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2024-05-13 23:34:06 -04:00
import ShoelaceElement from '../../internal/shoelace-element.js';
import type { CSSResultGroup } from 'lit';
* @summary Split panels display two adjacent panels, allowing the user to reposition them.
* @documentation
* @status stable
* @since 2.0
* @event sl-reposition - Emitted when the divider's position changes.
* @slot start - Content to place in the start panel.
* @slot end - Content to place in the end panel.
* @slot divider - The divider. Useful for slotting in a custom icon that renders as a handle.
* @csspart start - The start panel.
* @csspart end - The end panel.
* @csspart panel - Targets both the start and end panels.
* @csspart divider - The divider that separates the start and end panels.
* @cssproperty [--divider-width=4px] - The width of the visible divider.
* @cssproperty [--divider-hit-area=12px] - The invisible region around the divider where dragging can occur. This is
* usually wider than the divider to facilitate easier dragging.
* @cssproperty [--min=0] - The minimum allowed size of the primary panel.
* @cssproperty [--max=100%] - The maximum allowed size of the primary panel.
export default class SlSplitPanel extends ShoelaceElement {
static styles: CSSResultGroup;
private cachedPositionInPixels;
private readonly localize;
private resizeObserver;
private size;
divider: HTMLElement;
* The current position of the divider from the primary panel's edge as a percentage 0-100. Defaults to 50% of the
* container's initial size.
position: number;
/** The current position of the divider from the primary panel's edge in pixels. */
positionInPixels: number;
/** Draws the split panel in a vertical orientation with the start and end panels stacked. */
vertical: boolean;
/** Disables resizing. Note that the position may still change as a result of resizing the host element. */
disabled: boolean;
* If no primary panel is designated, both panels will resize proportionally when the host element is resized. If a
* primary panel is designated, it will maintain its size and the other panel will grow or shrink as needed when the
* host element is resized.
primary?: 'start' | 'end';
* One or more space-separated values at which the divider should snap. Values can be in pixels or percentages, e.g.
* `"100px 50%"`.
snap?: string;
/** How close the divider must be to a snap point until snapping occurs. */
snapThreshold: number;
connectedCallback(): void;
disconnectedCallback(): void;
private detectSize;
private percentageToPixels;
private pixelsToPercentage;
private handleDrag;
private handleKeyDown;
private handleResize;
handlePositionChange(): void;
handlePositionInPixelsChange(): void;
handleVerticalChange(): void;
render(): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1>;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'sl-split-panel': SlSplitPanel;