2024-07-17 21:05:04 -04:00

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## Todo List
- [x] Add loading feedback with ViewTransition API
- [x] Revamp Design and Layout
- [x] Anomymous Account Creation
- [x] Email Confirmation Code
- [x] Ability to:
- [x] Update Data
- [x] Avatar
- [x] Username
- [x] Email
- [x] Pasword
- [x] Delete Account
- [x] Banners (Success and Error Messages)
- [ ] ~~Password Recovery~~ (Failed)
- [ ] ~~Custom Error Pages from Supabase Reponse (400)~~ (FAILED)
- [ ] ~~Passwordless Login (OTP Email)~~ (FAILED)
## Setting Up Supabase
### Selfhosting
This section is optional on wheather or not you want to either use Supabase Cloud or selfhost.
# Get the code using git sparse checkout
git clone --filter=blob:none --no-checkout
cd supabase
git sparse-checkout set --cone docker && git checkout master
# Go to the docker folder
cd docker
# Copy the fake env vars
cp .env.example .env
# Pull the latest images
docker compose pull
# Start the services (in detached mode)
docker compose up -d
> Source:
In the `.env` file that've you copied from `.env.example, you'll need to change some things to adapt it to this project.
- Change `SITE_URL` to `http://localhost:4321`
- Setup SMTP (Project was tested with [Resend](
For production use, make sure to follow all instructions needed from
> SMTP is required for email verification, as a code is required. The end-user is not allowed to login yet until their email is verified.
### Allowing Account Deletion
When an end-user wants to delete their account, they'll be directed to `/api/account/delete`. This API requires that a function already exist in your Supabase project called `delete_user()`.
In the SQL Editor, enter the following and click Run:
CREATE or replace function delete_user()
returns void
AS $$
delete from auth.users where id = auth.uid();
> Source:
### Table Creation
For this project, two tables need to exist and that is both `channels` and `subs`.
For the `channels` portion, you can import the premade CSV file made for this project.
For the `subs` portion, enter the following in the SQL Editor and click Run:
create table
public.subs (
"Id" text not null,
"UserSubscribed" text not null,
"Platform" text null,
constraint subs_pkey primary key ("Id", "UserSubscribed"),
constraint subs_UserSubscribed_key unique ("UserSubscribed")
) tablespace pg_default;
> Project was tested with RLS disabled on all tables