In the latest releases, Gitea has fixed a lot of the styling issues we
had manually fixed in the past.
Additionally, the recent style adjustments they did look a lot better
so it is better to remove our custom styling as much as possible, and
follow stock Gitea. Making it easier to upgrade in the future.
* Fix broken styling
* Remove custom font
* Cleanup unused variables
* Add code comments
Move the cards "Blender, User Manual, Flamenco", to a "Products" dropdown
in the header, together with other projects. We can add more in the
future to give visibility to other projects.
Refactor the Releases, Modules and Projects cards into reusable
templates. Now they are used in the non-logged-in landing homepage
and in the logged-in dashboard.
In line with the code blog and other dev sites (Wiki, DevTalk)
Everything is pretty much copied from the one in (_navbar_developer.php),
with some additions to make it work in Gitea.
The styling additions are in the <style> block with the comment "/* Custom styling for Gitea */"
The link to "Projects" is (since it makes sense here but
not yet in the Code blog).
On the Gitea side, two custom templates have changed:
* head_navbar.tpml was changed to add the mobile navbar expand toggle.
* body_inner_pre.tpml contains the actual navbar, copied from the repo
with the following changes:
* Added <style> block custom for Gitea.
* Added custom notifications code from head_navbar.tpml
* Added user buttons (notif, create, register, sign in, etc),
See the area around "{{/* Here starts the custom styling for gitea. */}}"
* In order to style the buttons as such, the class `navbardev-btn` was added
to the Register, Sign In, Notifications, Create, and User dropdown buttons.