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package api
import (
// ClusterProxy wraps an http.HandlerFunc which requires proxying between zot instances to ensure
// that a given repository only has a single writer and reader for dist-spec operations in a scale-out cluster.
// based on the hash value of the repository name, the request will either be handled locally
// or proxied to another zot member in the cluster to get the data before sending a response to the client.
func ClusterProxy(ctrlr *Controller) func(http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
config := ctrlr.Config
logger := ctrlr.Log
// if no cluster or single-node cluster, handle locally.
if config.Cluster == nil || len(config.Cluster.Members) == 1 {
next.ServeHTTP(response, request)
// since the handler has been wrapped, it should be possible to get the name
// of the repository from the mux.
vars := mux.Vars(request)
name, ok := vars["name"]
if !ok || name == "" {
// the target member is the only one which should do read/write for the dist-spec APIs
// for the given repository.
targetMemberIndex, targetMember := cluster.ComputeTargetMember(config.Cluster.HashKey, config.Cluster.Members, name)
logger.Debug().Str(constants.RepositoryLogKey, name).
Msg(fmt.Sprintf("target member socket: %s index: %d", targetMember, targetMemberIndex))
// if the target member is the same as the local member, the current member should handle the request.
// since the instances have the same config, a quick index lookup is sufficient
if targetMemberIndex == config.Cluster.Proxy.LocalMemberClusterSocketIndex {
logger.Debug().Str(constants.RepositoryLogKey, name).Msg("handling the request locally")
next.ServeHTTP(response, request)
// if the header contains a hop-count, return an error response as there should be no multi-hop
if request.Header.Get(constants.ScaleOutHopCountHeader) != "" {
logger.Fatal().Str("url", request.URL.String()).
Msg("failed to process request - cannot proxy an already proxied request")
logger.Debug().Str(constants.RepositoryLogKey, name).Msg("proxying the request")
proxyResponse, err := proxyHTTPRequest(request.Context(), request, targetMember, ctrlr)
if err != nil {
logger.Error().Err(err).Str(constants.RepositoryLogKey, name).Msg("failed to proxy the request")
http.Error(response, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
defer proxyResponse.Body.Close()
copyHeader(response.Header(), proxyResponse.Header)
_, _ = io.Copy(response, proxyResponse.Body)
// gets all the server sockets of a target member - IP:Port.
// for IPv6, the socket is [IPv6]:Port.
// if the input is an IP address, returns the same targetMember in an array.
// if the input is a host name, performs a lookup and returns the server sockets.
func getTargetMemberServerSockets(targetMemberSocket string) ([]string, error) {
targetHost, targetPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(targetMemberSocket)
if err != nil {
return []string{}, err
addr := net.ParseIP(targetHost)
if addr != nil {
// this is an IP address, return as is
return []string{targetMemberSocket}, nil
// this is a hostname - try to resolve to an IP
resolvedAddrs, err := common.GetIPFromHostName(targetHost)
if err != nil {
return []string{}, err
targetSockets := make([]string, len(resolvedAddrs))
for idx, resolvedAddr := range resolvedAddrs {
targetSockets[idx] = net.JoinHostPort(resolvedAddr, targetPort)
return targetSockets, nil
// proxy the request to the target member and return a pointer to the response or an error.
func proxyHTTPRequest(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request,
targetMember string, ctrlr *Controller,
) (*http.Response, error) {
cloneURL := *req.URL
proxyQueryScheme := "http"
if ctrlr.Config.HTTP.TLS != nil {
proxyQueryScheme = "https"
cloneURL.Scheme = proxyQueryScheme
cloneURL.Host = targetMember
clonedBody := cloneRequestBody(req)
fwdRequest, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, req.Method, cloneURL.String(), clonedBody)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
copyHeader(fwdRequest.Header, req.Header)
// always set hop count to 1 for now.
// the handler wrapper above will terminate the process if it sees a request that
// already has a hop count but is due for proxying.
fwdRequest.Header.Set(constants.ScaleOutHopCountHeader, "1")
clientOpts := common.HTTPClientOptions{
TLSEnabled: ctrlr.Config.HTTP.TLS != nil,
VerifyTLS: ctrlr.Config.HTTP.TLS != nil, // for now, always verify TLS when TLS mode is enabled
Host: targetMember,
tlsConfig := ctrlr.Config.Cluster.TLS
if tlsConfig != nil {
clientOpts.CertOptions.ClientCertFile = tlsConfig.Cert
clientOpts.CertOptions.ClientKeyFile = tlsConfig.Key
clientOpts.CertOptions.RootCaCertFile = tlsConfig.CACert
httpClient, err := common.CreateHTTPClient(&clientOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := httpClient.Do(fwdRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var clonedRespBody bytes.Buffer
// copy out the contents into a new buffer as the response body
// stream should be closed to get all the data out.
_, _ = io.Copy(&clonedRespBody, resp.Body)
// after closing the original body, substitute it with a new reader
// using the buffer that was just created.
// this buffer should be closed later by the consumer of the response.
resp.Body = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(clonedRespBody.Bytes()))
return resp, nil
func cloneRequestBody(src *http.Request) io.Reader {
var bCloneForOriginal, bCloneForCopy bytes.Buffer
multiWriter := io.MultiWriter(&bCloneForOriginal, &bCloneForCopy)
numBytesCopied, _ := io.Copy(multiWriter, src.Body)
// if the body is a type of io.NopCloser and length is 0,
// the Content-Length header is not sent in the proxied request.
// explicitly returning http.NoBody allows the implementation
// to set the header.
// ref: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/34295
if numBytesCopied == 0 {
src.Body = http.NoBody
return http.NoBody
src.Body = io.NopCloser(&bCloneForOriginal)
return bytes.NewReader(bCloneForCopy.Bytes())
func copyHeader(dst, src http.Header) {
for k, vv := range src {
for _, v := range vv {
dst.Add(k, v)
// identifies and returns the cluster socket and index.
// this is the socket which the scale out cluster members will use for
// proxying and communication among each other.
// returns index, socket, error.
// returns an empty string and index value -1 if the cluster socket is not found.
func GetLocalMemberClusterSocket(members []string, localSockets []string) (int, string, error) {
for memberIdx, member := range members {
// for each member, get the full list of sockets, including DNS resolution
memberSockets, err := getTargetMemberServerSockets(member)
if err != nil {
return -1, "", err
// for each member socket that we have, compare all the local sockets with
// it to see if there is any match.
for _, memberSocket := range memberSockets {
for _, localSocket := range localSockets {
// this checks if the sockets are equal at a host port level
areSocketsEqual, err := common.AreSocketsEqual(memberSocket, localSocket)
if err != nil {
return -1, "", err
if areSocketsEqual {
return memberIdx, member, nil
return -1, "", nil