mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 08:11:30 -05:00
Merge pull request #253 from uxbox/issue/482/improve-thumbnail-handling
♻️ Refactor thumbnail generation.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 194 additions and 142 deletions
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
:media-uri "http://localhost:3449/media/"
:assets-uri "http://localhost:3449/static/"
:image-process-max-threads 2
:sendmail-backend "console"
:sendmail-reply-to "no-reply@example.com"
:sendmail-from "no-reply@example.com"
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
(s/def ::debug-humanize-transit ::us/boolean)
(s/def ::public-uri ::us/string)
(s/def ::backend-uri ::us/string)
(s/def ::image-process-max-threads ::us/integer)
(s/def ::google-client-id ::us/string)
(s/def ::google-client-secret ::us/string)
@ -101,7 +104,8 @@
(defn env->config
@ -10,108 +10,155 @@
(ns uxbox.images
"Image postprocessing."
[clojure.core.async :as a]
[clojure.java.io :as io]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[datoteka.core :as fs]
[uxbox.common.exceptions :as ex]
[mount.core :refer [defstate]]
[uxbox.config :as cfg]
[uxbox.common.data :as d]
[uxbox.common.exceptions :as ex]
[uxbox.common.spec :as us]
[uxbox.util.storage :as ust]
[uxbox.media :as media])
[uxbox.media :as media]
[uxbox.util.storage :as ust])
;; --- Helpers
(defn format->extension
(case format
"jpeg" ".jpg"
"webp" ".webp"))
(defn format->mtype
(case format
"jpeg" "image/jpeg"
"webp" "image/webp"))
(defstate semaphore
:start (Semaphore. (:image-process-max-threads cfg/config 1)))
;; --- Thumbnails Generation
(s/def ::cmd keyword?)
(s/def ::path (s/or :path fs/path?
:string string?
:file fs/file?))
(s/def ::mtype string?)
(s/def ::input
(s/keys :req-un [::path]
:opt-un [::mtype]))
(s/def ::width integer?)
(s/def ::height integer?)
(s/def ::format #{:jpeg :webp :png})
(s/def ::quality #(< 0 % 101))
(s/def ::format #{"jpeg" "webp"})
(s/def ::thumbnail-opts
(s/keys :opt-un [::format ::quality ::width ::height]))
(s/def ::thumbnail-params
(s/keys :req-un [::cmd ::input ::format ::width ::height]))
;; Related info on how thumbnails generation
;; http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/thumbnails/
(defn generate-thumbnail
([input] (generate-thumbnail input nil))
([input {:keys [quality format width height]
:or {format "jpeg"
quality 92
width 200
height 200}
:as opts}]
(us/assert ::thumbnail-opts opts)
(us/assert fs/path? input)
(let [ext (format->extension format)
tmp (fs/create-tempfile :suffix ext)
opr (doto (IMOperation.)
(.thumbnail (int width) (int height) ">")
(.quality (double quality))
(doto (ConvertCmd.)
(.run opr (into-array (map str [input tmp]))))
(let [thumbnail-data (fs/slurp-bytes tmp)]
(fs/delete tmp)
(ByteArrayInputStream. thumbnail-data)))))
(defn format->extension
(case format
:png ".png"
:jpeg ".jpg"
:webp ".webp"))
(defn generate-profile-thumbnail
([input] (generate-thumbnail input nil))
([input {:keys [quality format width height]
:or {format "jpeg"
quality 92
width 200
height 200}
:as opts}]
(us/assert ::thumbnail-opts opts)
(us/assert fs/path? input)
(let [ext (format->extension format)
tmp (fs/create-tempfile :suffix ext)
opr (doto (IMOperation.)
(.thumbnail (int width) (int height) "^")
(.gravity "center")
(.extent (int width) (int height))
(.quality (double quality))
(doto (ConvertCmd.)
(.run opr (into-array (map str [input tmp]))))
(let [thumbnail-data (fs/slurp-bytes tmp)]
(fs/delete tmp)
(ByteArrayInputStream. thumbnail-data)))))
(defn format->mtype
(case format
:png "image/png"
:jpeg "image/jpeg"
:webp "image/webp"))
(defn info
[content-type path]
(let [instance (Info. (str path))]
(when-not (= content-type (.getProperty instance "Mime type"))
(defn mtype->format
(case mtype
"image/jpeg" :jpeg
"image/webp" :webp
"image/png" :png
(defn- generic-process
[{:keys [input format quality operation] :as params}]
(let [{:keys [path mtype]} input
format (or (mtype->format mtype) format)
ext (format->extension format)
tmp (fs/create-tempfile :suffix ext)]
(doto (ConvertCmd.)
(.run operation (into-array (map str [path tmp]))))
(let [thumbnail-data (fs/slurp-bytes tmp)]
(fs/delete tmp)
(assoc params
:format format
:mtype (format->mtype format)
:data (ByteArrayInputStream. thumbnail-data)))))
(defmulti process :cmd)
(defmethod process :generic-thumbnail
[{:keys [quality width height] :as params}]
(us/assert ::thumbnail-params params)
(let [op (doto (IMOperation.)
(.thumbnail (int width) (int height) ">")
(.quality (double quality))
(generic-process (assoc params :operation op))))
(defmethod process :profile-thumbnail
[{:keys [quality width height] :as params}]
(us/assert ::thumbnail-params params)
(let [op (doto (IMOperation.)
(.thumbnail (int width) (int height) "^")
(.gravity "center")
(.extent (int width) (int height))
(.quality (double quality))
(generic-process (assoc params :operation op))))
(defmethod process :info
[{:keys [input] :as params}]
(us/assert ::input input)
(let [{:keys [path mtype]} input
instance (Info. (str path))
mtype' (.getProperty instance "Mime type")]
(when (and (string? mtype)
(not= mtype mtype'))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :image-type-mismatch
:hint "Seems like you are uploading a file whose content does not match the extension."))
{:width (.getImageWidth instance)
:height (.getImageHeight instance)}))
{:width (.getImageWidth instance)
:height (.getImageHeight instance)
:mtype mtype'}))
(defmethod process :default
[{:keys [cmd] :as params}]
(ex/raise :type :internal
:code :not-implemented
:hint (str "No impl found for process cmd:" cmd)))
(defn run
(.acquire semaphore)
(let [res (a/<!! (a/thread
(process params)
(catch Throwable e
(if (instance? Throwable res)
(throw res)
(.release semaphore))))
(defn resolve-urls
[row src dst]
@ -119,12 +119,6 @@
(mark-file-deleted conn params)))
(def ^:private sql:mark-file-deleted
"update file
set deleted_at = clock_timestamp()
where id = ?
and deleted_at is null")
(defn mark-file-deleted
[conn {:keys [id] :as params}]
(db/update! conn :file
@ -150,14 +144,6 @@
(files/check-edition-permissions! conn profile-id file-id)
(create-file-image conn params)))
(def ^:private sql:insert-file-image
"insert into file_image
(file_id, name, path, width, height, mtype,
thumb_path, thumb_width, thumb_height,
thumb_quality, thumb_mtype)
values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11)
returning *")
(defn- create-file-image
[conn {:keys [content file-id name] :as params}]
(when-not (imgs/valid-image-types? (:content-type content))
@ -165,22 +151,26 @@
:code :image-type-not-allowed
:hint "Seems like you are uploading an invalid image."))
(let [image-opts (images/info (:content-type content) (:tempfile content))
image-path (imgs/persist-image-on-fs content)
thumb-opts imgs/thumbnail-options
thumb-path (imgs/persist-image-thumbnail-on-fs thumb-opts image-path)]
(let [info (images/run {:cmd :info :input {:path (:tempfile content)
:mtype (:content-type content)}})
path (imgs/persist-image-on-fs content)
opts (assoc imgs/thumbnail-options
:input {:mtype (:mtype info)
:path path})
thumb (imgs/persist-image-thumbnail-on-fs opts)]
(-> (db/insert! conn :file-image
{:file-id file-id
:name name
:path (str image-path)
:width (:width image-opts)
:height (:height image-opts)
:mtype (:content-type content)
:thumb-path (str thumb-path)
:thumb-width (:width thumb-opts)
:thumb-height (:height thumb-opts)
:thumb-quality (:quality thumb-opts)
:thumb-mtype (images/format->mtype (:format thumb-opts))})
:path (str path)
:width (:width info)
:height (:height info)
:mtype (:mtype info)
:thumb-path (str (:path thumb))
:thumb-width (:width thumb)
:thumb-height (:height thumb)
:thumb-quality (:quality thumb)
:thumb-mtype (:mtype thumb)})
(images/resolve-urls :path :uri)
(images/resolve-urls :thumb-path :thumb-uri))))
@ -193,9 +183,6 @@
(s/def ::import-image-to-file
(s/keys :req-un [::image-id ::file-id ::profile-id]))
(def ^:private sql:select-image-by-id
"select img.* from image as img where id=$1")
(sm/defmutation ::import-image-to-file
[{:keys [image-id file-id profile-id] :as params}]
(db/with-atomic [conn db/pool]
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
{:width 800
:height 800
:quality 85
:format "jpeg"})
:format :jpeg})
(s/def ::id ::us/uuid)
(s/def ::name ::us/string)
@ -146,23 +146,27 @@
:code :image-type-not-allowed
:hint "Seems like you are uploading an invalid image."))
(let [image-opts (images/info (:content-type content) (:tempfile content))
image-path (persist-image-on-fs content)
thumb-opts thumbnail-options
thumb-path (persist-image-thumbnail-on-fs thumb-opts image-path)]
(let [info (images/run {:cmd :info :input {:path (:tempfile content)
:mtype (:content-type content)}})
path (persist-image-on-fs content)
opts (assoc thumbnail-options
:input {:mtype (:mtype info)
:path path})
thumb (persist-image-thumbnail-on-fs opts)]
(-> (db/insert! conn :image
{:id (or id (uuid/next))
:library-id library-id
:name name
:path (str image-path)
:width (:width image-opts)
:height (:height image-opts)
:mtype (:content-type content)
:thumb-path (str thumb-path)
:thumb-width (:width thumb-opts)
:thumb-height (:height thumb-opts)
:thumb-quality (:quality thumb-opts)
:thumb-mtype (images/format->mtype (:format thumb-opts))})
:path (str path)
:width (:width info)
:height (:height info)
:mtype (:mtype info)
:thumb-path (str (:path thumb))
:thumb-width (:width thumb)
:thumb-height (:height thumb)
:thumb-quality (:quality thumb)
:thumb-mtype (:mtype thumb)})
(images/resolve-urls :path :uri)
(images/resolve-urls :thumb-path :thumb-uri))))
@ -172,14 +176,21 @@
(ust/save! media/media-storage filename tempfile)))
(defn persist-image-thumbnail-on-fs
[thumb-opts input-path]
(let [input-path (ust/lookup media/media-storage input-path)
thumb-data (images/generate-thumbnail input-path thumb-opts)
[filename _] (fs/split-ext (fs/name input-path))
thumb-name (->> (images/format->extension (:format thumb-opts))
(str "thumbnail-" filename))]
(ust/save! media/media-storage thumb-name thumb-data)))
[{:keys [input] :as params}]
(let [path (ust/lookup media/media-storage (:path input))
thumb (images/run
(-> params
(assoc :cmd :generic-thumbnail)
(update :input assoc :path path)))
name (str "thumbnail-"
(first (fs/split-ext (fs/name (:path input))))
(images/format->extension (:format thumb)))
path (ust/save! media/media-storage name (:data thumb))]
(-> thumb
(dissoc :data :input)
(assoc :path path))))
;; --- Mutation: Rename Image
@ -272,8 +272,15 @@
(sm/defmutation ::update-profile-photo
[{:keys [profile-id file] :as params}]
(when-not (imgs/valid-image-types? (:content-type file))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :image-type-not-allowed
:hint "Seems like you are uploading an invalid image."))
(db/with-atomic [conn db/pool]
(let [profile (profile/retrieve-profile conn profile-id)
_ (images/run {:cmd :info :input {:path (:tempfile file)
:mtype (:content-type file)}})
photo (upload-photo conn params)]
;; Schedule deletion of old photo
@ -286,21 +293,18 @@
(defn- upload-photo
[conn {:keys [file profile-id]}]
(when-not (imgs/valid-image-types? (:content-type file))
(ex/raise :type :validation
:code :image-type-not-allowed
:hint "Seems like you are uploading an invalid image."))
(let [image-opts (images/info (:content-type file) (:tempfile file))
thumb-opts {:width 256
:height 256
:quality 75
:format "jpeg"}
prefix (-> (sodi.prng/random-bytes 8)
(let [prefix (-> (sodi.prng/random-bytes 8)
name (str prefix ".jpg")
path (fs/path (:tempfile file))
photo (images/generate-profile-thumbnail path thumb-opts)]
(ust/save! media/media-storage name photo)))
thumb (images/run
{:cmd :profile-thumbnail
:format :jpeg
:quality 85
:width 256
:height 256
:input {:path (fs/path (:tempfile file))
:mtype (:content-type file)}})
name (str prefix (images/format->extension (:format thumb)))]
(ust/save! media/media-storage name (:data thumb))))
(defn- update-profile-photo
[conn profile-id path]
@ -309,7 +313,6 @@
{:id profile-id})
;; --- Mutation: Request Email Change
(declare select-profile-for-update)
Add table
Reference in a new issue