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mirror of https://github.com/fastmail/Squire.git synced 2024-12-22 15:23:29 -05:00
Neil Jenkins b69a1635de Use mutation observers where possible to detect change
We need to know when the document is modified in order to fire an "input" event
and set the undo/redo state correctly. Observing keyup is imprecise, as it's
hard to tell whether the key press actually modified anything. Newer browsers
support mutation observers, which tell you precisely when something has changed.
For IE9/10, Opera 12 and other older browsers, we fall back to observing keyup

Fixes #26.
2014-12-27 13:48:15 +07:00

2384 lines
76 KiB

/*jshint strict:false, undef:false, unused:false */
var instances = [];
function Squire ( doc ) {
var win = doc.defaultView;
var body = doc.body;
var mutation;
this._win = win;
this._doc = doc;
this._body = body;
this._events = {};
this._sel = win.getSelection();
this._lastSelection = null;
// IE loses selection state of iframe on blur, so make sure we
// cache it just before it loses focus.
if ( losesSelectionOnBlur ) {
this.addEventListener( 'beforedeactivate', this.getSelection );
this._hasZWS = false;
this._lastAnchorNode = null;
this._lastFocusNode = null;
this._path = '';
this.addEventListener( 'keyup', this._updatePathOnEvent );
this.addEventListener( 'mouseup', this._updatePathOnEvent );
win.addEventListener( 'focus', this, false );
win.addEventListener( 'blur', this, false );
this._undoIndex = -1;
this._undoStack = [];
this._undoStackLength = 0;
this._isInUndoState = false;
this._ignoreChange = false;
if ( canObserveMutations ) {
mutation = new MutationObserver( this._docWasChanged.bind( this ) );
mutation.observe( body, {
childList: true,
attributes: true,
characterData: true,
subtree: true
this._mutation = mutation;
} else {
this.addEventListener( 'keyup', this._keyUpDetectChange );
this.defaultBlockProperties = undefined;
// IE sometimes fires the beforepaste event twice; make sure it is not run
// again before our after paste function is called.
this._awaitingPaste = false;
this.addEventListener( isIElt11 ? 'beforecut' : 'cut', this._onCut );
this.addEventListener( isIElt11 ? 'beforepaste' : 'paste', this._onPaste );
// Opera does not fire keydown repeatedly.
this.addEventListener( isPresto ? 'keypress' : 'keydown', this._onKey );
// Fix IE<10's buggy implementation of Text#splitText.
// If the split is at the end of the node, it doesn't insert the newly split
// node into the document, and sets its value to undefined rather than ''.
// And even if the split is not at the end, the original node is removed
// from the document and replaced by another, rather than just having its
// data shortened.
// We used to feature test for this, but then found the feature test would
// sometimes pass, but later on the buggy behaviour would still appear.
// I think IE10 does not have the same bug, but it doesn't hurt to replace
// its native fn too and then we don't need yet another UA category.
if ( isIElt11 ) {
win.Text.prototype.splitText = function ( offset ) {
var afterSplit = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(
this.data.slice( offset ) ),
next = this.nextSibling,
parent = this.parentNode,
toDelete = this.length - offset;
if ( next ) {
parent.insertBefore( afterSplit, next );
} else {
parent.appendChild( afterSplit );
if ( toDelete ) {
this.deleteData( offset, toDelete );
return afterSplit;
body.setAttribute( 'contenteditable', 'true' );
this.setHTML( '' );
// Remove Firefox's built-in controls
try {
doc.execCommand( 'enableObjectResizing', false, 'false' );
doc.execCommand( 'enableInlineTableEditing', false, 'false' );
} catch ( error ) {}
instances.push( this );
var proto = Squire.prototype;
proto.createElement = function ( tag, props, children ) {
return createElement( this._doc, tag, props, children );
proto.createDefaultBlock = function ( children ) {
return fixCursor(
this.createElement( 'DIV', this.defaultBlockProperties, children )
proto.didError = function ( error ) {
console.log( error );
proto.getDocument = function () {
return this._doc;
// --- Events ---
// Subscribing to these events won't automatically add a listener to the
// document node, since these events are fired in a custom manner by the
// editor code.
var customEvents = {
focus: 1, blur: 1,
pathChange: 1, select: 1, input: 1, undoStateChange: 1
proto.fireEvent = function ( type, event ) {
var handlers = this._events[ type ],
i, l, obj;
if ( handlers ) {
if ( !event ) {
event = {};
if ( event.type !== type ) {
event.type = type;
// Clone handlers array, so any handlers added/removed do not affect it.
handlers = handlers.slice();
for ( i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i += 1 ) {
obj = handlers[i];
try {
if ( obj.handleEvent ) {
obj.handleEvent( event );
} else {
obj.call( this, event );
} catch ( error ) {
error.details = 'Squire: fireEvent error. Event type: ' + type;
this.didError( error );
return this;
proto.destroy = function () {
var win = this._win,
doc = this._doc,
events = this._events,
win.removeEventListener( 'focus', this, false );
win.removeEventListener( 'blur', this, false );
for ( type in events ) {
if ( !customEvents[ type ] ) {
doc.removeEventListener( type, this, true );
if ( this._mutation ) {
var l = instances.length;
while ( l-- ) {
if ( instances[l] === this ) {
instances.splice( l, 1 );
proto.handleEvent = function ( event ) {
this.fireEvent( event.type, event );
proto.addEventListener = function ( type, fn ) {
var handlers = this._events[ type ];
if ( !fn ) {
name: 'Squire: addEventListener with null or undefined fn',
message: 'Event type: ' + type
return this;
if ( !handlers ) {
handlers = this._events[ type ] = [];
if ( !customEvents[ type ] ) {
this._doc.addEventListener( type, this, true );
handlers.push( fn );
return this;
proto.removeEventListener = function ( type, fn ) {
var handlers = this._events[ type ],
if ( handlers ) {
l = handlers.length;
while ( l-- ) {
if ( handlers[l] === fn ) {
handlers.splice( l, 1 );
if ( !handlers.length ) {
delete this._events[ type ];
if ( !customEvents[ type ] ) {
this._doc.removeEventListener( type, this, false );
return this;
// --- Selection and Path ---
proto._createRange =
function ( range, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset ) {
if ( range instanceof this._win.Range ) {
return range.cloneRange();
var domRange = this._doc.createRange();
domRange.setStart( range, startOffset );
if ( endContainer ) {
domRange.setEnd( endContainer, endOffset );
} else {
domRange.setEnd( range, startOffset );
return domRange;
proto.setSelection = function ( range ) {
if ( range ) {
// iOS bug: if you don't focus the iframe before setting the
// selection, you can end up in a state where you type but the input
// doesn't get directed into the contenteditable area but is instead
// lost in a black hole. Very strange.
if ( isIOS ) {
var sel = this._sel;
sel.addRange( range );
return this;
proto.getSelection = function () {
var sel = this._sel,
selection, startContainer, endContainer;
if ( sel.rangeCount ) {
selection = sel.getRangeAt( 0 ).cloneRange();
startContainer = selection.startContainer;
endContainer = selection.endContainer;
// FF can return the selection as being inside an <img>. WTF?
if ( startContainer && isLeaf( startContainer ) ) {
selection.setStartBefore( startContainer );
if ( endContainer && isLeaf( endContainer ) ) {
selection.setEndBefore( endContainer );
this._lastSelection = selection;
} else {
selection = this._lastSelection;
if ( !selection ) {
selection = this._createRange( this._body.firstChild, 0 );
return selection;
proto.getSelectedText = function () {
return getTextContentInRange( this.getSelection() );
proto.getPath = function () {
return this._path;
// --- Workaround for browsers that can't focus empty text nodes ---
// WebKit bug: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15256
var removeZWS = function ( root ) {
var walker = new TreeWalker( root, SHOW_TEXT, function () {
return true;
}, false ),
node, index;
while ( node = walker.nextNode() ) {
while ( ( index = node.data.indexOf( ZWS ) ) > -1 ) {
node.deleteData( index, 1 );
proto._didAddZWS = function () {
this._hasZWS = true;
proto._removeZWS = function () {
if ( !this._hasZWS ) {
removeZWS( this._body );
this._hasZWS = false;
// --- Path change events ---
proto._updatePath = function ( range, force ) {
var anchor = range.startContainer,
focus = range.endContainer,
if ( force || anchor !== this._lastAnchorNode ||
focus !== this._lastFocusNode ) {
this._lastAnchorNode = anchor;
this._lastFocusNode = focus;
newPath = ( anchor && focus ) ? ( anchor === focus ) ?
getPath( focus ) : '(selection)' : '';
if ( this._path !== newPath ) {
this._path = newPath;
this.fireEvent( 'pathChange', { path: newPath } );
if ( anchor !== focus ) {
this.fireEvent( 'select' );
proto._updatePathOnEvent = function () {
this._updatePath( this.getSelection() );
// --- Focus ---
proto.focus = function () {
// FF seems to need the body to be focussed (at least on first load).
// Chrome also now needs body to be focussed in order to show the cursor
// (otherwise it is focussed, but the cursor doesn't appear).
// Opera (Presto-variant) however will lose the selection if you call this!
if ( !isPresto ) {
return this;
proto.blur = function () {
// IE will remove the whole browser window from focus if you call
// win.blur() or body.blur(), so instead we call top.focus() to focus
// the top frame, thus blurring this frame. This works in everything
// except FF, so we need to call body.blur() in that as well.
if ( isGecko ) {
return this;
// --- Bookmarking ---
var startSelectionId = 'squire-selection-start';
var endSelectionId = 'squire-selection-end';
proto._saveRangeToBookmark = function ( range ) {
var startNode = this.createElement( 'INPUT', {
id: startSelectionId,
type: 'hidden'
endNode = this.createElement( 'INPUT', {
id: endSelectionId,
type: 'hidden'
insertNodeInRange( range, startNode );
range.collapse( false );
insertNodeInRange( range, endNode );
// In a collapsed range, the start is sometimes inserted after the end!
if ( startNode.compareDocumentPosition( endNode ) &
startNode.id = endSelectionId;
endNode.id = startSelectionId;
temp = startNode;
startNode = endNode;
endNode = temp;
range.setStartAfter( startNode );
range.setEndBefore( endNode );
proto._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark = function ( range ) {
var doc = this._doc,
start = doc.getElementById( startSelectionId ),
end = doc.getElementById( endSelectionId );
if ( start && end ) {
var startContainer = start.parentNode,
endContainer = end.parentNode,
var _range = {
startContainer: startContainer,
endContainer: endContainer,
startOffset: indexOf.call( startContainer.childNodes, start ),
endOffset: indexOf.call( endContainer.childNodes, end )
if ( startContainer === endContainer ) {
_range.endOffset -= 1;
detach( start );
detach( end );
// Merge any text nodes we split
mergeInlines( startContainer, _range );
if ( startContainer !== endContainer ) {
mergeInlines( endContainer, _range );
if ( !range ) {
range = doc.createRange();
range.setStart( _range.startContainer, _range.startOffset );
range.setEnd( _range.endContainer, _range.endOffset );
collapsed = range.collapsed;
moveRangeBoundariesDownTree( range );
if ( collapsed ) {
range.collapse( true );
return range || null;
// --- Undo ---
proto._keyUpDetectChange = function ( event ) {
var code = event.keyCode;
// Presume document was changed if:
// 1. A modifier key (other than shift) wasn't held down
// 2. The key pressed is not in range 16<=x<=20 (control keys)
// 3. The key pressed is not in range 33<=x<=45 (navigation keys)
if ( !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && !event.altKey &&
( code < 16 || code > 20 ) &&
( code < 33 || code > 45 ) ) {
proto._docWasChanged = function () {
if ( canObserveMutations && this._ignoreChange ) {
this._ignoreChange = false;
if ( this._isInUndoState ) {
this._isInUndoState = false;
this.fireEvent( 'undoStateChange', {
canUndo: true,
canRedo: false
this.fireEvent( 'input' );
// Leaves bookmark
proto._recordUndoState = function ( range ) {
// Don't record if we're already in an undo state
if ( !this._isInUndoState ) {
// Advance pointer to new position
var undoIndex = this._undoIndex += 1,
undoStack = this._undoStack;
// Truncate stack if longer (i.e. if has been previously undone)
if ( undoIndex < this._undoStackLength) {
undoStack.length = this._undoStackLength = undoIndex;
// Write out data
if ( range ) {
this._saveRangeToBookmark( range );
undoStack[ undoIndex ] = this._getHTML();
this._undoStackLength += 1;
this._isInUndoState = true;
proto.undo = function () {
// Sanity check: must not be at beginning of the history stack
if ( this._undoIndex !== 0 || !this._isInUndoState ) {
// Make sure any changes since last checkpoint are saved.
this._recordUndoState( this.getSelection() );
this._undoIndex -= 1;
this._ignoreChange = true;
this._setHTML( this._undoStack[ this._undoIndex ] );
var range = this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark();
if ( range ) {
this.setSelection( range );
this._isInUndoState = true;
this.fireEvent( 'undoStateChange', {
canUndo: this._undoIndex !== 0,
canRedo: true
this.fireEvent( 'input' );
return this;
proto.redo = function () {
// Sanity check: must not be at end of stack and must be in an undo
// state.
var undoIndex = this._undoIndex,
undoStackLength = this._undoStackLength;
if ( undoIndex + 1 < undoStackLength && this._isInUndoState ) {
this._undoIndex += 1;
this._ignoreChange = true;
this._setHTML( this._undoStack[ this._undoIndex ] );
var range = this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark();
if ( range ) {
this.setSelection( range );
this.fireEvent( 'undoStateChange', {
canUndo: true,
canRedo: undoIndex + 2 < undoStackLength
this.fireEvent( 'input' );
return this;
// --- Inline formatting ---
// Looks for matching tag and attributes, so won't work
// if <strong> instead of <b> etc.
proto.hasFormat = function ( tag, attributes, range ) {
// 1. Normalise the arguments and get selection
tag = tag.toUpperCase();
if ( !attributes ) { attributes = {}; }
if ( !range && !( range = this.getSelection() ) ) {
return false;
// If the common ancestor is inside the tag we require, we definitely
// have the format.
var root = range.commonAncestorContainer,
walker, node;
if ( getNearest( root, tag, attributes ) ) {
return true;
// If common ancestor is a text node and doesn't have the format, we
// definitely don't have it.
if ( root.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ) {
return false;
// Otherwise, check each text node at least partially contained within
// the selection and make sure all of them have the format we want.
walker = new TreeWalker( root, SHOW_TEXT, function ( node ) {
return isNodeContainedInRange( range, node, true );
}, false );
var seenNode = false;
while ( node = walker.nextNode() ) {
if ( !getNearest( node, tag, attributes ) ) {
return false;
seenNode = true;
return seenNode;
proto._addFormat = function ( tag, attributes, range ) {
// If the range is collapsed we simply insert the node by wrapping
// it round the range and focus it.
var el, walker, startContainer, endContainer, startOffset, endOffset,
textNode, needsFormat;
if ( range.collapsed ) {
el = fixCursor( this.createElement( tag, attributes ) );
insertNodeInRange( range, el );
range.setStart( el.firstChild, el.firstChild.length );
range.collapse( true );
// Otherwise we find all the textnodes in the range (splitting
// partially selected nodes) and if they're not already formatted
// correctly we wrap them in the appropriate tag.
else {
// We don't want to apply formatting twice so we check each text
// node to see if it has an ancestor with the formatting already.
// Create an iterator to walk over all the text nodes under this
// ancestor which are in the range and not already formatted
// correctly.
walker = new TreeWalker(
function ( node ) {
return isNodeContainedInRange( range, node, true );
// Start at the beginning node of the range and iterate through
// all the nodes in the range that need formatting.
startContainer = range.startContainer;
startOffset = range.startOffset;
endContainer = range.endContainer;
endOffset = range.endOffset;
// Make sure we start inside a text node.
walker.currentNode = startContainer;
if ( startContainer.nodeType !== TEXT_NODE ) {
startContainer = walker.nextNode();
startOffset = 0;
do {
textNode = walker.currentNode;
needsFormat = !getNearest( textNode, tag, attributes );
if ( needsFormat ) {
if ( textNode === endContainer &&
textNode.length > endOffset ) {
textNode.splitText( endOffset );
if ( textNode === startContainer && startOffset ) {
textNode = textNode.splitText( startOffset );
if ( endContainer === startContainer ) {
endContainer = textNode;
endOffset -= startOffset;
startContainer = textNode;
startOffset = 0;
el = this.createElement( tag, attributes );
replaceWith( textNode, el );
el.appendChild( textNode );
} while ( walker.nextNode() );
// Make sure we finish inside a text node. Otherwise offset may have
// changed.
if ( endContainer.nodeType !== TEXT_NODE ) {
endContainer = textNode;
endOffset = textNode.length;
// Now set the selection to as it was before
range = this._createRange(
startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset );
return range;
proto._removeFormat = function ( tag, attributes, range, partial ) {
// Add bookmark
this._saveRangeToBookmark( range );
// We need a node in the selection to break the surrounding
// formatted text.
var doc = this._doc,
if ( range.collapsed ) {
if ( cantFocusEmptyTextNodes ) {
fixer = doc.createTextNode( ZWS );
} else {
fixer = doc.createTextNode( '' );
insertNodeInRange( range, fixer );
// Find block-level ancestor of selection
var root = range.commonAncestorContainer;
while ( isInline( root ) ) {
root = root.parentNode;
// Find text nodes inside formatTags that are not in selection and
// add an extra tag with the same formatting.
var startContainer = range.startContainer,
startOffset = range.startOffset,
endContainer = range.endContainer,
endOffset = range.endOffset,
toWrap = [],
examineNode = function ( node, exemplar ) {
// If the node is completely contained by the range then
// we're going to remove all formatting so ignore it.
if ( isNodeContainedInRange( range, node, false ) ) {
var isText = ( node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ),
child, next;
// If not at least partially contained, wrap entire contents
// in a clone of the tag we're removing and we're done.
if ( !isNodeContainedInRange( range, node, true ) ) {
// Ignore bookmarks and empty text nodes
if ( node.nodeName !== 'INPUT' &&
( !isText || node.data ) ) {
toWrap.push([ exemplar, node ]);
// Split any partially selected text nodes.
if ( isText ) {
if ( node === endContainer && endOffset !== node.length ) {
toWrap.push([ exemplar, node.splitText( endOffset ) ]);
if ( node === startContainer && startOffset ) {
node.splitText( startOffset );
toWrap.push([ exemplar, node ]);
// If not a text node, recurse onto all children.
// Beware, the tree may be rewritten with each call
// to examineNode, hence find the next sibling first.
else {
for ( child = node.firstChild; child; child = next ) {
next = child.nextSibling;
examineNode( child, exemplar );
formatTags = Array.prototype.filter.call(
root.getElementsByTagName( tag ), function ( el ) {
return isNodeContainedInRange( range, el, true ) &&
hasTagAttributes( el, tag, attributes );
if ( !partial ) {
formatTags.forEach( function ( node ) {
examineNode( node, node );
// Now wrap unselected nodes in the tag
toWrap.forEach( function ( item ) {
// [ exemplar, node ] tuple
var el = item[0].cloneNode( false ),
node = item[1];
replaceWith( node, el );
el.appendChild( node );
// and remove old formatting tags.
formatTags.forEach( function ( el ) {
replaceWith( el, empty( el ) );
// Merge adjacent inlines:
this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
if ( fixer ) {
range.collapse( false );
var _range = {
startContainer: range.startContainer,
startOffset: range.startOffset,
endContainer: range.endContainer,
endOffset: range.endOffset
mergeInlines( root, _range );
range.setStart( _range.startContainer, _range.startOffset );
range.setEnd( _range.endContainer, _range.endOffset );
return range;
proto.changeFormat = function ( add, remove, range, partial ) {
// Normalise the arguments and get selection
if ( !range && !( range = this.getSelection() ) ) {
// Save undo checkpoint
this._recordUndoState( range );
this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
if ( remove ) {
range = this._removeFormat( remove.tag.toUpperCase(),
remove.attributes || {}, range, partial );
if ( add ) {
range = this._addFormat( add.tag.toUpperCase(),
add.attributes || {}, range );
this.setSelection( range );
this._updatePath( range, true );
// We're not still in an undo state
if ( !canObserveMutations ) {
return this;
// --- Block formatting ---
var tagAfterSplit = {
H1: 'DIV',
H2: 'DIV',
H3: 'DIV',
H4: 'DIV',
H5: 'DIV',
H6: 'DIV',
P: 'DIV',
DT: 'DD',
DD: 'DT',
LI: 'LI'
var splitBlock = function ( block, node, offset ) {
var splitTag = tagAfterSplit[ block.nodeName ],
nodeAfterSplit = split( node, offset, block.parentNode );
// Make sure the new node is the correct type.
if ( nodeAfterSplit.nodeName !== splitTag ) {
block = createElement( nodeAfterSplit.ownerDocument, splitTag );
block.className = nodeAfterSplit.dir === 'rtl' ? 'dir-rtl' : '';
block.dir = nodeAfterSplit.dir;
replaceWith( nodeAfterSplit, block );
block.appendChild( empty( nodeAfterSplit ) );
nodeAfterSplit = block;
return nodeAfterSplit;
proto.forEachBlock = function ( fn, mutates, range ) {
if ( !range && !( range = this.getSelection() ) ) {
return this;
// Save undo checkpoint
if ( mutates ) {
this._recordUndoState( range );
this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
var start = getStartBlockOfRange( range ),
end = getEndBlockOfRange( range );
if ( start && end ) {
do {
if ( fn( start ) || start === end ) { break; }
} while ( start = getNextBlock( start ) );
if ( mutates ) {
this.setSelection( range );
// Path may have changed
this._updatePath( range, true );
// We're not still in an undo state
if ( !canObserveMutations ) {
return this;
proto.modifyBlocks = function ( modify, range ) {
if ( !range && !( range = this.getSelection() ) ) {
return this;
// 1. Save undo checkpoint and bookmark selection
if ( this._isInUndoState ) {
this._saveRangeToBookmark( range );
} else {
this._recordUndoState( range );
// 2. Expand range to block boundaries
expandRangeToBlockBoundaries( range );
// 3. Remove range.
var body = this._body,
moveRangeBoundariesUpTree( range, body );
frag = extractContentsOfRange( range, body );
// 4. Modify tree of fragment and reinsert.
insertNodeInRange( range, modify.call( this, frag ) );
// 5. Merge containers at edges
if ( range.endOffset < range.endContainer.childNodes.length ) {
mergeContainers( range.endContainer.childNodes[ range.endOffset ] );
mergeContainers( range.startContainer.childNodes[ range.startOffset ] );
// 6. Restore selection
this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
this.setSelection( range );
this._updatePath( range, true );
// 7. We're not still in an undo state
if ( !canObserveMutations ) {
return this;
var increaseBlockQuoteLevel = function ( frag ) {
return this.createElement( 'BLOCKQUOTE', [
var decreaseBlockQuoteLevel = function ( frag ) {
var blockquotes = frag.querySelectorAll( 'blockquote' );
Array.prototype.filter.call( blockquotes, function ( el ) {
return !getNearest( el.parentNode, 'BLOCKQUOTE' );
}).forEach( function ( el ) {
replaceWith( el, empty( el ) );
return frag;
var removeBlockQuote = function (/* frag */) {
return this.createDefaultBlock([
this.createElement( 'INPUT', {
id: startSelectionId,
type: 'hidden'
this.createElement( 'INPUT', {
id: endSelectionId,
type: 'hidden'
var makeList = function ( self, frag, type ) {
var walker = getBlockWalker( frag ),
node, tag, prev, newLi;
while ( node = walker.nextNode() ) {
tag = node.parentNode.nodeName;
if ( tag !== 'LI' ) {
newLi = self.createElement( 'LI', {
'class': node.dir === 'rtl' ? 'dir-rtl' : undefined,
dir: node.dir || undefined
// Have we replaced the previous block with a new <ul>/<ol>?
if ( ( prev = node.previousSibling ) &&
prev.nodeName === type ) {
prev.appendChild( newLi );
// Otherwise, replace this block with the <ul>/<ol>
else {
self.createElement( type, [
newLi.appendChild( node );
} else {
node = node.parentNode.parentNode;
tag = node.nodeName;
if ( tag !== type && ( /^[OU]L$/.test( tag ) ) ) {
replaceWith( node,
self.createElement( type, [ empty( node ) ] )
var makeUnorderedList = function ( frag ) {
makeList( this, frag, 'UL' );
return frag;
var makeOrderedList = function ( frag ) {
makeList( this, frag, 'OL' );
return frag;
var removeList = function ( frag ) {
var lists = frag.querySelectorAll( 'UL, OL' ),
i, l, ll, list, listFrag, children, child;
for ( i = 0, l = lists.length; i < l; i += 1 ) {
list = lists[i];
listFrag = empty( list );
children = listFrag.childNodes;
ll = children.length;
while ( ll-- ) {
child = children[ll];
replaceWith( child, empty( child ) );
fixContainer( listFrag );
replaceWith( list, listFrag );
return frag;
var increaseListLevel = function ( frag ) {
var items = frag.querySelectorAll( 'LI' ),
i, l, item,
type, newParent;
for ( i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i += 1 ) {
item = items[i];
if ( !isContainer( item.firstChild ) ) {
// type => 'UL' or 'OL'
type = item.parentNode.nodeName;
newParent = item.previousSibling;
if ( !newParent || !( newParent = newParent.lastChild ) ||
newParent.nodeName !== type ) {
this.createElement( 'LI', [
newParent = this.createElement( type )
newParent.appendChild( item );
return frag;
var decreaseListLevel = function ( frag ) {
var items = frag.querySelectorAll( 'LI' );
Array.prototype.filter.call( items, function ( el ) {
return !isContainer( el.firstChild );
}).forEach( function ( item ) {
var parent = item.parentNode,
newParent = parent.parentNode,
first = item.firstChild,
node = first,
if ( item.previousSibling ) {
parent = split( parent, item, newParent );
while ( node ) {
next = node.nextSibling;
if ( isContainer( node ) ) {
newParent.insertBefore( node, parent );
node = next;
if ( newParent.nodeName === 'LI' && first.previousSibling ) {
split( newParent, first, newParent.parentNode );
while ( item !== frag && !item.childNodes.length ) {
parent = item.parentNode;
parent.removeChild( item );
item = parent;
}, this );
fixContainer( frag );
return frag;
// --- Clean ---
var linkRegExp = /\b((?:(?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,}\/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\([^\s()<>]+\))+(?:\((?:[^\s()<>]+|(?:\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))|([\w\-.%+]+@(?:[\w\-]+\.)+[A-Z]{2,}\b)/i;
var addLinks = function ( frag ) {
var doc = frag.ownerDocument,
walker = new TreeWalker( frag, SHOW_TEXT,
function ( node ) {
return !getNearest( node, 'A' );
}, false ),
node, data, parent, match, index, endIndex, child;
while ( node = walker.nextNode() ) {
data = node.data;
parent = node.parentNode;
while ( match = linkRegExp.exec( data ) ) {
index = match.index;
endIndex = index + match[0].length;
if ( index ) {
child = doc.createTextNode( data.slice( 0, index ) );
parent.insertBefore( child, node );
child = doc.createElement( 'A' );
child.textContent = data.slice( index, endIndex );
child.href = match[1] ?
/^(?:ht|f)tps?:/.test( match[1] ) ?
match[1] :
'http://' + match[1] :
'mailto:' + match[2];
parent.insertBefore( child, node );
node.data = data = data.slice( endIndex );
var fontSizes = {
1: 10,
2: 13,
3: 16,
4: 18,
5: 24,
6: 32,
7: 48
var spanToSemantic = {
backgroundColor: {
regexp: notWS,
replace: function ( doc, colour ) {
return createElement( doc, 'SPAN', {
'class': 'highlight',
style: 'background-color: ' + colour
color: {
regexp: notWS,
replace: function ( doc, colour ) {
return createElement( doc, 'SPAN', {
'class': 'colour',
style: 'color:' + colour
fontWeight: {
regexp: /^bold/i,
replace: function ( doc ) {
return createElement( doc, 'B' );
fontStyle: {
regexp: /^italic/i,
replace: function ( doc ) {
return createElement( doc, 'I' );
fontFamily: {
regexp: notWS,
replace: function ( doc, family ) {
return createElement( doc, 'SPAN', {
'class': 'font',
style: 'font-family:' + family
fontSize: {
regexp: notWS,
replace: function ( doc, size ) {
return createElement( doc, 'SPAN', {
'class': 'size',
style: 'font-size:' + size
var replaceWithTag = function ( tag ) {
return function ( node, parent ) {
var el = createElement( node.ownerDocument, tag );
parent.replaceChild( el, node );
el.appendChild( empty( node ) );
return el;
var stylesRewriters = {
SPAN: function ( span, parent ) {
var style = span.style,
doc = span.ownerDocument,
attr, converter, css, newTreeBottom, newTreeTop, el;
for ( attr in spanToSemantic ) {
converter = spanToSemantic[ attr ];
css = style[ attr ];
if ( css && converter.regexp.test( css ) ) {
el = converter.replace( doc, css );
if ( newTreeBottom ) {
newTreeBottom.appendChild( el );
newTreeBottom = el;
if ( !newTreeTop ) {
newTreeTop = el;
if ( newTreeTop ) {
newTreeBottom.appendChild( empty( span ) );
parent.replaceChild( newTreeTop, span );
return newTreeBottom || span;
STRONG: replaceWithTag( 'B' ),
EM: replaceWithTag( 'I' ),
STRIKE: replaceWithTag( 'S' ),
FONT: function ( node, parent ) {
var face = node.face,
size = node.size,
colour = node.color,
doc = node.ownerDocument,
fontSpan, sizeSpan, colourSpan,
newTreeBottom, newTreeTop;
if ( face ) {
fontSpan = createElement( doc, 'SPAN', {
'class': 'font',
style: 'font-family:' + face
newTreeTop = fontSpan;
newTreeBottom = fontSpan;
if ( size ) {
sizeSpan = createElement( doc, 'SPAN', {
'class': 'size',
style: 'font-size:' + fontSizes[ size ] + 'px'
if ( !newTreeTop ) {
newTreeTop = sizeSpan;
if ( newTreeBottom ) {
newTreeBottom.appendChild( sizeSpan );
newTreeBottom = sizeSpan;
if ( colour && /^#?([\dA-F]{3}){1,2}$/i.test( colour ) ) {
if ( colour.charAt( 0 ) !== '#' ) {
colour = '#' + colour;
colourSpan = createElement( doc, 'SPAN', {
'class': 'colour',
style: 'color:' + colour
if ( !newTreeTop ) {
newTreeTop = colourSpan;
if ( newTreeBottom ) {
newTreeBottom.appendChild( colourSpan );
newTreeBottom = colourSpan;
if ( !newTreeTop ) {
newTreeTop = newTreeBottom = createElement( doc, 'SPAN' );
parent.replaceChild( newTreeTop, node );
newTreeBottom.appendChild( empty( node ) );
return newTreeBottom;
TT: function ( node, parent ) {
var el = createElement( node.ownerDocument, 'SPAN', {
'class': 'font',
style: 'font-family:menlo,consolas,"courier new",monospace'
parent.replaceChild( el, node );
el.appendChild( empty( node ) );
return el;
var removeEmptyInlines = function ( root ) {
var children = root.childNodes,
l = children.length,
while ( l-- ) {
child = children[l];
if ( child.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && !isLeaf( child ) ) {
removeEmptyInlines( child );
if ( isInline( child ) && !child.firstChild ) {
root.removeChild( child );
} else if ( child.nodeType === TEXT_NODE && !child.data ) {
root.removeChild( child );
Two purposes:
1. Remove nodes we don't want, such as weird <o:p> tags, comment nodes
and whitespace nodes.
2. Convert inline tags into our preferred format.
var cleanTree = function ( node, allowStyles ) {
var children = node.childNodes,
i, l, child, nodeName, nodeType, rewriter, childLength,
data, j, ll;
for ( i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i += 1 ) {
child = children[i];
nodeName = child.nodeName;
nodeType = child.nodeType;
rewriter = stylesRewriters[ nodeName ];
if ( nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE ) {
childLength = child.childNodes.length;
if ( rewriter ) {
child = rewriter( child, node );
} else if ( !allowedBlock.test( nodeName ) &&
!isInline( child ) ) {
i -= 1;
l += childLength - 1;
node.replaceChild( empty( child ), child );
} else if ( !allowStyles && child.style.cssText ) {
child.removeAttribute( 'style' );
if ( childLength ) {
cleanTree( child, allowStyles );
} else {
if ( nodeType === TEXT_NODE ) {
data = child.data;
// Use \S instead of notWS, because we want to remove nodes
// which are just nbsp, in order to cleanup <div>nbsp<br></div>
// construct.
if ( /\S/.test( data ) ) {
// If the parent node is inline, don't trim this node as
// it probably isn't at the end of the block.
if ( isInline( node ) ) {
j = 0;
ll = data.length;
if ( !i || !isInline( children[ i - 1 ] ) ) {
while ( j < ll && !notWS.test( data.charAt( j ) ) ) {
j += 1;
if ( j ) {
child.data = data = data.slice( j );
ll -= j;
if ( i + 1 === l || !isInline( children[ i + 1 ] ) ) {
j = ll;
while ( j > 0 && !notWS.test( data.charAt( j - 1 ) ) ) {
j -= 1;
if ( j < ll ) {
child.data = data.slice( 0, j );
// If we have just white space, it may still be important if it
// separates two inline nodes, e.g. "<a>link</a> <a>link</a>".
else if ( i && i + 1 < l &&
isInline( children[ i - 1 ] ) &&
isInline( children[ i + 1 ] ) ) {
child.data = ' ';
node.removeChild( child );
i -= 1;
l -= 1;
return node;
var notWSTextNode = function ( node ) {
return node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE ?
node.nodeName === 'BR' :
notWS.test( node.data );
var isLineBreak = function ( br ) {
var block = br.parentNode,
while ( isInline( block ) ) {
block = block.parentNode;
walker = new TreeWalker(
block, SHOW_ELEMENT|SHOW_TEXT, notWSTextNode );
walker.currentNode = br;
return !!walker.nextNode();
// <br> elements are treated specially, and differently depending on the
// browser, when in rich text editor mode. When adding HTML from external
// sources, we must remove them, replacing the ones that actually affect
// line breaks with a split of the block element containing it (and wrapping
// any not inside a block). Browsers that want <br> elements at the end of
// each block will then have them added back in a later fixCursor method
// call.
var cleanupBRs = function ( root ) {
var brs = root.querySelectorAll( 'BR' ),
brBreaksLine = [],
l = brs.length,
i, br, block;
// Must calculate whether the <br> breaks a line first, because if we
// have two <br>s next to each other, after the first one is converted
// to a block split, the second will be at the end of a block and
// therefore seem to not be a line break. But in its original context it
// was, so we should also convert it to a block split.
for ( i = 0; i < l; i += 1 ) {
brBreaksLine[i] = isLineBreak( brs[i] );
while ( l-- ) {
br = brs[l];
// Cleanup may have removed it
block = br.parentNode;
if ( !block ) { continue; }
while ( isInline( block ) ) {
block = block.parentNode;
// If this is not inside a block, replace it by wrapping
// inlines in a <div>.
if ( !isBlock( block ) ) {
fixContainer( block );
else {
// If it doesn't break a line, just remove it; it's not doing
// anything useful. We'll add it back later if required by the
// browser. If it breaks a line, split the block or leave it as
// appropriate.
if ( brBreaksLine[l] ) {
// If in a <div>, split, but anywhere else we might change
// the formatting too much (e.g. <li> -> to two list items!)
// so just play it safe and leave it.
if ( block.nodeName !== 'DIV' ) {
split( br.parentNode, br, block.parentNode );
detach( br );
proto._ensureBottomLine = function () {
var body = this._body,
div = body.lastChild;
if ( !div || div.nodeName !== 'DIV' || !isBlock( div ) ) {
body.appendChild( this.createDefaultBlock() );
// --- Cut and Paste ---
proto._onCut = function () {
// Save undo checkpoint
var range = this.getSelection();
var self = this;
this._recordUndoState( range );
this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
this.setSelection( range );
setTimeout( function () {
try {
// If all content removed, ensure div at start of body.
} catch ( error ) {
self.didError( error );
}, 0 );
proto._onPaste = function ( event ) {
if ( this._awaitingPaste ) { return; }
// Treat image paste as a drop of an image file.
var clipboardData = event.clipboardData,
items = clipboardData && clipboardData.items,
fireDrop = false,
hasImage = false,
l, type;
if ( items ) {
l = items.length;
while ( l-- ) {
type = items[l].type;
if ( type === 'text/html' ) {
hasImage = false;
if ( /^image\/.*/.test( type ) ) {
hasImage = true;
if ( hasImage ) {
this.fireEvent( 'dragover', {
dataTransfer: clipboardData,
/*jshint loopfunc: true */
preventDefault: function () {
fireDrop = true;
/*jshint loopfunc: false */
if ( fireDrop ) {
this.fireEvent( 'drop', {
dataTransfer: clipboardData
this._awaitingPaste = true;
var self = this,
body = this._body,
range = this.getSelection(),
startContainer = range.startContainer,
startOffset = range.startOffset,
endContainer = range.endContainer,
endOffset = range.endOffset,
startBlock = getStartBlockOfRange( range );
// Record undo checkpoint
self._recordUndoState( range );
self._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
// We need to position the pasteArea in the visible portion of the screen
// to stop the browser auto-scrolling.
var pasteArea = this.createElement( 'DIV', {
style: 'position: absolute; overflow: hidden; top:' +
( body.scrollTop +
( startBlock ? startBlock.getBoundingClientRect().top : 0 ) ) +
'px; left: 0; width: 1px; height: 1px;'
body.appendChild( pasteArea );
range.selectNodeContents( pasteArea );
this.setSelection( range );
// A setTimeout of 0 means this is added to the back of the
// single javascript thread, so it will be executed after the
// paste event.
setTimeout( function () {
try {
// Get the pasted content and clean
var frag = empty( detach( pasteArea ) ),
first = frag.firstChild,
range = self._createRange(
startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset );
// Was anything actually pasted?
if ( first ) {
// Safari and IE like putting extra divs around things.
if ( first === frag.lastChild &&
first.nodeName === 'DIV' ) {
frag.replaceChild( empty( first ), first );
addLinks( frag );
cleanTree( frag, false );
cleanupBRs( frag );
removeEmptyInlines( frag );
var node = frag,
doPaste = true;
while ( node = getNextBlock( node ) ) {
fixCursor( node );
self.fireEvent( 'willPaste', {
fragment: frag,
preventDefault: function () {
doPaste = false;
// Insert pasted data
if ( doPaste ) {
insertTreeFragmentIntoRange( range, frag );
if ( !canObserveMutations ) {
range.collapse( false );
self.setSelection( range );
self._updatePath( range, true );
self._awaitingPaste = false;
} catch ( error ) {
self.didError( error );
}, 0 );
// --- Keyboard interaction ---
var keys = {
8: 'backspace',
9: 'tab',
13: 'enter',
32: 'space',
37: 'left',
39: 'right',
46: 'delete',
219: '[',
221: ']'
var mapKeyTo = function ( method ) {
return function ( self, event ) {
self[ method ]();
var mapKeyToFormat = function ( tag, remove ) {
remove = remove || null;
return function ( self, event ) {
var range = self.getSelection();
if ( self.hasFormat( tag, null, range ) ) {
self.changeFormat( null, { tag: tag }, range );
} else {
self.changeFormat( { tag: tag }, remove, range );
// If you delete the content inside a span with a font styling, Webkit will
// replace it with a <font> tag (!). If you delete all the text inside a
// link in Opera, it won't delete the link. Let's make things consistent. If
// you delete all text inside an inline tag, remove the inline tag.
var afterDelete = function ( self, range ) {
try {
if ( !range ) { range = self.getSelection(); }
var node = range.startContainer,
// Climb the tree from the focus point while we are inside an empty
// inline element
if ( node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ) {
node = node.parentNode;
parent = node;
while ( isInline( parent ) &&
( !parent.textContent || parent.textContent === ZWS ) ) {
node = parent;
parent = node.parentNode;
// If focussed in empty inline element
if ( node !== parent ) {
// Move focus to just before empty inline(s)
range.setStart( parent,
indexOf.call( parent.childNodes, node ) );
range.collapse( true );
// Remove empty inline(s)
parent.removeChild( node );
// Fix cursor in block
if ( !isBlock( parent ) ) {
parent = getPreviousBlock( parent );
fixCursor( parent );
// Move cursor into text node
moveRangeBoundariesDownTree( range );
self.setSelection( range );
self._updatePath( range, true );
} catch ( error ) {
self.didError( error );
var keyHandlers = {
enter: function ( self, event, range ) {
var block, parent, tag, splitTag, nodeAfterSplit;
// We handle this ourselves
// Save undo checkpoint and add any links in the preceding section.
// Remove any zws so we don't think there's content in an empty
// block.
self._recordUndoState( range );
addLinks( range.startContainer );
self._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
// Selected text is overwritten, therefore delete the contents
// to collapse selection.
if ( !range.collapsed ) {
deleteContentsOfRange( range );
block = getStartBlockOfRange( range );
if ( block && ( parent = getNearest( block, 'LI' ) ) ) {
block = parent;
tag = block ? block.nodeName : 'DIV';
splitTag = tagAfterSplit[ tag ];
// If this is a malformed bit of document, just play it safe
// and insert a <br>.
if ( !block ) {
insertNodeInRange( range, self.createElement( 'BR' ) );
range.collapse( false );
self.setSelection( range );
self._updatePath( range, true );
// We need to wrap the contents in divs.
var splitNode = range.startContainer,
splitOffset = range.startOffset,
if ( !splitTag ) {
// If the selection point is inside the block, we're going to
// rewrite it so our saved reference points won't be valid.
// Pick a node at a deeper point in the tree to avoid this.
if ( splitNode === block ) {
splitNode = splitOffset ?
splitNode.childNodes[ splitOffset - 1 ] : null;
splitOffset = 0;
if ( splitNode ) {
if ( splitNode.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
splitNode = splitNode.nextSibling;
} else {
splitOffset = getLength( splitNode );
if ( !splitNode || splitNode.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
replacement = fixCursor( self.createElement( 'DIV' ) );
if ( splitNode ) {
block.replaceChild( replacement, splitNode );
} else {
block.appendChild( replacement );
splitNode = replacement;
fixContainer( block );
splitTag = 'DIV';
if ( !splitNode ) {
splitNode = block.firstChild;
range.setStart( splitNode, splitOffset );
range.setEnd( splitNode, splitOffset );
block = getStartBlockOfRange( range );
if ( !block.textContent ) {
// Break list
if ( getNearest( block, 'UL' ) || getNearest( block, 'OL' ) ) {
return self.modifyBlocks( decreaseListLevel, range );
// Break blockquote
else if ( getNearest( block, 'BLOCKQUOTE' ) ) {
return self.modifyBlocks( removeBlockQuote, range );
// Otherwise, split at cursor point.
nodeAfterSplit = splitBlock( block, splitNode, splitOffset );
// Clean up any empty inlines if we hit enter at the beginning of the
// block
removeZWS( block );
removeEmptyInlines( block );
fixCursor( block );
// Focus cursor
// If there's a <b>/<i> etc. at the beginning of the split
// make sure we focus inside it.
while ( nodeAfterSplit.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE ) {
var child = nodeAfterSplit.firstChild,
// Don't continue links over a block break; unlikely to be the
// desired outcome.
if ( nodeAfterSplit.nodeName === 'A' &&
!nodeAfterSplit.textContent ) {
replaceWith( nodeAfterSplit, empty( nodeAfterSplit ) );
nodeAfterSplit = child;
while ( child && child.nodeType === TEXT_NODE && !child.data ) {
next = child.nextSibling;
if ( !next || next.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
detach( child );
child = next;
// 'BR's essentially don't count; they're a browser hack.
// If you try to select the contents of a 'BR', FF will not let
// you type anything!
if ( !child || child.nodeName === 'BR' ||
( child.nodeType === TEXT_NODE && !isPresto ) ) {
nodeAfterSplit = child;
range = self._createRange( nodeAfterSplit, 0 );
self.setSelection( range );
self._updatePath( range, true );
// Scroll into view
if ( nodeAfterSplit.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ) {
nodeAfterSplit = nodeAfterSplit.parentNode;
var doc = self._doc,
body = self._body;
if ( nodeAfterSplit.offsetTop + nodeAfterSplit.offsetHeight >
( doc.documentElement.scrollTop || body.scrollTop ) +
body.offsetHeight ) {
nodeAfterSplit.scrollIntoView( false );
backspace: function ( self, event, range ) {
// Record undo checkpoint.
self._recordUndoState( range );
self._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
// If not collapsed, delete contents
if ( !range.collapsed ) {
deleteContentsOfRange( range );
afterDelete( self, range );
// If at beginning of block, merge with previous
else if ( rangeDoesStartAtBlockBoundary( range ) ) {
var current = getStartBlockOfRange( range ),
previous = current && getPreviousBlock( current );
// Must not be at the very beginning of the text area.
if ( previous ) {
// If not editable, just delete whole block.
if ( !previous.isContentEditable ) {
detach( previous );
// Otherwise merge.
mergeWithBlock( previous, current, range );
// If deleted line between containers, merge newly adjacent
// containers.
current = previous.parentNode;
while ( current && !current.nextSibling ) {
current = current.parentNode;
if ( current && ( current = current.nextSibling ) ) {
mergeContainers( current );
self.setSelection( range );
// If at very beginning of text area, allow backspace
// to break lists/blockquote.
else if ( current ) {
// Break list
if ( getNearest( current, 'UL' ) ||
getNearest( current, 'OL' ) ) {
return self.modifyBlocks( decreaseListLevel, range );
// Break blockquote
else if ( getNearest( current, 'BLOCKQUOTE' ) ) {
return self.modifyBlocks( decreaseBlockQuoteLevel, range );
self.setSelection( range );
self._updatePath( range, true );
// Otherwise, leave to browser but check afterwards whether it has
// left behind an empty inline tag.
else {
self.setSelection( range );
setTimeout( function () { afterDelete( self ); }, 0 );
'delete': function ( self, event, range ) {
// Record undo checkpoint.
self._recordUndoState( range );
self._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
// If not collapsed, delete contents
if ( !range.collapsed ) {
deleteContentsOfRange( range );
afterDelete( self, range );
// If at end of block, merge next into this block
else if ( rangeDoesEndAtBlockBoundary( range ) ) {
var current = getStartBlockOfRange( range ),
next = current && getNextBlock( current );
// Must not be at the very end of the text area.
if ( next ) {
// If not editable, just delete whole block.
if ( !next.isContentEditable ) {
detach( next );
// Otherwise merge.
mergeWithBlock( current, next, range );
// If deleted line between containers, merge newly adjacent
// containers.
next = current.parentNode;
while ( next && !next.nextSibling ) {
next = next.parentNode;
if ( next && ( next = next.nextSibling ) ) {
mergeContainers( next );
self.setSelection( range );
self._updatePath( range, true );
// Otherwise, leave to browser but check afterwards whether it has
// left behind an empty inline tag.
else {
self.setSelection( range );
setTimeout( function () { afterDelete( self ); }, 0 );
tab: function ( self, event, range ) {
var node, parent;
// If no selection and in an empty block
if ( range.collapsed &&
rangeDoesStartAtBlockBoundary( range ) &&
rangeDoesEndAtBlockBoundary( range ) ) {
node = getStartBlockOfRange( range );
// Iterate through the block's parents
while ( parent = node.parentNode ) {
// If we find a UL or OL (so are in a list, node must be an LI)
if ( parent.nodeName === 'UL' || parent.nodeName === 'OL' ) {
// AND the LI is not the first in the list
if ( node.previousSibling ) {
// Then increase the list level
self.modifyBlocks( increaseListLevel, range );
node = parent;
space: function ( self, _, range ) {
var node, parent;
self._recordUndoState( range );
addLinks( range.startContainer );
self._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
// If the cursor is at the end of a link (<a>foo|</a>) then move it
// outside of the link (<a>foo</a>|) so that the space is not part of
// the link text.
node = range.endContainer;
parent = node.parentNode;
if ( range.collapsed && parent.nodeName === 'A' &&
!node.nextSibling && range.endOffset === getLength( node ) ) {
range.setStartAfter( parent );
self.setSelection( range );
left: function ( self ) {
right: function ( self ) {
// Firefox incorrectly handles Cmd-left/Cmd-right on Mac:
// it goes back/forward in history! Override to do the right
// thing.
// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=289384
if ( isMac && isGecko && win.getSelection().modify ) {
keyHandlers[ 'meta-left' ] = function ( self, event ) {
self._sel.modify( 'move', 'backward', 'lineboundary' );
keyHandlers[ 'meta-right' ] = function ( self, event ) {
self._sel.modify( 'move', 'forward', 'lineboundary' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'b' ] = mapKeyToFormat( 'B' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'i' ] = mapKeyToFormat( 'I' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'u' ] = mapKeyToFormat( 'U' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'shift-7' ] = mapKeyToFormat( 'S' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'shift-5' ] = mapKeyToFormat( 'SUB', { tag: 'SUP' } );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'shift-6' ] = mapKeyToFormat( 'SUP', { tag: 'SUB' } );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'shift-8' ] = mapKeyTo( 'makeUnorderedList' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'shift-9' ] = mapKeyTo( 'makeOrderedList' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + '[' ] = mapKeyTo( 'decreaseQuoteLevel' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + ']' ] = mapKeyTo( 'increaseQuoteLevel' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'y' ] = mapKeyTo( 'redo' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'z' ] = mapKeyTo( 'undo' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'shift-z' ] = mapKeyTo( 'redo' );
// Ref: http://unixpapa.com/js/key.html
proto._onKey = function ( event ) {
var code = event.keyCode,
key = keys[ code ],
modifiers = '',
range = this.getSelection();
if ( !key ) {
key = String.fromCharCode( code ).toLowerCase();
// Only reliable for letters and numbers
if ( !/^[A-Za-z0-9]$/.test( key ) ) {
key = '';
// On keypress, delete and '.' both have event.keyCode 46
// Must check event.which to differentiate.
if ( isPresto && event.which === 46 ) {
key = '.';
// Function keys
if ( 111 < code && code < 124 ) {
key = 'f' + ( code - 111 );
// We need to apply the backspace/delete handlers regardless of
// control key modifiers.
if ( key !== 'backspace' && key !== 'delete' ) {
if ( event.altKey ) { modifiers += 'alt-'; }
if ( event.ctrlKey ) { modifiers += 'ctrl-'; }
if ( event.metaKey ) { modifiers += 'meta-'; }
// However, on Windows, shift-delete is apparently "cut" (WTF right?), so
// we want to let the browser handle shift-delete.
if ( event.shiftKey ) { modifiers += 'shift-'; }
key = modifiers + key;
if ( keyHandlers[ key ] ) {
keyHandlers[ key ]( this, event, range );
} else if ( key.length === 1 && !range.collapsed ) {
// Record undo checkpoint.
this._recordUndoState( range );
this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
// Delete the selection
deleteContentsOfRange( range );
this.setSelection( range );
this._updatePath( range, true );
// --- Get/Set data ---
proto._getHTML = function () {
return this._body.innerHTML;
proto._setHTML = function ( html ) {
var node = this._body;
node.innerHTML = html;
do {
fixCursor( node );
} while ( node = getNextBlock( node ) );
proto.getHTML = function ( withBookMark ) {
var brs = [],
node, fixer, html, l, range;
if ( withBookMark && ( range = this.getSelection() ) ) {
this._saveRangeToBookmark( range );
if ( useTextFixer ) {
node = this._body;
while ( node = getNextBlock( node ) ) {
if ( !node.textContent && !node.querySelector( 'BR' ) ) {
fixer = this.createElement( 'BR' );
node.appendChild( fixer );
brs.push( fixer );
html = this._getHTML().replace( /\u200B/g, '' );
if ( useTextFixer ) {
l = brs.length;
while ( l-- ) {
detach( brs[l] );
if ( range ) {
this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
return html;
proto.setHTML = function ( html ) {
var frag = this._doc.createDocumentFragment(),
div = this.createElement( 'DIV' ),
// Parse HTML into DOM tree
div.innerHTML = html;
frag.appendChild( empty( div ) );
cleanTree( frag, true );
cleanupBRs( frag );
fixContainer( frag );
// Fix cursor
var node = frag;
while ( node = getNextBlock( node ) ) {
fixCursor( node );
// Remove existing body children
var body = this._body;
while ( child = body.lastChild ) {
body.removeChild( child );
// And insert new content
body.appendChild( frag );
fixCursor( body );
// Reset the undo stack
this._undoIndex = -1;
this._undoStack.length = 0;
this._undoStackLength = 0;
this._isInUndoState = false;
// Record undo state
var range = this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark() ||
this._createRange( body.firstChild, 0 );
this._recordUndoState( range );
this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
// IE will also set focus when selecting text so don't use
// setSelection. Instead, just store it in lastSelection, so if
// anything calls getSelection before first focus, we have a range
// to return.
if ( losesSelectionOnBlur ) {
this._lastSelection = range;
} else {
this.setSelection( range );
this._updatePath( range, true );
return this;
proto.insertElement = function ( el, range ) {
if ( !range ) { range = this.getSelection(); }
range.collapse( true );
if ( isInline( el ) ) {
insertNodeInRange( range, el );
range.setStartAfter( el );
} else {
// Get containing block node.
var body = this._body,
splitNode = getStartBlockOfRange( range ) || body,
parent, nodeAfterSplit;
// While at end of container node, move up DOM tree.
while ( splitNode !== body && !splitNode.nextSibling ) {
splitNode = splitNode.parentNode;
// If in the middle of a container node, split up to body.
if ( splitNode !== body ) {
parent = splitNode.parentNode;
nodeAfterSplit = split( parent, splitNode.nextSibling, body );
if ( nodeAfterSplit ) {
body.insertBefore( el, nodeAfterSplit );
range.setStart( nodeAfterSplit, 0 );
range.setStart( nodeAfterSplit, 0 );
moveRangeBoundariesDownTree( range );
} else {
body.appendChild( el );
// Insert blank line below block.
body.appendChild( this.createDefaultBlock() );
range.setStart( el, 0 );
range.setEnd( el, 0 );
this.setSelection( range );
this._updatePath( range );
return this;
proto.insertImage = function ( src ) {
var img = this.createElement( 'IMG', {
src: src
this.insertElement( img );
return img;
// --- Formatting ---
var command = function ( method, arg, arg2 ) {
return function () {
this[ method ]( arg, arg2 );
return this.focus();
proto.addStyles = function ( styles ) {
if ( styles ) {
var head = this._doc.documentElement.firstChild,
style = this.createElement( 'STYLE', {
type: 'text/css'
if ( style.styleSheet ) {
// IE8: must append to document BEFORE adding styles
// or you get the IE7 CSS parser!
head.appendChild( style );
style.styleSheet.cssText = styles;
} else {
// Everyone else
style.appendChild( this._doc.createTextNode( styles ) );
head.appendChild( style );
return this;
proto.bold = command( 'changeFormat', { tag: 'B' } );
proto.italic = command( 'changeFormat', { tag: 'I' } );
proto.underline = command( 'changeFormat', { tag: 'U' } );
proto.strikethrough = command( 'changeFormat', { tag: 'S' } );
proto.subscript = command( 'changeFormat', { tag: 'SUB' }, { tag: 'SUP' } );
proto.superscript = command( 'changeFormat', { tag: 'SUP' }, { tag: 'SUB' } );
proto.removeBold = command( 'changeFormat', null, { tag: 'B' } );
proto.removeItalic = command( 'changeFormat', null, { tag: 'I' } );
proto.removeUnderline = command( 'changeFormat', null, { tag: 'U' } );
proto.removeStrikethrough = command( 'changeFormat', null, { tag: 'S' } );
proto.removeSubscript = command( 'changeFormat', null, { tag: 'SUB' } );
proto.removeSuperscript = command( 'changeFormat', null, { tag: 'SUP' } );
proto.makeLink = function ( url, attributes ) {
var range = this.getSelection();
if ( range.collapsed ) {
var protocolEnd = url.indexOf( ':' ) + 1;
if ( protocolEnd ) {
while ( url[ protocolEnd ] === '/' ) { protocolEnd += 1; }
this._doc.createTextNode( url.slice( protocolEnd ) )
if ( !attributes ) {
attributes = {};
attributes.href = url;
tag: 'A',
attributes: attributes
}, {
tag: 'A'
}, range );
return this.focus();
proto.removeLink = function () {
this.changeFormat( null, {
tag: 'A'
}, this.getSelection(), true );
return this.focus();
proto.setFontFace = function ( name ) {
tag: 'SPAN',
attributes: {
'class': 'font',
style: 'font-family: ' + name + ', sans-serif;'
}, {
tag: 'SPAN',
attributes: { 'class': 'font' }
return this.focus();
proto.setFontSize = function ( size ) {
tag: 'SPAN',
attributes: {
'class': 'size',
style: 'font-size: ' +
( typeof size === 'number' ? size + 'px' : size )
}, {
tag: 'SPAN',
attributes: { 'class': 'size' }
return this.focus();
proto.setTextColour = function ( colour ) {
tag: 'SPAN',
attributes: {
'class': 'colour',
style: 'color: ' + colour
}, {
tag: 'SPAN',
attributes: { 'class': 'colour' }
return this.focus();
proto.setHighlightColour = function ( colour ) {
tag: 'SPAN',
attributes: {
'class': 'highlight',
style: 'background-color: ' + colour
}, {
tag: 'SPAN',
attributes: { 'class': 'highlight' }
return this.focus();
proto.setTextAlignment = function ( alignment ) {
this.forEachBlock( function ( block ) {
block.className = ( block.className
.split( /\s+/ )
.filter( function ( klass ) {
return !( /align/.test( klass ) );
.join( ' ' ) +
' align-' + alignment ).trim();
block.style.textAlign = alignment;
}, true );
return this.focus();
proto.setTextDirection = function ( direction ) {
this.forEachBlock( function ( block ) {
block.className = ( block.className
.split( /\s+/ )
.filter( function ( klass ) {
return !( /dir/.test( klass ) );
.join( ' ' ) +
' dir-' + direction ).trim();
block.dir = direction;
}, true );
return this.focus();
proto.increaseQuoteLevel = command( 'modifyBlocks', increaseBlockQuoteLevel );
proto.decreaseQuoteLevel = command( 'modifyBlocks', decreaseBlockQuoteLevel );
proto.makeUnorderedList = command( 'modifyBlocks', makeUnorderedList );
proto.makeOrderedList = command( 'modifyBlocks', makeOrderedList );
proto.removeList = command( 'modifyBlocks', removeList );
proto.increaseListLevel = command( 'modifyBlocks', increaseListLevel );
proto.decreaseListLevel = command( 'modifyBlocks', decreaseListLevel );