mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 06:31:26 -05:00
♻️ Refactor srepl helpers
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 135 additions and 541 deletions
@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.srepl.fixes
"A collection of adhoc fixes scripts."
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.files.helpers :as cfh]
[app.common.files.validate :as cfv]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.common.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.types.container :as ctn]
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.db :as db]
[app.rpc.commands.files :as files]
[app.srepl.helpers :as h]
[app.util.blob :as blob]))
(defn validate-file
(let [libs (->> (files/get-file-libraries app.srepl.helpers/*conn* (:id file))
(cons file)
(map #(files/get-file app.srepl.helpers/*conn* (:id %) (:features file)))
(d/index-by :id))
update-page (fn [page]
(let [errors (cfv/validate-shape uuid/zero file page libs)]
(when (seq errors)
(println "******Errors in file " (:id file) " page " (:id page))
(pprint errors {:level 3}))))]
(update file :data h/update-pages update-page)))
(defn repair-orphaned-shapes
"There are some shapes whose parent has been deleted. This function
detects them and puts them as children of the root node."
(letfn [(is-orphan? [shape objects]
(and (some? (:parent-id shape))
(nil? (get objects (:parent-id shape)))))
(update-page [page]
(let [objects (:objects page)
orphans (into #{} (filter #(is-orphan? % objects)) (vals objects))]
(if (seq orphans)
(l/info :hint "found a file with orphans" :file-id (:id data) :broken-shapes (count orphans))
(-> page
(h/update-shapes (fn [shape]
(if (contains? orphans shape)
(assoc shape :parent-id uuid/zero)
(update-in [:objects uuid/zero :shapes] into (map :id) orphans)))
(h/update-pages data update-page)))
;; special arity for to be called from h/analyze-files to search for
;; files with possible issues
([file state]
(repair-orphaned-shapes (:data file))
(update state :total (fnil inc 0))))
(defn rename-layout-attrs
(let [found? (volatile! false)]
(letfn [(update-shape
(when (or (= (:layout-flex-dir shape) :reverse-row)
(= (:layout-flex-dir shape) :reverse-column)
(= (:layout-wrap-type shape) :no-wrap))
(vreset! found? true))
(cond-> shape
(= (:layout-flex-dir shape) :reverse-row)
(assoc :layout-flex-dir :row-reverse)
(= (:layout-flex-dir shape) :reverse-column)
(assoc :layout-flex-dir :column-reverse)
(= (:layout-wrap-type shape) :no-wrap)
(assoc :layout-wrap-type :nowrap)))
(h/update-shapes page update-shape))]
(let [new-file (update file :data h/update-pages update-page)]
(when @found?
(l/info :hint "Found attrs to rename in file"
:id (:id file)
:name (:name file)))
([file state]
(rename-layout-attrs file)
(update state :total (fnil inc 0))))
(defn fix-components-shaperefs
(if-not (contains? (:features file) "components/v2")
(println " This file is not v2")
(let [libs (->> (files/get-file-libraries app.srepl.helpers/*conn* (:id file))
(cons file)
(map #(files/get-file app.srepl.helpers/*conn* (:id %) (:features file)))
(d/index-by :id))
(fn fix-copy-item [allow-head shapes-copy shapes-base copy-id base-id]
(let [copy (first (filter #(= (:id %) copy-id) shapes-copy))
;; do nothing if it is a copy inside of a copy. It will be treated later
stop? (and (not allow-head) (ctk/instance-head? copy))
base (first (filter #(= (:id %) base-id) shapes-base))
fci (partial fix-copy-item false shapes-copy shapes-base)
updates (if (and
(not stop?)
(not= (:shape-ref copy) base-id))
[[(:id copy) base-id]]
child-updates (if (and
(not stop?)
;; If the base has the same number of childrens than the copy, we asume
;; that the shaperefs can be fixed ad pointed in the same order
(= (count (:shapes copy)) (count (:shapes base))))
(apply concat (map fci (:shapes copy) (:shapes base)))
(concat updates child-updates)))
(fn [objects updates copy]
(let [component (ctf/find-component libs (:component-id copy) {:include-deleted? true})
component-file (get libs (:component-file copy))
component-shapes (ctf/get-component-shapes (:data component-file) component)
copy-shapes (cfh/get-children-with-self objects (:id copy))
copy-updates (fix-copy-item true copy-shapes component-shapes (:id copy) (:main-instance-id component))]
(concat updates copy-updates)))
(fn [page]
(let [objects (:objects page)
fc (partial fix-copy objects)
copies (->> objects
(filter #(and (ctk/instance-head? %) (not (ctk/main-instance? %)))))
updates (reduce fc [] copies)
updated-page (reduce (fn [p [id shape-ref]]
(assoc-in p [:objects id :shape-ref] shape-ref))
(println "Page " (:name page) " - Fixing " (count updates))
(println "Updating " (:name file) (:id file))
(-> file
(update :data h/update-pages update-page)
(assoc ::updated true)))))
([file save?]
(let [file (-> file
(update :data blob/decode)
(when (and save? (::updated file))
(let [data (blob/encode (:data file))]
(db/update! h/*conn* :file
{:data data
;; :revn (:revn file)
{:id (:id file)})
(files/persist-pointers! h/*conn* (:id file)))))))
(defn fix-component-root
(let [update-shape (fn [page shape]
(let [parent (get (:objects page) (:parent-id shape))]
(if (and parent
(:component-root shape)
(:shape-ref parent))
(println " Shape " (:name shape) (:id shape))
(dissoc shape :component-root))
update-page (fn [page]
(println "Page " (:name page))
(h/update-shapes page (partial update-shape page)))]
(println "Updating " (:name file) (:id file))
(update file :data h/update-pages update-page)))
([file save?]
(let [file (-> file
(update :data blob/decode)
(when save?
(let [data (blob/encode (:data file))]
(db/update! h/*conn* :file
{:data data
;; :revn (:revn file)
{:id (:id file)})
(files/persist-pointers! h/*conn* (:id file)))))))
(defn update-near-components
(println "Updating " (:name file) (:id file))
(if-not (contains? (:features file) "components/v2")
(println " This file is not v2")
(let [libs (->> (files/get-file-libraries h/*conn* (:id file))
(cons file)
(map #(files/get-file h/*conn* (:id %) (:features file)))
(d/index-by :id))
(fn [page shape]
(if-not (:shape-ref shape)
;; Uncomment println's to debug
;; (println " -> Shape " (:name shape) (:id shape) " shape-ref " (:shape-ref shape))
(let [root-shape (ctn/get-copy-root (:objects page) shape)]
(if root-shape
(let [component (ctf/get-component libs (:component-file root-shape) (:component-id root-shape) {:include-deleted? true})
component-file (get libs (:component-file root-shape))
component-shapes (ctf/get-component-shapes (:data component-file) component)
ref-shape (d/seek #(= (:id %) (:shape-ref shape)) component-shapes)]
(if-not (and component component-file component-shapes)
;; (println " -> Shape " (:name shape) (:id shape) " shape-ref " (:shape-ref shape))
;; (when-not component (println " (component not found)"))
;; (when-not component-file (println " (component-file not found)"))
;; (when-not component-shapes (println " (component-shapes not found)"))
(if ref-shape
shape ; This means that the copy is not nested, or this script already was run
(let [near-shape (d/seek #(= (:shape-ref %) (:shape-ref shape)) component-shapes)]
(if near-shape
(println " -> Shape " (:name shape) (:id shape) " shape-ref " (:shape-ref shape))
(println " new ref-shape " (:id near-shape))
(assoc shape :shape-ref (:id near-shape)))
;; We assume in this case that this is a fostered sub instance, so we do nothing
;; (println " -> Shape " (:name shape) (:id shape) " shape-ref " (:shape-ref shape))
;; (println (near-shape not found)")
;; (println " -> Shape " (:name shape) (:id shape) " shape-ref " (:shape-ref shape))
;; (println " (root shape not found)")
(fn [page]
(println "Page " (:name page))
(h/update-shapes page (partial update-shape page)))]
(-> file
(update :data h/update-pages update-page)
(assoc ::updated true)))))
([file save?]
(let [file (-> file
(update :data blob/decode)
(when (and save? (::updated file))
(let [data (blob/encode (:data file))]
(db/update! h/*conn* :file
{:data data
;; :revn (:revn file)
{:id (:id file)})
(files/persist-pointers! h/*conn* (:id file)))))))
(defn fix-main-shape-name
(println "Updating " (:name file) (:id file))
(if-not (contains? (:features file) "components/v2")
(println " This file is not v2")
(let [libs (->> (files/get-file-libraries h/*conn* (:id file))
(cons file)
(map #(files/get-file h/*conn* (:id %) (:features file)))
(d/index-by :id))
(fn [shape]
(if-not (ctk/instance-head? shape)
(let [component (ctf/get-component libs (:component-file shape) (:component-id shape) {:include-deleted? true})
[_path name] (cfh/parse-path-name (:name shape))
full-name (cfh/clean-path (str (:path component) "/" (:name component)))]
(if (= name (:name component))
(assoc shape :name full-name)
(fn [page]
(println "Page " (:name page))
(h/update-shapes page update-shape))]
(-> file
(update :data h/update-pages update-page)
(assoc ::updated true)))))
([file save?]
(let [file (-> file
(update :data blob/decode)
(when (and save? (::updated file))
(let [data (blob/encode (:data file))]
(db/update! h/*conn* :file
{:data data
;; :revn (:revn file)
{:id (:id file)})
(files/persist-pointers! h/*conn* (:id file)))))))
(defn fix-touched
"For all copies, compare all synced attributes with the main, and set the touched attribute if needed."
(let [libraries (->> (files/get-file-libraries app.srepl.helpers/*conn* (:id file))
(map #(files/get-file app.srepl.helpers/*conn* (:id %) (:features file)))
(d/index-by :id))
update-shape (fn [page shape]
(if (ctk/in-component-copy? shape)
(let [ref-shape (ctf/find-ref-shape file
(:objects page)
:include-deleted? true)
(fn [shape [attr group]]
(if (nil? ref-shape)
(let [equal?
(if (= group :geometry-group)
(if (#{:width :height} attr)
(gsh/close-attrs? attr (get shape attr) (get ref-shape attr) 1)
(gsh/close-attrs? attr (get shape attr) (get ref-shape attr)))]
(when (and (not equal?) (not (cfh/touched-group? shape group)))
(println " -> set touched " (:name shape) (:id shape) attr group))
(cond-> shape
(and (not equal?) (not (cfh/touched-group? shape group)))
(update :touched cfh/set-touched-group group)))))
(fn [shape]
(let [matches? (fn [[child-id ref-child-id]]
(if child-id
(let [child (ctn/get-shape page child-id)]
(= (:shape-ref child) ref-child-id))
equal? (every? matches? (d/zip-all (:shapes shape) (:shapes ref-shape)))]
(when (and (not equal?) (not (cfh/touched-group? shape :shapes-group)))
(println " -> set touched " (:name shape) (:id shape) :shapes :shapes-group))
(cond-> shape
(and (not equal?) (not (cfh/touched-group? shape :shapes-group)))
(update :touched cfh/set-touched-group :shapes-group))))]
(as-> shape $
(reduce fix-touched-attr $ ctk/sync-attrs)
(fix-touched-children $)))
update-page (fn [page]
(println "Page " (:name page))
(h/update-shapes page (partial update-shape page)))]
(println "Updating " (:name file) (:id file))
(update file :data h/update-pages update-page)))
([file save?]
(let [file (-> file
(update :data blob/decode)
(when save?
(let [data (blob/encode (:data file))]
(db/update! h/*conn* :file
{:data data
:revn (inc (:revn file))}
{:id (:id file)})
(files/persist-pointers! h/*conn* (:id file)))))))
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
(:refer-clojure :exclude [parse-uuid])
[app.auth :refer [derive-password]]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.features :as cfeat]
@ -41,6 +40,7 @@
[promesa.exec.csp :as sp]))
(def ^:dynamic *conn* nil)
(def ^:dynamic *system* nil)
(defn println!
[& params]
@ -53,44 +53,22 @@
(d/parse-uuid v)))
(defn resolve-connectable
(if (db/connection? o)
(if (db/pool? o)
(or (::db/conn o)
(::db/pool o)))))
(defn reset-password!
"Reset a password to a specific one for a concrete user or all users
if email is `:all` keyword."
[system & {:keys [email password] :or {password "123123"} :as params}]
(us/verify! (contains? params :email) "`email` parameter is mandatory")
(db/with-atomic [conn (:app.db/pool system)]
(let [password (derive-password password)]
(if (= email :all)
(db/exec! conn ["update profile set password=?" password])
(let [email (str/lower email)]
(db/exec! conn ["update profile set password=? where email=?" password email]))))))
(defn reset-file-data!
"Hardcode replace of the data of one file."
[system id data]
(db/with-atomic [conn (:app.db/pool system)]
(db/update! conn :file
{:data data}
{:id id})))
(db/tx-run! system (fn [system]
(db/update! system :file
{:data data}
{:id id}))))
(defn get-file
"Get the migrated data of one file."
[system id]
(db/with-atomic [conn (:app.db/pool system)]
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial files/load-pointer conn id)]
(-> (db/get-by-id conn :file id)
(update :data blob/decode)
(update :data pmg/migrate-data)
(files/process-pointers deref)))))
(db/run! system
(fn [{:keys [::db/conn]}]
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial files/load-pointer conn id)]
(-> (files/get-file conn id)
(files/process-pointers deref))))))
(defn validate
"Validate structure, referencial integrity and semantic coherence of
@ -145,95 +123,99 @@
(defn update-file!
"Apply a function to the data of one file. Optionally save the changes or not.
The function receives the decoded and migrated file data."
[system & {:keys [update-fn id save? migrate? inc-revn?]
:or {save? false migrate? true inc-revn? true}}]
(db/with-atomic [conn (:app.db/pool system)]
(let [file (-> (db/get-by-id conn :file id {::db/for-update? true})
(update :features db/decode-pgarray #{}))]
(binding [*conn* conn
pmap/*tracked* (atom {})
pmap/*load-fn* (partial files/load-pointer conn id)
(if (contains? (:features file) "fdata/pointer-map") pmap/wrap identity)
(if (contains? (:features file) "fdata/objectd-map") omap/wrap identity)]
(let [file (-> file
(update :data blob/decode)
(cond-> migrate? (update :data pmg/migrate-data))
(cond-> inc-revn? (update :revn inc)))]
(when save?
(let [features (db/create-array conn "text" (:features file))
data (blob/encode (:data file))]
(db/update! conn :file
{:data data
:revn (:revn file)
:features features}
{:id id})
[system & {:keys [update-fn id rollback? migrate? inc-revn?]
:or {rollback? true migrate? true inc-revn? true}}]
(letfn [(process-file [conn {:keys [features] :as file}]
(binding [pmap/*tracked* (atom {})
pmap/*load-fn* (partial files/load-pointer conn id)
(if (contains? features "fdata/pointer-map") pmap/wrap identity)
(if (contains? features "fdata/objectd-map") omap/wrap identity)]
(let [file (cond-> (update-fn file)
inc-revn? (update :revn inc))
features (db/create-array conn "text" (:features file))
data (blob/encode (:data file))]
(db/update! conn :file
{:data data
:revn (:revn file)
:features features}
{:id id}))
(when (contains? (:features file) "fdata/pointer-map")
(files/persist-pointers! conn id))))
(files/persist-pointers! conn id))
(dissoc file :data))))))
(dissoc file :data)))]
(def ^:private sql:retrieve-files-chunk
"SELECT id, name, features, created_at, revn, data FROM file
WHERE created_at < ? AND deleted_at is NULL
ORDER BY created_at desc LIMIT ?")
(db/tx-run! system
(fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as system}]
(binding [*conn* conn *system* system]
(->> (files/get-file conn id :migrate? migrate?)
(process-file conn))
(when rollback?
(db/rollback! conn)))))))))
(defn analyze-files
"Apply a function to all files in the database, reading them in
batches. Do not change data.
The `on-file` parameter should be a function that receives the file
and the previous state and returns the new state."
and the previous state and returns the new state.
Emits rollback at the end of operation."
[system & {:keys [chunk-size max-items start-at on-file on-error on-end on-init with-libraries?]
:or {chunk-size 10 max-items Long/MAX_VALUE}}]
(letfn [(get-chunk [conn cursor]
(let [rows (db/exec! conn [sql:retrieve-files-chunk cursor chunk-size])]
[(some->> rows peek :created-at) (seq rows)]))
(let [sql (str "SELECT id, created_at FROM file "
" WHERE created_at < ? AND deleted_at is NULL "
" ORDER BY created_at desc LIMIT ?")
rows (db/exec! conn [sql cursor chunk-size])]
[(some->> rows peek :created-at) (map :id rows)]))
(get-candidates [conn]
(->> (d/iteration (partial get-chunk conn)
:vf second
:kf first
:initk (or start-at (dt/now)))
(take max-items)
(map #(-> %
(update :data blob/decode)
(update :features db/decode-pgarray #{})))))
(take max-items)))
(on-error* [cause file]
(println "unexpected exception happened on processing file: " (:id file))
(strace/print-stack-trace cause))]
(strace/print-stack-trace cause))
(when (fn? on-init) (on-init))
(process-file [conn file-id]
(let [file (binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial files/load-pointer conn file-id)]
(-> (files/get-file conn file-id)
(files/process-pointers deref)))
(db/with-atomic [conn (:app.db/pool system)]
(doseq [file (get-candidates conn)]
(binding [*conn* conn
pmap/*tracked* (atom {})
pmap/*load-fn* (partial files/load-pointer conn (:id file))
(if (contains? (:features file) "fdata/pointer-map") pmap/wrap identity)
(if (contains? (:features file) "fdata/objects-map") omap/wrap identity)]
(let [libraries (when with-libraries?
(->> (files/get-file-libraries conn (:id file))
(into [file] (map (fn [{:keys [id]}]
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial files/load-pointer conn id)]
(-> (files-update/get-file conn id)
(update :data blob/decode)
(files/process-pointers deref)))))) ; ensure all pointers resolved
(d/index-by :id)))]
(if with-libraries?
(on-file file libraries)
(on-file file))
(catch Throwable cause
((or on-error on-error*) cause file)))))))
libs (when with-libraries?
(->> (files/get-file-libraries conn file-id)
(into [file] (map (fn [{:keys [id]}]
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial files/load-pointer conn id)]
(-> (files/get-file conn id)
(files/process-pointers deref))))))
(d/index-by :id)))]
(if with-libraries?
(on-file file libs)
(on-file file))
(catch Throwable cause
((or on-error on-error*) cause file)))))]
(when (fn? on-end) (on-end))))
(db/tx-run! system
(fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as system}]
(binding [*conn* conn *system* system]
(when (fn? on-init) (on-init))
(run! (partial process-file conn) (get-candidates conn)))
(when (fn? on-end)
(ex/ignoring (on-end)))
(db/rollback! conn)))))))
(defn process-files!
"Apply a function to all files in the database, reading them in
@ -246,15 +228,18 @@
:or {chunk-size 10
max-items Long/MAX_VALUE
workers 1}}]
workers 1
rollback? true}}]
(letfn [(get-chunk [conn cursor]
(let [rows (db/exec! conn [sql:retrieve-files-chunk cursor chunk-size])]
[(some->> rows peek :created-at)
(map #(update % :features db/decode-pgarray #{}) rows)]))
(let [sql (str "SELECT id, created_at FROM file "
" WHERE created_at < ? AND deleted_at is NULL "
" ORDER BY created_at desc LIMIT ?")
rows (db/exec! conn [sql cursor chunk-size])]
[(some->> rows peek :created-at) (map :id rows)]))
(get-candidates [conn]
(->> (d/iteration (partial get-chunk conn)
@ -267,38 +252,43 @@
(println! "unexpected exception happened on processing file: " (:id file))
(strace/print-stack-trace cause))
(process-file [conn file]
(process-file [conn file-id]
(binding [*conn* conn
pmap/*tracked* (atom {})
pmap/*load-fn* (partial files/load-pointer conn (:id file))
(if (contains? (:features file) "fdata/pointer-map") pmap/wrap identity)
(if (contains? (:features file) "fdata/objectd-map") omap/wrap identity)]
(on-file file))
(let [{:keys [features] :as file} (files/get-file conn file-id)]
(binding [pmap/*tracked* (atom {})
pmap/*load-fn* (partial files/load-pointer conn file-id)
(if (contains? features "fdata/pointer-map") pmap/wrap identity)
(if (contains? features "fdata/objectd-map") omap/wrap identity)]
(on-file file)
(when (contains? features "fdata/pointer-map")
(files/persist-pointers! conn file-id))))
(catch Throwable cause
((or on-error on-error*) cause file))))
((or on-error on-error*) cause file-id))))
(run-worker [in index]
(db/with-atomic [conn pool]
(loop [i 0]
(when-let [file (sp/take! in)]
(println! "=> worker: index:" index "| loop:" i "| file:" (:id file) "|" (px/get-name))
(process-file conn file)
(recur (inc i))))))
(db/tx-run! system
(fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as system}]
(binding [*conn* conn *system* system]
(loop [i 0]
(when-let [file-id (sp/take! in)]
(println! "=> worker: index:" index "| loop:" i "| file:" (str file-id) "|" (px/get-name))
(process-file conn file-id)
(recur (inc i)))))
(when rollback?
(db/rollback! conn)))))
(run-producer [input]
(db/with-atomic [conn pool]
(doseq [file (get-candidates conn)]
(println! "=> producer:" (:id file) "|" (px/get-name))
(sp/put! input file))
(sp/close! input)))
(start-worker [input index]
{:name (str "penpot/srepl/worker/" index)}
(run-worker input index)))]
(doseq [file-id (get-candidates conn)]
(println! "=> producer:" file-id "|" (px/get-name))
(sp/put! input file-id))
(sp/close! input)))]
(when (fn? on-init) (on-init))
@ -307,19 +297,12 @@
{:name "penpot/srepl/producer"}
(run-producer input))
threads (->> (range workers)
(map (partial start-worker input))
(map (fn [index]
{:name (str "penpot/srepl/worker/" index)}
(run-worker input index))))
(cons producer)
(run! p/await! threads)
(when (fn? on-end) (on-end)))))
(defn update-pages
"Apply a function to all pages of one file. The function receives a page and returns an updated page."
[data f]
(update data :pages-index update-vals f))
(defn update-shapes
"Apply a function to all shapes of one page The function receives a shape and returns an updated shape"
[page f]
(update page :objects update-vals f))
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
"A collection of adhoc fixes scripts."
[app.auth :refer [derive-password]]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.features :as cfeat]
@ -18,12 +19,12 @@
[app.config :as cf]
[app.db :as db]
[app.features.fdata :as features.fdata]
[app.main :as main]
[app.msgbus :as mbus]
[app.rpc.commands.auth :as auth]
[app.rpc.commands.files-snapshot :as fsnap]
[app.rpc.commands.profile :as profile]
[app.srepl.cli :as cli]
[app.srepl.fixes :as f]
[app.srepl.helpers :as h]
[app.storage :as sto]
[app.util.blob :as blob]
@ -112,6 +113,18 @@
(db/delete! conn :http-session {:profile-id (:id profile)})
(defn reset-password!
"Reset a password to a specific one for a concrete user or all users
if email is `:all` keyword."
[system & {:keys [email password] :or {password "123123"} :as params}]
(us/verify! (contains? params :email) "`email` parameter is mandatory")
(db/with-atomic [conn (:app.db/pool system)]
(let [password (derive-password password)]
(if (= email :all)
(db/exec! conn ["update profile set password=?" password])
(let [email (str/lower email)]
(db/exec! conn ["update profile set password=? where email=?" password email]))))))
(defn enable-objects-map-feature-on-file!
[system & {:keys [save? id]}]
(h/update-file! system
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