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synced 2025-03-18 02:22:53 -05:00
This commit includes support for periodic repo sync in a scale-out cluster. Before this commit, all cluster members would sync all the repos as the config is shared. With this change, in periodic sync, the cluster member checks whether it manages the repo. If it does not manage the repo, it will skip the sync. This commit also includes a unit test to test on-demand sync too, but there are no logic changes for it as it is implicitly handled by the proxying logic. Signed-off-by: Vishwas Rajashekar <vrajashe@cisco.com>
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package api
import (
// ClusterProxy wraps an http.HandlerFunc which requires proxying between zot instances to ensure
// that a given repository only has a single writer and reader for dist-spec operations in a scale-out cluster.
// based on the hash value of the repository name, the request will either be handled locally
// or proxied to another zot member in the cluster to get the data before sending a response to the client.
func ClusterProxy(ctrlr *Controller) func(http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
config := ctrlr.Config
logger := ctrlr.Log
// if no cluster or single-node cluster, handle locally.
if config.Cluster == nil || len(config.Cluster.Members) == 1 {
next.ServeHTTP(response, request)
// since the handler has been wrapped, it should be possible to get the name
// of the repository from the mux.
vars := mux.Vars(request)
name, ok := vars["name"]
if !ok || name == "" {
// the target member is the only one which should do read/write for the dist-spec APIs
// for the given repository.
targetMemberIndex, targetMember := cluster.ComputeTargetMember(config.Cluster.HashKey, config.Cluster.Members, name)
logger.Debug().Str(constants.RepositoryLogKey, name).
Msg(fmt.Sprintf("target member socket: %s index: %d", targetMember, targetMemberIndex))
// if the target member is the same as the local member, the current member should handle the request.
// since the instances have the same config, a quick index lookup is sufficient
if targetMemberIndex == config.Cluster.Proxy.LocalMemberClusterSocketIndex {
logger.Debug().Str(constants.RepositoryLogKey, name).Msg("handling the request locally")
next.ServeHTTP(response, request)
// if the header contains a hop-count, return an error response as there should be no multi-hop
if request.Header.Get(constants.ScaleOutHopCountHeader) != "" {
logger.Fatal().Str("url", request.URL.String()).
Msg("failed to process request - cannot proxy an already proxied request")
logger.Debug().Str(constants.RepositoryLogKey, name).Msg("proxying the request")
proxyResponse, err := proxyHTTPRequest(request.Context(), request, targetMember, ctrlr)
if err != nil {
logger.Error().Err(err).Str(constants.RepositoryLogKey, name).Msg("failed to proxy the request")
http.Error(response, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
defer proxyResponse.Body.Close()
copyHeader(response.Header(), proxyResponse.Header)
_, _ = io.Copy(response, proxyResponse.Body)
// gets all the server sockets of a target member - IP:Port.
// for IPv6, the socket is [IPv6]:Port.
// if the input is an IP address, returns the same targetMember in an array.
// if the input is a host name, performs a lookup and returns the server sockets.
func getTargetMemberServerSockets(targetMemberSocket string) ([]string, error) {
targetHost, targetPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(targetMemberSocket)
if err != nil {
return []string{}, err
addr := net.ParseIP(targetHost)
if addr != nil {
// this is an IP address, return as is
return []string{targetMemberSocket}, nil
// this is a hostname - try to resolve to an IP
resolvedAddrs, err := common.GetIPFromHostName(targetHost)
if err != nil {
return []string{}, err
targetSockets := make([]string, len(resolvedAddrs))
for idx, resolvedAddr := range resolvedAddrs {
targetSockets[idx] = net.JoinHostPort(resolvedAddr, targetPort)
return targetSockets, nil
// proxy the request to the target member and return a pointer to the response or an error.
func proxyHTTPRequest(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request,
targetMember string, ctrlr *Controller,
) (*http.Response, error) {
cloneURL := *req.URL
proxyQueryScheme := "http"
if ctrlr.Config.HTTP.TLS != nil {
proxyQueryScheme = "https"
cloneURL.Scheme = proxyQueryScheme
cloneURL.Host = targetMember
clonedBody := cloneRequestBody(req)
fwdRequest, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, req.Method, cloneURL.String(), clonedBody)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
copyHeader(fwdRequest.Header, req.Header)
// always set hop count to 1 for now.
// the handler wrapper above will terminate the process if it sees a request that
// already has a hop count but is due for proxying.
fwdRequest.Header.Set(constants.ScaleOutHopCountHeader, "1")
clientOpts := common.HTTPClientOptions{
TLSEnabled: ctrlr.Config.HTTP.TLS != nil,
VerifyTLS: ctrlr.Config.HTTP.TLS != nil, // for now, always verify TLS when TLS mode is enabled
Host: targetMember,
tlsConfig := ctrlr.Config.Cluster.TLS
if tlsConfig != nil {
clientOpts.CertOptions.ClientCertFile = tlsConfig.Cert
clientOpts.CertOptions.ClientKeyFile = tlsConfig.Key
clientOpts.CertOptions.RootCaCertFile = tlsConfig.CACert
httpClient, err := common.CreateHTTPClient(&clientOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := httpClient.Do(fwdRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var clonedRespBody bytes.Buffer
// copy out the contents into a new buffer as the response body
// stream should be closed to get all the data out.
_, _ = io.Copy(&clonedRespBody, resp.Body)
// after closing the original body, substitute it with a new reader
// using the buffer that was just created.
// this buffer should be closed later by the consumer of the response.
resp.Body = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(clonedRespBody.Bytes()))
return resp, nil
func cloneRequestBody(src *http.Request) io.Reader {
var bCloneForOriginal, bCloneForCopy bytes.Buffer
multiWriter := io.MultiWriter(&bCloneForOriginal, &bCloneForCopy)
numBytesCopied, _ := io.Copy(multiWriter, src.Body)
// if the body is a type of io.NopCloser and length is 0,
// the Content-Length header is not sent in the proxied request.
// explicitly returning http.NoBody allows the implementation
// to set the header.
// ref: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/34295
if numBytesCopied == 0 {
src.Body = http.NoBody
return http.NoBody
src.Body = io.NopCloser(&bCloneForOriginal)
return bytes.NewReader(bCloneForCopy.Bytes())
func copyHeader(dst, src http.Header) {
for k, vv := range src {
for _, v := range vv {
dst.Add(k, v)
// identifies and returns the cluster socket and index.
// this is the socket which the scale out cluster members will use for
// proxying and communication among each other.
// returns index, socket, error.
// returns an empty string and index value -1 if the cluster socket is not found.
func GetLocalMemberClusterSocket(members []string, localSockets []string) (int, string, error) {
for memberIdx, member := range members {
// for each member, get the full list of sockets, including DNS resolution
memberSockets, err := getTargetMemberServerSockets(member)
if err != nil {
return -1, "", err
// for each member socket that we have, compare all the local sockets with
// it to see if there is any match.
for _, memberSocket := range memberSockets {
for _, localSocket := range localSockets {
// this checks if the sockets are equal at a host port level
areSocketsEqual, err := common.AreSocketsEqual(memberSocket, localSocket)
if err != nil {
return -1, "", err
if areSocketsEqual {
return memberIdx, member, nil
return -1, "", nil