Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/fastmail/Squire.git synced 2025-03-13 08:01:37 -05:00
2011-11-02 11:54:58 +11:00

425 lines
14 KiB

/* Copyright © 2011 by Neil Jenkins. Licensed under the MIT license. */
( function () {
/*global Range, Node */
"use strict";
var implement = function ( constructor, props ) {
var proto = constructor.prototype,
for ( prop in props ) {
proto[ prop ] = props[ prop ];
var indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;
END_TO_END = 2, // Range.END_TO_END
implement( Range, {
_insertNode: function ( node ) {
// Insert at start.
var startContainer = this.startContainer,
startOffset = this.startOffset,
endContainer = this.endContainer,
endOffset = this.endOffset,
parent, children, childCount, afterSplit;
if ( startContainer.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ) {
parent = startContainer.parentNode;
children = parent.childNodes;
if ( startOffset ) {
afterSplit = startContainer.splitText( startOffset );
if ( endContainer === startContainer ) {
endOffset -= startOffset;
endContainer = afterSplit;
else if ( endContainer === parent ) {
endOffset += 1;
startContainer = afterSplit;
startOffset = indexOf.call( children, startContainer );
startContainer = parent;
} else {
children = startContainer.childNodes;
childCount = children.length;
if ( startOffset === childCount) {
startContainer.appendChild( node );
} else {
startContainer.insertBefore( node, children[ startOffset ] );
if ( startContainer === endContainer ) {
endOffset += children.length - childCount;
this.setStart( startContainer, startOffset );
this.setEnd( endContainer, endOffset );
return this;
_extractContents: function ( common ) {
var startContainer = this.startContainer,
startOffset = this.startOffset,
endContainer = this.endContainer,
endOffset = this.endOffset;
if ( !common ) {
common = this.commonAncestorContainer;
if ( common.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ) {
common = common.parentNode;
var uptoCommon = function ( node ) {
return node === common;
endNode = endContainer.split( endOffset, uptoCommon ) || null,
startNode = startContainer.split( startOffset, uptoCommon ),
frag = common.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment(),
// End node will be null if at end of child nodes list.
while ( startNode !== endNode ) {
next = startNode.nextSibling;
frag.appendChild( startNode );
startNode = next;
this.setStart( common, endNode ?
indexOf.call( common.childNodes, endNode ) :
common.childNodes.length );
this.collapse( true );
return frag;
_deleteContents: function () {
// Move boundaries up as much as possible to reduce need to split.
// Remove selected range
// If we split into two different blocks, merge the blocks.
var startBlock = this.getStartBlock(),
endBlock = this.getEndBlock();
if ( startBlock && endBlock && startBlock !== endBlock ) {
startBlock.mergeWithBlock( endBlock, this );
// Ensure body has a block-level element in it.
var doc = startBlock.ownerDocument,
body = doc.body,
bodyFirstChild = body.firstChild;
if ( !bodyFirstChild || bodyFirstChild.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
startBlock = doc.createElement( 'DIV' ).fixCursor();
if ( bodyFirstChild ) {
body.replaceChild( startBlock, bodyFirstChild );
else {
body.appendChild( startBlock );
this.selectNodeContents( startBlock );
return this;
// ---
insertTreeFragment: function ( frag ) {
// Check if it's all inline content
var isInline = true,
children = frag.childNodes,
l = children.length;
while ( l-- ) {
if ( !children[l].isInline() ) {
isInline = false;
// Delete any selected content
if ( !this.collapsed ) {
// Move range down into text ndoes
// If inline, just insert at the current position.
if ( isInline ) {
this._insertNode( frag );
this.collapse( false );
// Otherwise, split up to body, insert inline before and after split
// and insert block in between split, then merge containers.
else {
var nodeAfterSplit = this.startContainer.split( this.startOffset,
function ( node ) { return node.nodeName === 'BODY'; }),
nodeBeforeSplit = nodeAfterSplit.previousSibling,
startContainer = nodeBeforeSplit,
startOffset = startContainer.childNodes.length,
endContainer = nodeAfterSplit,
endOffset = 0,
parent = nodeAfterSplit.parentNode,
child, node;
while ( ( child = startContainer.lastChild ) &&
child.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE &&
child.nodeName !== 'BR' ) {
startContainer = child;
startOffset = startContainer.childNodes.length;
while ( ( child = endContainer.firstChild ) &&
child.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE &&
child.nodeName !== 'BR' ) {
endContainer = child;
while ( ( child = frag.firstChild ) && child.isInline() ) {
startContainer.appendChild( child );
while ( ( child = frag.lastChild ) && child.isInline() ) {
endContainer.insertBefore( child, endContainer.firstChild );
endOffset += 1;
// Fix cursor before inserting block:
node = frag;
while ( node = node.getNextBlock() ) {
parent.insertBefore( frag, nodeAfterSplit );
// 6. Merge containers at edges
// Merge containers
this.setStart( startContainer, startOffset );
this.setEnd( endContainer, endOffset );
// ---
containsNode: function ( node, partial ) {
var range = this,
nodeRange = node.ownerDocument.createRange();
nodeRange.selectNodeContents( node );
if ( partial ) {
// Node must not finish before range starts or start after range
// finishes.
var nodeEndBeforeStart = ( range.compareBoundaryPoints(
END_TO_START, nodeRange ) === 1 ),
nodeStartAfterEnd = ( range.compareBoundaryPoints(
START_TO_END, nodeRange ) === -1 );
return ( !nodeEndBeforeStart && !nodeStartAfterEnd );
else {
// Node must start after range starts and finish before range
// finishes
var nodeStartAfterStart = ( range.compareBoundaryPoints(
START_TO_START, nodeRange ) === -1 ),
nodeEndBeforeEnd = ( range.compareBoundaryPoints(
END_TO_END, nodeRange ) === 1 );
return ( nodeStartAfterStart && nodeEndBeforeEnd );
moveBoundariesDownTree: function () {
var startContainer = this.startContainer,
startOffset = this.startOffset,
endContainer = this.endContainer,
endOffset = this.endOffset,
while ( startContainer.nodeType !== TEXT_NODE ) {
child = startContainer.childNodes[ startOffset ];
if ( !child || child.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
startContainer = child;
startOffset = 0;
if ( endOffset ) {
while ( endContainer.nodeType !== TEXT_NODE ) {
child = endContainer.childNodes[ endOffset - 1 ];
if ( !child || child.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
endContainer = child;
endOffset = endContainer.getLength();
} else {
while ( endContainer.nodeType !== TEXT_NODE ) {
child = endContainer.firstChild;
if ( !child || child.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
endContainer = child;
// If collapsed, this algorithm finds the nearest text node positions
// *outside* the range rather than inside, but also it flips which is
// assigned to which.
if ( this.collapsed ) {
this.setStart( endContainer, endOffset );
this.setEnd( startContainer, startOffset );
} else {
this.setStart( startContainer, startOffset );
this.setEnd( endContainer, endOffset );
return this;
moveBoundariesUpTree: function ( common ) {
var startContainer = this.startContainer,
startOffset = this.startOffset,
endContainer = this.endContainer,
endOffset = this.endOffset,
if ( !common ) {
common = this.commonAncestorContainer;
while ( startContainer !== common && !startOffset ) {
parent = startContainer.parentNode;
startOffset = indexOf.call( parent.childNodes, startContainer );
startContainer = parent;
while ( endContainer !== common &&
endOffset === endContainer.getLength() ) {
parent = endContainer.parentNode;
endOffset = indexOf.call( parent.childNodes, endContainer ) + 1;
endContainer = parent;
this.setStart( startContainer, startOffset );
this.setEnd( endContainer, endOffset );
return this;
// First block that starts before or at range beginning.
getStartBlock: function () {
var node = this.startContainer,
offset = this.startOffset,
children = node.childNodes;
if ( node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE &&
offset < children.length ) {
node = children[ offset ];
if ( !node.isBlock() ) {
node = node.getPreviousBlock() ||
return node;
// First block that starts before the range ends.
getEndBlock: function () {
var node = this.endContainer,
offset = this.endOffset,
children = node.childNodes;
if ( offset < children.length ) {
node = children[ offset ].getPreviousBlock();
} else {
while ( node && !node.nextSibling ) {
node = node.parentNode;
if ( node ) {
node = node.nextSibling.getPreviousBlock();
} else {
node = this.startContainer.ownerDocument.body.lastChild;
if ( node ) { node = node.getPreviousBlock(); }
return node;
startsAtBlockBoundary: function () {
var startContainer = this.startContainer,
startOffset = this.startOffset,
parent, child;
while ( startContainer.isInline() ) {
if ( startOffset ) {
return false;
parent = startContainer.parentNode;
startOffset = indexOf.call( parent.childNodes, startContainer );
startContainer = parent;
// Skip empty text nodes and <br>s.
while ( startOffset &&
( child = startContainer.childNodes[ startOffset - 1 ] ) &&
( child.data === '' || child.nodeName === 'BR' ) ) {
startOffset -= 1;
return !startOffset;
endsAtBlockBoundary: function () {
var endContainer = this.endContainer,
endOffset = this.endOffset,
length = endContainer.getLength(),
parent, child;
while ( endContainer.isInline() ) {
if ( endOffset !== length ) {
return false;
parent = endContainer.parentNode;
endOffset = indexOf.call( parent.childNodes, endContainer ) + 1;
endContainer = parent;
length = endContainer.childNodes.length;
// Skip empty text nodes and <br>s.
while ( endOffset < length &&
( child = endContainer.childNodes[ endOffset ] ) &&
( child.data === '' || child.nodeName === 'BR' ) ) {
endOffset += 1;
return endOffset === length;
expandToBlockBoundaries: function () {
var start = this.getStartBlock(),
end = this.getEndBlock(),
parent = start.parentNode;
this.setStart( parent, indexOf.call( parent.childNodes, start ) );
parent = end.parentNode;
this.setEnd( parent, indexOf.call( parent.childNodes, end ) + 1 );
return this;
}() );