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2024-05-13 23:34:06 -04:00
import ShoelaceElement from '../../internal/shoelace-element.js';
import type { CSSResultGroup } from 'lit';
export interface VirtualElement {
getBoundingClientRect: () => DOMRect;
* @summary Popup is a utility that lets you declaratively anchor "popup" containers to another element.
* @documentation
* @status stable
* @since 2.0
* @event sl-reposition - Emitted when the popup is repositioned. This event can fire a lot, so avoid putting expensive
* operations in your listener or consider debouncing it.
* @slot - The popup's content.
* @slot anchor - The element the popup will be anchored to. If the anchor lives outside of the popup, you can use the
* `anchor` attribute or property instead.
* @csspart arrow - The arrow's container. Avoid setting `top|bottom|left|right` properties, as these values are
* assigned dynamically as the popup moves. This is most useful for applying a background color to match the popup, and
* maybe a border or box shadow.
* @csspart popup - The popup's container. Useful for setting a background color, box shadow, etc.
* @csspart hover-bridge - The hover bridge element. Only available when the `hover-bridge` option is enabled.
* @cssproperty [--arrow-size=6px] - The size of the arrow. Note that an arrow won't be shown unless the `arrow`
* attribute is used.
* @cssproperty [--arrow-color=var(--sl-color-neutral-0)] - The color of the arrow.
* @cssproperty [--auto-size-available-width] - A read-only custom property that determines the amount of width the
* popup can be before overflowing. Useful for positioning child elements that need to overflow. This property is only
* available when using `auto-size`.
* @cssproperty [--auto-size-available-height] - A read-only custom property that determines the amount of height the
* popup can be before overflowing. Useful for positioning child elements that need to overflow. This property is only
* available when using `auto-size`.
export default class SlPopup extends ShoelaceElement {
static styles: CSSResultGroup;
private anchorEl;
private cleanup;
/** A reference to the internal popup container. Useful for animating and styling the popup with JavaScript. */
popup: HTMLElement;
private arrowEl;
* The element the popup will be anchored to. If the anchor lives outside of the popup, you can provide the anchor
* element `id`, a DOM element reference, or a `VirtualElement`. If the anchor lives inside the popup, use the
* `anchor` slot instead.
anchor: Element | string | VirtualElement;
* Activates the positioning logic and shows the popup. When this attribute is removed, the positioning logic is torn
* down and the popup will be hidden.
active: boolean;
* The preferred placement of the popup. Note that the actual placement will vary as configured to keep the
* panel inside of the viewport.
placement: 'top' | 'top-start' | 'top-end' | 'bottom' | 'bottom-start' | 'bottom-end' | 'right' | 'right-start' | 'right-end' | 'left' | 'left-start' | 'left-end';
* Determines how the popup is positioned. The `absolute` strategy works well in most cases, but if overflow is
* clipped, using a `fixed` position strategy can often workaround it.
strategy: 'absolute' | 'fixed';
/** The distance in pixels from which to offset the panel away from its anchor. */
distance: number;
/** The distance in pixels from which to offset the panel along its anchor. */
skidding: number;
* Attaches an arrow to the popup. The arrow's size and color can be customized using the `--arrow-size` and
* `--arrow-color` custom properties. For additional customizations, you can also target the arrow using
* `::part(arrow)` in your stylesheet.
arrow: boolean;
* The placement of the arrow. The default is `anchor`, which will align the arrow as close to the center of the
* anchor as possible, considering available space and `arrow-padding`. A value of `start`, `end`, or `center` will
* align the arrow to the start, end, or center of the popover instead.
arrowPlacement: 'start' | 'end' | 'center' | 'anchor';
* The amount of padding between the arrow and the edges of the popup. If the popup has a border-radius, for example,
* this will prevent it from overflowing the corners.
arrowPadding: number;
* When set, placement of the popup will flip to the opposite site to keep it in view. You can use
* `flipFallbackPlacements` to further configure how the fallback placement is determined.
flip: boolean;
* If the preferred placement doesn't fit, popup will be tested in these fallback placements until one fits. Must be a
* string of any number of placements separated by a space, e.g. "top bottom left". If no placement fits, the flip
* fallback strategy will be used instead.
* */
flipFallbackPlacements: string;
* When neither the preferred placement nor the fallback placements fit, this value will be used to determine whether
* the popup should be positioned using the best available fit based on available space or as it was initially
* preferred.
flipFallbackStrategy: 'best-fit' | 'initial';
* The flip boundary describes clipping element(s) that overflow will be checked relative to when flipping. By
* default, the boundary includes overflow ancestors that will cause the element to be clipped. If needed, you can
* change the boundary by passing a reference to one or more elements to this property.
flipBoundary: Element | Element[];
/** The amount of padding, in pixels, to exceed before the flip behavior will occur. */
flipPadding: number;
/** Moves the popup along the axis to keep it in view when clipped. */
shift: boolean;
* The shift boundary describes clipping element(s) that overflow will be checked relative to when shifting. By
* default, the boundary includes overflow ancestors that will cause the element to be clipped. If needed, you can
* change the boundary by passing a reference to one or more elements to this property.
shiftBoundary: Element | Element[];
/** The amount of padding, in pixels, to exceed before the shift behavior will occur. */
shiftPadding: number;
/** When set, this will cause the popup to automatically resize itself to prevent it from overflowing. */
autoSize: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'both';
/** Syncs the popup's width or height to that of the anchor element. */
sync: 'width' | 'height' | 'both';
* The auto-size boundary describes clipping element(s) that overflow will be checked relative to when resizing. By
* default, the boundary includes overflow ancestors that will cause the element to be clipped. If needed, you can
* change the boundary by passing a reference to one or more elements to this property.
autoSizeBoundary: Element | Element[];
/** The amount of padding, in pixels, to exceed before the auto-size behavior will occur. */
autoSizePadding: number;
* When a gap exists between the anchor and the popup element, this option will add a "hover bridge" that fills the
* gap using an invisible element. This makes listening for events such as `mouseenter` and `mouseleave` more sane
* because the pointer never technically leaves the element. The hover bridge will only be drawn when the popover is
* active.
hoverBridge: boolean;
connectedCallback(): Promise<void>;
disconnectedCallback(): void;
updated(changedProps: Map<string, unknown>): Promise<void>;
private handleAnchorChange;
private start;
private stop;
/** Forces the popup to recalculate and reposition itself. */
reposition(): void;
private updateHoverBridge;
render(): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1>;