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id | title |
aws | Amazon Web Services |
This document describes simple steps to setup Verdaccio private registry on Amazon Web Services platform using EC2 service. This assumes you have already created an EC2 Amazon Linux instance; if not then please check this tutorial on AWS EC2 Setup.
Setup & Configuration
Step 1: Open SSH & Login in using your EC2 key.
Step 2: Install Node Version Manager (nvm) first, close and re-open the SSH using your EC2 key.
sudo apt update
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | bash
Step 3: Install Node using Node Version Manager (nvm)
nvm install node
Step 4: Install Verdaccio & pm2, will require to run Verdaccio service in background
npm i -g verdaccio pm2
Step 5: Set the verdaccio registry as a source. By default original NPM registry set.
npm set registry http://localhost:4873
npm set ca null
Step 6: Run Verdaccio and stop it (ctrl+c). It will create a config file we will use.
Step 7: Now do below configuration for listening to all addresses on that server machine / EC2 instance. (read more)
Open and edit config.yaml
nano .config/verdaccio/config.yaml
or nano ~/verdaccio/config.yaml
Add below lines at the end. (read more)
Change below line so that only authenticated person can access our registry
Replace "access: $all" with "access: $authenticated"
(Optional) Change below line according to how many users you wish to grant access to the scoped registry
Replace "#max_users: 1000" with "max_users: 1"
There are some more parameters available to configure it. Like storage, proxy, default port change. (read more)
Step 8: Run Verdaccio in background using PM2:
pm2 start verdaccio
Step 9: Now, You can access your Verdaccio web UI.
The URL will look like something:
http://your-ec2-public-ip-address:4873 (You can check your EC2 instance public ip from AWS console)
To confirm Verdaccio's running status, run the command below:
pm2 list
To make Verdaccio launch on startup, run the commands below:
pm2 stop verdaccio
pm2 delete verdaccio
pm2 startup
This will show a command in your terminal. Copy / paste it and execute it to have pm2 make a startup service for you.
which verdaccio
Copy the path shown by this command.
pm2 start /home/ubuntu/.nvm/versions/node/v17.1.0/bin/verdaccio
(put the path you copied from command above).
pm2 status
This should show "online" on the status of verdaccio service.
pm2 save
Now when you reboot the EC2 instance, it should launch verdaccio.
Step 10: Registering a user in verdaccio registry
npm adduser
It will ask for username, password and valid email id to be entered. Make a note of this details that will use later to login in verdaccio registry to publish our library.
Step 11: Now we are ready to use our AWS server instance work as a private registry.
Login into verdaccio registry. Enter the same username, password and email id set in above Step.
npm set registry http://your-ec2-public-ip-address:4873
npm login
Step 12: Go to your custom library package path. In my case this is my Angular 7 package path -> /libraries/dist/your-library-name/your-library-name-0.0.1.tgz
If you like to know how to create angular 7 library/package then (click here)
cd [custom library package path]
Step 13: Finally publish our library your-library-name-0.0.1.tgz
on verdaccio registry
[custom library package path] >> npm publish your-library-name-0.0.1.tgz
[custom library package path] >> npm publish
[custom library package path] >> npm publish --registry http://your-ec2-public-ip-address:4873
Now browse http://your-ec2-public-ip-address:4873
and you will see new library package there.