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3.2. Data model

Penpot Data Model

This is the conceptual data model. The actual representations of those entities slightly differ, depending on the environment (frontend app, backend RPC calls or the SQL database, for example). But the concepts are always the same.

The diagrams use basic UML notation with PlantUML.

Users, teams and projects

@startuml TeamModel

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class Profile class Team class Project class File class StorageObject class CommentThread class Comment class ShareLink

Profile "" -right- "" Team Team --> "" Project Profile "" -- "" Project Project --> "" File Profile "" -- "" File File "" <-- "" File : libraries File --> "" StorageObject : media_objects File --> "" CommentThread : comment_threads CommentThread --> "" Comment File --> "" ShareLink : share_links


A Profile holds the personal info of any user of the system. Users belongs to Teams and may create Projects inside them.

Inside the projects, there are Files. All users of a team may see the projects and files inside the team. Also, any project and file has at least one user that is the owner, but may have more relationships with users with other roles.

Files may use other files as shared libraries.

The main content of the file is in the "file data" attribute (see next section). But there are some objects that reside in separate entities:

  • A StorageObject represents a file in an external storage, that is embedded into a file (currently images and SVG icons, but we may add other media types in the future).

  • CommentThreadsand Comments are the comments that any user may add to a file.

  • A ShareLink contains a token, an URL and some permissions to share the file with external users.

File data

@startuml FileModel

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class File class Page class Component class Color class MediaItem class Typography

File --> "" Page : pages (File, Page) .. PagesList

File --> "" Component : components (File, Component) .. ComponentsList

File --> "" Color : colors (File, Color) .. ColorsList

File --> "" MediaItem : colors (File, MediaItem) .. MediaItemsList

File --> "" Typography : colors (File, Typography) .. TypographiesList


The data attribute contains the Pages and the library assets in the file (Components, MediaItems, Colors and Typographies).

The lists of pages and assets are modelled also as entities because they have a lot of functions and business logic.

Pages and components

@startuml PageModel

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class Container class Page class Component class Shape

Container <|-left- Page Container <|-right- Component

Container --> "" Shape : objects (Container, Shape) .. ShapeTree

Shape <-- Shape : parent


Both Pages and Components contains a tree of shapes, and share many functions and logic. So, we have modelled a Container entity, that is an abstraction that represents both a page or a component, to use it whenever we have code that fits the two.

A ShapeTree represents a set of shapes that are hierarchically related: the top frame contains top-level shapes (frames and other shapes). Frames and groups may contain any non frame shape.


@startuml ShapeModel

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class Shape class Selrect class Transform class Constraints class Interactions class Fill class Stroke class Shadow class Blur class Font class Content class Exports

Shape o--> Selrect Shape o--> Transform Shape o--> Constraints Shape o--> Interactions Shape o--> Fill Shape o--> Stroke Shape o--> Shadow Shape o--> Blur Shape o--> Font Shape o--> Content Shape o--> Exports

Shape <-- Shape : parent


A Shape is the most important entity of the model. Represents one of the layers of our design, and it corresponds with one SVG node, augmented with Penpot special features.

We have code to render a Shape into a SVG tag, with more or less additions depending on the environment (editable in the workspace, interactive in the viewer, minimal in the shape exporter or the handoff, or with metadata in the file export).

Also have code that imports any SVG file and convert elements back into shapes. If it's a SVG exported by Penpot, it reads the metadata to reconstruct the shapes exactly as they were. If not, it infers the atributes with a best effort approach.

In addition to the identifier ones (the id, the name and the type of element), a shape has a lot of attributes. We tend to group them in related clusters. Those are the main ones:

  • Selrect and other geometric attributes (x, y, width, height...) define the position in the diagram and the bounding box.
  • Transform is a 2D transformation matrix to rotate or stretch the shape.
  • Constraints explains how the shape changes when the container shape resizes (kind of "responsive" behavior).
  • Interactions describe the interactive behavior when the shape is displayed in the viewer.
  • Fill contains the shape fill color and options.
  • Stroke contains the shape stroke color and options.
  • Shadow contains the shape shadow options.
  • Blur contains the shape blur options.
  • Font contains the font options for a shape of type text.
  • Content contains the text blocks for a shape of type text.
  • Exports are the defined export settings for the shape.

Also a shape contains a reference to its containing shape (parent) and of all the children.