61 lines
2.7 KiB
61 lines
2.7 KiB
import ShoelaceElement from '../../internal/shoelace-element.js';
import SlIcon from '../icon/icon.component.js';
import type { CSSResultGroup } from 'lit';
* @summary Details show a brief summary and expand to show additional content.
* @documentation https://shoelace.style/components/details
* @status stable
* @since 2.0
* @dependency sl-icon
* @slot - The details' main content.
* @slot summary - The details' summary. Alternatively, you can use the `summary` attribute.
* @slot expand-icon - Optional expand icon to use instead of the default. Works best with `<sl-icon>`.
* @slot collapse-icon - Optional collapse icon to use instead of the default. Works best with `<sl-icon>`.
* @event sl-show - Emitted when the details opens.
* @event sl-after-show - Emitted after the details opens and all animations are complete.
* @event sl-hide - Emitted when the details closes.
* @event sl-after-hide - Emitted after the details closes and all animations are complete.
* @csspart base - The component's base wrapper.
* @csspart header - The header that wraps both the summary and the expand/collapse icon.
* @csspart summary - The container that wraps the summary.
* @csspart summary-icon - The container that wraps the expand/collapse icons.
* @csspart content - The details content.
* @animation details.show - The animation to use when showing details. You can use `height: auto` with this animation.
* @animation details.hide - The animation to use when hiding details. You can use `height: auto` with this animation.
export default class SlDetails extends ShoelaceElement {
static styles: CSSResultGroup;
static dependencies: {
'sl-icon': typeof SlIcon;
private readonly localize;
details: HTMLDetailsElement;
header: HTMLElement;
body: HTMLElement;
expandIconSlot: HTMLSlotElement;
detailsObserver: MutationObserver;
* Indicates whether or not the details is open. You can toggle this attribute to show and hide the details, or you
* can use the `show()` and `hide()` methods and this attribute will reflect the details' open state.
open: boolean;
/** The summary to show in the header. If you need to display HTML, use the `summary` slot instead. */
summary: string;
/** Disables the details so it can't be toggled. */
disabled: boolean;
firstUpdated(): void;
disconnectedCallback(): void;
private handleSummaryClick;
private handleSummaryKeyDown;
handleOpenChange(): Promise<void>;
/** Shows the details. */
show(): Promise<void>;
/** Hides the details */
hide(): Promise<void>;
render(): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1>;