mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 01:58:01 -05:00
124 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable file
124 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable file
import argparse
import html
import os
import pathlib
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
page_contents = sys.stdin.read()
base_url = "https://projects.blender.org"
uatest_base_url = "https://uatest.projects.blender.org"
local_url = "http://localhost:3000"
placeholder_url = "https://placeholder.org"
# Gitea sets this environment variable with the URL prefix for the current file.
gitea_prefix = os.environ.get("GITEA_PREFIX_SRC", "")
if gitea_prefix.startswith(base_url):
gitea_prefix = gitea_prefix[len(base_url):]
if gitea_prefix.startswith(uatest_base_url):
gitea_prefix = gitea_prefix[len(uatest_base_url):]
if gitea_prefix.startswith(local_url):
gitea_prefix = gitea_prefix[len(local_url):]
if len(gitea_prefix):
path_tokens = gitea_prefix.strip('/').split('/')
org, repo, view, ref, branch = path_tokens[:5]
doc_url = f"{base_url}/{org}/{repo}/{view}/{ref}/{branch}"
image_url = f"{base_url}/{org}/{repo}/media/{ref}/{branch}"
# Hardcoded exception for blender-manual, that has links relative
# to manual/ folder.
if len(path_tokens) > 5 and path_tokens[5] == 'manual':
doc_url += "/manual"
image_url += "/manual"
doc_url = ""
image_url = ""
# Set up temporary directory with sphinx configuration.
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
work_dir = pathlib.Path(tmp_dir) / "work"
script_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
shutil.copytree(script_dir / "template", work_dir)
page_filepath = work_dir / "contents.rst"
# Turn links into external links since internal links are not found and stripped.
def path_to_label(path):
path = path.removesuffix('/index')
return path.split('/')[-1].replace('_', ' ').replace('-', ' ').capitalize()
def doc_label_link(matchobj):
return f"`{matchobj.group(1)}<{doc_url}/{matchobj.group(2).strip('/')}.rst>`_"
def doc_link(matchobj):
return f"`{path_to_label(matchobj.group(1))} <{doc_url}/{matchobj.group(1).strip('/')}.rst>`_"
def ref_label_link(matchobj):
return f"`{matchobj.group(1)} <{placeholder_url}>`_"
def ref_link(matchobj):
return f"`{path_to_label(matchobj.group(1))} <{placeholder_url}>`_"
def term_link(matchobj):
return f"`{matchobj.group(1)} <{placeholder_url}>`_"
def figure_link(matchobj):
return f"figure:: {image_url}/{matchobj.group(1).strip('/')}"
def image_link(matchobj):
return f"image:: {image_url}/{matchobj.group(1).strip('/')}"
page_contents = re.sub(":doc:`/(.+?)`", doc_link, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub(":doc:`([\w\s\n-]+?)\n?<(.+?)>`", doc_label_link, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub(":ref:`([\w\s\n-]+?)\n?<(.+?)>`", ref_label_link, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub(":ref:`([\w\s-]+?)`", ref_link, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub(":term:`([\w\s\n-]+?)\n?<(.+?)>`", term_link, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub(":term:`([\w\s-]+?)`", term_link, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub("figure:: (.+?)", figure_link, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub("image:: (.+?)", image_link, page_contents)
# Disable include directives and raw for security. They are already disabled
# by docutils.py, this is just to be extra careful.
def include_directive(matchobj):
return f"warning:: include not available in preview: {html.escape(matchobj.group(1))}"
def raw_directive(matchobj):
return f"warning:: raw not available in preview: {html.escape(matchobj.group(1))}"
page_contents = re.sub("literalinclude::(.*)", include_directive, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub("include::(.*)", include_directive, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub("raw::(.*)", raw_directive, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub(".. toctree::(.*)", ".. code-block:: none", page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub(":maxdepth:(.*)", "", page_contents)
page_contents = page_contents.replace("|BLENDER_VERSION|", "BLENDER_VERSION")
# Debug processed RST
# print(html.escape(page_contents).replace('\n', '<br/>\n'))
# sys.exit(0)
# Run sphinx-build.
out_dir = work_dir / "out"
out_filepath = out_dir / "contents.html"
sphinx_build = script_dir / "venv" / "bin" / "sphinx-build"
sphinx_cmd = [sphinx_build, "-b", "html", work_dir, out_dir]
result = subprocess.run(sphinx_cmd, capture_output=True)
# Output errors.
error = result.stderr.decode("utf-8", "ignore").strip()
if len(error):
error = error.replace(str(page_filepath) + ":", "")
error = html.escape(error)
print("<h2>Sphinx Warnings</h2>\n")
print("<p>Note the preview is not accurate and warnings may not indicate real issues.</p>")
# Output contents of body.
if result.returncode == 0 and out_filepath.is_file():
contents = out_filepath.read_text()
body = contents.split("<body>")[1].split("</body>")[0]
body = body.replace(f'href="{placeholder_url}', 'href="#link-not-available-in-preview"')
body = body.replace('href="http', 'target="_blank" href="http')
body = '<div class="restructuredtext">' + body + '</div>'