Adds the ability to wrap text as code. The entire selection is wrapped in a <pre> tag. Each line is a <code> tag inside a <div> tag. Lines are located at the path BODY > PRE > DIV > CODE.
We need to know when the document is modified in order to fire an "input" event
and set the undo/redo state correctly. Observing keyup is imprecise, as it's
hard to tell whether the key press actually modified anything. Newer browsers
support mutation observers, which tell you precisely when something has changed.
For IE9/10, Opera 12 and other older browsers, we fall back to observing keyup
Never really want to let the browser delete a selection; it always makes a mess
of it. This now covers the case when an English letter key or number key is
pressed when a selection exists. Handling this completely (to include all keys
that produce a symbol) is tricky due to cross-browser key event compatibility
Before, hitting enter at the start of the link would result in the link text
being removed from an <a> on the new line, and an empty <a> tag on the previous
line. Now the link remains on the new line as expected, and no empty <a> tag is
in the preceding block.
Just return a boolean for the TreeWalker filter fn. This diverges from the spec,
but since the goal of this implementation is not to fully implement the spec
and we're never going to use a native implementation, this doesn't matter and
the code is easier to read when the function is just returning a boolean like
any normal filter function.
* Be more liberal in tld, as there are now a billion new ones, of every length.
* Fix bug where if the URL contains an @ it would add it as a mailto link
Set the defaultBlockProperties property on a squire instance to an object and
it will use these properties when it has to create a new default block element.
If a text node at the beinning of a block began with white-space, it would mean
some situations where we should be doing all the transformations for
enter/delete/backspace were being left to the browser.
* Hit tab to increase list depth, or call increaseListLevel method.
* Hit enter on a blank item to decrease list depth, or call decreaseListLevel method.