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2024-05-13 23:34:06 -04:00
import '../../internal/scrollend-polyfill.js';
import ShoelaceElement from '../../internal/shoelace-element.js';
import SlIcon from '../icon/icon.component.js';
import type { CSSResultGroup, PropertyValueMap } from 'lit';
* @summary Carousels display an arbitrary number of content slides along a horizontal or vertical axis.
* @since 2.2
* @status experimental
* @dependency sl-icon
* @event {{ index: number, slide: SlCarouselItem }} sl-slide-change - Emitted when the active slide changes.
* @slot - The carousel's main content, one or more `<sl-carousel-item>` elements.
* @slot next-icon - Optional next icon to use instead of the default. Works best with `<sl-icon>`.
* @slot previous-icon - Optional previous icon to use instead of the default. Works best with `<sl-icon>`.
* @csspart base - The carousel's internal wrapper.
* @csspart scroll-container - The scroll container that wraps the slides.
* @csspart pagination - The pagination indicators wrapper.
* @csspart pagination-item - The pagination indicator.
* @csspart pagination-item--active - Applied when the item is active.
* @csspart navigation - The navigation wrapper.
* @csspart navigation-button - The navigation button.
* @csspart navigation-button--previous - Applied to the previous button.
* @csspart navigation-button--next - Applied to the next button.
* @cssproperty --slide-gap - The space between each slide.
* @cssproperty [--aspect-ratio=16/9] - The aspect ratio of each slide.
* @cssproperty --scroll-hint - The amount of padding to apply to the scroll area, allowing adjacent slides to become
* partially visible as a scroll hint.
export default class SlCarousel extends ShoelaceElement {
static styles: CSSResultGroup;
static dependencies: {
'sl-icon': typeof SlIcon;
/** When set, allows the user to navigate the carousel in the same direction indefinitely. */
loop: boolean;
/** When set, show the carousel's navigation. */
navigation: boolean;
/** When set, show the carousel's pagination indicators. */
pagination: boolean;
/** When set, the slides will scroll automatically when the user is not interacting with them. */
autoplay: boolean;
/** Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, between each automatic scroll. */
autoplayInterval: number;
/** Specifies how many slides should be shown at a given time. */
slidesPerPage: number;
* Specifies the number of slides the carousel will advance when scrolling, useful when specifying a `slides-per-page`
* greater than one. It can't be higher than `slides-per-page`.
slidesPerMove: number;
/** Specifies the orientation in which the carousel will lay out. */
orientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
/** When set, it is possible to scroll through the slides by dragging them with the mouse. */
mouseDragging: boolean;
scrollContainer: HTMLElement;
paginationContainer: HTMLElement;
activeSlide: number;
scrolling: boolean;
dragging: boolean;
private autoplayController;
private intersectionObserver;
private readonly intersectionObserverEntries;
private readonly localize;
private mutationObserver;
connectedCallback(): void;
disconnectedCallback(): void;
protected firstUpdated(): void;
protected willUpdate(changedProperties: PropertyValueMap<SlCarousel> | Map<PropertyKey, unknown>): void;
private getPageCount;
private getCurrentPage;
private canScrollNext;
private canScrollPrev;
/** @internal Gets all carousel items. */
private getSlides;
private handleKeyDown;
private handleMouseDragStart;
private handleMouseDrag;
private handleMouseDragEnd;
private handleScroll;
private handleScrollEnd;
private isCarouselItem;
private handleSlotChange;
initializeSlides(): void;
private createClones;
handelSlideChange(): void;
updateSlidesSnap(): void;
handleAutoplayChange(): void;
* Move the carousel backward by `slides-per-move` slides.
* @param behavior - The behavior used for scrolling.
previous(behavior?: ScrollBehavior): void;
* Move the carousel forward by `slides-per-move` slides.
* @param behavior - The behavior used for scrolling.
next(behavior?: ScrollBehavior): void;
* Scrolls the carousel to the slide specified by `index`.
* @param index - The slide index.
* @param behavior - The behavior used for scrolling.
goToSlide(index: number, behavior?: ScrollBehavior): void;
private scrollToSlide;
render(): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1>;