mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 15:21:29 -05:00
121 lines
5 KiB
Executable file
121 lines
5 KiB
Executable file
import argparse
import html
import os
import pathlib
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
page_contents = sys.stdin.read()
base_url = "https://projects.blender.org"
uatest_base_url = "https://uatest.projects.blender.org"
local_url = "http://localhost:3000"
placeholder_url = "https://placeholder.org"
# Gitea sets this environment variable with the URL prefix for the current file.
gitea_prefix = os.environ.get("GITEA_PREFIX_SRC", "")
if gitea_prefix.startswith(base_url):
gitea_prefix = gitea_prefix[len(base_url):]
if gitea_prefix.startswith(uatest_base_url):
gitea_prefix = gitea_prefix[len(uatest_base_url):]
if gitea_prefix.startswith(local_url):
gitea_prefix = gitea_prefix[len(local_url):]
if len(gitea_prefix):
path_tokens = gitea_prefix.strip('/').split('/')
org, repo, view, ref, branch = path_tokens[:5]
doc_url = f"{base_url}/{org}/{repo}/{view}/{ref}/{branch}"
image_url = f"{base_url}/{org}/{repo}/media/{ref}/{branch}"
# Hardcoded exception for blender-manual, that has links relative
# to manual/ folder.
if len(path_tokens) > 5 and path_tokens[5] == 'manual':
doc_url += "/manual"
image_url += "/manual"
doc_url = ""
image_url = ""
# Set up temporary directory with sphinx configuration.
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
work_dir = pathlib.Path(tmp_dir) / "work"
script_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
shutil.copytree(script_dir / "template", work_dir)
page_filepath = work_dir / "contents.rst"
# Turn links into external links since internal links are not found and stripped.
def path_to_label(path):
path = path.removesuffix('/index')
return path.split('/')[-1].replace('_', ' ').replace('-', ' ').capitalize()
def doc_label_link(matchobj):
return f"`{matchobj.group(1)}<{doc_url}/{matchobj.group(2).strip('/')}.rst>`_"
def doc_link(matchobj):
return f"`{path_to_label(matchobj.group(1))} <{doc_url}/{matchobj.group(1).strip('/')}.rst>`_"
def ref_label_link(matchobj):
return f"`{matchobj.group(1)} <{placeholder_url}>`_"
def ref_link(matchobj):
return f"`{path_to_label(matchobj.group(1))} <{placeholder_url}>`_"
def term_link(matchobj):
return f"`{matchobj.group(1)} <{placeholder_url}>`_"
def figure_link(matchobj):
return f"figure:: {image_url}/{matchobj.group(1).strip('/')}"
def image_link(matchobj):
return f"image:: {image_url}/{matchobj.group(1).strip('/')}"
page_contents = re.sub(":doc:`/(.+?)`", doc_link, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub(":doc:`(.+?)<(.+?)>`", doc_label_link, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub(":ref:`(.+?)<(.+?)>`", ref_label_link, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub(":ref:`([\w\s-]+?)`", ref_link, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub(":term:`(.+?)<(.+?)>`", term_link, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub(":term:`([\w\s-]+?)`", term_link, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub("figure:: (.+?)", figure_link, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub("image:: (.+?)", image_link, page_contents)
# Disable include directives and raw for security. They are already disabled
# by docutils.py, this is just to be extra careful.
def include_directive(matchobj):
return f"warning:: include not available in preview: {html.escape(matchobj.group(1))}"
def raw_directive(matchobj):
return f"warning:: raw not available in preview: {html.escape(matchobj.group(1))}"
page_contents = re.sub("literalinclude::(.*)", include_directive, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub("include::(.*)", include_directive, page_contents)
page_contents = re.sub("raw::(.*)", raw_directive, page_contents)
# Debug processed RST
# print(html.escape(page_contents).replace('\n', '<br/>\n'))
# sys.exit(0)
# Run sphinx-build.
out_dir = work_dir / "out"
out_filepath = out_dir / "contents.html"
sphinx_build = script_dir / "venv" / "bin" / "sphinx-build"
sphinx_cmd = [sphinx_build, "-b", "html", work_dir, out_dir]
result = subprocess.run(sphinx_cmd, capture_output=True)
# Output errors.
error = result.stderr.decode("utf-8", "ignore").strip()
if len(error):
error = error.replace(str(page_filepath) + ":", "")
error = html.escape(error)
print("<h2>Sphinx Warnings</h2>\n")
print("<p>Note the preview is not accurate and warnings may not indicate real issues.</p>")
# Output contents of body.
if result.returncode == 0 and out_filepath.is_file():
contents = out_filepath.read_text()
body = contents.split("<body>")[1].split("</body>")[0]
body = body.replace(f'href="{placeholder_url}', 'href="#link-not-available-in-preview"')
body = body.replace('href="http', 'target="_blank" href="http')
body = '<div class="restructuredtext">' + body + '</div>'