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2024-05-13 23:34:06 -04:00
import ShoelaceElement from '../../internal/shoelace-element.js';
import SlCheckbox from '../checkbox/checkbox.component.js';
import SlIcon from '../icon/icon.component.js';
import SlSpinner from '../spinner/spinner.component.js';
import type { CSSResultGroup, PropertyValueMap } from 'lit';
* @summary A tree item serves as a hierarchical node that lives inside a [tree](/components/tree).
* @documentation
* @status stable
* @since 2.0
* @dependency sl-checkbox
* @dependency sl-icon
* @dependency sl-spinner
* @event sl-expand - Emitted when the tree item expands.
* @event sl-after-expand - Emitted after the tree item expands and all animations are complete.
* @event sl-collapse - Emitted when the tree item collapses.
* @event sl-after-collapse - Emitted after the tree item collapses and all animations are complete.
* @event sl-lazy-change - Emitted when the tree item's lazy state changes.
* @event sl-lazy-load - Emitted when a lazy item is selected. Use this event to asynchronously load data and append
* items to the tree before expanding. After appending new items, remove the `lazy` attribute to remove the loading
* state and update the tree.
* @slot - The default slot.
* @slot expand-icon - The icon to show when the tree item is expanded.
* @slot collapse-icon - The icon to show when the tree item is collapsed.
* @csspart base - The component's base wrapper.
* @csspart item - The tree item's container. This element wraps everything except slotted tree item children.
* @csspart item--disabled - Applied when the tree item is disabled.
* @csspart item--expanded - Applied when the tree item is expanded.
* @csspart item--indeterminate - Applied when the selection is indeterminate.
* @csspart item--selected - Applied when the tree item is selected.
* @csspart indentation - The tree item's indentation container.
* @csspart expand-button - The container that wraps the tree item's expand button and spinner.
* @csspart label - The tree item's label.
* @csspart children - The container that wraps the tree item's nested children.
* @csspart checkbox - The checkbox that shows when using multiselect.
* @csspart checkbox__base - The checkbox's exported `base` part.
* @csspart checkbox__control - The checkbox's exported `control` part.
* @csspart checkbox__control--checked - The checkbox's exported `control--checked` part.
* @csspart checkbox__control--indeterminate - The checkbox's exported `control--indeterminate` part.
* @csspart checkbox__checked-icon - The checkbox's exported `checked-icon` part.
* @csspart checkbox__indeterminate-icon - The checkbox's exported `indeterminate-icon` part.
* @csspart checkbox__label - The checkbox's exported `label` part.
export default class SlTreeItem extends ShoelaceElement {
static styles: CSSResultGroup;
static dependencies: {
'sl-checkbox': typeof SlCheckbox;
'sl-icon': typeof SlIcon;
'sl-spinner': typeof SlSpinner;
static isTreeItem(node: Node): boolean;
private readonly localize;
indeterminate: boolean;
isLeaf: boolean;
loading: boolean;
selectable: boolean;
/** Expands the tree item. */
expanded: boolean;
/** Draws the tree item in a selected state. */
selected: boolean;
/** Disables the tree item. */
disabled: boolean;
/** Enables lazy loading behavior. */
lazy: boolean;
defaultSlot: HTMLSlotElement;
childrenSlot: HTMLSlotElement;
itemElement: HTMLDivElement;
childrenContainer: HTMLDivElement;
expandButtonSlot: HTMLSlotElement;
connectedCallback(): void;
firstUpdated(): void;
private animateCollapse;
private isNestedItem;
private handleChildrenSlotChange;
protected willUpdate(changedProperties: PropertyValueMap<SlTreeItem> | Map<PropertyKey, unknown>): void;
private animateExpand;
handleLoadingChange(): void;
handleDisabledChange(): void;
handleSelectedChange(): void;
handleExpandedChange(): void;
handleExpandAnimation(): void;
handleLazyChange(): void;
/** Gets all the nested tree items in this node. */
getChildrenItems({ includeDisabled }?: {
includeDisabled?: boolean;
}): SlTreeItem[];
render(): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1>;