)
(defn- read-file-colors
[{:keys [::input ::file-id ::entries]}]
(->> (keep (match-color-entry-fn file-id) entries)
(reduce (fn [result {:keys [id entry]}]
(let [object (->> (read-entry input entry)
(if (= id (:id object))
(assoc result id object)
(defn- read-file-components
[{:keys [::input ::file-id ::entries]}]
(->> (keep (match-component-entry-fn file-id) entries)
(reduce (fn [result {:keys [id entry]}]
(let [object (->> (read-entry input entry)
(if (= id (:id object))
(assoc result id object)
(defn- read-file-typographies
[{:keys [::input ::file-id ::entries]}]
(->> (keep (match-typography-entry-fn file-id) entries)
(reduce (fn [result {:keys [id entry]}]
(let [object (->> (read-entry input entry)
(if (= id (:id object))
(assoc result id object)
(defn- read-file-shapes
[{:keys [::input ::file-id ::page-id ::entries] :as cfg}]
(->> (keep (match-shape-entry-fn file-id page-id) entries)
(reduce (fn [result {:keys [id entry]}]
(let [object (->> (read-entry input entry)
(if (= id (:id object))
(assoc result id object)
(defn- read-file-pages
[{:keys [::input ::file-id ::entries] :as cfg}]
(->> (keep (match-page-entry-fn file-id) entries)
(keep (fn [{:keys [id entry]}]
(let [page (->> (read-entry input entry)
page (dissoc page :options)]
(when (= id (:id page))
(let [objects (-> (assoc cfg ::page-id id)
(assoc page :objects objects))))))
(sort-by :index)
(reduce (fn [result {:keys [id] :as page}]
(assoc result id (dissoc page :index)))
(defn- read-file-thumbnails
[{:keys [::input ::file-id ::entries] :as cfg}]
(->> (keep (match-thumbnail-entry-fn file-id) entries)
(reduce (fn [result {:keys [page-id frame-id entry]}]
(let [object (->> (read-entry input entry)
(if (and (= frame-id (:frame-id object))
(= page-id (:page-id object)))
(conj result object)
(defn- read-file-data
[{:keys [] :as cfg}]
(let [colors (read-file-colors cfg)
typographies (read-file-typographies cfg)
components (read-file-components cfg)
plugin-data (read-file-plugin-data cfg)
pages (read-file-pages cfg)]
{:pages (-> pages keys vec)
:pages-index (into {} pages)
:colors colors
:typographies typographies
:components components
:plugin-data plugin-data}))
(defn- import-file
[{:keys [::db/conn ::project-id ::file-id ::file-name] :as cfg}]
(let [file-id' (bfc/lookup-index file-id)
file (read-file cfg)
media (read-file-media cfg)
thumbnails (read-file-thumbnails cfg)]
(l/dbg :hint "processing file"
:id (str file-id')
:prev-id (str file-id)
:features (str/join "," (:features file))
:version (:version file)
::l/sync? true)
(events/tap :progress {:op :import :section :file :name file-name})
(when media
;; Update index with media
(l/dbg :hint "update media index"
:file-id (str file-id')
:total (count media)
::l/sync? true)
(vswap! bfc/*state* update :index bfc/update-index (map :id media))
(vswap! bfc/*state* update :media into media))
(when thumbnails
(l/dbg :hint "update thumbnails index"
:file-id (str file-id')
:total (count thumbnails)
::l/sync? true)
(vswap! bfc/*state* update :index bfc/update-index (map :media-id thumbnails))
(vswap! bfc/*state* update :thumbnails into thumbnails))
(let [data (-> (read-file-data cfg)
(assoc :id file-id')
(cond-> (:options file)
(assoc :options (:options file))))
file (-> file
(assoc :id file-id')
(assoc :data data)
(assoc :name file-name)
(assoc :project-id project-id)
(dissoc :options)
(->> file
(bfc/register-pending-migrations cfg)
(bfc/persist-file! cfg))
(when (::bfc/overwrite cfg)
(db/delete! conn :file-thumbnail {:file-id file-id'}))
(defn- import-file-relations
[{:keys [::db/conn ::manifest ::bfc/timestamp] :as cfg}]
(events/tap :progress {:op :import :section :relations})
(doseq [[file-id libr-id] (:relations manifest)]
(let [file-id (bfc/lookup-index file-id)
libr-id (bfc/lookup-index libr-id)]
(when (and file-id libr-id)
(l/dbg :hint "create file library link"
:file-id (str file-id)
:lib-id (str libr-id)
::l/sync? true)
(db/insert! conn :file-library-rel
{:synced-at timestamp
:file-id file-id
:library-file-id libr-id})))))
(defn- import-storage-objects
[{:keys [::input ::entries ::bfc/timestamp] :as cfg}]
(events/tap :progress {:op :import :section :storage-objects})
(let [storage (sto/resolve cfg)
entries (keep (match-storage-entry-fn) entries)]
(doseq [{:keys [id entry]} entries]
(let [object (->> (read-entry input entry)
(when (not= id (:id object))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :inconsistent-penpot-file
:hint "the penpot file seems corrupt, found unexpected uuid (storage-object-id)"
:expected-id (str id)
:found-id (str (:id object))))
(let [ext (resolve-extension (:content-type object))
path (str "objects/" id ext)
content (->> path
(get-zip-entry input)
(zip-entry-storage-content input))]
(when (not= (:size object) (sto/get-size content))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :inconsistent-penpot-file
:hint "found corrupted storage object: size does not match"
:path path
:expected-size (:size object)
:found-size (sto/get-size content)))
(when (not= (:hash object) (sto/get-hash content))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :inconsistent-penpot-file
:hint "found corrupted storage object: hash does not match"
:path path
:expected-hash (:hash object)
:found-hash (sto/get-hash content)))
(let [params (-> object
(dissoc :id :size)
(assoc ::sto/content content)
(assoc ::sto/deduplicate? true)
(assoc ::sto/touched-at timestamp))
sobject (sto/put-object! storage params)]
(l/dbg :hint "persisted storage object"
:id (str (:id sobject))
:prev-id (str id)
:bucket (:bucket params)
::l/sync? true)
(vswap! bfc/*state* update :index assoc id (:id sobject))))))))
(defn- import-file-media
[{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
(events/tap :progress {:op :import :section :media})
(doseq [item (:media @bfc/*state*)]
(let [params (-> item
(update :id bfc/lookup-index)
(update :file-id bfc/lookup-index)
(d/update-when :media-id bfc/lookup-index)
(d/update-when :thumbnail-id bfc/lookup-index))]
(l/dbg :hint "inserting file media object"
:id (str (:id params))
:file-id (str (:file-id params))
::l/sync? true)
(db/insert! conn :file-media-object params
{::db/on-conflict-do-nothing? (::bfc/overwrite cfg)}))))
(defn- import-file-thumbnails
[{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
(events/tap :progress {:op :import :section :thumbnails})
(doseq [item (:thumbnails @bfc/*state*)]
(let [file-id (bfc/lookup-index (:file-id item))
media-id (bfc/lookup-index (:media-id item))
object-id (-> (assoc item :file-id file-id)
params {:file-id file-id
:object-id object-id
:tag (:tag item)
:media-id media-id}]
(l/dbg :hint "inserting file object thumbnail"
:file-id (str file-id)
:media-id (str media-id)
::l/sync? true)
(db/insert! conn :file-tagged-object-thumbnail params
{::db/on-conflict-do-nothing? (::bfc/overwrite cfg)}))))
(defn- import-files
[{:keys [::bfc/timestamp ::input ::name] :or {timestamp (dt/now)} :as cfg}]
"expected zip file"
(instance? ZipFile input))
"expected valid instant"
(dt/instant? timestamp))
(let [manifest (-> (read-manifest input)
entries (read-zip-entries input)]
(when-not (= "penpot/export-files" (:type manifest))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :invalid-binfile-v3-manifest
:hint "unexpected type on manifest"
:manifest manifest))
;; Check if all files referenced on manifest are present
(doseq [{file-id :id} (:files manifest)]
(let [path (str "files/" file-id ".json")]
(when-not (get-zip-entry input path)
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :invalid-binfile-v3
:hint "some files referenced on manifest not found"
:path path
:file-id file-id))))
(events/tap :progress {:op :import :section :manifest})
(let [index (bfc/update-index (map :id (:files manifest)))
state {:media [] :index index}
cfg (-> cfg
(assoc ::entries entries)
(assoc ::manifest manifest)
(assoc ::bfc/timestamp timestamp))]
(binding [bfc/*state* (volatile! state)]
(db/tx-run! cfg (fn [cfg]
(bfc/disable-database-timeouts! cfg)
(let [ids (->> (:files manifest)
(reduce (fn [result {:keys [id] :as file}]
(let [name' (get file :name)
name' (if (map? name)
(get name id)
(conj result (-> cfg
(assoc ::file-id id)
(assoc ::file-name name')
(import-file-relations cfg)
(import-storage-objects cfg)
(import-file-media cfg)
(import-file-thumbnails cfg)
(bfc/apply-pending-migrations! cfg)
(defn export-files!
"Do the exportation of a specified file in custom penpot binary
format. There are some options available for customize the output:
`::include-libraries`: additionally to the specified file, all the
linked libraries also will be included (including transitive
`::embed-assets`: instead of including the libraries, embed in the
same file library all assets used from external libraries."
[{:keys [::ids] :as cfg} output]
"expected a set of uuid's for `::ids` parameter"
(and (set? ids)
(every? uuid? ids)))
"expected instance of jio/IOFactory for `input`"
(satisfies? jio/IOFactory output))
(let [id (uuid/next)
tp (dt/tpoint)
ab (volatile! false)
cs (volatile! nil)]
(l/info :hint "start exportation" :export-id (str id))
(binding [bfc/*state* (volatile! (bfc/initial-state))]
(with-open [output (io/output-stream output)]
(with-open [output (ZipOutputStream. output)]
(let [cfg (assoc cfg ::output output)]
(export-files cfg)
(export-storage-objects cfg)))))
(catch java.io.IOException _cause
;; Do nothing, EOF means client closes connection abruptly
(vreset! ab true)
(catch Throwable cause
(vreset! cs cause)
(vreset! ab true)
(throw cause))
(l/info :hint "exportation finished" :export-id (str id)
:elapsed (str (inst-ms (tp)) "ms")
:aborted @ab
:cause @cs)))))
(defn import-files!
[{:keys [::input] :as cfg}]
"expected valid profile-id and project-id on `cfg`"
(and (uuid? (::profile-id cfg))
(uuid? (::project-id cfg))))
"expected instance of jio/IOFactory for `input`"
(satisfies? jio/IOFactory input))
(let [id (uuid/next)
tp (dt/tpoint)
cs (volatile! nil)]
(l/info :hint "import: started" :id (str id))
(with-open [input (ZipFile. (fs/file input))]
(import-files (assoc cfg ::input input)))
(catch Throwable cause
(vreset! cs cause)
(throw cause))
(l/info :hint "import: terminated"
:id (str id)
:elapsed (dt/format-duration (tp))
:error? (some? @cs))))))

View file

@ -295,8 +295,9 @@
cfg (assoc cfg
::bf.v1/overwrite false
::bf.v1/profile-id profile-id
::bf.v1/project-id project-id)]
(bf.v1/import-files! cfg path)
::bf.v1/project-id project-id
::bf.v1/input path)]
(bf.v1/import-files! cfg)
{::rres/status 200
::rres/headers {"content-type" "text/plain"}
::rres/body "OK CLONED"})
@ -329,8 +330,9 @@
::bf.v1/overwrite overwrite?
::bf.v1/migrate migrate?
::bf.v1/profile-id profile-id
::bf.v1/project-id project-id)]
(bf.v1/import-files! cfg path)
::bf.v1/project-id project-id
::bf.v1/input path)]
(bf.v1/import-files! cfg)
{::rres/status 200
::rres/headers {"content-type" "text/plain"}
::rres/body "OK"})))

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
(:refer-clojure :exclude [assert])
[app.binfile.v1 :as bf.v1]
[app.binfile.v3 :as bf.v3]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.common.schema :as sm]
[app.db :as db]
@ -35,51 +36,103 @@
[:map {:title "export-binfile"}
[:name [:string {:max 250}]]
[:file-id ::sm/uuid]
[:include-libraries :boolean]
[:embed-assets :boolean]])
[:version {:optional true} ::sm/int]
[:include-libraries ::sm/boolean]
[:embed-assets ::sm/boolean]])
(defn stream-export-v1
[cfg {:keys [file-id include-libraries embed-assets] :as params}]
(reify rres/StreamableResponseBody
(-write-body-to-stream [_ _ output-stream]
(-> cfg
(assoc ::bf.v1/ids #{file-id})
(assoc ::bf.v1/embed-assets embed-assets)
(assoc ::bf.v1/include-libraries include-libraries)
(bf.v1/export-files! output-stream))
(catch Throwable cause
(l/err :hint "exception on exporting file"
:file-id (str file-id)
:cause cause))))))
(defn stream-export-v3
[cfg {:keys [file-id include-libraries embed-assets] :as params}]
(reify rres/StreamableResponseBody
(-write-body-to-stream [_ _ output-stream]
(-> cfg
(assoc ::bf.v3/ids #{file-id})
(assoc ::bf.v3/embed-assets embed-assets)
(assoc ::bf.v3/include-libraries include-libraries)
(bf.v3/export-files! output-stream))
(catch Throwable cause
(l/err :hint "exception on exporting file"
:file-id (str file-id)
:cause cause))))))
(sv/defmethod ::export-binfile
"Export a penpot file in a binary format."
{::doc/added "1.15"
::webhooks/event? true
::sm/result schema:export-binfile}
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id file-id include-libraries embed-assets] :as params}]
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id version file-id] :as params}]
(files/check-read-permissions! pool profile-id file-id)
(fn [_]
{::rres/status 200
::rres/headers {"content-type" "application/octet-stream"}
::rres/body (reify rres/StreamableResponseBody
(-write-body-to-stream [_ _ output-stream]
(-> cfg
(assoc ::bf.v1/ids #{file-id})
(assoc ::bf.v1/embed-assets embed-assets)
(assoc ::bf.v1/include-libraries include-libraries)
(bf.v1/export-files! output-stream))
(catch Throwable cause
(l/err :hint "exception on exporting file"
:file-id (str file-id)
:cause cause)))))}))
(let [version (or version 1)
body (case (int version)
1 (stream-export-v1 cfg params)
2 (throw (ex-info "not-implemented" {}))
3 (stream-export-v3 cfg params))]
{::rres/status 200
::rres/headers {"content-type" "application/octet-stream"}
::rres/body body})))
;; --- Command: import-binfile
(defn- import-binfile-v1
[{:keys [::wrk/executor] :as cfg} {:keys [project-id profile-id name file]}]
(let [cfg (-> cfg
(assoc ::bf.v1/project-id project-id)
(assoc ::bf.v1/profile-id profile-id)
(assoc ::bf.v1/name name)
(assoc ::bf.v1/input (:path file)))]
;; NOTE: the importation process performs some operations that are
;; not very friendly with virtual threads, and for avoid
;; unexpected blocking of other concurrent operations we dispatch
;; that operation to a dedicated executor.
(px/invoke! executor (partial bf.v1/import-files! cfg))))
(defn- import-binfile-v3
[{:keys [::wrk/executor] :as cfg} {:keys [project-id profile-id name file]}]
(let [cfg (-> cfg
(assoc ::bf.v3/project-id project-id)
(assoc ::bf.v3/profile-id profile-id)
(assoc ::bf.v3/name name)
(assoc ::bf.v3/input (:path file)))]
;; NOTE: the importation process performs some operations that are
;; not very friendly with virtual threads, and for avoid
;; unexpected blocking of other concurrent operations we dispatch
;; that operation to a dedicated executor.
(px/invoke! executor (partial bf.v3/import-files! cfg))))
(defn- import-binfile
[{:keys [::wrk/executor ::bf.v1/project-id ::db/pool] :as cfg} input]
;; NOTE: the importation process performs some operations that
;; are not very friendly with virtual threads, and for avoid
;; unexpected blocking of other concurrent operations we
;; dispatch that operation to a dedicated executor.
(let [result (px/invoke! executor (partial bf.v1/import-files! cfg input))]
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [project-id version] :as params}]
(let [result (case (int version)
1 (import-binfile-v1 cfg params)
3 (import-binfile-v3 cfg params))]
(db/update! pool :project
{:modified-at (dt/now)}
{:id project-id})
(def ^:private
(def ^:private schema:import-binfile
[:map {:title "import-binfile"}
[:name [:string {:max 250}]]
[:name [:or [:string {:max 250}]
[:map-of ::sm/uuid [:string {:max 250}]]]]
[:project-id ::sm/uuid]
[:version {:optional true} ::sm/int]
[:file ::media/upload]])
(sv/defmethod ::import-binfile
@ -88,12 +141,11 @@
::webhooks/event? true
::sse/stream? true
::sm/params schema:import-binfile}
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id name project-id file] :as params}]
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id project-id version] :as params}]
(projects/check-edition-permissions! pool profile-id project-id)
(let [cfg (-> cfg
(assoc ::bf.v1/project-id project-id)
(assoc ::bf.v1/profile-id profile-id)
(assoc ::bf.v1/name name))]
(let [params (-> params
(assoc :profile-id profile-id)
(assoc :version (or version 1)))]
(sse/response #(import-binfile cfg (:path file)))
(sse/response (partial import-binfile cfg params))
{::audit/props {:file nil}})))

View file

@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
(binding [bfc/*state* (volatile! {:index {team-id (uuid/next)}})]
(let [projs (bfc/get-team-projects cfg team-id)
files (bfc/get-team-files cfg team-id)
files (bfc/get-team-files-ids cfg team-id)
frels (bfc/get-files-rels cfg files)
team (-> (db/get-by-id conn :team team-id)
@ -396,14 +396,15 @@
(defn clone-template
[cfg {:keys [project-id profile-id] :as params} template]
(db/tx-run! cfg (fn [{:keys [::db/conn ::wrk/executor] :as cfg}]
;; NOTE: the importation process performs some operations that
;; are not very friendly with virtual threads, and for avoid
;; unexpected blocking of other concurrent operations we
;; dispatch that operation to a dedicated executor.
;; NOTE: the importation process performs some operations
;; that are not very friendly with virtual threads, and for
;; avoid unexpected blocking of other concurrent operations
;; we dispatch that operation to a dedicated executor.
(let [cfg (-> cfg
(assoc ::bf.v1/project-id project-id)
(assoc ::bf.v1/profile-id profile-id))
result (px/invoke! executor (partial bf.v1/import-files! cfg template))]
(assoc ::bf.v1/profile-id profile-id)
(assoc ::bf.v1/input template))
result (px/invoke! executor (partial bf.v1/import-files! cfg))]
(db/update! conn :project
{:modified-at (dt/now)}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns backend-tests.binfile-test
"Internal binfile test, no RPC involved"
[app.binfile.v3 :as v3]
[app.common.features :as cfeat]
[app.common.pprint :as pp]
[app.common.thumbnails :as thc]
[app.common.types.shape :as cts]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.db :as db]
[app.db.sql :as sql]
[app.http :as http]
[app.rpc :as-alias rpc]
[app.storage :as sto]
[app.storage.tmp :as tmp]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[backend-tests.helpers :as th]
[clojure.test :as t]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[datoteka.fs :as fs]
[datoteka.io :as io]))
(t/use-fixtures :once th/state-init)
(t/use-fixtures :each th/database-reset)
(defn- update-file!
[& {:keys [profile-id file-id changes revn] :or {revn 0}}]
(let [params {::th/type :update-file
::rpc/profile-id profile-id
:id file-id
:session-id (uuid/random)
:revn revn
:features cfeat/supported-features
:changes changes}
out (th/command! params)]
;; (th/print-result! out)
(t/is (nil? (:error out)))
(:result out)))
(defn- prepare-simple-file
(let [page-id-1 (uuid/custom 1 1)
page-id-2 (uuid/custom 1 2)
shape-id (uuid/custom 2 1)
file (th/create-file* 1 {:profile-id (:id profile)
:project-id (:default-project-id profile)
:is-shared false})]
:file-id (:id file)
:profile-id (:id profile)
:revn 0
[{:type :add-page
:name "test 1"
:id page-id-1}
{:type :add-page
:name "test 2"
:id page-id-2}])
:file-id (:id file)
:profile-id (:id profile)
:revn 0
[{:type :add-obj
:page-id page-id-1
:id shape-id
:parent-id uuid/zero
:frame-id uuid/zero
:components-v2 true
:obj (cts/setup-shape
{:id shape-id
:name "image"
:frame-id uuid/zero
:parent-id uuid/zero
:type :rect})}])
(dissoc file :data)))
(t/deftest export-binfile-v3
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
file (prepare-simple-file profile)
output (tmp/tempfile :suffix ".zip")]
(-> th/*system*
(assoc ::v3/ids #{(:id file)})
(assoc ::v3/embed-assets false)
(assoc ::v3/include-libraries false))
(io/output-stream output))
(let [result (-> th/*system*
(assoc ::v3/project-id (:default-project-id profile))
(assoc ::v3/profile-id (:id profile))
(assoc ::v3/input output)
(t/is (= (count result) 1))
(t/is (every? uuid? result)))))

View file

@ -557,6 +557,7 @@
(into []
(map (fn [event]
(let [[item1 item2] (re-seq #"(.*): (.*)\n?" event)]
[(keyword (nth item1 2))
(tr/decode-str (nth item2 2))])))
(-> (slurp' input)

View file

@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
(ns backend-tests.rpc-management-test
[app.common.features :as cfeat]
[app.common.pprint :as pp]
[app.common.types.shape :as cts]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.db :as db]
[app.http :as http]
@ -21,6 +23,20 @@
(t/use-fixtures :once th/state-init)
(t/use-fixtures :each th/database-reset)
(defn- update-file!
[& {:keys [profile-id file-id changes revn] :or {revn 0}}]
(let [params {::th/type :update-file
::rpc/profile-id profile-id
:id file-id
:session-id (uuid/random)
:revn revn
:features cfeat/supported-features
:changes changes}
out (th/command! params)]
;; (th/print-result! out)
(t/is (nil? (:error out)))
(:result out)))
;; TODO: migrate to commands
(t/deftest duplicate-file
@ -45,11 +61,13 @@
mobj (th/create-file-media-object* {:file-id (:id file1)
:is-local false
:media-id (:id sobject)})]
{:file-id (:id file1)
:profile-id (:id profile)
:changes [{:type :add-media
:object (select-keys mobj [:id :width :height :mtype :name])}]})
:file-id (:id file1)
:profile-id (:id profile)
:revn 0
[{:type :add-media
:object mobj}])
(let [data {::th/type :duplicate-file
::rpc/profile-id (:id profile)
@ -173,13 +191,13 @@
:is-local false
:media-id (:id sobject)})]
{:file-id (:id file1)
:profile-id (:id profile)
:changes [{:type :add-media
:object (select-keys mobj [:id :width :height :mtype :name])}]})
:file-id (:id file1)
:profile-id (:id profile)
:revn 0
[{:type :add-media
:object mobj}])
(let [data {::th/type :duplicate-project
::rpc/profile-id (:id profile)

View file

@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.geom.shapes.common :as gco]
[app.common.schema :as sm]
[app.common.types.components-list :as ctkl]
[app.common.types.pages-list :as ctpl]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[clojure.set :as set]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
@ -369,17 +367,6 @@
(= (:type container) :component))
(defn get-container
[file type id]
(dm/assert! (map? file))
(dm/assert! (keyword? type))
(dm/assert! (uuid? id))
(-> (if (= type :page)
(ctpl/get-page file id)
(ctkl/get-component file id))
(assoc :type type)))
(defn component-touched?
"Check if any shape in the component is touched"
[objects root-id]

View file

@ -1831,7 +1831,7 @@
"Generate changes for remove all references to components in the shape,
with the given id and all its children, at the current page."
[changes id file page-id libraries]
(let [container (cfh/get-container file :page page-id)]
(let [container (ctn/get-container file :page page-id)]
(-> changes
(pcb/with-container container)
(pcb/with-objects (:objects container))

View file

@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
(defn humanize-explain
"Returns a string representation of the explain data structure"
[{:keys [schema errors value]} & {:keys [length level]}]
[{:keys [errors value]} & {:keys [length level]}]
(let [errors (mapv #(update % :schema form) errors)]
(println "Errors:")

View file

@ -5,14 +5,29 @@
(defn fmt-object-id
"Returns ids formatted as a string (object-id)"
[file-id page-id frame-id tag]
(str/ffmt "%/%/%/%" file-id page-id frame-id tag))
(fmt-object-id (:file-id object)
(:page-id object)
(:frame-id object)
(:tag object)))
([file-id page-id frame-id tag]
(str/ffmt "%/%/%/%" file-id page-id frame-id tag)))
;; FIXME: rename to a proper name
(defn file-id?
"Returns ids formatted as a string (file-id)"
[object-id file-id]
(str/starts-with? object-id (str/concat file-id "/")))
(defn parse-object-id
(let [[file-id page-id frame-id tag] (str/split object-id "/")]
{:file-id (parse-uuid file-id)
:page-id (parse-uuid page-id)
:frame-id (parse-uuid frame-id)
:tag tag}))
(defn get-file-id
(uuid/uuid (str/slice object-id 0 (str/index-of object-id "/"))))

View file

@ -7,9 +7,36 @@
(ns app.common.types.component
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.schema :as sm]
[app.common.types.page :as ctp]
[app.common.types.plugins :as ctpg]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
(def schema:component
[:id ::sm/uuid]
[:name :string]
[:path {:optional true} [:maybe :string]]
[:modified-at {:optional true} ::sm/inst]
[:objects {:gen/max 10 :optional true} ::ctp/objects]
[:main-instance-id ::sm/uuid]
[:main-instance-page ::sm/uuid]
[:plugin-data {:optional true} ::ctpg/plugin-data]])
(sm/register! ::component schema:component)
(def check-component!
(sm/check-fn schema:component))
;; Attributes that may be synced in components, and the group they belong to.
;; When one attribute is modified in a shape inside a component, the corresponding
;; group is marked as :touched. Then, if the shape is synced with the remote shape
@ -303,4 +330,4 @@
(and (swap-slot? group)
(some? (group->swap-slot group))))
(catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs :default) _

View file

@ -35,37 +35,63 @@
(sm/register! ::media-object
(def schema:media
"A schema that represents the file media object"
[:map {:title "FileMediaObject"}
[:id ::sm/uuid]
[:created-at ::sm/inst]
[:deleted-at {:optional true} ::sm/inst]
[:name :string]
[:width ::sm/safe-int]
[:height ::sm/safe-int]
[:mtype :string]
[:path {:optional true} [:maybe :string]]])
[:file-id {:optional true} ::sm/uuid]
[:media-id ::sm/uuid]
[:thumbnail-id {:optional true} ::sm/uuid]
[:is-local :boolean]])
(sm/register! ::data
(def schema:colors
[:map-of {:gen/max 5} ::sm/uuid ::ctc/color])
(def schema:components
[:map-of {:gen/max 5} ::sm/uuid ::ctn/container])
(def schema:typographies
[:map-of {:gen/max 2} ::sm/uuid ::cty/typography])
(def schema:pages-index
[:map-of {:gen/max 5} ::sm/uuid ::ctp/page])
(def schema:data
[:map {:title "FileData"}
[:pages [:vector ::sm/uuid]]
[:map-of {:gen/max 5} ::sm/uuid ::ctp/page]]
[:colors {:optional true}
[:map-of {:gen/max 5} ::sm/uuid ::ctc/color]]
[:components {:optional true}
[:map-of {:gen/max 5} ::sm/uuid ::ctn/container]]
[:recent-colors {:optional true}
[:vector {:gen/max 3} ::ctc/recent-color]]
[:typographies {:optional true}
[:map-of {:gen/max 2} ::sm/uuid ::cty/typography]]
[:media {:optional true}
[:map-of {:gen/max 5} ::sm/uuid ::media-object]]
[:pages-index schema:pages-index]
[:colors {:optional true} schema:colors]
[:components {:optional true} schema:components]
[:typographies {:optional true} schema:typographies]
[:plugin-data {:optional true} ::ctpg/plugin-data]])
(def schema:file
"A schema for validate a file data structure; data is optional
because sometimes we want to validate file without the data."
[:map {:title "file"}
[:id ::sm/uuid]
[:data {:optional true} schema:data]
[:features ::cfeat/features]])
(sm/register! ::data schema:data)
(sm/register! ::file schema:file)
(sm/register! ::media schema:media)
(sm/register! ::colors schema:colors)
(sm/register! ::typographies schema:typographies)
(sm/register! ::media-object schema:media)
(def check-file-data!
(sm/check-fn ::data))
(def check-media-object!
(sm/check-fn ::media-object))
(sm/check-fn schema:media))

View file

@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
[:id ::sm/uuid]
[:axis [::sm/one-of #{:x :y}]]
[:position ::sm/safe-number]
;; FIXME: remove maybe?
[:frame-id {:optional true} [:maybe ::sm/uuid]]])
[:frame-id {:optional true} ::sm/uuid]])
(def schema:guides
[:map-of {:gen/max 2} ::sm/uuid schema:guide])
@ -51,6 +50,7 @@
[:map {:title "FilePage"}
[:id ::sm/uuid]
[:name :string]
[:index {:optional true} ::sm/int]
[:objects schema:objects]
[:default-grids {:optional true} ::ctg/default-grids]
[:flows {:optional true} schema:flows]
@ -59,12 +59,9 @@
[:background {:optional true} ::ctc/rgb-color]
[:comment-thread-positions {:optional true}
[:map-of ::sm/uuid schema:comment-thread-position]]
;; DEPERECATED: remove after 2.3 release
[:map {:title "PageOptions"}]]])
[:map-of ::sm/uuid schema:comment-thread-position]]])
(sm/register! ::objects schema:objects)
(sm/register! ::page schema:page)
(sm/register! ::guide schema:guide)
(sm/register! ::flow schema:flow)
@ -72,7 +69,6 @@
(def valid-guide?
(sm/lazy-validator schema:guide))
;; FIXME: convert to validator
(def check-page!
(sm/check-fn schema:page))

View file

@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
;; FIXME: rename to shape-generic-attrs
(def schema:shape-attrs
[:map {:title "ShapeAttrs"}
[:page-id {:optional true} ::sm/uuid]
[:component-id {:optional true} ::sm/uuid]
[:component-file {:optional true} ::sm/uuid]
[:component-root {:optional true} :boolean]

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
(sm/register! ::typography
(def schema:typography
[:map {:title "Typography"}
[:id ::sm/uuid]
[:name :string]
@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
[:path {:optional true} [:maybe :string]]
[:plugin-data {:optional true} ::ctpg/plugin-data]])
(sm/register! ::typography schema:typography)
(def check-typography!
(sm/check-fn ::typography))

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
"A general purpose events."
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.schema :as sm]
[app.common.types.components-list :as ctkl]
[app.common.types.team :as tt]
[app.config :as cf]
@ -136,9 +137,31 @@
;; Exportations
(def ^:private schema:export-files
[:sequential {:title "Files"}
[:map {:title "FileParam"}
[:id ::sm/uuid]
[:name :string]
[:project-id ::sm/uuid]
[:is-shared ::sm/boolean]]])
(def check-export-files!
(sm/check-fn schema:export-files))
(def valid-export-formats
#{:binfile-v1 :binfile-v3 :legacy-zip})
(defn export-files
[files binary?]
(ptk/reify ::request-file-export
[files format]
"expected valid files param"
(check-export-files! files))
"expected valid format"
(contains? valid-export-formats format))
(ptk/reify ::export-files
(watch [_ state _]
(let [features (features/get-team-enabled-features state)
@ -147,16 +170,15 @@
(fn [file]
(->> (rp/cmd! :has-file-libraries {:file-id (:id file)})
(rx/map #(assoc file :has-libraries? %)))))
(rx/map #(assoc file :has-libraries %)))))
(rx/reduce conj [])
(rx/map (fn [files]
{:type :export
:features features
:team-id team-id
:has-libraries? (->> files (some :has-libraries?))
:files files
:binary? binary?}))))))))
:format format}))))))))
;; Team Request

View file

@ -753,7 +753,7 @@
libraries (wsh/get-libraries state)
page-id (:current-page-id state)
container (cfh/get-container file :page page-id)
container (ctn/get-container file :page page-id)
(features/active-feature? state "components/v2")
@ -806,7 +806,7 @@
(let [page-id (get state :current-page-id)
local-file (wsh/get-local-file state)
full-file (wsh/get-local-file-full state)
container (cfh/get-container local-file :page page-id)
container (ctn/get-container local-file :page page-id)
shape (ctn/get-shape container id)
components-v2 (features/active-feature? state "components/v2")]

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(ns app.main.repo
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.transit :as t]
[app.common.uri :as u]
[app.config :as cf]
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
(defn handle-response
[{:keys [status body headers] :as response}]
[{:keys [status body headers uri] :as response}]
(= 204 status)
;; We need to send "something" so the streams listening downstream can act
@ -52,8 +53,10 @@
(ex-info "http error"
{:type :unexpected-error
(ex-info "repository requet error"
{:type :internal
:code :repository-access-error
:uri uri
:status status
:headers headers
:data body}))))
@ -71,20 +74,19 @@
:form-data? true}
{:response-type ::sse/stream}
{:stream? true}
{:response-type ::sse/stream
{:stream? true
:form-data? true}
:export-binfile {:response-type :blob}
:retrieve-list-of-builtin-templates {:query-params :all}})
(defn- send!
"A simple helper for a common case of sending and receiving transit
data to the penpot mutation api."
[id params options]
(let [{:keys [response-type
@ -92,46 +94,61 @@
(-> (get default-options id)
(merge options))
decode-fn (if raw-transit?
(if raw-transit?
id (or rename-to id)
nid (name id)
method (cond
(= query-params :all) :get
(str/starts-with? nid "get-") :get
:else :post)
request {:method method
:uri (u/join cf/public-uri "api/rpc/command/" nid)
:credentials "include"
:headers {"accept" "application/transit+json,text/event-stream,*/*"
"x-external-session-id" (cf/external-session-id)
"x-event-origin" (::ev/origin (meta params))}
:body (when (= method :post)
(if form-data?
(http/form-data params)
(http/transit-data params)))
:query (if (= method :get)
(if query-params
(select-keys params query-params)
id (or rename-to id)
nid (name id)
method (cond
(= query-params :all) :get
(str/starts-with? nid "get-") :get
:else :post)
(if (= response-type ::sse/stream)
(or response-type :text))}
(d/nilv response-type :text)
result (->> (http/send! request)
(rx/map decode-fn)
(rx/mapcat handle-response))]
{:method method
:uri (u/join cf/public-uri "api/rpc/command/" nid)
:credentials "include"
:headers {"accept" "application/transit+json,text/event-stream,*/*"
"x-external-session-id" (cf/external-session-id)
"x-event-origin" (::ev/origin (meta params))}
:body (when (= method :post)
(if form-data?
(http/form-data params)
(http/transit-data params)))
:query (if (= method :get)
(if query-params
(select-keys params query-params)
(if stream? nil response-type)}]
(cond->> result
(= ::sse/stream response-type)
(rx/mapcat (fn [body]
(-> (sse/create-stream body)
(sse/read-stream t/decode-str)))))))
(->> (http/fetch request)
(rx/map http/response->map)
(rx/mapcat (fn [{:keys [headers body] :as response}]
(let [ctype (get headers "content-type")
response-stream? (str/starts-with? ctype "text/event-stream")]
(when (and response-stream? (not stream?))
(ex/raise :type :internal
:code :invalid-response-processing
:hint "expected normal response, received sse stream"
:response-uri (:uri response)
:response-status (:status response)))
(if response-stream?
(-> (sse/create-stream body)
(sse/read-stream t/decode-str))
(->> response
(http/process-response-type response-type)
(rx/map decode-fn)
(rx/mapcat handle-response)))))))))
(defmulti cmd! (fn [id _] id))

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(ns app.main.ui.dashboard.file-menu
[app.config :as cf]
[app.main.data.common :as dcm]
[app.main.data.dashboard :as dd]
[app.main.data.events :as ev]
@ -189,24 +190,30 @@
(mf/deps files)
(fn [binary?]
(let [evname (if binary?
(fn [format]
(let [evname (if (= format :legacy-zip)
(st/emit! (ptk/event ::ev/event {::ev/name evname
::ev/origin "dashboard"
:format format
:num-files (count files)})
(dcm/export-files files binary?)))))
(dcm/export-files files format)))))
(mf/deps on-export-files)
(partial on-export-files true))
(partial on-export-files :binfile-v1))
(mf/deps on-export-files)
(partial on-export-files :binfile-v3))
(mf/deps on-export-files)
(partial on-export-files false))
(partial on-export-files :legacy-zip))
;; NOTE: this is used for detect if component is still mounted
mounted-ref (mf/use-ref true)]
@ -256,9 +263,14 @@
:options sub-options})
{:name (tr "dashboard.export-binary-multi" file-count)
:id "file-binari-export-multi"
:id "file-binary-export-multi"
:handler on-export-binary-files}
(when (contains? cf/flags :export-file-v3)
{:name (tr "dashboard.export-binary-multi-v3" file-count)
:id "file-binary-export-multi-v3"
:handler on-export-binary-files-v3})
{:name (tr "dashboard.export-standard-multi" file-count)
:id "file-standard-export-multi"
:handler on-export-standard-files}
@ -315,6 +327,11 @@
:id "download-binary-file"
:handler on-export-binary-files}
(when (contains? cf/flags :export-file-v3)
{:name (tr "dashboard.download-binary-file-v3")
:id "download-binary-file-v3"
:handler on-export-binary-files-v3})
{:name (tr "dashboard.download-standard-file")
:id "download-standard-file"
:handler on-export-standard-files}

View file

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
(log/set-level! :debug)
(def ^:const emit-delay 1000)
(def ^:const emit-delay 200)
(defn use-import-file
[project-id on-finish-import]
@ -82,51 +82,35 @@
(assoc :deleted true)))
(defn- update-with-analyze-error
[entries uri error]
(->> entries
(mapv (fn [entry]
(cond-> entry
(= uri (:uri entry))
(-> (assoc :status :analyze-error)
(assoc :error error)))))))
(defn- update-with-analyze-result
[entries uri type result]
(let [existing-entries? (into #{} (keep :file-id) entries)
(fn [entry]
(if (and (= uri (:uri entry))
(= (:status entry) :analyzing))
(->> (:files result)
(remove (comp existing-entries? first))
(map (fn [[file-id file-data]]
(-> file-data
(assoc :file-id file-id)
(assoc :status :ready)
(assoc :uri uri)
(assoc :type type)))))
(into [] (mapcat replace-entry) entries)))
(defn- mark-entries-importing
(->> entries
(filter #(= :ready (:status %)))
(mapv #(assoc % :status :importing))))
[entries {:keys [file-id status] :as updated}]
(let [entries (filterv (comp uuid? :file-id) entries)
status (case status
:success :import-ready
:error :analyze-error)
updated (assoc updated :status status)]
(if (some #(= file-id (:file-id %)) entries)
(mapv (fn [entry]
(if (= (:file-id entry) file-id)
(merge entry updated)
(conj entries updated))))
(defn- update-entry-status
[entries file-id status progress errors]
[entries message]
(mapv (fn [entry]
(cond-> entry
(and (= file-id (:file-id entry)) (not= status :import-progress))
(assoc :status status)
(and (= file-id (:file-id entry)) (= status :import-progress))
(assoc :progress progress)
(= file-id (:file-id entry))
(assoc :errors errors)))
(if (= (:file-id entry) (:file-id message))
(let [status (case (:status message)
:progress :import-progress
:finish :import-success
:error :import-error)]
(-> entry
(assoc :progress (:progress message))
(assoc :status status)
(assoc :error (:error message))
(defn- parse-progress-message
@ -153,33 +137,27 @@
(tr "dashboard.import.progress.process-components")
(str message)))
(tr "dashboard.import.progress.process-components")
(defn- has-status-importing?
(= (:status item) :importing))
(defn- has-status-analyzing?
(defn- has-status-analyze?
(= (:status item) :analyzing))
(= (:status item) :analyze))
(defn- has-status-analyze-error?
(defn- has-status-import-success?
(= (:status item) :analyzing))
(defn- has-status-success?
(and (= (:status item) :import-finish)
(empty? (:errors item))))
(= (:status item) :import-success))
(defn- has-status-error?
(and (= (:status item) :import-finish)
(d/not-empty? (:errors item))))
(or (= (:status item) :import-error)
(= (:status item) :analyze-error)))
(defn- has-status-ready?
(and (= :ready (:status item))
(and (= :import-ready (:status item))
(not (:deleted item))))
(defn- analyze-entries
@ -191,12 +169,10 @@
(rx/mapcat #(rx/delay emit-delay (rx/of %)))
(rx/filter some?)
(fn [{:keys [uri data error type] :as msg}]
(if (some? error)
(swap! state update-with-analyze-error uri error)
(swap! state update-with-analyze-result uri type data))))))
(fn [message]
(swap! state update-with-analyze-result message)))))
(defn- import-files!
(defn- import-files
[state project-id entries]
(st/emit! (ptk/data-event ::ev/event {::ev/name "import-files"
:num-files (count entries)}))
@ -205,28 +181,36 @@
:project-id project-id
:files entries
:features @features/features-ref})
(rx/filter (comp uuid? :file-id))
(fn [{:keys [file-id status message errors] :as msg}]
(swap! state update-entry-status file-id status message errors)))))
(fn [message]
(swap! state update-entry-status message)))))
(mf/defc import-entry
(mf/defc import-entry*
{::mf/props :obj
::mf/memo true
::mf/private true}
[{:keys [entries entry edition can-be-deleted on-edit on-change on-delete]}]
(let [status (:status entry)
loading? (or (= :analyzing status)
(= :importing status))
analyze-error? (= :analyze-error status)
import-finish? (= :import-finish status)
import-error? (= :import-error status)
import-warn? (d/not-empty? (:errors entry))
ready? (= :ready status)
is-shared? (:shared entry)
progress (:progress entry)
(let [status (:status entry)
;; FIXME: rename to format
format (:type entry)
file-id (:file-id entry)
editing? (and (some? file-id) (= edition file-id))
loading? (or (= :analyze status)
(= :import-progress status))
analyze-error? (= :analyze-error status)
import-success? (= :import-success status)
import-error? (= :import-error status)
import-ready? (= :import-ready status)
is-shared? (:shared entry)
progress (:progress entry)
file-id (:file-id entry)
editing? (and (some? file-id) (= edition file-id))
editable? (and (or (= :binfile-v3 format)
(= :legacy-zip format))
(= status :import-ready))
@ -261,23 +245,21 @@
[:div {:class (stl/css-case
:file-entry true
:loading loading?
:success (and import-finish? (not import-warn?) (not import-error?))
:warning (and import-finish? import-warn? (not import-error?))
:success import-success?
:error (or import-error? analyze-error?)
:editable (and ready? (not editing?)))}
:editable (and import-ready? (not editing?)))}
[:div {:class (stl/css :file-name)}
(if loading?
[:> loader* {:width 16
:title (tr "labels.loading")}]
[:div {:class (stl/css-case :file-icon true
:icon-fill ready?)}
(cond ready? i/logo-icon
import-warn? i/msg-warning
import-error? i/close
import-finish? i/tick
analyze-error? i/close)])
[:> loader* {:width 16 :title (tr "labels.loading")}]
[:div {:class (stl/css-case
:file-icon true
:icon-fill import-ready?)}
import-ready? i/logo-icon
import-error? i/close
import-success? i/tick
analyze-error? i/close)])
(if editing?
[:div {:class (stl/css :file-name-edit)}
@ -294,10 +276,9 @@
[:div {:class (stl/css :edit-entry-buttons)}
(when (and (= "application/zip" (:type entry))
(= status :ready))
(when ^boolean editable?
[:button {:on-click on-edit'} i/curve])
(when can-be-deleted
(when ^boolean can-be-deleted
[:button {:on-click on-delete'} i/delete])]]
@ -311,9 +292,10 @@
[:div {:class (stl/css :error-message)}
(tr "dashboard.import.import-error")]
(and (not import-finish?) (some? progress))
(and (not import-success?) (some? progress))
[:div {:class (stl/css :progress-message)} (parse-progress-message progress)])
;; This is legacy code, will be removed when legacy-zip format is removed
[:div {:class (stl/css :linked-libraries)}
(for [library-id (:libraries entry)]
(let [library-data (d/seek #(= library-id (:file-id %)) entries)
@ -328,6 +310,11 @@
:error error?)}
(defn initialize-state
(fn []
(mapv #(assoc % :status :analyze) entries)))
(mf/defc import-dialog
{::mf/register modal/components
::mf/register-as :import
@ -336,74 +323,66 @@
[{:keys [project-id entries template on-finish-import]}]
(mf/with-effect []
;; dispose uris when the component is umount
;; Revoke all uri's on commonent unmount
(fn [] (run! wapi/revoke-uri (map :uri entries))))
(let [entries* (mf/use-state
(fn [] (mapv #(assoc % :status :analyzing) entries)))
entries (deref entries*)
(let [state* (mf/use-state (initialize-state entries))
entries (deref state*)
status* (mf/use-state :analyzing)
status* (mf/use-state :analyze)
status (deref status*)
edition* (mf/use-state nil)
edition (deref edition*)
template-finished* (mf/use-state nil)
template-finished (deref template-finished*)
(fn []
(reset! status* :importing)
(reset! template-finished* true)
(st/emit! (dd/fetch-recent-files))))
(fn [cause]
(reset! status* :error)
(reset! template-finished* true)
(errors/print-error! cause)
(rx/of (modal/hide)
(ntf/error (tr "dashboard.libraries-and-templates.import-error")))))
(mf/deps entries)
(fn []
(let [entries (filterv has-status-ready? entries)]
(swap! status* (constantly :importing))
(swap! entries* mark-entries-importing)
(import-files! entries* project-id entries))))
(reset! status* :import-progress)
(import-files state* project-id entries))))
(mf/deps on-template-cloned-success
(fn []
(let [mdata {:on-success on-template-cloned-success
:on-error on-template-cloned-error}
params {:project-id project-id :template-id (:id template)}]
(swap! status* (constantly :importing))
(st/emit! (dd/clone-template (with-meta params mdata))))))
(fn [template]
(let [on-success
(fn [_event]
(reset! status* :import-success)
(st/emit! (dd/fetch-recent-files)))
(fn [cause]
(reset! status* :error)
(errors/print-error! cause)
(rx/of (modal/hide)
(ntf/error (tr "dashboard.libraries-and-templates.import-error"))))
{:project-id project-id
:template-id (:id template)}]
(reset! status* :import-progress)
(st/emit! (dd/clone-template
(with-meta params
{:on-success on-success
:on-error on-error}))))))
(fn [file-id _event]
(swap! edition* (constantly file-id))))
(reset! edition* file-id)))
(fn [file-id value]
(swap! edition* (constantly nil))
(swap! entries* update-entry-name file-id value)))
(swap! state* update-entry-name file-id value)))
(fn [file-id]
(swap! entries* remove-entry file-id)))
(swap! state* remove-entry file-id)))
@ -415,13 +394,12 @@
(mf/deps template
(mf/deps continue-template
(fn [event]
(dom/prevent-default event)
(if (some? template)
(continue-template template)
@ -433,41 +411,40 @@
(when (fn? on-finish-import)
entries (filterv (comp not :deleted) entries)
num-importing (+ (count (filterv has-status-importing? entries))
(if (some? template) 1 0))
(mf/with-memo [entries]
(filterv (complement :deleted) entries))
success-num (if (some? template)
(count (filterv has-status-success? entries)))
(if (some? template)
(count (filterv has-status-import-success? entries)))
errors? (if (some? template)
(= status :error)
(or (some has-status-error? entries)
(zero? (count entries))))
(if (some? template)
(= status :error)
(or (some has-status-error? entries)
(zero? (count entries))))
pending-analysis? (some has-status-analyzing? entries)
pending-import? (and (or (nil? template)
(not template-finished))
(pos? num-importing))
(some has-status-analyze? entries)]
valid-all-entries? (or (some? template)
(not (some has-status-analyze-error? entries)))
(mf/with-effect [entries]
(some? template)
(reset! status* :import-ready)
(and (= :importing status) pending-import?)
(and (seq entries)
(every? #(= :import-ready (:status %)) entries))
(reset! status* :import-ready)
(and (= :importing status) (not ^boolean pending-import?))
(and (seq entries)
(every? #(= :import-success (:status %)) entries))
(reset! status* :import-success)))
;; Run analyze operation on component mount
(mf/with-effect []
(let [sub (analyze-entries entries* entries)]
(let [sub (analyze-entries state* entries)]
(partial rx/dispose! sub)))
[:div {:class (stl/css :modal-overlay)}
@ -479,55 +456,51 @@
:on-click on-cancel} i/close]]
[:div {:class (stl/css :modal-content)}
(when (and (= :analyzing status) errors?)
(when (and (= :analyze status) errors?)
[:& context-notification
{:level :warning
:content (tr "dashboard.import.import-warning")}])
(when (and (= :importing status) (not ^boolean pending-import?))
[:& context-notification
{:level :warning
:content (tr "dashboard.import.import-warning")}]
[:& context-notification
{:level (if (zero? success-num) :warning :success)
:content (tr "dashboard.import.import-message" (i18n/c success-num))}]))
(when (= :import-success status)
[:& context-notification
{:level (if (zero? import-success-total) :warning :success)
:content (tr "dashboard.import.import-message" (i18n/c import-success-total))}])
(for [entry entries]
[:& import-entry {:edition edition
:key (dm/str (:uri entry))
:entry entry
:entries entries
:on-edit on-edit
:on-change on-entry-change
:on-delete on-entry-delete
:can-be-deleted (> (count entries) 1)}])
[:> import-entry* {:edition edition
:key (dm/str (:uri entry) "/" (:file-id entry))
:entry entry
:entries entries
:on-edit on-edit
:on-change on-entry-change
:on-delete on-entry-delete
:can-be-deleted (> (count entries) 1)}])
(when (some? template)
[:& import-entry {:entry (assoc template :status template-status)
:can-be-deleted false}])]
[:> import-entry* {:entry (assoc template :status status)
:can-be-deleted false}])]
;; (prn "import-dialog" status)
[:div {:class (stl/css :modal-footer)}
[:div {:class (stl/css :action-buttons)}
(when (= :analyzing status)
(when (= :analyze status)
[:input {:class (stl/css :cancel-button)
:type "button"
:value (tr "labels.cancel")
:on-click on-cancel}])
(when (and (= :analyzing status) (not errors?))
(when (= status :import-ready)
[:input {:class (stl/css :accept-btn)
:type "button"
:value (tr "labels.continue")
:disabled (or pending-analysis? (not valid-all-entries?))
:disabled pending-analysis?
:on-click on-continue}])
(when (and (= :importing status) (not errors?))
(when (or (= :import-success status)
(= :import-progress status))
[:input {:class (stl/css :accept-btn)
:type "button"
:value (tr "labels.accept")
:disabled (or pending-import? (not valid-all-entries?))
:disabled (= :import-progress status)
:on-click on-accept}])]]]]))

View file

@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
.file-entry {
.file-name {
@include flexRow;
margin-bottom: $s-8;
.file-icon {
@include flexCenter;
height: $s-24;

View file

@ -314,18 +314,16 @@
:stroke-dashoffset (- 280 pwidth)
:style {:transition "stroke-dashoffset 1s ease-in-out"}}]]])])]))
(def ^:const options [:all :merge :detach])
(mf/defc export-entry
{::mf/wrap-props false}
[{:keys [file]}]
[:div {:class (stl/css-case :file-entry true
:loading (:loading? file)
:loading (:loading file)
:success (:export-success? file)
:error (:export-error? file))}
[:div {:class (stl/css :file-name)}
(if (:loading? file)
(if (:loading file)
[:> loader* {:width 16
:title (tr "labels.loading")}]
[:span {:class (stl/css :file-icon)}
@ -340,7 +338,7 @@
(mapv #(cond-> %
(= file-id (:id %))
(assoc :export-error? true
:loading? false))
:loading false))
(defn- mark-file-success
@ -348,30 +346,38 @@
(mapv #(cond-> %
(= file-id (:id %))
(assoc :export-success? true
:loading? false))
:loading false))
(def export-types
[:all :merge :detach])
(defn- initialize-state
"Initialize export dialog state"
(let [files (mapv (fn [file] (assoc file :loading true)) files)]
{:status :prepare
:selected :all
:files files}))
(def default-export-types
(d/ordered-set :all :merge :detach))
(mf/defc export-dialog
{::mf/register modal/components
::mf/register-as :export
::mf/wrap-props false}
[{:keys [team-id files has-libraries? binary? features]}]
(let [state* (mf/use-state
#(let [files (mapv (fn [file] (assoc file :loading? true)) files)]
{:status :prepare
:selected :all
:files files}))
[{:keys [team-id files features format]}]
(let [state* (mf/use-state (partial initialize-state files))
has-libs? (some :has-libraries files)
state (deref state*)
selected (:selected state)
status (:status state)
;; We've deprecated the merge option on non-binary files because it wasn't working
;; and we're planning to remove this export in future releases.
export-types (if binary? export-types [:all :detach])
binary? (not= format :legacy-zip)
;; We've deprecated the merge option on non-binary files
;; because it wasn't working and we're planning to remove this
;; export in future releases.
export-types (if binary? default-export-types [:all :detach])
@ -379,10 +385,11 @@
(fn []
(swap! state* assoc :status :exporting)
(->> (uw/ask-many!
{:cmd (if binary? :export-binary-file :export-standard-file)
{:cmd :export-files
:format format
:team-id team-id
:features features
:export-type selected
:type selected
:files files})
(rx/mapcat #(->> (rx/of %)
(rx/delay 1000)))
@ -418,9 +425,9 @@
(swap! state* assoc :selected type))))]
(mf/with-effect [has-libraries?]
(mf/with-effect [has-libs?]
;; Start download automatically when no libraries
(when-not has-libraries?
(when-not has-libs?
[:div {:class (stl/css :modal-overlay)}
@ -443,13 +450,13 @@
:key (name type)}
[:label {:for (str "export-" type)
:class (stl/css-case :global/checked (= selected type))}
;; Execution time translation strings:
;; (tr "dashboard.export.options.all.message")
;; (tr "dashboard.export.options.all.title")
;; (tr "dashboard.export.options.detach.message")
;; (tr "dashboard.export.options.detach.title")
;; (tr "dashboard.export.options.merge.message")
;; (tr "dashboard.export.options.merge.title")
;; Execution time translation strings:
;; (tr "dashboard.export.options.all.message")
;; (tr "dashboard.export.options.all.title")
;; (tr "dashboard.export.options.detach.message")
;; (tr "dashboard.export.options.detach.title")
;; (tr "dashboard.export.options.merge.message")
;; (tr "dashboard.export.options.merge.title")
[:span {:class (stl/css-case :global/checked (= selected type))}
(when (= selected type)
@ -488,5 +495,5 @@
[:input {:class (stl/css :accept-btn)
:type "button"
:value (tr "labels.close")
:disabled (->> state :files (some :loading?))
:disabled (->> state :files (some :loading))
:on-click on-cancel}]]]])]]))

View file

@ -526,15 +526,17 @@
(mf/deps file)
(fn [event]
(let [target (dom/get-current-target event)
binary? (= (dom/get-data target "binary") "true")
evname (if binary?
format (-> (dom/get-data target "format")
evname (if (= format :legacy-zip)
(ptk/event ::ev/event {::ev/name evname
::ev/origin "workspace"
:format format
:num-files 1})
(dcm/export-files [file] binary?)))))
(dcm/export-files [file] format)))))
@ -587,15 +589,24 @@
[:> dropdown-menu-item* {:class (stl/css :submenu-item)
:on-click on-export-file
:on-key-down on-export-file-key-down
:data-binary true
:data-format "binfile-v1"
:id "file-menu-binary-file"}
[:span {:class (stl/css :item-name)}
(tr "dashboard.download-binary-file")]]
(when (contains? cf/flags :export-file-v3)
[:> dropdown-menu-item* {:class (stl/css :submenu-item)
:on-click on-export-file
:on-key-down on-export-file-key-down
:data-format "binfile-v3"
:id "file-menu-binary-file"}
[:span {:class (stl/css :item-name)}
(tr "dashboard.download-binary-file-v3")]])
[:> dropdown-menu-item* {:class (stl/css :submenu-item)
:on-click on-export-file
:on-key-down on-export-file-key-down
:data-binary false
:data-format "legacy-zip"
:id "file-menu-standard-file"}
[:span {:class (stl/css :item-name)}
(tr "dashboard.download-standard-file")]]

View file

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
[{:keys [component renaming listing-thumbs? selected
file-id on-asset-click on-context-menu on-drag-start do-rename
cancel-rename selected-full selected-paths local]}]
(let [item-ref (mf/use-ref)
dragging* (mf/use-state false)

View file

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.record :as crc]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.config :as cf]
[app.main.data.workspace :as dw]
[app.main.features :as features]
[app.main.store :as st]
@ -114,29 +115,33 @@
(page/page-proxy $plugin $id page-id))))
[self type export-type]
(let [export-type (or (parser/parse-keyword export-type) :all)]
[self format type]
(let [type (or (parser/parse-keyword type) :all)]
(not (contains? #{"penpot" "zip"} type))
(u/display-not-valid :export-type type)
(not (contains? #{"penpot" "zip"} format))
(u/display-not-valid :format type)
(not (contains? (set mue/export-types) export-type))
(u/display-not-valid :export-exportType export-type)
(not (contains? (set mue/default-export-types) type))
(u/display-not-valid :type type)
(let [export-cmd (if (= type "penpot") :export-binary-file :export-standard-file)
file (u/proxy->file self)
features (features/get-team-enabled-features @st/state)
team-id (:current-team-id @st/state)]
(let [file (u/proxy->file self)
features (features/get-team-enabled-features @st/state)
team-id (:current-team-id @st/state)
format (case format
"penpot" (if (contains? cf/flags :export-file-v3)
"zip" :legacy-zip)]
(fn [resolve reject]
(->> (uw/ask-many!
{:cmd export-cmd
{:cmd :export-files
:format format
:type type
:team-id team-id
:features features
:export-type export-type
:files [file]})
(rx/mapcat #(->> (rx/of %) (rx/delay 1000)))
(fn [msg]
(case (:type msg)
@ -147,9 +152,11 @@
(http/send! {:method :get :uri (:uri msg) :mode :no-cors :response-type :blob}))))
(rx/mapcat (fn [{:keys [body]}] (.arrayBuffer ^js body)))
(http/send! {:method :get
:uri (:uri msg)
:mode :no-cors
:response-type :buffer}))))
(rx/take 1)
(rx/map (fn [data] (js/Uint8Array. data)))
(rx/subs! resolve reject)))))))))

View file

@ -103,26 +103,31 @@
(when @abortable?
(.abort ^js controller)))))))
(defn response->map
{:status (.-status ^js response)
:uri (.-url ^js response)
:headers (parse-headers (.-headers ^js response))
:body (.-body ^js response)
::response response})
(defn process-response-type
[response-type response]
(let [native-response (::response response)
body (case response-type
:buffer (.arrayBuffer ^js native-response)
:json (.json ^js native-response)
:text (.text ^js native-response)
:blob (.blob ^js native-response))]
(->> (rx/from body)
(rx/map (fn [body]
(assoc response :body body))))))
(defn send!
[{:keys [response-type] :or {response-type :text} :as params}]
(letfn [(on-response [^js response]
(if (= :stream response-type)
(rx/of {:status (.-status response)
:headers (parse-headers (.-headers response))
:body (.-body response)
::response response})
(let [body (case response-type
:json (.json ^js response)
:text (.text ^js response)
:blob (.blob ^js response))]
(->> (rx/from body)
(rx/map (fn [body]
{::response response
:status (.-status ^js response)
:headers (parse-headers (.-headers ^js response))
:body body}))))))]
(->> (fetch params)
(rx/mapcat on-response))))
(->> (fetch params)
(rx/map response->map)
(rx/mapcat (partial process-response-type response-type))))
(defn form-data

View file

@ -33,16 +33,24 @@
(defn- process-file
[entry path type]
;; (js/console.log "zip:process-file" entry path type)
(nil? entry)
(p/rejected (str "File not found: " path))
(.-dir entry)
(.-dir ^js entry)
(p/resolved {:dir path})
(-> (.async entry type)
(p/then #(hash-map :path path :content %)))))
(->> (.async ^js entry type)
(p/fmap (fn [content]
;; (js/console.log "zip:process-file" 2 content)
{:path path
:content content})))))
(defn load
(rx/from (zip/loadAsync data)))
(defn get-file
"Gets a single file from the zip archive"

View file

@ -64,8 +64,9 @@
([] (reply-completed nil))
([msg] (post {:payload msg
:completed true})))]
(post {:payload msg
:completed true})))]
(let [result (impl/handler payload transfer)

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(ns app.worker.export
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.json :as json]
[app.common.media :as cm]
[app.common.text :as ct]
@ -396,46 +397,55 @@
(->> (uz/compress-files data)
(rx/map #(vector (get files file-id) %)))))))))
(defmethod impl/handler :export-binary-file
[{:keys [files export-type] :as message}]
(->> (rx/from files)
(fn [file]
(->> (rp/cmd! :export-binfile {:file-id (:id file)
:include-libraries (= export-type :all)
:embed-assets (= export-type :merge)})
(rx/map #(hash-map :type :finish
:file-id (:id file)
:filename (:name file)
:mtype "application/penpot"
:description "Penpot export (*.penpot)"
:uri (wapi/create-uri (wapi/create-blob %))))
(fn [err]
(rx/of {:type :error
:error (str err)
:file-id (:id file)}))))))))
(defmethod impl/handler :export-files
[{:keys [team-id files type format features] :as message}]
(or (= format :binfile-v1)
(= format :binfile-v3))
(->> (rx/from files)
(fn [file]
(->> (rp/cmd! :export-binfile {:file-id (:id file)
:version (if (= format :binfile-v3) 3 1)
:include-libraries (= type :all)
:embed-assets (= type :merge)})
(rx/map wapi/create-blob)
(rx/map wapi/create-uri)
(rx/map (fn [uri]
{:type :finish
:file-id (:id file)
:filename (:name file)
:mtype (if (= format :binfile-v3)
:uri uri}))
(fn [cause]
(rx/of (ex/raise :type :internal
:code :export-error
:hint "unexpected error on exporting file"
:file-id (:id file)
:cause cause))))))))
(defmethod impl/handler :export-standard-file
[{:keys [team-id files export-type features] :as message}]
(->> (rx/from files)
(fn [file]
(->> (export-file team-id (:id file) export-type features)
(fn [value]
(if (contains? value :type)
(let [[file export-blob] value]
{:type :finish
:file-id (:id file)
:filename (:name file)
:mtype "application/zip"
:description "Penpot export (*.zip)"
:uri (wapi/create-uri export-blob)}))))
(rx/catch (fn [err]
(js/console.error err)
(rx/of {:type :error
:error (str err)
:file-id (:id file)}))))))))
(= format :legacy-zip)
(->> (rx/from files)
(fn [file]
(->> (export-file team-id (:id file) type features)
(fn [value]
(if (contains? value :type)
(let [[file export-blob] value]
{:type :finish
:file-id (:id file)
:filename (:name file)
:mtype "application/zip"
:uri (wapi/create-uri export-blob)}))))
(fn [cause]
(rx/of (ex/raise :type :internal
:code :export-error
:hint "unexpected error on exporting file"
:file-id (:id file)
:cause cause))))))))))

View file

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
(ns app.worker.import
(:refer-clojure :exclude [resolve])
["jszip" :as zip]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.files.builder :as fb]
@ -16,7 +15,6 @@
[app.common.json :as json]
[app.common.logging :as log]
[app.common.media :as cm]
[app.common.pprint :as pp]
[app.common.schema :as sm]
[app.common.text :as ct]
[app.common.time :as tm]
@ -25,7 +23,6 @@
[app.util.http :as http]
[app.util.i18n :as i18n :refer [tr]]
[app.util.sse :as sse]
[app.util.webapi :as wapi]
[app.util.zip :as uz]
[app.worker.impl :as impl]
[app.worker.import.parser :as parser]
@ -64,7 +61,8 @@
(defn get-file
"Resolves the file inside the context given its id and the data"
"Resolves the file inside the context given its id and the
data. LEGACY"
([context type]
(get-file context type nil nil))
@ -105,6 +103,12 @@
(defn- read-zip-manifest
(->> (uz/get-file zipfile "manifest.json")
(rx/map :content)
(rx/map json/decode)))
(defn progress!
([context type]
(assert (keyword? type))
@ -123,14 +127,14 @@
([context type file current total]
(when (and context (contains? context :progress))
(let [msg {:type type
:file file
:current current
:total total}]
(log/debug :status :import-progress :message msg)
(let [progress {:type type
:file file
:current current
:total total}]
(log/debug :status :progress :progress progress)
(rx/push! (:progress context) {:file-id (:file-id context)
:status :import-progress
:message msg})))))
:status :progress
:progress progress})))))
(defn resolve-factory
"Creates a wrapper around the atom to remap ids to new ids and keep
@ -162,7 +166,7 @@
(rp/cmd! :create-temp-file
{:id file-id
:name (:name context)
:is-shared (:shared context)
:is-shared (:is-shared context)
:project-id (:project-id context)
:create-page false
@ -212,6 +216,15 @@
;; We use merge to keep some information not stored in back-end
(rx/map #(merge file %))))))
(defn slurp-uri
([uri] (slurp-uri uri :text))
([uri response-type]
(->> (http/send!
{:uri uri
:response-type response-type
:method :get})
(rx/map :body))))
(defn upload-media-files
"Upload a image to the backend and returns its id"
[context file-id name data-uri]
@ -312,8 +325,6 @@
(let [frame-id (:current-frame-id file)
frame (when (and (some? frame-id) (not= frame-id uuid/zero))
(fb/lookup-shape file frame-id))]
(js/console.log " translate-frame" (clj->js frame))
(if (some? frame)
(-> data
(d/update-when :x + (:x frame))
@ -716,7 +727,6 @@
(defn create-files
[{:keys [system-features] :as context} files]
(let [data (group-by :file-id files)]
(->> (rx/from files)
@ -738,68 +748,124 @@
"1 13 32 206" "application/octet-stream"
(defn- analyze-file-legacy-zip-entry
[features entry]
;; NOTE: LEGACY manifest reading mechanism, we can't
;; reuse the new read-zip-manifest funcion here
(->> (rx/from (uz/load (:body entry)))
(rx/merge-map #(get-file {:zip %} :manifest))
(fn [manifest]
;; Checks if the file is exported with
;; components v2 and the current team
;; only supports components v1
(let [has-file-v2?
(->> (:files manifest)
(d/seek (fn [[_ file]] (contains? (set (:features file)) "components/v2"))))]
(if (and has-file-v2? (not (contains? features "components/v2")))
(rx/of (-> entry
(assoc :error "dashboard.import.analyze-error.components-v2")
(dissoc :body)))
(->> (rx/from (:files manifest))
(rx/map (fn [[file-id data]]
(-> entry
(dissoc :body)
(merge data)
(dissoc :shared)
(assoc :is-shared (:shared data))
(assoc :file-id file-id)
(assoc :status :success)))))))))))
;; NOTE: this is a limited subset schema for the manifest file of
;; binfile-v3 format; is used for partially parse it and read the
;; files referenced inside the exported file
(def ^:private schema:manifest
[:map {:title "Manifest"}
[:type :string]
[:id ::sm/uuid]
[:name :string]]]]])
(def ^:private decode-manifest
(sm/decoder schema:manifest sm/json-transformer))
(defn analyze-file
[features {:keys [uri] :as file}]
(let [stream (->> (slurp-uri uri :buffer)
(fn [body]
(let [mtype (parse-mtype body)]
(if (= "application/zip" mtype)
(->> (uz/load body)
(rx/merge-map read-zip-manifest)
(fn [manifest]
(if (= (:type manifest) "penpot/export-files")
(let [manifest (decode-manifest manifest)]
(assoc file :type :binfile-v3 :files (:files manifest)))
(assoc file :type :legacy-zip :body body)))))
(rx/of (assoc file :type :binfile-v1))))))
(->> (rx/merge
(->> stream
(rx/filter (fn [entry] (= :legacy-zip (:type entry))))
(rx/merge-map (partial analyze-file-legacy-zip-entry features)))
(->> stream
(rx/filter (fn [entry] (= :binfile-v1 (:type entry))))
(rx/map (fn [entry]
(let [file-id (uuid/next)]
(-> entry
(assoc :file-id file-id)
(assoc :name (:name file))
(assoc :status :success))))))
(->> stream
(rx/filter (fn [entry] (= :binfile-v3 (:type entry))))
(rx/merge-map (fn [{:keys [files] :as entry}]
(->> (rx/from files)
(rx/map (fn [file]
(-> entry
(dissoc :files)
(assoc :name (:name file))
(assoc :file-id (:id file))
(assoc :status :success))))))))
(->> stream
(rx/filter (fn [data] (= "other" (:type data))))
(rx/map (fn [_]
{:uri (:uri file)
:error (tr "dashboard.import.analyze-error")}))))
(rx/catch (fn [cause]
(let [error (or (ex-message cause) (tr "dashboard.import.analyze-error"))]
(rx/of (assoc file :error error :status :error))))))))
(defmethod impl/handler :analyze-import
[{:keys [files features]}]
(->> (rx/from files)
(fn [file]
(let [st (->> (http/send!
{:uri (:uri file)
:response-type :blob
:method :get})
(rx/map :body)
(rx/mapcat wapi/read-file-as-array-buffer)
(rx/map (fn [data]
{:type (parse-mtype data)
:uri (:uri file)
:body data})))]
(->> (rx/merge
(->> st
(rx/filter (fn [data] (= "application/zip" (:type data))))
(rx/merge-map #(zip/loadAsync (:body %)))
(rx/merge-map #(get-file {:zip %} :manifest))
(fn [data]
;; Checks if the file is exported with components v2 and the current team only
;; supports components v1
(let [has-file-v2?
(->> (:files data)
(d/seek (fn [[_ file]] (contains? (set (:features file)) "components/v2"))))]
(if (and has-file-v2? (not (contains? features "components/v2")))
{:uri (:uri file) :error "dashboard.import.analyze-error.components-v2"}
(hash-map :uri (:uri file) :data data :type "application/zip"))))))
(->> st
(rx/filter (fn [data] (= "application/octet-stream" (:type data))))
(rx/map (fn [_]
(let [file-id (uuid/next)]
{:uri (:uri file)
:data {:name (:name file)
:file-id file-id
:files {file-id {:name (:name file)}}
:status :ready}
:type "application/octet-stream"}))))
(->> st
(rx/filter (fn [data] (= "other" (:type data))))
(rx/map (fn [_]
{:uri (:uri file)
:error (tr "dashboard.import.analyze-error")}))))
(rx/catch (fn [data]
(let [error (or (.-message data) (tr "dashboard.import.analyze-error"))]
(rx/of {:uri (:uri file) :error error}))))))))))
(rx/merge-map (partial analyze-file features))))
(defmethod impl/handler :import-files
[{:keys [project-id files features]}]
(let [context {:project-id project-id
:resolve (resolve-factory)
:system-features features}
(let [context {:project-id project-id
:resolve (resolve-factory)
:system-features features}
zip-files (filter #(= "application/zip" (:type %)) files)
binary-files (filter #(= "application/octet-stream" (:type %)) files)]
legacy-zip (filter #(= :legacy-zip (:type %)) files)
binfile-v1 (filter #(= :binfile-v1 (:type %)) files)
binfile-v3 (filter #(= :binfile-v3 (:type %)) files)]
(->> (create-files context zip-files)
;; NOTE: LEGACY, will be removed so no new development should be
;; done for this part
(->> (create-files context legacy-zip)
(fn [[file data]]
(->> (uz/load-from-url (:uri data))
@ -813,9 +879,12 @@
(->> file-stream
(fn [file]
{:status :import-finish
:errors (:errors file)
:file-id (:file-id data)})))))))
(if-let [errors (not-empty (:errors file))]
{:status :error
:error (first errors)
:file-id (:file-id data)}
{:status :finish
:file-id (:file-id data)}))))))))
(rx/catch (fn [cause]
(let [data (ex-data cause)]
(log/error :hint (ex-message cause)
@ -823,12 +892,11 @@
(when-let [explain (:explain data)]
(js/console.log explain)))
(rx/of {:status :import-error
(rx/of {:status :error
:file-id (:file-id data)
:error (ex-message cause)
:error-data (ex-data cause)})))))))
:error (ex-message cause)})))))))
(->> (rx/from binary-files)
(->> (rx/from binfile-v1)
(fn [data]
(->> (http/send!
@ -836,32 +904,74 @@
:response-type :blob
:method :get})
(rx/map :body)
(rx/mapcat (fn [file]
(fn [file]
(->> (rp/cmd! ::sse/import-binfile
{:name (str/replace (:name data) #".penpot$" "")
:file file
:project-id project-id})
(rx/tap (fn [event]
(let [payload (sse/get-payload event)
type (sse/get-type event)]
(if (= type "progress")
(log/dbg :hint "import-binfile: progress"
:section (:section payload)
:name (:name payload))
(log/dbg :hint "import-binfile: end")))))
(rx/filter sse/end-of-stream?)
(rx/map (fn [_]
{:status :finish
:file-id (:file-id data)})))))
(fn [cause]
(log/error :hint "unexpected error on import process"
:project-id project-id
:cause cause)
(rx/of {:status :error
:error (ex-message cause)
:file-id (:file-id data)})))))))
(->> (rx/from binfile-v3)
(rx/reduce (fn [result file]
(update result (:uri file) (fnil conj []) file))
(rx/mapcat identity)
(fn [[uri entries]]
(->> (slurp-uri uri :blob)
(rx/mapcat (fn [content]
;; FIXME: implement the naming and filtering
(->> (rp/cmd! ::sse/import-binfile
{:name (str/replace (:name data) #".penpot$" "")
:file file
{:name (-> entries first :name)
:file content
:version 3
:project-id project-id})
(rx/tap (fn [event]
(let [payload (sse/get-payload event)
type (sse/get-type event)]
(if (= type "progress")
(log/dbg :hint "import-binfile: progress" :section (:section payload) :name (:name payload))
(log/dbg :hint "import-binfile: progress"
:section (:section payload)
:name (:name payload))
(log/dbg :hint "import-binfile: end")))))
(rx/filter sse/end-of-stream?)
(rx/map (fn [_]
{:status :import-finish
:file-id (:file-id data)})))))
(rx/catch (fn [cause]
(log/error :hint "unexpected error on import process"
:project-id project-id
::log/sync? true)
(let [edata (if (map? cause) cause (ex-data cause))]
(println "Error data:")
(pp/pprint (dissoc edata :explain) {:level 3 :length 10})
(rx/mapcat (fn [_]
(->> (rx/from entries)
(rx/map (fn [entry]
{:status :finish
:file-id (:file-id entry)}))))))))
(when (string? (:explain edata))
(js/console.log (:explain edata)))
(fn [cause]
(log/error :hint "unexpected error on import process"
:project-id project-id
::log/sync? true
:cause cause)
(->> (rx/from entries)
(rx/map (fn [entry]
{:status :error
:error (ex-message cause)
:file-id (:file-id entry)}))))))))))))
(rx/of {:status :import-error
:file-id (:file-id data)})))))))))))

View file

@ -420,6 +420,9 @@ msgstr "Delete team"
msgid "dashboard.download-binary-file"
msgstr "Download Penpot file (.penpot)"
msgid "dashboard.download-binary-file-v3"
msgstr "Download Penpot file (.zip) (BETA)"
#: src/app/main/ui/dashboard/file_menu.cljs:300, src/app/main/ui/workspace/main_menu.cljs:597
msgid "dashboard.download-standard-file"
msgstr "Download standard file (.svg + .json)"
@ -485,6 +488,10 @@ msgstr "Once a project member creates a file, it will be displayed here."
msgid "dashboard.export-binary-multi"
msgstr "Download %s Penpot files (.penpot)"
#: src/app/main/ui/dashboard/file_menu.cljs:249
msgid "dashboard.export-binary-multi-v3"
msgstr "Download %s Penpot files (.zip) (BETA)"
#: src/app/main/ui/workspace/main_menu.cljs:605
msgid "dashboard.export-frames"
msgstr "Export boards as PDF"