If you are using Yarn it's PnP feature enabled, please unplug Zorn Player, add the following to your package.json file:
"dependenciesMeta": {
"@sudovanilla/zorn": {
"unplugged": true
Also make sure you are setting the correct path to the script and css file when adding them to your website or app.
## Usage
### HTML5
Add Zorn at the bottom of your HTML page:
Then, add a video to the page inside a div with the class name set to `video-container`. Inside this div, will be the video element with the class name set as `zorn-player`.
module.exports = function (app, config, renderTemplate) {
app.get("/player/zorn.js", function (req, res) {res.sendFile("/dist/index.js", { root: ZornDirectory })})
Add the stylesheet and script:
Then, add a video to the page inside a div with the class name set to `video-container`. Inside this div, will be the video element with the class name set as `zorn-player`.