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2023-09-10 05:31:31 -04:00

88 lines
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// Metadata //
export const info = {
// Basics
name: 'App Name Here',
company: 'Company Name or Author',
synopsis: '',
description: '',
// Data
version: '1.0.0',
id: 'org.company-name.app-name-here', // extension.domain.appname
// Sources
website: "https://mywebsite.net/",
support: "https://mywebsite.net/help/",
source_code: "https://github.com/user/repo"
// App Configuration //
export const config = {
// Notifications
notificationType: "Native", // "Custom" "Native"
// Pushy Notifications
pushyAppId: "63e9212d7446e48a2a0e8ec0",
// Crash Reporter
crashReportServer: "https://nexuspolestar.bugsplat.com/post/electron/crash.php"
export const window = {
width: 1200,
height: 800,
minWidth: 400,
minHeight: 400,
// Theme //
export const sidebar = {
headerFontSize: "14px",
tabFontSize: "16px",
tabHeight: "24px",
tabPositions: "Normal", // "Normal" "Centered"
size: "Normal", // "Normal" "Compact"
enableToggle: false,
enableSearch: false,
export const splash = {
loadingIndicator: "Spinner", // "Spinner" "ProgressBar" "JumpingBalls" "GlowingBars"
backgroundColor: "#232323",
// Electron Builder //
export const update = {
channel: "latest", // Branch: "latest" "beta" "alpha"
url: '' // Point to url where build files will be stored on your server.
export const macos = {
category: 'public.app-category.utilities' // https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/LaunchServicesKeys.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009250-SW8
export const linux = {
category: 'Utilities', // https://specifications.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-1.0.html/category-registry
export const windows = {
// NSIS (.exe setup)
requireAdmin: false, // If you app needs to run admin tasks, which is shouldn't need to, set this to "true"
silent: false, // Ignore NSIS options below if "true"
allowToChangeInstallationDirectory: true, // Allow users to install your app anywhere
displayLanguageSelector: true,
createDesktopShortcut: false,
deleteAppDataOnUninstall: true,
// Microsoft Store
identityName: '00000Company.AppName',
publisher: 'CN=000A00A0-A00A-0A00-AAA0-0AAA00A000AA'