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🐛 Fix incorrect feature handling on absorb-library! fn

Used in shared flag assignation and library deletion
This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2023-11-30 13:15:50 +01:00 committed by Andrés Moya
parent 0a77bae8a7
commit 76a6f077a6
12 changed files with 194 additions and 116 deletions

View file

@ -635,7 +635,7 @@
(pu/with-open [input (zstd-input-stream input)
input (io/data-input-stream input)]
(binding [*state* (volatile! {:media [] :index {}})]
(let [team (teams/get-team options
(let [team (teams/get-team conn
:profile-id profile-id
:project-id project-id)

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
[app.common.features :as cfeat]
[app.common.files.helpers :as cfh]
[app.common.files.migrations :as fmg]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.common.schema :as sm]
[app.common.schema.desc-js-like :as-alias smdj]
[app.common.spec :as us]
@ -186,9 +187,14 @@
(defn load-pointer
[conn file-id id]
"expected valid connection"
(db/connection? conn))
(let [{:keys [content]} (db/get conn :file-data-fragment
{:id id :file-id file-id}
{:columns [:content]
{::db/columns [:content]
::db/check-deleted? false})]
(when-not content
(ex/raise :type :internal
@ -199,16 +205,6 @@
(blob/decode content)))
(defn- load-all-pointers!
[{:keys [data] :as file}]
(doseq [[_id page] (:pages-index data)]
(when (pmap/pointer-map? page)
(pmap/load! page)))
(doseq [[_id component] (:components data)]
(when (pmap/pointer-map? component)
(pmap/load! component)))
(defn persist-pointers!
[conn file-id]
(doseq [[id item] @pmap/*tracked*]
@ -282,24 +278,30 @@
[:project-id {:optional true} ::sm/uuid]]))
(defn get-file
([conn id] (get-file conn id nil))
([conn id project-id]
[conn id & {:keys [project-id migrate?
:or {include-deleted? false
lock-for-update? false}}]
"expected raw connection"
(db/connection? conn))
"expected raw connection"
(db/connection? conn))
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial load-pointer conn id)
pmap/*tracked* (pmap/create-tracked)
cfeat/*new* (atom #{})]
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial load-pointer conn id)
pmap/*tracked* (atom {})
cfeat/*new* (atom #{})]
(let [params (merge {:id id}
(when (some? project-id)
{:project-id project-id}))
(let [params (merge {:id id}
(when (some? project-id)
{:project-id project-id}))
file (-> (db/get conn :file params)
file (-> (db/get conn :file params
{::db/check-deleted? (not include-deleted?)
::db/remove-deleted? (not include-deleted?)
::db/for-update? lock-for-update?})
(cond-> migrate?
;; NOTE: when file is migrated, we break the rule of no perform
;; mutations on get operations and update the file with all
@ -317,7 +319,7 @@
{:id id})
(persist-pointers! conn id)
(assoc file :features features))
(defn get-minimal-file
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} id]
@ -338,12 +340,12 @@
(db/tx-run! cfg (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
(let [perms (get-permissions conn profile-id id)]
(check-read-permissions! perms)
(let [team (teams/get-team cfg
(let [team (teams/get-team conn
:profile-id profile-id
:project-id project-id
:file-id id)
file (-> (get-file conn id project-id)
file (-> (get-file conn id :project-id project-id)
(assoc :permissions perms)
@ -502,7 +504,7 @@
:code :params-validation
:hint "page-id is required when object-id is provided"))
(let [team (teams/get-team cfg
(let [team (teams/get-team conn
:profile-id profile-id
:file-id file-id)
@ -582,12 +584,10 @@
(library-summary [{:keys [id data] :as file}]
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial load-pointer conn id)]
(let [load-objects (fn [component]
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial load-pointer conn id)]
(ctf/load-component-objects data component)))
(let [load-objects (fn [component]
(ctf/load-component-objects data component))
components-sample (-> (assets-sample (ctkl/components data) 4)
(update :sample
#(map load-objects %)))]
(update :sample #(mapv load-objects %)))]
{:components components-sample
:media (assets-sample (:media data) 3)
:colors (assets-sample (:colors data) 3)
@ -752,12 +752,12 @@
(db/tx-run! cfg
(fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
(check-read-permissions! conn profile-id id)
(let [team (teams/get-team cfg
(let [team (teams/get-team conn
:profile-id profile-id
:project-id project-id
:file-id id)
file (get-file conn id project-id)]
file (get-file conn id :project-id project-id)]
(-> (cfeat/get-team-enabled-features cf/flags team)
(cfeat/check-client-features! (:features params))
@ -818,16 +818,6 @@
;; --- MUTATION COMMAND: set-file-shared
(defn- unlink-files!
[conn {:keys [id]}]
(db/delete! conn :file-library-rel {:library-file-id id}))
(defn- set-file-shared!
[conn {:keys [id is-shared] :as params}]
(db/update! conn :file
{:is-shared is-shared}
{:id id}))
(def sql:get-referenced-files
"SELECT f.id
FROM file_library_rel AS flr
@ -836,46 +826,97 @@
AND (f.deleted_at IS NULL OR f.deleted_at > now())
ORDER BY f.created_at ASC;")
(defn- absorb-library-by-file!
[conn ldata file-id]
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial load-pointer conn file-id)
pmap/*tracked* (pmap/create-tracked)]
(let [file (-> (get-file conn file-id
:include-deleted? true
:lock-for-update? true)
(update :data ctf/absorb-assets ldata))]
(l/trc :hint "library absorbed"
:library-id (str (:id ldata))
:file-id (str file-id))
(db/update! conn :file
{:revn (inc (:revn file))
:data (blob/encode (:data file))
:modified-at (dt/now)}
{:id file-id})
(persist-pointers! conn file-id))))
(defn- absorb-library!
"Find all files using a shared library, and absorb all library assets
into the file local libraries"
[conn {:keys [id] :as library}]
(let [ldata (binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial load-pointer conn id)]
(-> library decode-row (process-pointers deref) fmg/migrate-file :data))
rows (db/exec! conn [sql:get-referenced-files id])]
(doseq [file-id (map :id rows)]
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial load-pointer conn file-id)
pmap/*tracked* (atom {})]
(let [file (-> (db/get-by-id conn :file file-id
::db/check-deleted? false
::db/remove-deleted? false)
data (ctf/absorb-assets (:data file) ldata)]
(db/update! conn :file
{:revn (inc (:revn file))
:data (blob/encode data)
:modified-at (dt/now)}
{:id file-id})
(persist-pointers! conn file-id))))))
(-> library (process-pointers deref) :data))
ids (->> (db/exec! conn [sql:get-referenced-files id])
(map :id))]
(def ^:private schema:set-file-shared
[:map {:title "set-file-shared"}
[:id ::sm/uuid]
[:is-shared :boolean]])
(l/trc :hint "absorbing library"
:library-id (str id)
:files (str/join "," (map str ids)))
(run! (partial absorb-library-by-file! conn ldata) ids)))
(def ^:private
[:map {:title "set-file-shared"}
[:id ::sm/uuid]
[:is-shared :boolean]]))
(sv/defmethod ::set-file-shared
{::doc/added "1.17"
::webhooks/event? true
::sm/params schema:set-file-shared}
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id id is-shared] :as params}]
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id id] :as params}]
(db/with-atomic [conn pool]
(check-edition-permissions! conn profile-id id)
(let [file (set-file-shared! conn params)]
(when-not is-shared
(absorb-library! conn file)
(unlink-files! conn file))
(let [file (db/get-by-id conn id {:columns [:id :name :is-shared]})
file (cond
(and (true? (:is-shared file))
(false? (:is-shared params)))
;; When we disable shared flag on an already shared
;; file, we need to perform more complex operation,
;; so in this case we retrieve the complete file and
;; perform all required validations.
(let [file (-> (get-file conn id :lock-for-update? true)
(assoc :is-shared false))
team (teams/get-team conn
:profile-id profile-id
:project-id (:project-id file))]
(-> (cfeat/get-team-enabled-features cf/flags team)
(cfeat/check-client-features! (:features params))
(cfeat/check-file-features! (:features file)))
(absorb-library! conn file)
(db/delete! conn :file-library-rel {:library-file-id id})
(db/update! conn :file
{:is-shared false}
{:id id})
(and (false? (:is-shared file))
(true? (:is-shared params)))
(let [file (assoc file :is-shared true)]
(db/update! conn :file
{:is-shared false}
{:id id})
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :invalid-shared-state
:hint "unexpected state found"
:params-is-shared (:is-shared params)
:file-is-shared (:is-shared file)))]
(select-keys file [:id :name :is-shared])
@ -886,14 +927,17 @@
;; --- MUTATION COMMAND: delete-file
(defn- mark-file-deleted!
[conn {:keys [id]}]
[conn file-id]
(db/update! conn :file
{:deleted-at (dt/now)}
{:id id}))
{:id file-id}
{::db/columns [:id :name :is-shared :project-id :created-at :modified-at]}))
(def ^:private schema:delete-file
[:map {:title "delete-file"}
[:id ::sm/uuid]])
(def ^:private
[:map {:title "delete-file"}
[:id ::sm/uuid]]))
(sv/defmethod ::delete-file
{::doc/added "1.17"
@ -902,9 +946,28 @@
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as cfg} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id id] :as params}]
(db/with-atomic [conn pool]
(check-edition-permissions! conn profile-id id)
(let [file (mark-file-deleted! conn params)]
(let [file (mark-file-deleted! conn id)]
;; NOTE: when a file is a shared library, then we proceed to load
;; the whole file, proceed with feature checking and properly execute
;; the absorb-library procedure
(when (:is-shared file)
(absorb-library! conn file))
(let [file (-> (get-file conn id
:lock-for-update? true
:include-deleted? true)
team (teams/get-team conn
:profile-id profile-id
:project-id (:project-id file))]
(-> (cfeat/get-team-enabled-features cf/flags team)
(cfeat/check-client-features! (:features params))
(cfeat/check-file-features! (:features file)))
(absorb-library! conn file)))
(rph/with-meta (rph/wrap)
{::audit/props {:project-id (:project-id file)
@ -923,10 +986,12 @@
[conn {:keys [file-id library-id] :as params}]
(db/exec-one! conn [sql:link-file-to-library file-id library-id]))
(def ^:private schema:link-file-to-library
[:map {:title "link-file-to-library"}
[:file-id ::sm/uuid]
[:library-id ::sm/uuid]])
(def ^:private
[:map {:title "link-file-to-library"}
[:file-id ::sm/uuid]
[:library-id ::sm/uuid]]))
(sv/defmethod ::link-file-to-library
{::doc/added "1.17"

View file

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
(db/tx-run! cfg
(fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
(projects/check-edition-permissions! conn profile-id project-id)
(let [team (teams/get-team cfg
(let [team (teams/get-team conn
:profile-id profile-id
:project-id project-id)
team-id (:id team)

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
[cfg {:keys [::rpc/profile-id project-id] :as params}]
(db/tx-run! cfg (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
(projects/check-edition-permissions! conn profile-id project-id)
(let [team (teams/get-team cfg
(let [team (teams/get-team conn
:profile-id profile-id
:project-id project-id)

View file

@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
(db/run! cfg (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as cfg}]
(files/check-read-permissions! conn profile-id file-id)
(let [team (teams/get-team cfg
(let [team (teams/get-team conn
:profile-id profile-id
:file-id file-id)

View file

@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
(db/xact-lock! conn id)
(let [file (get-file conn id)
team (teams/get-team cfg
team (teams/get-team conn
:profile-id profile-id
:team-id (:team-id file))
@ -304,9 +304,9 @@
(not skip-validate))
(->> (files/get-file-libraries conn (:id file))
(into [file] (map (fn [{:keys [id]}]
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial files/load-pointer conn id)]
(-> (db/get conn :file {:id id})
(binding [pmap/*load-fn* (partial files/load-pointer conn id)
pmap/*tracked* nil]
(-> (files/get-file conn id :migrate? false)
(files/process-pointers deref) ; ensure all pointers resolved
(d/index-by :id)))]

View file

@ -317,8 +317,8 @@
(proj/check-edition-permissions! conn profile-id project-id))
;; Check the team compatibility
(let [orig-team (teams/get-team cfg :profile-id profile-id :project-id (first source))
dest-team (teams/get-team cfg :profile-id profile-id :project-id project-id)]
(let [orig-team (teams/get-team conn :profile-id profile-id :project-id (first source))
dest-team (teams/get-team conn :profile-id profile-id :project-id project-id)]
(cfeat/check-teams-compatibility! orig-team dest-team))
;; move all files to the project
@ -374,8 +374,8 @@
(teams/check-edition-permissions! conn profile-id team-id)
;; Check the teams compatibility
(let [orig-team (teams/get-team cfg :profile-id profile-id :team-id (:team-id project))
dest-team (teams/get-team cfg :profile-id profile-id :team-id team-id)]
(let [orig-team (teams/get-team conn :profile-id profile-id :team-id (:team-id project))
dest-team (teams/get-team conn :profile-id profile-id :team-id team-id)]
(cfeat/check-teams-compatibility! orig-team dest-team))
;; move project to the destination team

View file

@ -149,11 +149,17 @@
(sv/defmethod ::get-team
{::doc/added "1.17"
::sm/params schema:get-team}
[cfg {:keys [::rpc/profile-id id file-id]}]
(db/tx-run! cfg #(get-team % :profile-id profile-id :team-id id :file-id file-id)))
[{:keys [::db/pool]} {:keys [::rpc/profile-id id file-id]}]
(get-team pool :profile-id profile-id :team-id id :file-id file-id))
(defn get-team
[conn & {:keys [profile-id team-id project-id file-id] :as params}]
"connection or pool is mandatory"
(or (db/connection? conn)
(db/pool? conn)))
"profile-id is mandatory"
(uuid? profile-id))
@ -655,7 +661,7 @@
(defn update-team-photo
[{:keys [::db/pool ::sto/storage] :as cfg} {:keys [profile-id team-id] :as params}]
(let [team (get-team cfg :profile-id profile-id :team-id team-id)
(let [team (get-team pool :profile-id profile-id :team-id team-id)
photo (profile/upload-photo cfg params)]
(db/with-atomic [conn pool]

View file

@ -86,19 +86,20 @@
::doc/added "1.17"
::sm/params schema:get-view-only-bundle}
[system {:keys [::rpc/profile-id file-id share-id] :as params}]
(db/run! system (fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as system}]
(let [perms (files/get-permissions conn profile-id file-id share-id)
params (-> params
(assoc ::perms perms)
(assoc :profile-id profile-id))]
(db/run! system
(fn [{:keys [::db/conn] :as system}]
(let [perms (files/get-permissions conn profile-id file-id share-id)
params (-> params
(assoc ::perms perms)
(assoc :profile-id profile-id))]
;; When we have neither profile nor share, we just return a not
;; found response to the user.
(when-not perms
(ex/raise :type :not-found
:code :object-not-found
:hint "object not found"))
;; When we have neither profile nor share, we just return a not
;; found response to the user.
(when-not perms
(ex/raise :type :not-found
:code :object-not-found
:hint "object not found"))
(get-view-only-bundle system params)))))
(get-view-only-bundle system params)))))

View file

@ -60,6 +60,10 @@
(declare create)
(defn create-tracked
(atom {}))
(defprotocol IPointerMap
(get-id [_])
(load! [_])

View file

@ -252,9 +252,10 @@
(defn mark-file-deleted*
([params] (mark-file-deleted* *system* params))
(mark-file-deleted* *system* params))
([conn {:keys [id] :as params}]
(#'files/mark-file-deleted! conn {:id id})))
(#'files/mark-file-deleted! conn id)))
(defn create-team*
([i params] (create-team* *system* i params))

View file

@ -51,8 +51,9 @@
(defn migrated?
[{:keys [data] :as file}]
(or (::migrated file)
(> (:version data)
(::orig-version file))))
(let [version (:version data)]
(> version
(::orig-version file version)))))
;; Default handler, noop
(defmethod migrate :default [data] data)