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Technical Guide |

Technical Guide
Self-hosting Penpot
This section details everything you need to know to get Penpot up and running in your own machine.
In the Install with Elestio section, you can find how to open an Elestio account and create your Penpot instance.
In the Install with Docker section, you can find the official Docker installation guide.
In the Configuration section, you can find all the customization options you can set up after installing.
Or you can try other, not supported by Penpot, Unofficial options.
Integration with external apps
The Integration Guide explains how to connect Penpot with external apps, so they get notified when certain events occur and may create your own interconnections and collaboration features.
Developing Penpot
Also, if you are a developer, you can get into the code, to explore it, learn how it is made, or extend it and contribute with new functionality. For this, we have a different Docker installation. In the Developer Guide you can find how to setup a development environment and many other dev-oriented documentation.