2021-11-19 12:41:54 -05:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import optparse
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-n', '--no-execute', dest='no_execute', default=False, action="store_true")
options, remainder = parser.parse_args()
def exec(cmd, exit_on_fail = True, do_print = True):
if cmd != '':
if do_print:
if not options.no_execute:
retval = os.system(cmd)
if retval != 0 and exit_on_fail:
print("fatal error: command '{}' failed".format(cmd))
return retval
return None
def get_version_from_file(version_filename = './version'):
with open(version_filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
if len(lines) != 1:
sys.stderr.write('error: ./version contains too many lines.')
return lines[0].strip()
return None
def make_version_string(major,minor,patch):
if patch == 0:
return '{}.{}'.format(major,minor)
return '{}.{}.{}'.format(major,minor,patch)
def firefox_release_url(ver):
return 'https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/{}/source/firefox-{}.source.tar.xz'.format(ver, ver)
def check_url_exists(url):
i = exec('wget --spider {} 2>/dev/null'.format(url), exit_on_fail=False, do_print=False)
if i == 0:
return True
return False
# main script
base_version = get_version_from_file()
# split base_version into major.minor.patch
split_version = base_version.split(sep='.')
if len(split_version) > 3 or len(split_version) < 1:
sys.stderr.write('error: ./version file contains invalid version number')
elif len(split_version) == 1:
major = int(split_version[0])
minor = 0
patch = 0
elif len(split_version) == 2:
major = int(split_version[0])
minor = int(split_version[1])
patch = 0
elif len(split_version) == 3:
major = int(split_version[0])
minor = int(split_version[1])
patch = int(split_version[2])
# now check if this version exists with Mozilla
if not check_url_exists(firefox_release_url(make_version_string(major,minor,patch))):
sys.stderr.write('error: The current version is unavailable.')
# Check for releases..
s = ''
if check_url_exists(firefox_release_url(make_version_string(major,minor,patch+1))):
s = ('{}.{}.{}'.format(major,minor,patch+1))
elif check_url_exists(firefox_release_url(make_version_string(major,minor+1,0))):
s = ('{}.{}'.format(major,minor+1))
elif check_url_exists(firefox_release_url(make_version_string(major+1,0,0))):
s = ('{}.0'.format(major+1))
s = base_version
if s != base_version:
print('The wheel has turned, and version {} has been released.'.format(s))
with open('./version', 'w') as f:
2021-12-29 00:05:25 -05:00
exec('echo 1 > release')
2021-11-19 12:41:54 -05:00
print('Latest Firefox release is still {}.'.format(base_version))
sys.exit(0) # ensure 0 exit code