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🐛 Remove leaks of selrect attrs in the root shape object.

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2020-06-09 15:16:32 +02:00
parent fd91a7b1f4
commit 4bdaab637c
4 changed files with 39 additions and 62 deletions

View file

@ -48,11 +48,7 @@
(update :y inc-y))))]
(-> shape
(update :x inc-x)
(update :x1 inc-x)
(update :x2 inc-x)
(update :y inc-y)
(update :y1 inc-y)
(update :y2 inc-y)
(update-in [:selrect :x] inc-x)
(update-in [:selrect :x1] inc-x)
(update-in [:selrect :x2] inc-x)
@ -197,11 +193,10 @@
(us/assert number? width)
(us/assert number? height)
(-> shape
(assoc :width width
:height height
:x2 (+ (:x1 shape) width)
:y2 (+ (:y1 shape) height))
(update :selrect (nilf #(resize % width height)))))
(assoc :width width :height height)
(update :selrect (fn [shape]
(assoc :x2 (+ (:x1 shape) width)
:y2 (+ (:y1 shape) height))))))
;; --- Setup (Initialize)
@ -247,30 +242,16 @@
(declare group->rect-shape)
(declare rect->rect-shape)
;; TODO: completly remove
(defn shape->rect-shape
"Coerce shape to rect like shape."
[{:keys [type] :as shape}]
(case type
(:curve :path) (path->rect-shape shape)
(rect->rect-shape shape)))
(defn shapes->rect-shape
(let [shapes (mapv shape->rect-shape shapes)
minx (transduce (map :x1) min ##Inf shapes)
miny (transduce (map :y1) min ##Inf shapes)
maxx (transduce (map :x2) max ##-Inf shapes)
maxy (transduce (map :y2) max ##-Inf shapes)]
{:x1 minx
:y1 miny
:x2 maxx
:y2 maxy
:x minx
:y miny
:width (- maxx minx)
:height (- maxy miny)
:type :rect}))
;; -- Points
(declare transform-shape-point)
@ -603,10 +584,10 @@
(defn pad-selrec
([selrect] (pad-selrec selrect 1))
([selrec size]
([selrect size]
(let [inc #(+ % size)
dec #(- % size)]
(-> selrec
(-> selrect
(update :x dec)
(update :y dec)
(update :x1 dec)
@ -728,10 +709,6 @@
(-> rect-shape
(update :x check)
(update :y check)
(update :x1 check)
(update :y1 check)
(update :x2 check)
(update :y2 check)
(update :width (comp to-positive check))
(update :height (comp to-positive check)))))

View file

@ -67,14 +67,13 @@
(letfn [(resize-shape [{:keys [x y width height] :as shape} point lock? point-snap]
(let [;; The new shape behaves like a resize on the bottom-right corner
initial (gpt/point (+ x width) (+ y height))
shape' (geom/shape->rect-shape shape)
shapev (gpt/point (:width shape') (:height shape'))
deltav (gpt/to-vec initial point-snap)
scalev (gpt/divide (gpt/add shapev deltav) shapev)
scalev (if lock?
(let [v (max (:x scalev) (:y scalev))]
(gpt/point v v))
shapev (gpt/point width height)
deltav (gpt/to-vec initial point-snap)
scalev (gpt/divide (gpt/add shapev deltav) shapev)
scalev (if lock?
(let [v (max (:x scalev) (:y scalev))]
(gpt/point v v))
(-> shape
(assoc-in [:modifiers :resize-vector] scalev)
(assoc-in [:modifiers :resize-origin] (gpt/point x y))
@ -87,45 +86,46 @@
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [{:keys [flags]} (:workspace-local state)
stoper? #(or (ms/mouse-up? %) (= % :interrupt))
stoper (rx/filter stoper? stream)
stoper (rx/filter stoper? stream)
initial @ms/mouse-position
page-id (get state :current-page-id)
objects (get-in state [:workspace-data page-id :objects])
layout (get state :workspace-layout)
layout (get state :workspace-layout)
frames (->> objects
(filter (comp #{:frame} :type))
(remove #(= (:id %) uuid/zero) ))
frame-id (or (->> frames
(filter #(geom/has-point? % initial))
frames (cp/select-frames objects)
fid (or (->> frames
(filter #(geom/has-point? % initial))
shape (-> state
(get-in [:workspace-local :drawing])
(geom/setup {:x (:x initial) :y (:y initial) :width 1 :height 1})
(assoc :frame-id frame-id)
(assoc :frame-id fid)
(assoc ::initialized? true))]
;; Add shape to drawing state
(rx/of #(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :drawing] shape))
;; Initial SNAP
(->> (snap/closest-snap-point page-id [shape] layout initial)
(rx/map (fn [{:keys [x y]}]
#(-> %
(assoc-in [:workspace-local :drawing :x] x)
(assoc-in [:workspace-local :drawing :y] y)))))
#(update-in % [:workspace-local :drawing] assoc :x x :y y))))
(->> ms/mouse-position
(rx/with-latest vector ms/mouse-position-ctrl)
(rx/switch-map (fn [[point :as current]]
(->> (snap/closest-snap-point page-id [shape] layout point)
(rx/map #(conj current %)))))
(rx/map (fn [[pt ctrl? point-snap]] #(update-drawing % pt ctrl? point-snap)))
(fn [[point :as current]]
(->> (snap/closest-snap-point page-id [shape] layout point)
(rx/map #(conj current %)))))
(fn [[pt ctrl? point-snap]]
#(update-drawing % pt ctrl? point-snap)))
(rx/take-until stoper))
(rx/of handle-finish-drawing)))))))

View file

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
(defn- calculate-dimensions
[{:keys [objects] :as data} vport]
(let [shapes (cp/select-toplevel-shapes objects {:include-frames? true})]
(->> (geom/shapes->rect-shape shapes)
(->> (geom/selection-rect shapes)
(geom/adjust-to-viewport vport)

View file

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
(let [shapes (->> (cp/select-toplevel-shapes objects {:include-frames? true})
(map #(merge % (select-keys % [:x :y :width :height]))))
bounds (geom/shapes->rect-shape shapes)
bounds (geom/selection-rect shapes)
bounds #js {:x (:x bounds)
:y (:y bounds)
:width (:width bounds)