Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/fastmail/Squire.git synced 2025-03-13 08:01:37 -05:00
2011-11-04 16:53:12 +11:00

1480 lines
49 KiB

/* Copyright © 2011 by Neil Jenkins. Licensed under the MIT license. */
/*global Range, window, document, setTimeout */
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function () {
"use strict";
// --- Constants ---
SHOW_TEXT = 4, // NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT,
var doc = document,
win = doc.defaultView,
body = doc.body;
var isOpera = !!win.opera;
var useTextFixer = isOpera || !!win.ie;
// --- DOM Sugar ---
var createElement = function ( tag, props, children ) {
var el = doc.createElement( tag ),
attr, i, l;
if ( props instanceof Array ) {
children = props;
props = null;
if ( props ) {
for ( attr in props ) {
el.setAttribute( attr, props[ attr ] );
if ( children ) {
for ( i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i += 1 ) {
el.appendChild( children[i] );
return el;
// --- Events ---
var events = {};
var addEventListener = function ( type, fn ) {
var handlers = events[ type ] || ( events[ type ] = [] );
handlers.push( fn );
var removeEventListener = function ( type, fn ) {
var handlers = events[ type ],
if ( handlers ) {
l = handlers.length;
while ( l-- ) {
if ( handlers[l] === fn ) {
handlers.splice( l, 1 );
var fireEvent = function ( type, event ) {
var handlers = events[ type ],
l, obj;
if ( handlers ) {
if ( typeof event !== 'object' ) {
event = {
data: event
if ( event.type !== type ) {
event.type = type;
l = handlers.length;
while ( l-- ) {
obj = handlers[l];
if ( obj.handleEvent ) {
obj.handleEvent( event );
} else {
obj( event );
var propagateEvent = function ( event ) {
fireEvent( event.type, event );
// --- Selection and Path ---
var createRange = function ( range, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset ) {
if ( range instanceof Range ) {
return range.cloneRange();
var domRange = doc.createRange();
domRange.setStart( range, startOffset );
if ( endContainer ) {
domRange.setEnd( endContainer, endOffset );
} else {
domRange.setEnd( range, startOffset );
return domRange;
var sel = win.getSelection();
var lastSelection = null;
var getSelection = function () {
if ( sel.rangeCount ) {
lastSelection =
sel.getRangeAt( 0 ).cloneRange();
return lastSelection;
// IE9 loses selection state of iframe on blur, so make sure we
// cache it just before it loses focus.
if ( win.ie ) {
win.addEventListener( 'beforedeactivate', getSelection, true );
var lastAnchorNode;
var lastFocusNode;
var path = '';
var updatePath = function () {
var anchor = sel.anchorNode,
focus = sel.focusNode,
if ( anchor !== lastAnchorNode || focus !== lastFocusNode ) {
lastAnchorNode = anchor;
lastFocusNode = focus;
newPath = ( anchor && focus ) ? ( anchor === focus ) ?
focus.getPath() : '(selection)' : '';
if ( path !== newPath ) {
path = newPath;
fireEvent( 'pathChange', newPath );
if ( anchor !== focus ) {
fireEvent( 'select' );
body.addEventListener( 'keyup', updatePath, false );
body.addEventListener( 'mouseup', updatePath, false );
var setSelection = function ( range ) {
if ( range ) {
sel.addRange( range );
// --- Focus ---
var focus = function () {
var blur = function () {
win.addEventListener( 'focus', propagateEvent, false );
win.addEventListener( 'blur', propagateEvent, false );
// --- Get/Set data ---
var getHTML = function () {
return body.innerHTML;
var setHTML = function ( html ) {
body.innerHTML = html;
var insertElement = function ( el, range ) {
if ( !range ) { range = getSelection(); }
range.collapse( true );
range._insertNode( el );
range.setStartAfter( el );
setSelection( range );
// --- Bookmarking ---
var startSelectionId = 'ss-' + Date.now() + '-' + Math.random();
var endSelectionId = 'es-' + Date.now() + '-' + Math.random();
var saveRangeToBookmark = function ( range ) {
var startNode = createElement( 'INPUT', {
id: startSelectionId,
type: 'hidden'
endNode = createElement( 'INPUT', {
id: endSelectionId,
type: 'hidden'
range._insertNode( startNode );
range.collapse( false );
range._insertNode( endNode );
// In a collapsed range, the start is sometimes inserted after the end!
if ( startNode.compareDocumentPosition( endNode ) &
startNode.id = endSelectionId;
endNode.id = startSelectionId;
temp = startNode;
startNode = endNode;
endNode = temp;
range.setStartAfter( startNode );
range.setEndBefore( endNode );
var indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;
var getRangeAndRemoveBookmark = function ( range ) {
var start = doc.getElementById( startSelectionId ),
end = doc.getElementById( endSelectionId );
if ( start && end ) {
var startContainer = start.parentNode,
endContainer = end.parentNode;
var _range = {
startContainer: startContainer,
endContainer: endContainer,
startOffset: indexOf.call( startContainer.childNodes, start ),
endOffset: indexOf.call( endContainer.childNodes, end )
if ( startContainer === endContainer ) {
_range.endOffset -= 1;
// Merge any text nodes we split
startContainer.mergeInlines( _range );
if ( startContainer !== endContainer ) {
endContainer.mergeInlines( _range );
if ( !range ) {
range = doc.createRange();
range.setStart( _range.startContainer, _range.startOffset );
range.setEnd( _range.endContainer, _range.endOffset );
if ( !range.collapsed ) {
return range;
// --- Undo ---
var undoIndex, // = -1,
undoStack, // = [],
undoStackLength, // = 0,
isInUndoState, // = false,
docWasChanged = function docWasChanged () {
if ( isInUndoState ) {
isInUndoState = false;
fireEvent( 'undoStateChange', {
canUndo: true,
canRedo: false
fireEvent( 'input' );
body.addEventListener( 'DOMCharacterDataModified', docWasChanged, false );
// Leaves bookmark
var recordUndoState = function ( range ) {
// Don't record if we're already in an undo state
if ( !isInUndoState ) {
// Advance pointer to new position
undoIndex += 1;
// Truncate stack if longer (i.e. if has been previously undone)
if ( undoIndex < undoStackLength) {
undoStack.length = undoStackLength = undoIndex;
// Write out data
if ( range ) {
saveRangeToBookmark( range );
undoStack[ undoIndex ] = getHTML();
undoStackLength += 1;
isInUndoState = true;
var undo = function () {
// Sanity check: must not be at beginning of the history stack
if ( undoIndex !== 0 || !isInUndoState ) {
// Make sure any changes since last checkpoint are saved.
recordUndoState( getSelection() );
undoIndex -= 1;
setHTML( undoStack[ undoIndex ] );
var range = getRangeAndRemoveBookmark();
if ( range ) {
setSelection( range );
isInUndoState = true;
fireEvent( 'undoStateChange', {
canUndo: undoIndex !== 0,
canRedo: true
fireEvent( 'input' );
var redo = function () {
// Sanity check: must not be at end of stack and must be in an undo
// state.
if ( undoIndex + 1 < undoStackLength && isInUndoState ) {
undoIndex += 1;
setHTML( undoStack[ undoIndex ] );
var range = getRangeAndRemoveBookmark();
if ( range ) {
setSelection( range );
fireEvent( 'undoStateChange', {
canUndo: true,
canRedo: undoIndex + 1 < undoStackLength
fireEvent( 'input' );
// --- Inline formatting ---
// Looks for matching tag and attributes, so won't work
// if <strong> instead of <b> etc.
var hasFormat = function ( tag, attributes, range ) {
// 1. Normalise the arguments and get selection
tag = tag.toUpperCase();
if ( !attributes ) { attributes = {}; }
if ( !range && !( range = getSelection() ) ) {
return false;
// If the common ancestor is inside the tag we require, we definitely
// have the format.
var root = range.commonAncestorContainer,
walker, node;
if ( root.nearest( tag, attributes ) ) {
return true;
// If common ancestor is a text node and doesn't have the format, we
// definitely don't have it.
if ( root.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ) {
return false;
// Otherwise, check each text node at least partially contained within
// the selection and make sure all of them have the format we want.
walker = doc.createTreeWalker( root, SHOW_TEXT, function ( node ) {
return range.containsNode( node, true ) ?
}, false );
while ( node = walker.nextNode() ) {
if ( !node.nearest( tag, attributes ) ) {
return false;
return true;
var addFormat = function ( tag, attributes, range ) {
// If the range is collapsed we simply insert the node by wrapping
// it round the range and focus it.
if ( range.collapsed ) {
var el = createElement( tag, attributes ).fixCursor();
range._insertNode( el );
range.selectNodeContents( el );
// Otherwise we find all the textnodes in the range (splitting
// partially selected nodes) and if they're not already formatted
// correctly we wrap them in the appropriate tag.
else {
// We don't want to apply formatting twice so we check each text
// node to see if it has an ancestor with the formatting already.
// Create an iterator to walk over all the text nodes under this
// ancestor which are in the range and not already formatted
// correctly.
var walker = doc.createTreeWalker(
function ( node ) {
return range.containsNode( node, true ) ?
}, false );
// Start at the beginning node of the range and iterate through
// all the nodes in the range that need formatting.
var startContainer,
startOffset = 0,
endOffset = 0,
textnode = walker.currentNode = range.startContainer,
if ( textnode.nodeType !== TEXT_NODE ) {
textnode = walker.nextNode();
do {
needsFormat = !textnode.nearest( tag, attributes );
if ( textnode === range.endContainer ) {
if ( needsFormat && textnode.length > range.endOffset ) {
textnode.splitText( range.endOffset );
} else {
endOffset = range.endOffset;
if ( textnode === range.startContainer ) {
if ( needsFormat && range.startOffset ) {
textnode = textnode.splitText( range.startOffset );
} else {
startOffset = range.startOffset;
if ( needsFormat ) {
createElement( tag, attributes ).wraps( textnode );
endOffset = textnode.length;
endContainer = textnode;
if ( !startContainer ) { startContainer = endContainer; }
} while ( textnode = walker.nextNode() );
// Now set the selection to as it was before
range = createRange(
startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset );
return range;
var removeFormat = function ( tag, attributes, range ) {
// Add bookmark
saveRangeToBookmark( range );
// Find block-level ancestor of selection
var root = range.commonAncestorContainer;
while ( root.isInline() ) {
root = root.parentNode;
// Find text nodes inside formatTags that are not in selection and
// add an extra tag with the same formatting.
var startContainer = range.startContainer,
startOffset = range.startOffset,
endContainer = range.endContainer,
endOffset = range.endOffset,
toWrap = [],
examineNode = function examineNode ( node, exemplar ) {
// If the node is completely contained by the range then
// we're going to remove all formatting so ignore it.
if ( range.containsNode( node, false ) ) {
var isText = node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE,
child, next;
// If not at least partially contained, wrap entire contents
// in a clone of the tag we're removing and we're done.
if ( !range.containsNode( node, true ) ) {
// Tidy up as we go...
if ( isText && !node.length ) {
// Ignore bookmarks
else if ( node.nodeName !== 'INPUT' ) {
toWrap.push([ exemplar, node ]);
// Split any partially selected text nodes.
if ( isText ) {
if ( node === endContainer && endOffset !== node.length ) {
toWrap.push([ exemplar, node.splitText( endOffset ) ]);
if ( node === startContainer && startOffset ) {
node.splitText( startOffset );
toWrap.push([ exemplar, node ]);
// If not a text node, recurse onto all children.
// Beware, the tree may be rewritten with each call
// to examineNode, hence find the next sibling first.
else {
for ( child = node.firstChild; child; child = next ) {
next = child.nextSibling;
examineNode( child, exemplar );
formatTags = Array.prototype.filter.call(
root.getElementsByTagName( tag ), function ( el ) {
return range.containsNode( el, true ) &&
el.is( tag, attributes );
formatTags.forEach( function ( node ) {
examineNode( node, node );
// Now wrap unselected nodes in the tag
toWrap.forEach( function ( item ) {
// [ exemplar, node ] tuple
item[0].cloneNode( false ).wraps( item[1] );
// and remove old formatting tags.
formatTags.forEach( function ( el ) {
el.replaceWith( el.empty() );
// Merge adjacent inlines:
range = getRangeAndRemoveBookmark();
var _range = {
startContainer: range.startContainer,
startOffset: range.startOffset,
endContainer: range.endContainer,
endOffset: range.endOffset
root.mergeInlines( _range );
range.setStart( _range.startContainer, _range.startOffset );
range.setEnd( _range.endContainer, _range.endOffset );
return range;
var changeFormat = function ( add, remove, range ) {
// Normalise the arguments and get selection
if ( !range && !( range = getSelection() ) ) {
// Save undo checkpoint
recordUndoState( range );
getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
if ( remove ) {
range = removeFormat( remove.tag.toUpperCase(),
remove.attributes || {}, range );
if ( add ) {
range = addFormat( add.tag.toUpperCase(),
add.attributes || {}, range );
setSelection( range );
// We're not still in an undo state
// --- Block formatting ---
var forEachBlock = function ( fn, range ) {
if ( !range && !( range = getSelection() ) ) {
// Save undo checkpoint
recordUndoState( range );
getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
var root = range.commonAncestorContainer,
walker = doc.createTreeWalker( root, SHOW_ELEMENT,
function ( node ) {
return range.containsNode( node, true ) && node.isBlock() ?
}, false ),
while ( block = walker.nextNode() ) {
fn( block );
// We're not still in an undo state
var modifyBlocks = function ( modify, range ) {
if ( !range && !( range = getSelection() ) ) {
// 1. Stop firefox adding an extra <BR> to <BODY>
// if we remove everything. Don't want to do this in Opera
// as it can cause focus problems.
if ( !isOpera ) {
body.setAttribute( 'contenteditable', 'false' );
// 2. Save undo checkpoint and bookmark selection
if ( isInUndoState ) {
saveRangeToBookmark( range );
} else {
recordUndoState( range );
// 3. Expand range to block boundaries
// 4. Remove range.
range.moveBoundariesUpTree( body );
var frag = range._extractContents( body );
// 5. Modify tree of fragment and reinsert.
range._insertNode( modify( frag ) );
// 6. Merge containers at edges
if ( range.endOffset < range.endContainer.childNodes.length ) {
range.endContainer.childNodes[ range.endOffset ].mergeContainers();
range.startContainer.childNodes[ range.startOffset ].mergeContainers();
// 7. Make it editable again
if ( !isOpera ) {
body.setAttribute( 'contenteditable', 'true' );
// 8. Restore selection
setSelection( getRangeAndRemoveBookmark() );
// 9. We're not still in an undo state
var increaseBlockQuoteLevel = function ( frag ) {
return createElement( 'BLOCKQUOTE', [
var decreaseBlockQuoteLevel = function ( frag ) {
var blockquotes = frag.querySelectorAll( 'blockquote' );
Array.prototype.filter.call( blockquotes, function ( el ) {
return !el.parentNode.nearest( 'BLOCKQUOTE' );
}).forEach( function ( el ) {
el.replaceWith( el.empty() );
return frag;
var makeList = function makeList ( nodes, type ) {
var i, l, node, tag, prev, replacement;
for ( i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i += 1 ) {
node = nodes[i];
tag = node.nodeName;
if ( node.isBlock() ) {
if ( tag !== 'LI' ) {
replacement = createElement( 'LI', [
if ( node.parentNode.nodeName === type ) {
node.replaceWith( replacement );
else if ( ( prev = node.previousSibling ) &&
prev.nodeName === type ) {
prev.appendChild( replacement );
i -= 1;
l -= 1;
else {
createElement( type, [
} else if ( node.isContainer() ) {
if ( tag !== type && ( /^[DOU]L$/.test( tag ) ) ) {
node.replaceWith( createElement( type, [
]) );
} else {
makeList( node.childNodes, type );
var makeUnorderedList = function ( frag ) {
makeList( frag.childNodes, 'UL' );
return frag;
var makeOrderedList = function ( frag ) {
makeList( frag.childNodes, 'OL' );
return frag;
var decreaseListLevel = function ( frag ) {
var lists = frag.querySelectorAll( 'UL, OL' );
Array.prototype.filter.call( lists, function ( el ) {
return !el.parentNode.nearest( 'UL' ) &&
!el.parentNode.nearest( 'OL' );
}).forEach( function ( el ) {
var frag = el.empty(),
children = frag.childNodes,
l = children.length,
while ( l-- ) {
child = children[l];
if ( child.nodeName === 'LI' ) {
frag.replaceChild( createElement( 'DIV', [
]), child );
el.replaceWith( frag );
return frag;
var tagAfterSplit = {
H1: 'DIV',
H2: 'DIV',
H3: 'DIV',
H4: 'DIV',
H5: 'DIV',
H6: 'DIV',
P: 'DIV',
DT: 'DD',
DD: 'DT',
LI: 'LI'
var splitBlock = function ( block, node, offset ) {
var splitTag = tagAfterSplit[ block.nodeName ],
nodeAfterSplit = node.split( offset, block.parentNode );
// Make sure the new node is the correct type.
if ( nodeAfterSplit.nodeName !== splitTag ) {
block = createElement( splitTag );
block.replaces( nodeAfterSplit )
.appendChild( nodeAfterSplit.empty() );
nodeAfterSplit = block;
return nodeAfterSplit;
// --- Clean ---
var spanToSemantic = {
color: {
regexp: /\S/,
replace: function ( color ) {
return createElement( 'SPAN', {
'class': 'colour',
style: 'color:' + color
fontWeight: {
regexp: /^bold/i,
replace: function () {
return createElement( 'B' );
fontStyle: {
regexp: /^italic/i,
replace: function () {
return createElement( 'I' );
fontFamily: {
regexp: /\S/,
replace: function ( family ) {
return createElement( 'SPAN', {
'class': 'font',
style: 'font-family:' + family
fontSize: {
regexp: /\S/,
replace: function ( size ) {
return createElement( 'SPAN', {
'class': 'size',
style: 'font-size:' + size
var stylesRewriters = {
SPAN: function ( span, parent ) {
var style = span.style,
attr, converter, css, newTreeBottom, newTreeTop, el;
for ( attr in spanToSemantic ) {
converter = spanToSemantic[ attr ];
css = style[ attr ];
if ( css && converter.regexp.test( css ) ) {
el = converter.replace( css );
if ( newTreeBottom ) {
newTreeBottom.appendChild( el );
newTreeBottom = el;
if ( !newTreeTop ) {
newTreeTop = el;
if ( newTreeTop ) {
newTreeBottom.appendChild( span.empty() );
parent.replaceChild( newTreeTop, span );
return newTreeBottom || span;
STRONG: function ( node, parent ) {
var el = createElement( 'B' );
parent.replaceChild( el, node );
el.appendChild( node.empty() );
return el;
EM: function ( node, parent ) {
var el = createElement( 'I' );
parent.replaceChild( el, node );
el.appendChild( node.empty() );
return el;
Two purposes:
1. Remove nodes we don't want, such as weird <o:p> tags, comment nodes
and whitespace nodes.
2. Convert inline tags into our preferred format.
var cleanTree = function ( node, allowStyles ) {
var children = node.childNodes,
i, l, child, nodeName, nodeType, rewriter, parent;
for ( i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i += 1 ) {
child = children[i];
nodeName = child.nodeName;
nodeType = child.nodeType;
rewriter = stylesRewriters[ nodeName ];
if ( rewriter ) {
child = rewriter( child, node );
} else if (
( !allowedBlock.test( nodeName ) && !child.isInline() ) ||
( nodeType === TEXT_NODE && !( /\S/.test( child.data ) ) ) ) {
node.removeChild( child );
i -= 1;
l -= 1;
if ( nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE ) {
if ( !allowStyles && child.style.cssText ) {
child.removeAttribute( 'style' );
if ( child.childNodes.length ) {
cleanTree( child, allowStyles );
return node;
var wrapTopLevelInline = function ( root, tag ) {
var children = root.childNodes,
wrapper = null,
i, l, child, isBR;
for ( i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i += 1 ) {
child = children[i];
isBR = child.nodeName === 'BR';
if ( !isBR && child.isInline() ) {
if ( !wrapper ) { wrapper = createElement( tag ); }
wrapper.appendChild( child );
i -= 1;
l -= 1;
} else if ( isBR || wrapper ) {
if ( !wrapper ) { wrapper = createElement( tag ); }
if ( isBR ) {
root.replaceChild( wrapper, child );
} else {
root.insertBefore( wrapper, child );
i += 1;
l += 1;
wrapper = null;
if ( wrapper ) {
root.appendChild( wrapper.fixCursor() );
return root;
var cleanupBRs = function ( root ) {
var brs = root.querySelectorAll( 'BR' ),
l = brs.length,
br, block, nodeAfterSplit, div, next;
while ( l-- ) {
br = brs[l];
// Cleanup may have removed it
block = br.parentNode;
if ( !block ) { continue; }
if ( br.nextSibling && br.previousSibling ) {
while ( block.isInline() ) {
block = block.parentNode;
// If this is not inside a block, replace it by wrapping
// inlines in DIV.
if ( !block.isBlock() ) {
wrapTopLevelInline( block, 'DIV' );
// If in a block we can split, split it instead
else if ( tagAfterSplit[ block.nodeName ] ) {
splitBlock( block, br.parentNode, br );
// Otherwise leave the br alone.
} else {
// --- Cut and Paste ---
doc.addEventListener( 'cut', function () {
// If all content removed, ensure div at start of body.
setTimeout( function () {
}, 0 );
doc.addEventListener( 'paste', function () {
var range = getSelection(),
startContainer = range.startContainer,
startOffset = range.startOffset,
endContainer = range.endContainer,
endOffset = range.endOffset;
var pasteArea = createElement( 'DIV', {
style: 'position: absolute; overflow: hidden;' +
'top: -100px; left: -100px; width: 1px; height: 1px;'
body.appendChild( pasteArea );
range.selectNodeContents( pasteArea );
setSelection( range );
// A setTimeout of 0 means this is added to the back of the
// single javascript thread, so it will be executed after the
// paste event.
setTimeout( function () {
// Get the pasted content and clean
var frag = pasteArea.detach().empty(),
first = frag.firstChild;
// Safari likes putting extra divs around things.
if ( first &&
first === frag.lastChild && first.nodeName === 'DIV' ) {
frag.replaceChild( first.empty(), first );
cleanTree( frag, false );
cleanupBRs( frag );
var node = frag;
while ( node = node.getNextBlock() ) {
// Restore the previous selection
range.setStart( startContainer, startOffset );
range.setEnd( endContainer, endOffset );
// Insert pasted data
range.insertTreeFragment( frag );
range.collapse( false );
setSelection( range );
}, 0 );
}, false );
// --- Keyboard interaction ---
var keys = {
8: 'backspace',
9: 'tab',
13: 'enter',
32: 'space',
46: 'delete'
var mapKeyTo = function ( fn ) {
return function ( event ) {
var mapKeyToFormat = function ( tag ) {
return function ( event ) {
var range = getSelection();
if ( hasFormat( tag, null, range ) ) {
changeFormat( null, { tag: tag }, range );
} else {
changeFormat( { tag: tag }, null, range );
var keyHandlers = {
tab: function ( event ) {
enter: function ( event ) {
// We handle this ourselves
// Must have some form of selection
var range = getSelection();
if ( !range ) { return; }
// Save undo checkpoint
recordUndoState( range );
getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
// Selected text is overwritten, therefore delete the contents
// to collapse selection.
if ( !range.collapsed ) {
var block = range.getStartBlock(),
tag = block ? block.nodeName : 'DIV',
splitTag = tagAfterSplit[ tag ],
// If this is a malformed bit of document, just play it safe
// and insert a <br>.
if ( !block ) {
range._insertNode( createElement( 'BR' ) );
range.collapse( false );
setSelection( range );
// We need to wrap the contents in divs.
var splitNode = range.startContainer,
splitOffset = range.startOffset,
if ( !splitTag ) {
// If the selection point is inside the block, we're going to
// rewrite it so our saved referece points won't be valid.
// Pick a node at a deeper point in the tree to avoid this.
if ( splitNode === block ) {
splitNode = splitOffset ?
splitNode.childNodes[ splitOffset - 1 ] : null;
splitOffset = 0;
if ( splitNode ) {
if ( splitNode.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
splitNode = splitNode.nextSibling;
} else {
splitOffset = splitNode.getLength();
if ( !splitNode || splitNode.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
replacement = createElement( 'DIV' ).fixCursor();
if ( splitNode ) {
block.replaceChild( replacement, splitNode );
} else {
block.appendChild( replacement );
splitNode = replacement;
wrapTopLevelInline( block, 'DIV' );
splitTag = 'DIV';
if ( !splitNode ) {
splitNode = block.firstChild;
range.setStart( splitNode, splitOffset );
range.setEnd( splitNode, splitOffset );
block = range.getStartBlock();
if ( !block.textContent ) {
// Break list
if ( block.nearest( 'UL' ) ) {
return modifyBlocks( decreaseListLevel, range );
// Break blockquote
else if ( block.nearest( 'BLOCKQUOTE' ) ) {
return modifyBlocks( decreaseBlockQuoteLevel, range );
// Otherwise, split at cursor point.
nodeAfterSplit = splitBlock( block, splitNode, splitOffset );
// Focus cursor
// If there's a <b>/<i> etc. at the beginning of the split
// make sure we focus inside it.
while ( nodeAfterSplit.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
var child = nodeAfterSplit.firstChild,
while ( child && child.nodeType === TEXT_NODE && !child.data ) {
next = child.nextSibling;
if ( !next || next.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
child = next;
// 'BR's essentially don't count; they're a browser hack.
// If you try to select the contents of a 'BR', FF will not let
// you type anything!
if ( !child || child.nodeName === 'BR' ||
( child.nodeType === TEXT_NODE && !isOpera ) ) {
nodeAfterSplit = child;
setSelection( createRange( nodeAfterSplit, 0 ) );
// We're not still in an undo state
backspace: function ( event ) {
var range = getSelection();
// If not collapsed, delete contents
if ( !range.collapsed ) {
setSelection( range );
// If at beginning of block, merge with previous
else if ( range.startsAtBlockBoundary() ) {
var current = range.getStartBlock(),
previous = current.getPreviousBlock();
// Must not be at the very beginning of the text area.
if ( previous ) {
previous.mergeWithBlock( current, range );
setSelection( range );
// If at very beginning of text area, allow backspace
// to break lists/blockquote.
else {
// Break list
if ( current.nearest( 'UL' ) ) {
return modifyBlocks( decreaseListLevel, range );
// Break blockquote
else if ( current.nearest( 'BLOCKQUOTE' ) ) {
return modifyBlocks( decreaseBlockQuoteLevel, range );
setSelection( range );
// All other cases can be safely left to the browser (I hope!).
'delete': function ( event ) {
var range = getSelection();
// If not collapsed, delete contents
if ( !range.collapsed ) {
setSelection( range );
// If at end of block, merge next into this block
else if ( range.endsAtBlockBoundary() ) {
var current = range.getStartBlock(),
next = current.getNextBlock();
// Must not be at the very end of the text area.
if ( next ) {
current.mergeWithBlock( next, range );
setSelection( range );
// All other cases can be safely left to the browser (I hope!).
space: function () {
var range = getSelection();
recordUndoState( range );
getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
setSelection( range );
'ctrl-b': mapKeyToFormat( 'B' ),
'ctrl-i': mapKeyToFormat( 'I' ),
'ctrl-u': mapKeyToFormat( 'U' ),
'ctrl-y': mapKeyTo( redo ),
'ctrl-z': mapKeyTo( undo ),
'ctrl-shift-z': mapKeyTo( redo )
body.addEventListener( 'keydown', function ( event ) {
// Ref: http://unixpapa.com/js/key.html
var code = event.keyCode || event.which,
key = keys[ code ] || String.fromCharCode( code ).toLowerCase(),
modifiers = '';
// Function keys
if ( 111 < code && code < 124 ) {
key = 'f' + ( code - 111 );
if ( event.altKey ) { modifiers += 'alt-'; }
if ( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ) { modifiers += 'ctrl-'; }
if ( event.shiftKey ) { modifiers += 'shift-'; }
key = modifiers + key;
if ( keyHandlers[ key ] ) {
keyHandlers[ key ]( event );
} else {
fireEvent( 'keydown', event );
}, false );
body.addEventListener( 'keypress', propagateEvent, false );
body.addEventListener( 'keyup', propagateEvent, false );
// --- Export ---
var styleExtractor = /<style[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/style>/gi;
var chain = function ( fn ) {
return function () {
fn.apply( null, arguments );
return this;
var command = function ( fn, arg, arg2 ) {
return function () {
fn( arg, arg2 );
return this;
win.editor = {
addEventListener: chain( addEventListener ),
removeEventListener: chain( removeEventListener ),
focus: chain( focus ),
blur: chain( blur ),
getDocument: function () {
return doc;
getHTML: function () {
var brs = [],
node, fixer, html, l;
if ( useTextFixer ) {
node = body;
while ( node = node.getNextBlock() ) {
if ( !node.textContent && !node.querySelector( 'BR' ) ) {
fixer = createElement( 'BR' );
node.appendChild( fixer );
brs.push( fixer );
html = getHTML();
if ( useTextFixer ) {
l = brs.length;
while ( l-- ) {
return html;
setHTML: function ( html ) {
var frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(),
div = createElement( 'DIV' ),
styles = '',
// Extract styles to insert into <head>
styleExtractor.lastIndex = 0;
html = html.replace( styleExtractor,
function ( _, rules ) {
styles += rules.replace( /<!--|-->/g, '' );
return '';
// Parse HTML into DOM tree
div.innerHTML = html;
frag.appendChild( div.empty() );
cleanTree( frag, true );
cleanupBRs( frag );
wrapTopLevelInline( frag, 'DIV' );
// Fix cursor
var node = frag;
while ( node = node.getNextBlock() ) {
// Remove existing body children
while ( child = body.lastChild ) {
body.removeChild( child );
// And insert new content
// Add the styles
if ( styles ) {
var head = doc.documentElement.firstChild,
style = createElement( 'STYLE', {
type: 'text/css'
if ( style.styleSheet ) {
// IE8: must append to document BEFORE adding styles
// or you get the IE7 CSS parser!
head.appendChild( style );
style.styleSheet.cssText = styles;
} else {
// Everyone else
style.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( styles ) );
head.appendChild( style );
body.appendChild( frag );
// Reset the undo stack
undoIndex = -1;
undoStack = [];
undoStackLength = 0;
isInUndoState = false;
// Record undo state
var range = createRange( body.firstChild, 0 );
recordUndoState( range );
setSelection( getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range ) );
return this;
insertImage: function ( src ) {
var img = createElement( 'IMG', {
src: src
insertElement( img );
return img;
getPath: function () {
return path;
getSelection: getSelection,
setSelection: chain( setSelection ),
undo: chain( undo ),
redo: chain( redo ),
hasFormat: chain( hasFormat ),
changeFormat: chain( changeFormat ),
bold: command( changeFormat, { tag: 'B' } ),
italic: command( changeFormat, { tag: 'I' } ),
underline: command( changeFormat, { tag: 'U' } ),
removeBold: command( changeFormat, null, { tag: 'B' } ),
removeItalic: command( changeFormat, null, { tag: 'I' } ),
removeUnderline: command( changeFormat, null, { tag: 'U' } ),
makeLink: function ( url ) {
tag: 'A',
attributes: {
href: url
}, {
tag: 'A'
return this;
setFontFace: function ( name ) {
tag: 'SPAN',
attributes: {
'class': 'font',
style: 'font-family: ' + name + ', sans-serif;'
}, {
tag: 'SPAN',
'class': 'font'
return this;
setFontSize: function ( size ) {
tag: 'SPAN',
attributes: {
'class': 'size',
style: 'font-size: ' +
( typeof size === 'number' ? size + 'px' : size )
}, {
tag: 'SPAN',
'class': 'size'
return this;
setTextAlignment: function ( dir ) {
forEachBlock( function ( block ) {
block.style.textAlign = dir;
return this;
modifyBlocks: chain( modifyBlocks ),
incQuoteLevel: command( modifyBlocks, increaseBlockQuoteLevel ),
decQuoteLevel: command( modifyBlocks, decreaseBlockQuoteLevel ),
makeUnorderedList: command( modifyBlocks, makeUnorderedList ),
makeOrderedList: command( modifyBlocks, makeOrderedList ),
removeList: command( modifyBlocks, decreaseListLevel )
// --- Initialise ---
body.setAttribute( 'contenteditable', 'true' );
win.editor.setHTML( '' );
}, false );