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id: contributing
title: "Contribuindo com o Verdaccio"
First of all Jumping into an unfamiliar code base is not easy but we are here to help you.
## Meios de Comunicação
Se você quiser fazer perguntas, nós usamos dois canais para discussões:
* [Canal público no Gitter](https://gitter.im/verdaccio/)
* [Canal do Slack para Contribuidores](https://verdaccio-npm.slack.com) (você precisa de um convite para entrar, tente pedir um em nosso canal do **Gitter**)
## Como Começar
As a first glance verdaccio is a single repository, but there are many ways you might contribute and a variety of technologies to practice.
### Como contribuir
Todos nós temos habilidades diferentes, você pode ajudar onde se sentir confortável.
### Eu sei ou quero aprender Node.js
O `Verdaccio` é baseado em Node.js, nós também usamos algumas livrarias como `express`, `commander`, `request` e `async`. Verdaccio is basically a Rest API that create a communication with `npm` clients compatible, as `yarn`.
Nós temos uma longa [lista de plugins](plugins.md) prontos para serem usados e que também aceitam contribuições. Se quiser, [voce pode criar o seu próprio](dev-plugins.md).
### Eu prefiro trabalhar com a Interface do Usuário
Recentemente nós começamos a usar tecnologias mais modernas, como `React` e `element-react`. Estamos abertos a novas ideias para melhorar a UI.
### I feel more confortable improving the stack
Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You migt merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Any suggestion is very welcome. Furthermore whether you have experience with **Yeoman** you might help us with the [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
Here some ideas:
* Create a common eslint rules to be used across all dependencies or plugins
* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
* Moving to Webpack 4
* Improve hot reload with Webpack
* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
* Improve continous integration delivery
### I do great Documentation
Many contributors find typos and grammar issues, that also helps to improve the overall experience for troubleshooting.
### I am a Designer
Nós temos uma página inicial <http://www.verdaccio.org/> que ficaria muito boa com novas ideias.
Nosso site é gerado com [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
### Eu sou um DevOps
We have a widely popular Docker image <https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/> that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
We have support for **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** and **Chef** and we need help in those fields, feel free to see all repositories.
### Eu posso traduzir
Nosso projeto busca ser multilíngue, e contamos **com a ótima ajuda** do [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) que é uma ótima plataforma para traduções.
<img src="https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/uridu/pages/144/attachments/original/1485948891/Crowdin.png" width="400px" />
We have setup a project where you can choose your favourite language, if you do not find your language feel free to request one [creating a ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
[Go to Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
## I'm ready to contribute
If you are thinking *"I've seen already the [repositories](repositories.md) and I'm willing to start right away"* then I have good news for you, that's the next step.
You will need learn how to build, [we have prepared a guide just for that](build.md).
Once you have played around with all scripts and you know how to use them, we are ready to go to the next step, run the [**Unit Test**](test.md).
## Full list of contributors. We want to see your face here !
<a href="graphs/contributors"><img src="https://opencollective.com/verdaccio/contributors.svg?width=890&button=false" /></a>