Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/fastmail/Squire.git synced 2025-01-05 06:10:07 -05:00

626 lines
23 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/*jshint strict:false, undef:false, unused:false */
var keys = {
8: 'backspace',
9: 'tab',
13: 'enter',
32: 'space',
33: 'pageup',
34: 'pagedown',
37: 'left',
39: 'right',
46: 'delete',
2021-01-28 06:43:01 -05:00
191: '/',
219: '[',
2021-01-28 06:54:20 -05:00
220: '\\',
221: ']'
// Ref: http://unixpapa.com/js/key.html
var onKey = function ( event ) {
var code = event.keyCode,
key = keys[ code ],
modifiers = '',
range = this.getSelection();
if ( event.defaultPrevented ) {
if ( !key ) {
key = String.fromCharCode( code ).toLowerCase();
// Only reliable for letters and numbers
if ( !/^[A-Za-z0-9]$/.test( key ) ) {
key = '';
// Function keys
if ( 111 < code && code < 124 ) {
key = 'f' + ( code - 111 );
// We need to apply the backspace/delete handlers regardless of
// control key modifiers.
if ( key !== 'backspace' && key !== 'delete' ) {
if ( event.altKey ) { modifiers += 'alt-'; }
if ( event.ctrlKey ) { modifiers += 'ctrl-'; }
if ( event.metaKey ) { modifiers += 'meta-'; }
if ( event.shiftKey ) { modifiers += 'shift-'; }
// However, on Windows, shift-delete is apparently "cut" (WTF right?), so
// we want to let the browser handle shift-delete in this situation.
if ( isWin && event.shiftKey && key === 'delete' ) {
modifiers += 'shift-';
key = modifiers + key;
if ( this._keyHandlers[ key ] ) {
this._keyHandlers[ key ]( this, event, range );
// !event.isComposing stops us from blatting Kana-Kanji conversion in Safari
} else if ( !range.collapsed && !event.isComposing &&
!event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey &&
( event.key || key ).length === 1 ) {
// Record undo checkpoint.
this.saveUndoState( range );
// Delete the selection
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
deleteContentsOfRange( range, this._root );
this.setSelection( range );
this._updatePath( range, true );
var mapKeyTo = function ( method ) {
return function ( self, event ) {
self[ method ]();
var mapKeyToFormat = function ( tag, remove ) {
remove = remove || null;
return function ( self, event ) {
var range = self.getSelection();
if ( self.hasFormat( tag, null, range ) ) {
self.changeFormat( null, { tag: tag }, range );
} else {
self.changeFormat( { tag: tag }, remove, range );
// If you delete the content inside a span with a font styling, Webkit will
// replace it with a <font> tag (!). If you delete all the text inside a
// link in Opera, it won't delete the link. Let's make things consistent. If
// you delete all text inside an inline tag, remove the inline tag.
var afterDelete = function ( self, range ) {
try {
if ( !range ) { range = self.getSelection(); }
var node = range.startContainer,
// Climb the tree from the focus point while we are inside an empty
// inline element
if ( node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ) {
node = node.parentNode;
parent = node;
while ( isInline( parent ) &&
( !parent.textContent || parent.textContent === ZWS ) ) {
node = parent;
parent = node.parentNode;
// If focused in empty inline element
if ( node !== parent ) {
// Move focus to just before empty inline(s)
range.setStart( parent,
indexOf.call( parent.childNodes, node ) );
range.collapse( true );
// Remove empty inline(s)
parent.removeChild( node );
// Fix cursor in block
if ( !isBlock( parent ) ) {
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
parent = getPreviousBlock( parent, self._root );
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
fixCursor( parent, self._root );
// Move cursor into text node
moveRangeBoundariesDownTree( range );
// If you delete the last character in the sole <div> in Chrome,
// it removes the div and replaces it with just a <br> inside the
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
// root. Detach the <br>; the _ensureBottomLine call will insert a new
// block.
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
if ( node === self._root &&
( node = node.firstChild ) && node.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
detach( node );
self.setSelection( range );
self._updatePath( range, true );
} catch ( error ) {
self.didError( error );
var detachUneditableNode = function ( node, root ) {
var parent;
while (( parent = node.parentNode )) {
if ( parent === root || parent.isContentEditable ) {
node = parent;
detach( node );
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
var handleEnter = function ( self, shiftKey, range ) {
var root = self._root;
var block, parent, node, offset, nodeAfterSplit;
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
// Save undo checkpoint and add any links in the preceding section.
// Remove any zws so we don't think there's content in an empty
// block.
self._recordUndoState( range );
2019-12-22 18:04:04 -05:00
if ( self._config.addLinks ) {
addLinks( range.startContainer, root, self );
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
self._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
// Selected text is overwritten, therefore delete the contents
// to collapse selection.
if ( !range.collapsed ) {
deleteContentsOfRange( range, root );
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
block = getStartBlockOfRange( range, root );
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
// Inside a PRE, insert literal newline, unless on blank line.
if ( block && ( parent = getNearest( block, root, 'PRE' ) ) ) {
moveRangeBoundariesDownTree( range );
node = range.startContainer;
offset = range.startOffset;
if ( node.nodeType !== TEXT_NODE ) {
node = self._doc.createTextNode( '' );
parent.insertBefore( node, parent.firstChild );
// If blank line: split and insert default block
if ( !shiftKey &&
( node.data.charAt( offset - 1 ) === '\n' ||
rangeDoesStartAtBlockBoundary( range, root ) ) &&
( node.data.charAt( offset ) === '\n' ||
rangeDoesEndAtBlockBoundary( range, root ) ) ) {
node.deleteData( offset && offset - 1, offset ? 2 : 1 );
nodeAfterSplit =
split( node, offset && offset - 1, root, root );
node = nodeAfterSplit.previousSibling;
if ( !node.textContent ) {
detach( node );
node = self.createDefaultBlock();
nodeAfterSplit.parentNode.insertBefore( node, nodeAfterSplit );
if ( !nodeAfterSplit.textContent ) {
detach( nodeAfterSplit );
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
range.setStart( node, 0 );
} else {
node.insertData( offset, '\n' );
fixCursor( parent, root );
// Firefox bug: if you set the selection in the text node after
// the new line, it draws the cursor before the line break still
// but if you set the selection to the equivalent position
// in the parent, it works.
if ( node.length === offset + 1 ) {
range.setStartAfter( node );
} else {
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
range.setStart( node, offset + 1 );
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
range.collapse( true );
self.setSelection( range );
self._updatePath( range, true );
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
// If this is a malformed bit of document or in a table;
// just play it safe and insert a <br>.
if ( !block || shiftKey || /^T[HD]$/.test( block.nodeName ) ) {
// If inside an <a>, move focus out
moveRangeBoundaryOutOf( range, 'A', root );
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
insertNodeInRange( range, self.createElement( 'BR' ) );
range.collapse( false );
self.setSelection( range );
self._updatePath( range, true );
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
// If in a list, we'll split the LI instead.
if ( parent = getNearest( block, root, 'LI' ) ) {
block = parent;
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
if ( isEmptyBlock( block ) ) {
// Break list
if ( getNearest( block, root, 'UL' ) ||
getNearest( block, root, 'OL' ) ) {
return self.decreaseListLevel( range );
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
// Break blockquote
else if ( getNearest( block, root, 'BLOCKQUOTE' ) ) {
return self.modifyBlocks( removeBlockQuote, range );
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
// Otherwise, split at cursor point.
nodeAfterSplit = splitBlock( self, block,
range.startContainer, range.startOffset );
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
// Clean up any empty inlines if we hit enter at the beginning of the
// block
removeZWS( block );
removeEmptyInlines( block );
fixCursor( block, root );
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
// Focus cursor
// If there's a <b>/<i> etc. at the beginning of the split
// make sure we focus inside it.
while ( nodeAfterSplit.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE ) {
var child = nodeAfterSplit.firstChild,
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
// Don't continue links over a block break; unlikely to be the
// desired outcome.
if ( nodeAfterSplit.nodeName === 'A' &&
( !nodeAfterSplit.textContent ||
nodeAfterSplit.textContent === ZWS ) ) {
child = self._doc.createTextNode( '' );
replaceWith( nodeAfterSplit, child );
nodeAfterSplit = child;
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
while ( child && child.nodeType === TEXT_NODE && !child.data ) {
next = child.nextSibling;
if ( !next || next.nodeName === 'BR' ) {
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
detach( child );
child = next;
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
// 'BR's essentially don't count; they're a browser hack.
// If you try to select the contents of a 'BR', FF will not let
// you type anything!
if ( !child || child.nodeName === 'BR' ||
2020-03-10 22:40:10 -05:00
child.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ) {
2019-11-20 09:38:14 -05:00
nodeAfterSplit = child;
range = self.createRange( nodeAfterSplit, 0 );
self.setSelection( range );
self._updatePath( range, true );
var keyHandlers = {
// This song and dance is to force iOS to do enable the shift key
// automatically on enter. When you do the DOM split manipulation yourself,
// WebKit doesn't reset the IME state and so presents auto-complete options
// as though you were continuing to type on the previous line, and doesn't
// auto-enable the shift key. The old trick of blurring and focussing
// again no longer works in iOS 13, and I tried various execCommand options
// but they didn't seem to do anything. The only solution I've found is to
// let iOS handle the enter key, then after it's done that reset the HTML
// to what it was before and handle it properly in Squire; the IME state of
// course doesn't reset so you end up in the correct state!
enter: isIOS ? function ( self, event, range ) {
self._saveRangeToBookmark( range );
var html = self._getHTML();
var restoreAndDoEnter = function () {
self.removeEventListener( 'keyup', restoreAndDoEnter );
self._setHTML( html );
range = self._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark();
// Ignore the shift key on iOS, as this is for auto-capitalisation.
handleEnter( self, false, range );
self.addEventListener( 'keyup', restoreAndDoEnter );
} : function ( self, event, range ) {
handleEnter( self, event.shiftKey, range );
2018-07-26 18:23:09 -05:00
'shift-enter': function ( self, event, range ) {
return self._keyHandlers.enter( self, event, range );
backspace: function ( self, event, range ) {
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
var root = self._root;
// Record undo checkpoint.
self.saveUndoState( range );
// If not collapsed, delete contents
if ( !range.collapsed ) {
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
deleteContentsOfRange( range, root );
afterDelete( self, range );
// If at beginning of block, merge with previous
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
else if ( rangeDoesStartAtBlockBoundary( range, root ) ) {
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
var current = getStartBlockOfRange( range, root );
var previous;
if ( !current ) {
// In case inline data has somehow got between blocks.
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
fixContainer( current.parentNode, root );
// Now get previous block
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
previous = getPreviousBlock( current, root );
// Must not be at the very beginning of the text area.
if ( previous ) {
// If not editable, just delete whole block.
if ( !previous.isContentEditable ) {
detachUneditableNode( previous, root );
// Otherwise merge.
mergeWithBlock( previous, current, range, root );
// If deleted line between containers, merge newly adjacent
// containers.
current = previous.parentNode;
while ( current !== root && !current.nextSibling ) {
current = current.parentNode;
if ( current !== root && ( current = current.nextSibling ) ) {
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
mergeContainers( current, root );
self.setSelection( range );
// If at very beginning of text area, allow backspace
// to break lists/blockquote.
else if ( current ) {
// Break list
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
if ( getNearest( current, root, 'UL' ) ||
getNearest( current, root, 'OL' ) ) {
return self.decreaseListLevel( range );
// Break blockquote
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
else if ( getNearest( current, root, 'BLOCKQUOTE' ) ) {
return self.modifyBlocks( decreaseBlockQuoteLevel, range );
self.setSelection( range );
self._updatePath( range, true );
// Otherwise, leave to browser but check afterwards whether it has
// left behind an empty inline tag.
else {
self.setSelection( range );
setTimeout( function () { afterDelete( self ); }, 0 );
'delete': function ( self, event, range ) {
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
var root = self._root;
var current, next, originalRange,
cursorContainer, cursorOffset, nodeAfterCursor;
// Record undo checkpoint.
self.saveUndoState( range );
// If not collapsed, delete contents
if ( !range.collapsed ) {
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
deleteContentsOfRange( range, root );
afterDelete( self, range );
// If at end of block, merge next into this block
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
else if ( rangeDoesEndAtBlockBoundary( range, root ) ) {
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
current = getStartBlockOfRange( range, root );
if ( !current ) {
// In case inline data has somehow got between blocks.
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
fixContainer( current.parentNode, root );
// Now get next block
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
next = getNextBlock( current, root );
// Must not be at the very end of the text area.
if ( next ) {
// If not editable, just delete whole block.
if ( !next.isContentEditable ) {
detachUneditableNode( next, root );
// Otherwise merge.
mergeWithBlock( current, next, range, root );
// If deleted line between containers, merge newly adjacent
// containers.
next = current.parentNode;
while ( next !== root && !next.nextSibling ) {
next = next.parentNode;
if ( next !== root && ( next = next.nextSibling ) ) {
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
mergeContainers( next, root );
self.setSelection( range );
self._updatePath( range, true );
// Otherwise, leave to browser but check afterwards whether it has
// left behind an empty inline tag.
else {
// But first check if the cursor is just before an IMG tag. If so,
// delete it ourselves, because the browser won't if it is not
// inline.
originalRange = range.cloneRange();
moveRangeBoundariesUpTree( range, root, root, root );
cursorContainer = range.endContainer;
cursorOffset = range.endOffset;
if ( cursorContainer.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE ) {
nodeAfterCursor = cursorContainer.childNodes[ cursorOffset ];
if ( nodeAfterCursor && nodeAfterCursor.nodeName === 'IMG' ) {
detach( nodeAfterCursor );
moveRangeBoundariesDownTree( range );
afterDelete( self, range );
self.setSelection( originalRange );
setTimeout( function () { afterDelete( self ); }, 0 );
tab: function ( self, event, range ) {
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
var root = self._root;
var node, parent;
// If no selection and at start of block
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
if ( range.collapsed && rangeDoesStartAtBlockBoundary( range, root ) ) {
node = getStartBlockOfRange( range, root );
// Iterate through the block's parents
while ( ( parent = node.parentNode ) ) {
// If we find a UL or OL (so are in a list, node must be an LI)
if ( parent.nodeName === 'UL' || parent.nodeName === 'OL' ) {
// Then increase the list level
self.increaseListLevel( range );
node = parent;
'shift-tab': function ( self, event, range ) {
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
var root = self._root;
var node;
// If no selection and at start of block
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
if ( range.collapsed && rangeDoesStartAtBlockBoundary( range, root ) ) {
// Break list
2016-03-22 01:57:00 -05:00
node = range.startContainer;
if ( getNearest( node, root, 'UL' ) ||
getNearest( node, root, 'OL' ) ) {
self.decreaseListLevel( range );
space: function ( self, _, range ) {
2020-07-13 21:09:29 -05:00
var node;
var root = self._root;
self._recordUndoState( range );
2019-12-22 18:04:04 -05:00
if ( self._config.addLinks ) {
addLinks( range.startContainer, root, self );
self._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark( range );
// If the cursor is at the end of a link (<a>foo|</a>) then move it
// outside of the link (<a>foo</a>|) so that the space is not part of
// the link text.
node = range.endContainer;
2018-03-18 05:34:12 -05:00
if ( range.collapsed && range.endOffset === getLength( node ) ) {
do {
if ( node.nodeName === 'A' ) {
range.setStartAfter( node );
} while ( !node.nextSibling &&
( node = node.parentNode ) && node !== root );
// Delete the selection if not collapsed
2018-03-18 05:34:12 -05:00
if ( !range.collapsed ) {
deleteContentsOfRange( range, root );
self.setSelection( range );
self._updatePath( range, true );
self.setSelection( range );
left: function ( self ) {
right: function ( self ) {
// Firefox pre v29 incorrectly handles Cmd-left/Cmd-right on Mac:
// it goes back/forward in history! Override to do the right
// thing.
// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=289384
if ( isMac && isGecko ) {
keyHandlers[ 'meta-left' ] = function ( self, event ) {
var sel = getWindowSelection( self );
if ( sel && sel.modify ) {
sel.modify( 'move', 'backward', 'lineboundary' );
keyHandlers[ 'meta-right' ] = function ( self, event ) {
var sel = getWindowSelection( self );
if ( sel && sel.modify ) {
sel.modify( 'move', 'forward', 'lineboundary' );
// System standard for page up/down on Mac is to just scroll, not move the
// cursor. On Linux/Windows, it should move the cursor, but some browsers don't
// implement this natively. Override to support it.
if ( !isMac ) {
keyHandlers.pageup = function ( self ) {
keyHandlers.pagedown = function ( self ) {
const changeIndentationLevel = function ( methodIfInQuote, methodIfInList ) {
return function ( self, event ) {
var path = self.getPath();
if ( /(?:^|>)BLOCKQUOTE/.test( path ) ||
!/(?:^|>)[OU]L/.test( path ) ) {
self[ methodIfInQuote ]();
} else {
self[ methodIfInList ]();
const toggleList = function ( listRegex, methodIfNotInList ) {
return function ( self, event ) {
var path = self.getPath();
if ( !listRegex.test( path ) ) {
self[ methodIfNotInList ]();
} else {
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'b' ] = mapKeyToFormat( 'B' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'i' ] = mapKeyToFormat( 'I' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'u' ] = mapKeyToFormat( 'U' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'shift-7' ] = mapKeyToFormat( 'S' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'shift-5' ] = mapKeyToFormat( 'SUB', { tag: 'SUP' } );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'shift-6' ] = mapKeyToFormat( 'SUP', { tag: 'SUB' } );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'shift-8' ] =
toggleList( /(?:^|>)UL/, 'makeUnorderedList' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'shift-9' ] =
toggleList( /(?:^|>)OL/, 'makeOrderedList' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + '[' ] =
changeIndentationLevel( 'decreaseQuoteLevel', 'decreaseListLevel' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + ']' ] =
changeIndentationLevel( 'increaseQuoteLevel', 'increaseListLevel' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'd' ] = mapKeyTo( 'toggleCode' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'y' ] = mapKeyTo( 'redo' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'z' ] = mapKeyTo( 'undo' );
keyHandlers[ ctrlKey + 'shift-z' ] = mapKeyTo( 'redo' );