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synced 2024-12-22 15:23:29 -05:00
Just return a boolean for the TreeWalker filter fn. This diverges from the spec, but since the goal of this implementation is not to fully implement the spec and we're never going to use a native implementation, this doesn't matter and the code is easier to read when the function is just returning a boolean like any normal filter function.
461 lines
13 KiB
461 lines
13 KiB
/*jshint strict:false */
var inlineNodeNames = /^(?:#text|A(?:BBR|CRONYM)?|B(?:R|D[IO])?|C(?:ITE|ODE)|D(?:ATA|FN|EL)|EM|FONT|HR|I(?:NPUT|MG|NS)?|KBD|Q|R(?:P|T|UBY)|S(?:U[BP]|PAN|TR(?:IKE|ONG)|MALL|AMP)?|U|VAR|WBR)$/;
var leafNodeNames = {
BR: 1,
IMG: 1,
function every ( nodeList, fn ) {
var l = nodeList.length;
while ( l-- ) {
if ( !fn( nodeList[l] ) ) {
return false;
return true;
// ---
function hasTagAttributes ( node, tag, attributes ) {
if ( node.nodeName !== tag ) {
return false;
for ( var attr in attributes ) {
if ( node.getAttribute( attr ) !== attributes[ attr ] ) {
return false;
return true;
function areAlike ( node, node2 ) {
return (
node.nodeType === node2.nodeType &&
node.nodeName === node2.nodeName &&
node.className === node2.className &&
( ( !node.style && !node2.style ) ||
node.style.cssText === node2.style.cssText )
function isLeaf ( node ) {
return node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE &&
!!leafNodeNames[ node.nodeName ];
function isInline ( node ) {
return inlineNodeNames.test( node.nodeName );
function isBlock ( node ) {
return node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE &&
!isInline( node ) && every( node.childNodes, isInline );
function isContainer ( node ) {
return node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE &&
!isInline( node ) && !isBlock( node );
function getBlockWalker ( node ) {
var doc = node.ownerDocument,
walker = new TreeWalker(
doc.body, SHOW_ELEMENT, isBlock, false );
walker.currentNode = node;
return walker;
function getPreviousBlock ( node ) {
return getBlockWalker( node ).previousNode();
function getNextBlock ( node ) {
return getBlockWalker( node ).nextNode();
function getNearest ( node, tag, attributes ) {
do {
if ( hasTagAttributes( node, tag, attributes ) ) {
return node;
} while ( node = node.parentNode );
return null;
function getPath ( node ) {
var parent = node.parentNode,
path, id, className, classNames;
if ( !parent || node.nodeType !== ELEMENT_NODE ) {
path = parent ? getPath( parent ) : '';
} else {
path = getPath( parent );
path += ( path ? '>' : '' ) + node.nodeName;
if ( id = node.id ) {
path += '#' + id;
if ( className = node.className.trim() ) {
classNames = className.split( /\s\s*/ );
path += '.';
path += classNames.join( '.' );
return path;
function getLength ( node ) {
var nodeType = node.nodeType;
return nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE ?
node.childNodes.length : node.length || 0;
function detach ( node ) {
var parent = node.parentNode;
if ( parent ) {
parent.removeChild( node );
return node;
function replaceWith ( node, node2 ) {
var parent = node.parentNode;
if ( parent ) {
parent.replaceChild( node2, node );
function empty ( node ) {
var frag = node.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment(),
childNodes = node.childNodes,
l = childNodes ? childNodes.length : 0;
while ( l-- ) {
frag.appendChild( node.firstChild );
return frag;
function fixCursor ( node ) {
// In Webkit and Gecko, block level elements are collapsed and
// unfocussable if they have no content. To remedy this, a <BR> must be
// inserted. In Opera and IE, we just need a textnode in order for the
// cursor to appear.
var doc = node.ownerDocument,
root = node,
fixer, child;
if ( node.nodeName === 'BODY' ) {
if ( !( child = node.firstChild ) || child.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
fixer = doc.createElement( 'DIV' );
if ( child ) {
node.replaceChild( fixer, child );
else {
node.appendChild( fixer );
node = fixer;
fixer = null;
if ( isInline( node ) ) {
child = node.firstChild;
while ( cantFocusEmptyTextNodes && child &&
child.nodeType === TEXT_NODE && !child.data ) {
node.removeChild( child );
child = node.firstChild;
if ( !child ) {
if ( cantFocusEmptyTextNodes ) {
fixer = doc.createTextNode( '\u200B' );
if ( win.editor ) {
} else {
fixer = doc.createTextNode( '' );
} else {
if ( useTextFixer ) {
while ( node.nodeType !== TEXT_NODE && !isLeaf( node ) ) {
child = node.firstChild;
if ( !child ) {
fixer = doc.createTextNode( '' );
node = child;
if ( node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ) {
// Opera will collapse the block element if it contains
// just spaces (but not if it contains no data at all).
if ( /^ +$/.test( node.data ) ) {
node.data = '';
} else if ( isLeaf( node ) ) {
node.parentNode.insertBefore( doc.createTextNode( '' ), node );
else if ( !node.querySelector( 'BR' ) ) {
fixer = doc.createElement( 'BR' );
while ( ( child = node.lastElementChild ) && !isInline( child ) ) {
node = child;
if ( fixer ) {
node.appendChild( fixer );
return root;
function split ( node, offset, stopNode ) {
var nodeType = node.nodeType,
parent, clone, next;
if ( nodeType === TEXT_NODE && node !== stopNode ) {
return split( node.parentNode, node.splitText( offset ), stopNode );
if ( nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE ) {
if ( typeof( offset ) === 'number' ) {
offset = offset < node.childNodes.length ?
node.childNodes[ offset ] : null;
if ( node === stopNode ) {
return offset;
// Clone node without children
parent = node.parentNode;
clone = node.cloneNode( false );
// Add right-hand siblings to the clone
while ( offset ) {
next = offset.nextSibling;
clone.appendChild( offset );
offset = next;
// DO NOT NORMALISE. This may undo the fixCursor() call
// of a node lower down the tree!
// We need something in the element in order for the cursor to appear.
fixCursor( node );
fixCursor( clone );
// Inject clone after original node
if ( next = node.nextSibling ) {
parent.insertBefore( clone, next );
} else {
parent.appendChild( clone );
// Keep on splitting up the tree
return split( parent, clone, stopNode );
return offset;
function mergeInlines ( node, range ) {
if ( node.nodeType !== ELEMENT_NODE ) {
var children = node.childNodes,
l = children.length,
frags = [],
child, prev, len;
while ( l-- ) {
child = children[l];
prev = l && children[ l - 1 ];
if ( l && isInline( child ) && areAlike( child, prev ) &&
!leafNodeNames[ child.nodeName ] ) {
if ( range.startContainer === child ) {
range.startContainer = prev;
range.startOffset += getLength( prev );
if ( range.endContainer === child ) {
range.endContainer = prev;
range.endOffset += getLength( prev );
if ( range.startContainer === node ) {
if ( range.startOffset > l ) {
range.startOffset -= 1;
else if ( range.startOffset === l ) {
range.startContainer = prev;
range.startOffset = getLength( prev );
if ( range.endContainer === node ) {
if ( range.endOffset > l ) {
range.endOffset -= 1;
else if ( range.endOffset === l ) {
range.endContainer = prev;
range.endOffset = getLength( prev );
detach( child );
if ( child.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ) {
prev.appendData( child.data );
else {
frags.push( empty( child ) );
else if ( child.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE ) {
len = frags.length;
while ( len-- ) {
child.appendChild( frags.pop() );
mergeInlines( child, range );
function mergeWithBlock ( block, next, range ) {
var container = next,
last, offset, _range;
while ( container.parentNode.childNodes.length === 1 ) {
container = container.parentNode;
detach( container );
offset = block.childNodes.length;
// Remove extra <BR> fixer if present.
last = block.lastChild;
if ( last && last.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
block.removeChild( last );
offset -= 1;
_range = {
startContainer: block,
startOffset: offset,
endContainer: block,
endOffset: offset
block.appendChild( empty( next ) );
mergeInlines( block, _range );
range.setStart( _range.startContainer, _range.startOffset );
range.collapse( true );
// Opera inserts a BR if you delete the last piece of text
// in a block-level element. Unfortunately, it then gets
// confused when setting the selection subsequently and
// refuses to accept the range that finishes just before the
// BR. Removing the BR fixes the bug.
// Steps to reproduce bug: Type "a-b-c" (where - is return)
// then backspace twice. The cursor goes to the top instead
// of after "b".
if ( isOpera && ( last = block.lastChild ) && last.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
block.removeChild( last );
function mergeContainers ( node ) {
var prev = node.previousSibling,
first = node.firstChild,
doc = node.ownerDocument,
isListItem = ( node.nodeName === 'LI' ),
needsFix, block;
// Do not merge LIs, unless it only contains a UL
if ( isListItem && ( !first || !/^[OU]L$/.test( first.nodeName ) ) ) {
if ( prev && areAlike( prev, node ) ) {
if ( !isContainer( prev ) ) {
if ( isListItem ) {
block = doc.createElement( 'DIV' );
block.appendChild( empty( prev ) );
prev.appendChild( block );
} else {
detach( node );
needsFix = !isContainer( node );
prev.appendChild( empty( node ) );
if ( needsFix ) {
fixContainer( prev );
if ( first ) {
mergeContainers( first );
} else if ( isListItem ) {
prev = doc.createElement( 'DIV' );
node.insertBefore( prev, first );
fixCursor( prev );
// Recursively examine container nodes and wrap any inline children.
function fixContainer ( container ) {
var children = container.childNodes,
doc = container.ownerDocument,
wrapper = null,
i, l, child, isBR;
for ( i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i += 1 ) {
child = children[i];
isBR = child.nodeName === 'BR';
if ( !isBR && isInline( child ) ) {
if ( !wrapper ) { wrapper = createElement( doc, 'DIV' ); }
wrapper.appendChild( child );
i -= 1;
l -= 1;
} else if ( isBR || wrapper ) {
if ( !wrapper ) { wrapper = createElement( doc, 'DIV' ); }
fixCursor( wrapper );
if ( isBR ) {
container.replaceChild( wrapper, child );
} else {
container.insertBefore( wrapper, child );
i += 1;
l += 1;
wrapper = null;
if ( isContainer( child ) ) {
fixContainer( child );
if ( wrapper ) {
container.appendChild( fixCursor( wrapper ) );
return container;
function createElement ( doc, tag, props, children ) {
var el = doc.createElement( tag ),
attr, value, i, l;
if ( props instanceof Array ) {
children = props;
props = null;
if ( props ) {
for ( attr in props ) {
value = props[ attr ];
if ( value !== undefined ) {
el.setAttribute( attr, props[ attr ] );
if ( children ) {
for ( i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i += 1 ) {
el.appendChild( children[i] );
return el;