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Raw Blame History

Change Log


Minor Changes

  • 640425414: add trustUnverifiedEmail setting for the Microsoft EntraID OIDC SSO connector

    Since we launched the EntraID OIDC SSO connector we have received several feedbacks that their customer's email address can not be populated to Logto's user profile when signing up through the EntraID OIDC SSO connector. This is because Logto only syncs verified email addresses, meaning the email_verified claim must be true in the user info response from the OIDC provider.

    However, based on Microsoft's documentation, since the user's email address in manually managed by the organization, they are not verified guaranteed. This means that the email_verified claim will not be included in their user info response.

    To address this issue, we have added a new trustUnverifiedEmail exclusively for the Microsoft EntraID OIDC SSO connector. When this setting is enabled, Logto will trust the email address provided by the Microsoft EntraID OIDC SSO connector even if the email_verified claim is not included in the user info response. This will allow users to sign up and log in to Logto using their email address without any issues. Please note this may introduce a security risk as the email address is not verified by the OIDC provider. You should only enable this setting if you trust the email address provided by the Microsoft EntraID OIDC SSO connector.

    You can configure this setting in the EntraID OIDC SSO connector settings page in the Logto console or through the management API.

  • 640425414: display support email and website info on experience error pages.

    Added support email and website info to the error pages of the experience app. E.g. when a user tries to access a page that doesn't exist, or when the social session is not found in a social callback page. This will help users to contact support easily when they encounter an error.

    You may configure the support email and website info in the sign-in experience settings page in the Logto console or through the management API.

  • 7ebef18e3: add account api

    Introduce the new Account API, designed to give end users direct API access without needing to go through the Management API, here is the highlights:

    1. Direct access: The Account API empowers end users to directly access and manage their own account profile without requiring the relay of Management API.
    2. User profile and identities management: Users can fully manage their profiles and security settings, including the ability to update identity information like email, phone, and password, as well as manage social connections. MFA and SSO support are coming soon.
    3. Global access control: Admin has full, global control over access settings, can customize each fields.
    4. Seamless authorization: Authorizing is easier than ever! Simply use client.getAccessToken() to obtain an opaque access token for OP (Logto), and attach it to the Authorization header as Bearer <access_token>.

    Get started

    ![Note] Go to the Logto Docs to find full API reference.

    1. Use /api/account-center endpoint to enable the feature, for security reason, it is disabled by default. And set fields permission for each field.
    2. Use client.getAccessToken() to get the access token.
    3. Attach the access token to the Authorization header of your request, and start interacting with the Account API directly from the frontend.
    4. You may need to setup logto-verification-id header as an additional verification for some requests related to identity verification.

    What you can do with Account API

    1. Get user account profile
    2. Update basic information including name, avatar, username and other profile information
    3. Update password
    4. Update primary email
    5. Update primary phone
    6. Manage social identities
  • 640425414: add unknown session redirect url in the sign-in experience settings

    In certain cases, Logto may be unable to properly identify a users authentication session when they land on the sign-in page. This can happen if the session has expired, if the user bookmarks the sign-in URL for future access, or if they directly share the sign-in link. By default, an "unknown session" 404 error is displayed.

    To improve user experience, we have added a new unknownSessionRedirectUrl field in the sign-in experience settings.You can configure this field to redirect users to a custom URL when an unknown session is detected. This will help users to easily navigate to your client application or website and reinitiate the authentication process automatically.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [640425414]
  • Updated dependencies [640425414]
  • Updated dependencies [7ebef18e3]
  • Updated dependencies [640425414]
    • @logto/console@1.19.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.15.0
    • @logto/experience@1.10.0
    • @logto/experience-legacy@1.10.0
    • @logto/phrases-experience@1.9.0
    • @logto/schemas@1.22.0
    • @logto/connector-kit@4.1.0
    • @logto/cli@1.22.0


Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • bc2a0ac03: add environment variable to override default database connection timeout

    By default, out database connection timeout is set to 5 seconds, which might not be enough for some network conditions. This change allows users to override the default value by setting the DATABASE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT environment variable.

  • 3c993d59c: fix an issue that prevent mp4 video from playing in custom sign-in pages on Safari browser

    Safari browser uses range request to fetch video data, but it was not supported by the koa-serve-custom-ui-assets middleware in core. This prevents our users who want to build custom sign-in pages with video background. In order to fix this, we need to partially read the video file stream based on the range request header, and set proper response headers and status code (206).

  • Updated dependencies [bc2a0ac03]

  • Updated dependencies [3c993d59c]

  • Updated dependencies [5bb937505]

    • @logto/shared@3.1.2
    • @logto/phrases@1.14.1
    • @logto/console@1.18.1
    • @logto/schemas@1.21.0
    • @logto/cli@1.21.0


Minor Changes

  • e0326c96c: Add personal access token (PAT)

    Personal access tokens (PATs) provide a secure way for users to grant access tokens without using their credentials and interactive sign-in.

    You can create a PAT by going to the user's detail page in Console or using the Management API POST /users/:userId/personal-access-tokens.

    To use a PAT, call the token exchange endpoint POST /oidc/token with the following parameters:

    1. grant_type: REQUIRED. The value of this parameter must be urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange indicates that a token exchange is being performed.
    2. resource: OPTIONAL. The resource indicator, the same as other token requests.
    3. scope: OPTIONAL. The requested scopes, the same as other token requests.
    4. subject_token: REQUIRED. The user's PAT.
    5. subject_token_type: REQUIRED. The type of the security token provided in the subject_token parameter. The value of this parameter must be urn:logto:token-type:personal_access_token.
    6. client_id: REQUIRED. The client identifier of the client application that is making the request, the returned access token will contain this client_id claim.

    And the response will be a JSON object with the following properties:

    1. access_token: REQUIRED. The access token of the user, which is the same as other token requests like authorization_code or refresh_token.
    2. issued_token_type: REQUIRED. The type of the issued token. The value of this parameter must be urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token.
    3. token_type: REQUIRED. The type of the token. The value of this parameter must be Bearer.
    4. expires_in: REQUIRED. The lifetime in seconds of the access token.
    5. scope: OPTIONAL. The scopes of the access token.
  • 3d3a22030: add support for additional first screen options

    This feature introduces new first screen options, allowing developers to customize the initial screen presented to users. In addition to the existing sign_in and register options, the following first screen choices are now supported:

    • identifier:sign_in: Only display specific identifier-based sign-in methods to users.
    • identifier:register: Only display specific identifier-based registration methods to users.
    • reset_password: Allow users to directly access the password reset page.
    • single_sign_on: Allow users to directly access the single sign-on (SSO) page.


    // Example usage (React project using React SDK)
    void signIn({
      firstScreen: "identifier:sign_in",
       * Optional. Specifies which sign-in methods to display on the identifier sign-in page.
       * If not specified, the default sign-in experience configuration will be used.
       * This option is effective when the `firstScreen` value is `identifier:sign_in`, `identifier:register`, or `reset_password`.
      identifiers: ["email", "phone"],
  • 25187ef63: add support for login_hint parameter in sign-in method

    This feature allows you to provide a suggested identifier (email, phone, or username) for the user, improving the sign-in experience especially in scenarios where the user's identifier is known or can be inferred.


    // Example usage (React project using React SDK)
    void signIn({
      loginHint: "user@example.com",
      firstScreen: "signIn", // or 'register'
  • b837efead: add access deny method to the custom token claims script

    Introduce a new api parameter to the custom token claims script. This parameter is used to provide more access control context over the token exchange process. Use api.denyAccess() to reject the token exchange request. Use this method to implement your own access control logics.

    const getCustomJwtClaims: async ({ api }) => {
      // Reject the token request, with a custom error message
      return api.denyAccess('Access denied');
  • cc346b4e0: add password policy checking api

    Add POST /api/sign-in-exp/default/check-password API to check if the password meets the password policy configured in the default sign-in experience. A user ID is required for this API if rejects user info is enabled in the password policy.

    Here's a non-normative example of the request and response:

    POST /api/sign-in-exp/default/check-password
    Content-Type: application/json
      "password": "123",
      "userId": "some-user-id"
    400 Bad Request
    Content-Type: application/json
      "result": false,
      "issues": [
        { "code": "password_rejected.too_short" },
        { "code": "password_rejected.character_types" },
        { "code": "password_rejected.restricted.sequence" }

Patch Changes

  • a748fc85b: fix: add hasPassword field to user API response

  • fae8725a4: improve RTL language support

  • 6951e3157: introduce new parse_error query parameter flag. The value of parse_error can only be false.

    By default, Logto returns the parsed error code and error description in all the RequestError error responses. This is to ensure the error responses are consistent and easy to understand.

    However, when integrating Logto with Google OAuth, the error response body containing code will be rejected by Google. code is considered as a reserved OIDC key, can't be used as the error code key in the error response body.

    To workaround this, we add a new parse_error query parameter flag. When parsing the OIDC error body, if the parse_error is set to false, only oidc error body will be returned.


    curl -X POST "http://localhost:3001/oidc/token?parse_error=false"
      "error": "invalid_grant",
      "error_description": "Invalid value for parameter 'code': 'invalid_code'."
  • 5aab7c01b: prevent user registration and profile fulfillment with SSO-only email domains

    Emails associated with SSO-enabled domains should only be used through the SSO authentication process.

    Bug fix:

    • Creating a new user with a verification record that contains an SSO-only email domain should return a 422 RequestError with the error code session.sso_required.
    • Updating a user profile with an SSO-only email domain should return a 422 RequestError with the error code session.sso_required.
  • Updated dependencies [f150a67d5]

  • Updated dependencies [ee1947ac4]

  • Updated dependencies [baa8577c4]

  • Updated dependencies [ff6b304ba]

  • Updated dependencies [e0326c96c]

  • Updated dependencies [3d3a22030]

  • Updated dependencies [25187ef63]

  • Updated dependencies [479d5895a]

  • Updated dependencies [262661677]

  • Updated dependencies [3b9714b99]

  • Updated dependencies [ab90f43db]

  • Updated dependencies [fae8725a4]

  • Updated dependencies [0183d0c33]

  • Updated dependencies [b837efead]

  • Updated dependencies [53060c203]

    • @logto/console@1.18.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.14.0
    • @logto/experience@1.9.0
    • @logto/schemas@1.20.0
    • @logto/experience-legacy@1.9.0
    • @logto/demo-app@1.4.1
    • @logto/cli@1.20.0
    • @logto/phrases-experience@1.8.0


Minor Changes

  • 6477c6dee: add custom_data to applications

    Introduce a new property custom_data to the Application schema. This property is an arbitrary object that can be used to store custom data for an application.

    Added a new API to update the custom data of an application:

    • PATCH /applications/:applicationId/custom-data
  • 3a839f6d6: support organization logo and sign-in experience override

    Now it's able to set light and dark logos for organizations. You can upload the logos in the organization settings page.

    Also, it's possible to override the sign-in experience logo from an organization. Simply add the organization_id parameter to the authentication request. In most Logto SDKs, it can be done by using the extraParams field in the signIn method.

    For example, in the JavaScript SDK:

    import LogtoClient from "@logto/client";
    const logtoClient = new LogtoClient(/* your configuration */);
      redirectUri: "https://your-app.com/callback",
      extraParams: {
        organization_id: "<organization-id>",

    The value <organization-id> can be found in the organization settings page.

    If you could not find the extraParams field in the SDK you are using, please let us know.

  • 62f5e5e0c: support app-level branding

    You can now set logos, favicons, and colors for your app. These settings will be used in the sign-in experience when the app initiates the authentication flow. For apps that have no branding settings, the omni sign-in experience branding will be used.

    If organization_id is provided in the authentication request, the app-level branding settings will be overridden by the organization's branding settings, if available.

  • 18c8fdf01: implement token exchange for user impersonation

    Added support for user impersonation via token exchange:

    1. New endpoint: POST /subject-tokens (Management API)
      • Request body: { "userId": "<user-id>" }
      • Returns a subject token
    2. Enhanced POST /oidc/token endpoint (OIDC API)
      • Supports new grant type: urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange
      • Request body:
          "grant_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange",
          "subject_token": "<subject-token>",
          "subject_token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token",
          "client_id": "<client-id>"
      • Returns an impersonated access token

    Refer to documentation for usage examples and the Token Exchange RFC for more details.

  • d203c8d2f: support experience data server-side rendering

    Logto now injects the sign-in experience settings and phrases into the index.html file for better first-screen performance. The experience app will still fetch the settings and phrases from the server if:

    • The server didn't inject the settings and phrases.
    • The parameters in the URL are different from server-rendered data.
  • b188bb161: support multiple app secrets with expiration

    Now secure apps (machine-to-machine, traditional web, Protected) can have multiple app secrets with expiration. This allows for secret rotation and provides an even safer experience.

    To manage your application secrets, go to Logto Console -> Applications -> Application Details -> Endpoints & Credentials.

    We've also added a set of Management APIs (/api/applications/{id}/secrets) for this purpose.


    You can still use existing app secrets for client authentication, but it is recommended to delete the old ones and create new secrets with expiration for enhanced security.

  • b91ec0cd6: update the jsonb field update mode from merge to replace for the PATCH /application/:id endpoint. remove the deepPartial statement from the PATCH /application/:id endpoint payload guard.

    For all the jsonb typed fields in the application entity, the update mode is now replace instead of merge. This means that when you send a PATCH request to update an application, the jsonb fields will be replaced with the new values instead of merging them.

    This change is to make the request behavior more strict aligned with the restful API principles for a PATCH request.

  • d56bc2f73: add support for new password digest algorithm argon2d and argon2id

    In POST /users, the passwordAlgorithm field now accepts Argon2d and Argon2id.

    Users with those algorithms will be migrated to Argon2i upon succussful sign in.

  • 510f681fa: use tsup for building

    We've updated some of the packages to use tsup for building. This will make the build process faster, and should not affect the functionality of the packages.

    Use minor version bump to catch your attention.

Patch Changes

  • 84f7e13a2: use native OpenAPI OAuth 2 security schema

    The built-in OpenAPI OAuth 2 security schema is now used instead of the custom HTTP header-based security schema. This change improves compatibility with OpenAPI tools and libraries that support OAuth 2.

  • f76252e0d: fix the status code 404 error in webhook events payload

    Impact webhook events:

    • Role.Scopes.Updated
    • Organizations.Membership.Updates

    Issue: These webhook event payloads were returning a API response status code of 404 when the webhook was triggered. Expected: A status code of 200 should be returned, as we only trigger the webhook when the request is successful. Fix: All webhook event contexts should be created and inserted into the webhook pipeline after the response body and status code are properly set.

  • Updated dependencies [6477c6dee]

  • Updated dependencies [3aa7e57b3]

  • Updated dependencies [3a839f6d6]

  • Updated dependencies [b91ec0cd6]

  • Updated dependencies [3a839f6d6]

  • Updated dependencies [62f5e5e0c]

  • Updated dependencies [d203c8d2f]

  • Updated dependencies [2d0502a42]

  • Updated dependencies [3bf756f2b]

  • Updated dependencies [b188bb161]

  • Updated dependencies [62f5e5e0c]

  • Updated dependencies [d56bc2f73]

  • Updated dependencies [510f681fa]

    • @logto/schemas@1.19.0
    • @logto/console@1.17.0
    • @logto/experience@1.8.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.13.0
    • @logto/demo-app@1.4.0
    • @logto/cli@1.19.0


Minor Changes

  • 942780fcf: support Google One Tap

    • core: GET /api/.well-known/sign-in-exp now returns googleOneTap field with the configuration when available
    • core: add Google Sign-In (GSI) url to the security headers
    • core: verify Google One Tap CSRF token in verifySocialIdentity()
    • phrases: add Google One Tap phrases
    • schemas: migrate sign-in experience types from core to schemas
  • 754d0e134: pagination is now optional for GET /api/organizations/:id/users/:userId/roles

    The default pagination is now removed. This isn't considered a breaking change, but we marked it as minor to get your attention.

  • 87615d58c: support machine-to-machine apps for organizations

    This feature allows machine-to-machine apps to be associated with organizations, and be assigned with organization roles.


    • Add a new "machine-to-machine" type to organization roles. All existing roles are now "user" type.
    • You can manage machine-to-machine apps in the organization details page -> Machine-to-machine apps section.
    • You can view the associated organizations in the machine-to-machine app details page.

    OpenID Connect grant

    The client_credentials grant type is now supported for organizations. You can use this grant type to obtain an access token for an organization.

    Management API

    A set of new endpoints are added to the Management API:

    • /api/organizations/{id}/applications to manage machine-to-machine apps.
    • /api/organizations/{id}/applications/{applicationId} to manage a specific machine-to-machine app in an organization.
    • /api/applications/{id}/organizations to view the associated organizations of a machine-to-machine app.
  • 061a30a87: support agree to terms polices for Logtos sign-in experiences

    • Automatic: Users automatically agree to terms by continuing to use the service
    • ManualRegistrationOnly: Users must agree to terms by checking a box during registration, and don't need to agree when signing in
    • Manual: Users must agree to terms by checking a box during registration or signing in
  • ef21c7a99: support per-organization multi-factor authentication requirement

    An organization can now require its member to have multi-factor authentication (MFA) configured. If an organization has this requirement and a member does not have MFA configured, the member will not be able to fetch the organization access token.

  • b52609a1e: add hasPassword to custom JWT user context

  • efa884c40: feature: just-in-time user provisioning for organizations

    This feature allows users to automatically join the organization and be assigned roles upon their first sign-in through some authentication methods. You can set requirements to meet for just-in-time provisioning.

    Email domains

    New users will automatically join organizations with just-in-time provisioning if they:

    • Sign up with verified email addresses, or;
    • Use social sign-in with verified email addresses.

    This applies to organizations that have the same email domain configured.

    To enable this feature, you can add email domain via the Management API or the Logto Console:

    • We added the following new endpoints to the Management API:
      • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/jit/email-domains
      • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/jit/email-domains
      • PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/jit/email-domains
      • DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/jit/email-domains/{emailDomain}
    • In the Logto Console, you can manage email domains in the organization details page -> "Just-in-time provisioning" section.

    SSO connectors

    New or existing users signing in through enterprise SSO for the first time will automatically join organizations that have just-in-time provisioning configured for the SSO connector.

    To enable this feature, you can add SSO connectors via the Management API or the Logto Console:

    • We added the following new endpoints to the Management API:
      • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/jit/sso-connectors
      • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/jit/sso-connectors
      • PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/jit/sso-connectors
      • DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/jit/sso-connectors/{ssoConnectorId}
    • In the Logto Console, you can manage SSO connectors in the organization details page -> "Just-in-time provisioning" section.

    Default organization roles

    You can also configure the default roles for users provisioned via this feature. The default roles will be assigned to the user when they are provisioned.

    To enable this feature, you can set the default roles via the Management API or the Logto Console:

    • We added the following new endpoints to the Management API:
      • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/jit/roles
      • POST /organizations/{organizationId}/jit/roles
      • PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/jit/roles
      • DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/jit/roles/{organizationRoleId}
    • In the Logto Console, you can manage default roles in the organization details page -> "Just-in-time provisioning" section.
  • b50ba0b7e: enable backchannel logout support

    Enable the support of OpenID Connect Back-Channel Logout 1.0.

    To register for backchannel logout, navigate to the application details page in the Logto Console and locate the "Backchannel logout" section. Enter the backchannel logout URL of your RP and click "Save".

    You can also enable session requirements for backchannel logout. When enabled, Logto will include the sid claim in the logout token.

    For programmatic registration, you can set the backchannelLogoutUri and backchannelLogoutSessionRequired properties in the application oidcClientMetadata object.

Patch Changes

  • d60f6ce48: build operationId for Management API in OpenAPI response (credit to @mostafa)

    As per the specification:

    operationId is an optional unique string used to identify an operation. If provided, these IDs must be unique among all operations described in your API.

    This greatly simplifies the creation of client SDKs in different languages, because it generates more meaningful function names instead of auto-generated ones, like the following examples:

    - org, _, err := s.Client.OrganizationsAPI.ApiOrganizationsIdGet(ctx, req.GetId()).Execute()
    + org, _, err := s.Client.OrganizationsAPI.GetOrganization(ctx, req.GetId()).Execute()
    - users, _, err := s.Client.OrganizationsAPI.ApiOrganizationsIdUsersGet(ctx, req.GetId()).Execute()
    + users, _, err := s.Client.OrganizationsAPI.ListOrganizationUsers(ctx, req.GetId()).Execute()
  • 7a279be1f: add user detail data payload to the User.Deleted webhook event

  • d51e839cd: fix OpenAPI schema returned by the GET /api/swagger.json endpoint

    1. The : character is invalid in parameter names, such as organizationId:root. These characters have been replaced with -.
    2. The tenantId parameter of the /api/.well-known/endpoints/{tenantId} route was missing from the generated OpenAPI spec document, resulting in validation errors. This has been fixed.
  • Updated dependencies [6308ee185]

  • Updated dependencies [15953609b]

  • Updated dependencies [6308ee185]

  • Updated dependencies [eacec10ac]

  • Updated dependencies [942780fcf]

  • Updated dependencies [f78b1768e]

  • Updated dependencies [87615d58c]

  • Updated dependencies [9f33d997b]

  • Updated dependencies [06ef19905]

  • Updated dependencies [061a30a87]

  • Updated dependencies [ead51e555]

  • Updated dependencies [af44e87eb]

  • Updated dependencies [ef21c7a99]

  • Updated dependencies [136320584]

  • Updated dependencies [0ef712e4e]

  • Updated dependencies [50c35a214]

  • Updated dependencies [15953609b]

  • Updated dependencies [b52609a1e]

  • Updated dependencies [efa884c40]

  • Updated dependencies [b50ba0b7e]

  • Updated dependencies [d81e13d21]

    • @logto/connector-kit@4.0.0
    • @logto/console@1.16.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.12.0
    • @logto/schemas@1.18.0
    • @logto/demo-app@1.3.0
    • @logto/phrases-experience@1.7.0
    • @logto/experience@1.7.0
    • @logto/cli@1.18.0


Minor Changes

  • b5104d8c1: add new webhook events

    We introduce a new event type DataHook to unlock a series of events that can be triggered by data updates (mostly Management API):

    • User.Created
    • User.Deleted
    • User.Data.Updated
    • User.SuspensionStatus.Updated
    • Role.Created
    • Role.Deleted
    • Role.Data.Updated
    • Role.Scopes.Updated
    • Scope.Created
    • Scope.Deleted
    • Scope.Data.Updated
    • Organization.Created
    • Organization.Deleted
    • Organization.Data.Updated
    • Organization.Membership.Updated
    • OrganizationRole.Created
    • OrganizationRole.Deleted
    • OrganizationRole.Data.Updated
    • OrganizationRole.Scopes.Updated
    • OrganizationScope.Created
    • OrganizationScope.Deleted
    • OrganizationScope.Data.Updated

    DataHook events are triggered when the data associated with the event is updated via management API request or user interaction actions.

    Management API triggered events

    API endpoint Event
    POST /users User.Created
    DELETE /users/:userId User.Deleted
    PATCH /users/:userId User.Data.Updated
    PATCH /users/:userId/custom-data User.Data.Updated
    PATCH /users/:userId/profile User.Data.Updated
    PATCH /users/:userId/password User.Data.Updated
    PATCH /users/:userId/is-suspended User.SuspensionStatus.Updated
    POST /roles Role.Created, (Role.Scopes.Update)
    DELETE /roles/:id Role.Deleted
    PATCH /roles/:id Role.Data.Updated
    POST /roles/:id/scopes Role.Scopes.Updated
    DELETE /roles/:id/scopes/:scopeId Role.Scopes.Updated
    POST /resources/:resourceId/scopes Scope.Created
    DELETE /resources/:resourceId/scopes/:scopeId Scope.Deleted
    PATCH /resources/:resourceId/scopes/:scopeId Scope.Data.Updated
    POST /organizations Organization.Created
    DELETE /organizations/:id Organization.Deleted
    PATCH /organizations/:id Organization.Data.Updated
    PUT /organizations/:id/users Organization.Membership.Updated
    POST /organizations/:id/users Organization.Membership.Updated
    DELETE /organizations/:id/users/:userId Organization.Membership.Updated
    POST /organization-roles OrganizationRole.Created, (OrganizationRole.Scopes.Updated)
    DELETE /organization-roles/:id OrganizationRole.Deleted
    PATCH /organization-roles/:id OrganizationRole.Data.Updated
    POST /organization-scopes OrganizationScope.Created
    DELETE /organization-scopes/:id OrganizationScope.Deleted
    PATCH /organization-scopes/:id OrganizationScope.Data.Updated
    PUT /organization-roles/:id/scopes OrganizationRole.Scopes.Updated
    POST /organization-roles/:id/scopes OrganizationRole.Scopes.Updated
    DELETE /organization-roles/:id/scopes/:organizationScopeId OrganizationRole.Scopes.Updated

    User interaction triggered events

    User interaction action Event
    User email/phone linking User.Data.Updated
    User MFAs linking User.Data.Updated
    User social/SSO linking User.Data.Updated
    User password reset User.Data.Updated
    User registration User.Created
  • 0c70d65c7: define new sso_identities user claim to the userinfo endpoint response

    • Define a new sso_identities user claim that will be used to store the user's SSO identities. The claim will be an array of objects with the following properties:
      • details: detailed user info returned from the SSO provider.
      • issuer: the issuer of the SSO provider.
      • identityId: the user id of the user in the SSO provider.
    • The new claims will share the same scope as the social identities claim.
    • When the user identities scope is requested, the new sso_identities claim will be returned along with the identities claim in the userinfo endpoint response.
  • 76fd33b7e: support default roles for users

Patch Changes

  • 558986d28: update documentation reference links

  • 458746c9a: fix Microsoft EntraID OIDC SSO connector invalid authorization code response bug

    • For public organizations access EntraID OIDC applications, the token endpoint returns expires_in value type in number.
    • For private organization access only applications, the token endpoint returns expires_in value type in string.
    • Expected expires_in value type is number. (See v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow for reference)

    String type expires_in value is not supported by the current Microsoft EntraID OIDC connector, a invalid authorization response error will be thrown. Update the token response guard to handle both number and string type expires_in value. Make the SSO connector more robust.

  • Updated dependencies [25d67f33f]

  • Updated dependencies [e04d9523a]

  • Updated dependencies [cb1a38c40]

  • Updated dependencies [558986d28]

  • Updated dependencies [b5104d8c1]

  • Updated dependencies [0c70d65c7]

  • Updated dependencies [a0b19513b]

  • Updated dependencies [07ac3e87c]

  • Updated dependencies [c558affac]

  • Updated dependencies [76fd33b7e]

    • @logto/schemas@1.17.0
    • @logto/cli@1.17.0
    • @logto/console@1.15.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.11.0
    • @logto/experience@1.6.2
    • @logto/core-kit@2.5.0


Minor Changes

  • 8ef021fb3: add support for Redis Cluster and extra TLS options for Redis connections

  • 21bb35b12: refactor the definition of hook event types

    • Add DataHook event types. DataHook are triggered by data changes.
    • Add "interaction" prefix to existing hook event types. Interaction hook events are triggered by end user interactions, e.g. completing sign-in.
  • e8c41b164: support organization custom data

    Now you can save additional data associated with the organization with the organization-level customData field by:

    • Edit in the Console organization details page.
    • Specify customData field when using organization Management APIs.
  • 5872172cb: enable custom JWT feature for OSS version

    OSS version users can now use custom JWT feature to add custom claims to JWT access tokens payload (previously, this feature was only available to Logto Cloud).

  • 1ef32d6d5: update token grant to support organization API resources

    Organization roles can be assigned with scopes (permissions) from the API resources, and the token grant now supports this.

    Once the user is consent to an application with "resources" assigned, the token grant will now include the scopes inherited from all assigned organization roles.

    Users can narrow down the scopes by passing organization_id when granting an access token, and the token will only include the scopes from the organization roles of the specified organization, the access token will contain an extra claim organization_id to indicate the organization the token is granted for. Then the resource server can use this claim to protect the resource with additional organization-level authorization.

    This change is backward compatible, and the existing token grant will continue to work as before.

Patch Changes

  • 52df3ebbb: Bug fix: organization invitation APIs should handle invitee emails case insensitively

  • 368385b93: Management API will not return 500 in production for status codes that are not listed in the OpenAPI spec

  • d54530356: Fix OIDC AccessDenied error code to 403.

    This error may happen when you try to grant an access token to a user lacking the required permissions, especially when granting for orgnization related resources. The error code should be 403 instead of 400.

  • 5b03030de: Not allow to modify management API resource through API.

    Previously, management API resource and its scopes are readonly in Console. But it was possible to modify through the API. This is not allowed anymore.

  • 5660c54cb: Sign out user after deletion or suspension

    When a user is deleted or suspended through Management API, they should be signed out immediately, including sessions and refresh tokens.

  • a9ccfc738: implement request ID for API requests

    • All requests will now include a request ID in the headers (Logto-Core-Request-Id)
    • Terminal logs will now include the request ID as the prefix
  • bbd399e15: fix the new user from SSO register hook event not triggering bug


    When a new user registers via SSO, the PostRegister interaction hook event is not triggered. PostSignIn event is mistakenly triggered instead.

    Root Cause

    In the SSO post /api/interaction/sso/:connectionId/registration API, we update the interaction event to Register. However, the hook middleware reads the event from interaction session ahead of the API logic, and the event is not updated resulting in the wrong event being triggered.

    In the current interaction API design, we should mutate the interaction event by calling the PUT /api/interaction/event API, instead of updating the event directly in the submit interaction APIs. (Just like the no direct mutation rule for a react state). So we can ensure the correct side effect like logs and hooks are triggered properly.

    All the other sign-in methods are using the PUT /api/interaction/event API to update the event. But when implementing the SSO registration API, we were trying to reduce the API requests and directly updated the event in the registration API which will submit the interaction directly.


    Remove the event update logic in the SSO registration API and call the PUT /api/interaction/event API to update the event. This will ensure the correct event is triggered in the hook middleware.

    Action Items

    Align the current interaction API design for now. Need to improve the session/interaction API logic to simplify the whole process.

  • b4b8015db: fix a bug that prevents invitee from accepting the organization invitation if the email letter case is not matching

  • b575f57ac: Support comma separated resource parameter

    Some third-party libraries or plugins do not support array of resources, and can only specify resource through additionalParameters config, e.g. flutter-appauth. However, only one resource can be specified at a time in this way. This PR enables comma separated resource parameter support in Logto core service, so that multiple resources can be specified via a single string.

    For example: Auth URL like /oidc/auth?resource=https://example.com/api1,https://example.com/api2 will be interpreted and parsed to Logto core service as /ordc/auth?resource=https://example.com/api1&resource=https://example.com/api2.

  • aacbebcbc: Provide management API to fetch user organization scopes based on user organization roles

    • GET organizations/:id/users/:userId/scopes
  • 3486b12e8: Fix file upload API.

    The koa-body has been upgraded to the latest version, which caused the file upload API to break. This change fixes the issue.

    The ctx.request.files.file in the new version is an array, so the code has been updated to pick the first one.

  • ead2abde6: fix a bug that API resource indicator does not work if the indicator is not followed by a trailing slash or a pathname

    • Bump oidc-provider@8.4.6 to fix the above issue
  • Updated dependencies [21bb35b12]

  • Updated dependencies [5b03030de]

  • Updated dependencies [b80934ac5]

  • Updated dependencies [a9ccfc738]

  • Updated dependencies [e8c41b164]

  • Updated dependencies [5872172cb]

  • Updated dependencies [6fe6f87bc]

  • Updated dependencies [21bb35b12]

  • Updated dependencies [bbd399e15]

  • Updated dependencies [3486b12e8]

  • Updated dependencies [9cf03c8ed]

  • Updated dependencies [c1c746bca]

    • @logto/schemas@1.16.0
    • @logto/console@1.14.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.10.1
    • @logto/experience@1.6.1
    • @logto/app-insights@2.0.0
    • @logto/shared@3.1.1
    • @logto/cli@1.16.0


Minor Changes

  • 172411946: Add avatar and customData fields to create user API (POST /api/users)

  • abffb9f95: full oidc standard claims support

    We have added support for the remaining OpenID Connect standard claims. Now, these claims are accessible in both ID tokens and the response from the /me endpoint.

    Additionally, we adhere to the standard scopes - claims mapping. This means that you can retrieve most of the profile claims using the profile scope, and the address claim can be obtained by using the address scope.

    For all newly introduced claims, we store them in the user.profile field.

    ![Note] Unlike other database fields (e.g. name), the claims stored in the profile field will fall back to undefined rather than null. We refrain from using ?? null here to reduce the size of ID tokens, since undefined fields will be stripped in tokens.

  • 2cbc591ff: support first_screen parameter in authentication request

    Sign-in experience can be initiated with a specific screen by setting the first_screen parameter in the OIDC authentication request. This parameter is intended to replace the interaction_mode parameter, which is now deprecated.

    The first_screen parameter can have the following values:

    • signIn: The sign-in screen is displayed first.
    • register: The registration screen is displayed first.

    Here's a non-normative example of how to use the first_screen parameter:

    GET /authorize?

    When first_screen is set, the legacy interaction_mode parameter is ignored.

  • 468558721: Get organization roles with search keyword.

  • cc01acbd0: Create a new user through API with password digest and corresponding algorithm

  • 2cbc591ff: support direct sign-in

    Instead of showing a screen for the user to choose between the sign-in methods, a specific sign-in method can be initiated directly by setting the direct_sign_in parameter in the OIDC authentication request.

    This parameter follows the format of direct_sign_in=<method>:<target>, where:

    • <method> is the sign-in method to trigger. Currently the only supported value is social.
    • <target> is the target value for the sign-in method. If the method is social, the value is the social connector's target.

    When a valid direct_sign_in parameter is set, the first screen will be skipped and the specified sign-in method will be triggered immediately upon entering the sign-in experience. If the parameter is invalid, the default behavior of showing the first screen will be used.

Patch Changes

  • 7c22c50cb: Fix SSO connector new user authentication internal server error.


    Thanks to the issue report, we found that the SSO connector new user authentication was causing an internal server error. Should return an 422 status code instead of 500. Frontend sign-in page can not handle the 500 error and complete the new user registration process.

    Root cause

    When the SSO connector returns a new user that does not exist in the Logto database, the backend with throw a 422 error. Frontend relies the 422 error to redirect and complete the new user registration process.

    However, the backend was throwing a 500 error instead. That is because we applied a strict API response status code guard at the koaGuard middleware level. The status code 422 was not listed. Therefore, the middleware threw a 500 error.


    We added the 422 status code to the koaGuard middleware. Now, the backend will return a 422 status code when the SSO connector returns a new user that does not exist in the Logto database. The frontend sign-in page can handle the 422 error and complete the new user registration process.

  • Updated dependencies [5758f84f5]

  • Updated dependencies [57d97a4df]

  • Updated dependencies [7756f50f8]

  • Updated dependencies [abffb9f95]

  • Updated dependencies [746483c49]

  • Updated dependencies [2cbc591ff]

  • Updated dependencies [57d97a4df]

  • Updated dependencies [cc01acbd0]

  • Updated dependencies [2cbc591ff]

  • Updated dependencies [951865859]

  • Updated dependencies [5a7204571]

  • Updated dependencies [2cbc591ff]

  • Updated dependencies [57d97a4df]

  • Updated dependencies [2c10c2423]

    • @logto/console@1.13.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.10.0
    • @logto/connector-kit@3.0.0
    • @logto/experience@1.6.0
    • @logto/core-kit@2.4.0
    • @logto/schemas@1.15.0
    • @logto/phrases-experience@1.6.1
    • @logto/demo-app@1.2.0
    • @logto/cli@1.15.0
    • @logto/shared@3.1.0


Minor Changes

  • 532454b92: support form post callback for social connectors

    Add the POST /callback/:connectorId endpoint to handle the form post callback for social connectors. This usefull for the connectors that require a form post callback to complete the authentication process, such as Apple.

Patch Changes

  • @logto/schemas@1.14.0
  • @logto/cli@1.14.0


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [677054a24]
    • @logto/console@1.12.1
    • @logto/schemas@1.13.1
    • @logto/cli@1.13.1


Minor Changes

  • 32df9acde: implement Logto core API to support the new third-party application feature, and user consent interaction flow

    Management API

    • Add new endpoint /applications/sign-in-experiences with PUT, GET methods to manage the application level sign-in experiences.
    • Add new endpoint /applications/:id/users/:userId/consent-organizations with PUT, GET, POST, DELETE methods to manage the user granted organizations for the third-party application.
    • Add new endpoint /applications/:id/user-consent-scopes with GET, POST, DELETE methods to manage the user consent resource, organization, and user scopes for the third-party application.
    • Update the /applications endpoint to include the new is_third_party field. Support create third-party applications, and query by is_third_party field.

    Interaction API

    • Add the koaAutoConsent to support the auto-consent interaction flow for the first-party application. If is the first-party application we can auto-consent the requested scopes. If is the third-party application we need to redirect the user to the consent page to get the user consent manually.
    • Add the GET /interaction/consent endpoint to support fetching the consent context for the user consent page. Including the application detail, authenticated user info, all the requested scopes and user organizations info (if requested scopes include the organization scope).
    • Update the POST /interaction/consent endpoint to support the user consent interaction flow. Including grant all the missing scopes, and update the user granted organizations for the third-party application.
  • 31e60811d: use Node 20 LTS for engine requirement.

    Note: We mark it as minor because Logto is shipping with Docker image and it's not a breaking change for users.

Patch Changes

  • 9222eb9f8: Set on conflict do nothing for all the RelationQueries insert operation.

    • For all the relation table entities, we want to safely insert them into the database. If the relation entity already exists, instead of throwing an error, we ignore the insert operation, especially on a batch insert. Unlike other resource data entities, user does not care if the relation entity already exists. Therefore, we want to silently ignore the insert operation if the relation entity already exists.
  • acb7fd3fe: Add case sensitive username env variable

  • 9089dbf84: upgrade TypeScript to 5.3.3

  • Updated dependencies [a2ce0be46]

  • Updated dependencies [e4c73e7bb]

  • Updated dependencies [acb7fd3fe]

  • Updated dependencies [32df9acde]

  • Updated dependencies [9089dbf84]

  • Updated dependencies [c14cd1827]

  • Updated dependencies [b40bae9c5]

  • Updated dependencies [32df9acde]

  • Updated dependencies [04ec78a91]

  • Updated dependencies [32df9acde]

  • Updated dependencies [715dba2ce]

  • Updated dependencies [31e60811d]

  • Updated dependencies [8c4bfbce1]

  • Updated dependencies [32df9acde]

  • Updated dependencies [570a4ea9e]

  • Updated dependencies [570a4ea9e]

  • Updated dependencies [6befe6014]

    • @logto/schemas@1.13.0
    • @logto/cli@1.13.0
    • @logto/shared@3.1.0
    • @logto/experience@1.5.0
    • @logto/connector-kit@2.1.0
    • @logto/language-kit@1.1.0
    • @logto/phrases-experience@1.6.0
    • @logto/core-kit@2.3.0
    • @logto/app-insights@1.4.0
    • @logto/demo-app@1.1.0
    • @logto/console@1.12.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.9.0


Minor Changes

  • 9a7b19e49: Support single sign-on (SSO) on Logto.

    • Implement new SSO connector management APIs.

      • GET /api/sso-connector-providers - List all the supported SSO connector providers.
      • POST /api/sso-connectors - Create new SSO connector.
      • GET /api/sso-connectors - List all the SSO connectors.
      • GET /api/sso-connectors/:id - Get SSO connector by id.
      • PATCH /api/sso-connectors/:id - Update SSO connector by id.
      • DELETE /api/sso-connectors/:id - Delete SSO connector by id.
    • Implement new SSO interaction APIs to enable the SSO connector sign-in methods

      • POST /api/interaction/single-sign-on/:connectorId/authorization-url - Init a new SSO connector sign-in interaction flow by retrieving the IdP's authorization URL.
      • POST /api/interaction/single-sign-on/:connectorId/authentication - Handle the SSO connector sign-in interaction flow by retrieving the IdP's authentication data.
      • POST /api/interaction/single-sign-on/:connectorId/registration - Create new user account by using the SSO IdP's authentication result.
      • GET /api/interaction/single-sign-on/connectors - List all the enabled SSO connectors by a given email address.
    • Implement new SSO connector factory to support different SSO connector providers.

      • OIDC - Standard OIDC connector that can be used to connect with any OIDC compatible IdP.
      • SAML - Standard SAML 2.0 connector that can be used to connect with any SAML 2.0 compatible IdP.
      • AzureAD - Azure Active Directory connector that can be used to connect with Azure AD.
      • Okta - Okta connector that can be used to connect with Okta.
      • Google Workspace - Google Workspace connector that can be used to connect with Google Workspace.
  • becf59169: introduce Logto Organizations

    The term "organization" is also used in other forms, such as "workspace", "team", "company", etc. In Logto, we use "organization" as the generic term to represent the concept of multi-tenancy.

    From now, you can create multiple organizations in Logto, each of which can have its own users, while in the same identity pool.

    Plus, we also introduce the concept of "organization template". It is a set of permissions and roles that applies to all organizations, while a user can have different roles in different organizations.

    See 🏢 Organizations (Multi-tenancy) for more details.

Patch Changes

  • b05fb2960: add summary and description to APIs

  • 9a4da065d: fix incorrect swagger components

  • b4f702a86: userinfo endpoint will return organization_data claim if organization scope is requested

    The claim includes all organizations that the user is a member of with the following structure:

      "organization_data": [
          "id": "organization_id",
          "name": "organization_name",
          "description": "organization_description"
  • 3e92a2032: refactor: add user ip to webhook event payload

  • Updated dependencies [9a7b19e49]

  • Updated dependencies [9a7b19e49]

  • Updated dependencies [4b90782ae]

  • Updated dependencies [9a7b19e49]

  • Updated dependencies [9421375d7]

  • Updated dependencies [becf59169]

  • Updated dependencies [b4f702a86]

  • Updated dependencies [3e92a2032]

  • Updated dependencies [9a7b19e49]

  • Updated dependencies [9a7b19e49]

    • @logto/experience@1.4.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.8.0
    • @logto/cli@1.12.0
    • @logto/console@1.11.0
    • @logto/core-kit@2.2.1
    • @logto/schemas@1.12.0
    • @logto/phrases-experience@1.5.0


Minor Changes

  • 6727f629d: feature: introduce multi-factor authentication

    We're excited to announce that Logto now supports multi-factor authentication (MFA) for your sign-in experience. Navigate to the "Multi-factor auth" tab to configure how you want to secure your users' accounts.

    In this release, we introduce the following MFA methods:

    • Authenticator app OTP: users can add any authenticator app that supports the TOTP standard, such as Google Authenticator, Duo, etc.
    • WebAuthn (Passkey): users can use the standard WebAuthn protocol to register a hardware security key, such as biometric keys, Yubikey, etc.
    • Backup codesusers can generate a set of backup codes to use when they don't have access to other MFA methods.

    For a smooth transition, we also support to configure the MFA policy to require MFA for sign-in experience, or to allow users to opt-in to MFA.

Patch Changes

  • bbe7f0b8e: refactored swagger json api

    • reuse parameter definitions, which reduces the size of the swagger response.
    • tags are now in sentence case.
    • path parameters now follow the swagger convention, using {foo} instead of :foo.
  • Updated dependencies [6727f629d]

    • @logto/console@1.10.0
    • @logto/experience@1.3.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.7.0
    • @logto/phrases-experience@1.4.0
    • @logto/schemas@1.11.0
    • @logto/cli@1.11.0


Patch Changes

  • 46d0d4c0b: convert private signing key type from string to JSON object, in order to provide additional information such as key ID and creation timestamp.
  • 1ab39d19b: fix 500 error when using search component in console to filter both roles and applications.
  • Updated dependencies [46d0d4c0b]
  • Updated dependencies [1ab39d19b]
  • Updated dependencies [87df417d1]
  • Updated dependencies [d24aaedf5]
    • @logto/schemas@1.10.1
    • @logto/cli@1.10.1
    • @logto/console@1.9.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.6.0
    • @logto/connector-kit@2.0.0
    • @logto/experience@1.2.1
    • @logto/shared@3.0.0


Minor Changes

  • 03bc7888b: machine-to-machine (M2M) role-based access control (RBAC)


    This feature enables Logto users to apply role-based access control (RBAC) to their machine-to-machine (M2M) applications.

    With the update, Logto users can now effectively manage permissions for their M2M applications, resulting in improved security and flexibility.

    Following new APIs are added for M2M role management:


    • POST /applications/:appId/roles assigns role(s) to the M2M application
    • DELETE /applications/:appId/roles/:roleId deletes the role from the M2M application
    • GET /applications/:appId/roles lists all roles assigned to the M2M application


    • POST /roles/:roleId/applications assigns the role to multiple M2M applications
    • DELETE /roles/:roleId/applications/:appId removes the M2M application assigned to the role
    • GET /roles/:roleId/applications lists all M2M applications granted with the role

    Updated following API:


    • POST /roles to specify the role type (either user or machine-to-machine role)


    • POST /users/:userId/roles to prevent assigning M2M roles to end-users
  • 2c340d379: support roles scope for ID token to issue roles claim

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [2c340d379]
    • @logto/core-kit@2.2.0
    • @logto/schemas@1.10.0
    • @logto/cli@1.10.0


Patch Changes

  • 18181f892: standardize id and secret generators

    • Remove buildIdGenerator export from @logto/shared
    • Add generateStandardSecret and generateStandardShortId exports to @logto/shared
    • Align comment and implementation of buildIdGenerator in @logto/shared
      • The comment stated the function will include uppercase letters by default, but it did not; Now it does.
    • Use generateStandardSecret for all secret generation
  • 827123faa: block an identifier from verification for 10 minutes after 5 failed attempts within 1 hour

  • Updated dependencies [a8b5a020f]

  • Updated dependencies [18181f892]

    • @logto/console@1.8.0
    • @logto/shared@3.0.0
    • @logto/schemas@1.9.2
    • @logto/cli@1.9.2
    • @logto/core-kit@2.1.2


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [a4b44dde5]
  • Updated dependencies [6f5a0acad]
    • @logto/console@1.7.1
    • @logto/phrases-experience@1.3.1
    • @logto/core-kit@2.1.1
    • @logto/experience@1.2.1
    • @logto/schemas@1.9.1
    • @logto/cli@1.9.1


Minor Changes

  • e8b0b1d02: feature: password policy


    This feature enables custom password policy for users. Now it is possible to guard with the following rules when a user is creating a new password:

    • Minimum length (default: 8)
    • Minimum character types (default: 1)
    • If the password has been pwned (default: true)
    • If the password is exactly the same as or made up of the restricted phrases:
      • Repetitive or sequential characters (default: true)
      • User information (default: true)
      • Custom words (default: [])

    If you are an existing Logto Cloud user or upgrading from a previous version, to ensure a smooth experience, we'll keep the original policy as much as possible:

    The original password policy requires a minimum length of 8 and at least 2 character types (letters, numbers, and symbols).

    Note in the new policy implementation, it is not possible to combine lower and upper case letters into one character type. So the original password policy will be translated into the following:

    • Minimum length: 8
    • Minimum character types: 2
    • Pwned: false
    • Repetitive or sequential characters: false
    • User information: false
    • Custom words: []

    If you want to change the policy, you can do it:

    • Logto Console -> Sign-in experience -> Password policy.
    • Update passwordPolicy property in the sign-in experience via Management API.

    Side effects

    • All new users will be affected by the new policy immediately.
    • Existing users will not be affected by the new policy until they change their password.
    • We removed password restrictions when adding or updating a user via Management API.
  • 17fd64e64: Support region option for s3 storage

Patch Changes

  • f8408fa77: rename the package phrases-ui to phrases-experience
  • f6723d5e2: rename the package ui to experience
  • Updated dependencies [e8b0b1d02]
  • Updated dependencies [daf9674b6]
  • Updated dependencies [f8408fa77]
  • Updated dependencies [17fd64e64]
  • Updated dependencies [18e05586c]
  • Updated dependencies [f6723d5e2]
  • Updated dependencies [310698b0d]
  • Updated dependencies [5d78c7271]
    • @logto/schemas@1.9.0
    • @logto/console@1.7.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.5.0
    • @logto/phrases-experience@1.3.0
    • @logto/core-kit@2.1.0
    • @logto/experience@1.2.0
    • @logto/cli@1.9.0
    • @logto/shared@2.0.1


Patch Changes

  • 0b519e548: allow non-http origins for application CORS
  • Updated dependencies [0b519e548]
  • Updated dependencies [d90b4e7f6]
  • Updated dependencies [ae0ef919f]
    • @logto/console@1.6.0
    • @logto/schemas@1.8.0
    • @logto/cli@1.8.0


Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [16d83dd2f]
  • Updated dependencies [5ccdd7f31]
  • Updated dependencies [fde330a8b]
    • @logto/console@1.5.1
    • @logto/schemas@1.7.0
    • @logto/cli@1.7.0


Minor Changes

  • ecbecd8e4: various application improvements

    • Show OpenID Provider configuration endpoint in Console
    • Configure "Rotate Refresh Token" in Console
    • Configure "Refresh Token TTL" in Console

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [ecbecd8e4]
  • Updated dependencies [e9c2c9a6d]
  • Updated dependencies [c743cef42]
  • Updated dependencies [ecbecd8e4]
  • Updated dependencies [cfe4fce51]
    • @logto/cli@1.6.0
    • @logto/core-kit@2.0.1
    • @logto/ui@1.1.5
    • @logto/console@1.5.0
    • @logto/schemas@1.6.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.4.1
    • @logto/app-insights@1.3.1


Minor Changes

  • 73666f8fa: Provide new features for webhooks


    • Manage webhooks via the Admin Console
    • Securing webhooks by validating signature
    • Allow to enable/disable a webhook
    • Track recent execution status of a webhook
    • Support multi-events for a webhook


    • schemas: add name, events, signingKey, and enabled fields to the hook schema
    • core: change the user-agent value from Logto (https://logto.io) to Logto (https://logto.io/) in the webhook request headers
    • core: deprecate event field in all hook-related APIs, use events instead
    • core: deprecate retries field in the HookConfig for all hook-related APIs, now it will fallback to 3 if not specified and will be removed in the future
    • core: add new APIs for webhook management
      • GET /api/hooks/:id/recent-logs to retrieve recent execution logs(24h) of a webhook
      • POST /api/hooks/:id/test to test a webhook
      • PATCH /api/hooks/:id/signing-key to regenerate the signing key of a webhook
    • core: support query webhook execution stats(24h) via GET /api/hooks/:id and GET /api/hooks/:id by specifying includeExecutionStats query parameter
    • console: support webhook management
  • 268dc50e7: Support setting default API Resource from Console and API

    • New API Resources will not be treated as default.
    • Added PATCH /resources/:id/is-default to setting isDefault for an API Resource.
      • Only one default API Resource is allowed per tenant. Setting one API default will reset all others.
  • fa0dbafe8: Add custom domain support

Patch Changes

  • ac65c8de4: ### Enable strict CSP policy check header

    This change removes the report only flag from CSP security header settings, which will enables the strict CSP policy check for all requests.

  • 3d9885233: ## Bump oidc-provider version

    Bump oidc-provider version to v8.2.2. This version fixes a bug that prevented the revoked scopes from being removed from the access token.

    Issued Access Tokens always only contain scopes that are defined on the respective Resource Server (returned from features.resourceIndicators.getResourceServerInfo).

    If the scopes are revoked from the resource server, they should be removed from the newly granted access token. This is now fixed in the new version of oidc-provider.

  • 813e21639: Bug fix: reset password webhook should be triggered when the user resets password

  • Updated dependencies [2cab3787c]

  • Updated dependencies [73666f8fa]

  • Updated dependencies [268dc50e7]

  • Updated dependencies [fa0dbafe8]

  • Updated dependencies [497d5b526]

    • @logto/schemas@1.5.0
    • @logto/console@1.4.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.4.0
    • @logto/cli@1.5.0


Minor Changes

  • 9a3aa3aae: Automatically sync the trusted social email and phone info to the new registered user profile

  • 5d6720805: add config alwaysIssueRefreshToken for web apps to unblock OAuth integrations that are not strictly conform OpenID Connect.

    when it's enabled, Refresh Tokens will be always issued regardless if prompt=consent was present in the authorization request.

Patch Changes

  • 5d6720805: parse requests with application/json content-type for /oidc APIs to increase compatibility
  • Updated dependencies [5d6720805]
  • Updated dependencies [5d6720805]
    • @logto/cli@1.4.0
    • @logto/console@1.3.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.3.0
    • @logto/schemas@1.4.0


Patch Changes

  • 5a59cd38e: Disable pkce requirement for traditional web app
    • @logto/schemas@1.3.1
    • @logto/cli@1.3.1


Minor Changes

  • 0023dfe38: Provide management APIs to help link social identities to user

    • POST /users/:userId/identities to link a social identity to a user
    • POST /connectors/:connectorId/authorization-uri to get the authorization URI for a connector

Patch Changes

  • 1642df7e1: add response schemas to swagger.json API
  • Updated dependencies [a65bc9b13]
  • Updated dependencies [beb6ebad5]
    • @logto/console@1.2.4
    • @logto/schemas@1.3.0
    • @logto/cli@1.3.0


Patch Changes

  • 046a5771b: upgrade i18next series packages (#3733, #3743)
  • Updated dependencies [046a5771b]
    • @logto/console@1.2.3
    • @logto/demo-app@1.0.1
    • @logto/ui@1.1.4
    • @logto/schemas@1.2.3
    • @logto/cli@1.2.3


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [4331deb6f]
  • Updated dependencies [748878ce5]
    • @logto/app-insights@1.2.0
    • @logto/console@1.2.2
    • @logto/ui@1.1.3
    • @logto/schemas@1.2.2
    • @logto/cli@1.2.2


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [352807b16]
    • @logto/app-insights@1.1.0
    • @logto/console@1.2.1
    • @logto/ui@1.1.2
    • @logto/schemas@1.2.1
    • @logto/cli@1.2.1


Minor Changes

  • 1548e0732: implement a central cache store to cache well-known with Redis implementation

Patch Changes

  • 7af8e9c9b: Add new management API /users/:userId/password/verify to help verify user password, which would be helpful when building custom profile or sign-in pages

  • 6b1948592: Provide management API to detect if a user has set the password.

  • 4945b0be2: Apply security headers

    Apply security headers to logto http request response using (helmetjs)[https://helmetjs.github.io/].

    • crossOriginOpenerPolicy
    • crossOriginEmbedderPolicy
    • crossOriginResourcePolicy
    • hidePoweredBy
    • hsts
    • ieNoOpen
    • noSniff
    • referrerPolicy
    • xssFilter
    • Content-Security-Policy
  • Updated dependencies [6cbc90389]

  • Updated dependencies [3c84d81ff]

  • Updated dependencies [ae6a54993]

  • Updated dependencies [206fba2b5]

  • Updated dependencies [457cb2822]

  • Updated dependencies [736d6d212]

  • Updated dependencies [4945b0be2]

  • Updated dependencies [c5eb3a2ba]

  • Updated dependencies [5553425fc]

  • Updated dependencies [30033421c]

  • Updated dependencies [91906f0eb]

    • @logto/console@1.2.0
    • @logto/cli@1.2.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.2.0
    • @logto/phrases-ui@1.2.0
    • @logto/schemas@1.2.0
    • @logto/shared@2.0.0
    • @logto/ui@1.1.1
    • @logto/core-kit@2.0.0
    • @logto/connector-kit@1.1.1
    • @logto/demo-app@1.0.0


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [f9ca7cc49]
  • Updated dependencies [37714d153]
  • Updated dependencies [f3d60a516]
  • Updated dependencies [5c50957a9]
  • Updated dependencies [e9e8a6e11]
  • Updated dependencies [e2ec1f93e]
    • @logto/phrases@1.1.0
    • @logto/phrases-ui@1.1.0
    • @logto/cli@1.1.0
    • @logto/schemas@1.1.0
    • @logto/shared@1.0.3


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [5b4da1e3d]
    • @logto/schemas@1.0.7
    • @logto/cli@1.0.3
    • @logto/shared@1.0.2


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [621b09ba1]
    • @logto/schemas@1.0.1
    • @logto/cli@1.0.2
    • @logto/shared@1.0.1


Patch Changes

  • 03ac35e75: fix applications_roles query
    • @logto/cli@1.0.1


Major Changes

  • c12717412: Decouple users and admins


    Logto was using a single port to serve both normal users and admins, as well as the web console. While we continuously maintain a high level of security, itll still be great to decouple these components into two separate parts to keep data isolated and provide a flexible infrastructure.

    From this version, Logto now listens to two ports by default, one for normal users (3001), and one for admins (3002).

    • Nothing changed for normal users. No adaption is needed.
    • For admin users:
      • The default Admin Console URL has been changed to http://localhost:3002/console.
      • To change the admin port, set the environment variable ADMIN_PORT. For instance, ADMIN_PORT=3456.
      • You can specify a custom endpoint for admins by setting the environment variable ADMIN_ENDPOINT. For example, ADMIN_ENDPOINT=https://admin.your-domain.com.
      • You can now completely disable admin endpoints by setting ADMIN_DISABLE_LOCALHOST=1 and leaving ADMIN_ENDPOINT unset.
      • Admin Console and admin user data are not accessible via normal user endpoints, including localhost and ENDPOINT from the environment.
      • Admin Console no longer displays audit logs of admin users. However, these logs still exist in the database, and Logto still inserts admin user logs. There is just no convenient interface to inspect them.
      • Due to the data isolation, the numbers on the dashboard may slightly decrease (admins are excluded).

    If you are upgrading from a previous version, simply run the database alteration command as usual, and we'll take care of the rest.



    Under the hood, we use the powerful Postgres feature Row-Level Security to isolate admin and user data.

  • 1c9160112: Packages are now ESM.

  • 343b1090f: 💥 BREAKING CHANGE 💥 Move /api/phrase API to /api/.well-known/phrases

  • f41fd3f05: drop settings table and add systems table


    • core: removed GET /settings and PATCH /settings API
    • core: added GET /configs/admin-console and PATCH /configs/admin-console API
      • /configs/* APIs are config/key-specific now. they may have different logic per key
    • cli: change valid logto db config keys by removing alterationState and adding adminConsole since:
      • OIDC configs and admin console configs are tenant-level configs (the concept of "tenant" can be ignored until we officially announce it)
      • alteration state is still a system-wide config

Minor Changes

  • c12717412: - mask sensitive password value in audit logs

  • f41fd3f05: Replace passcode naming convention in the interaction APIs and main flow ui with verificationCode.

  • c12717412: ## Creating your social connector with ease

    Were excited to announce that Logto now supports standard protocols (SAML, OIDC, and OAuth2.0) for creating social connectors to integrate external identity providers. Each protocol can create multiple social connectors, giving you more control over your access needs.

    To simplify the process of configuring social connectors, were replacing code-edit with simple forms. SAML already supports form configuration, with other connectors coming soon. This means you dont need to compare documents or worry about code format.

  • c12717412: ## Enable connector method getUserInfo read and write access to DB

    Logto connectors are designed to be stateless to the extent possible and practical, but it still has some exceptions at times.

    With the recent addition of database read and write access, connectors can now store persistent information. For example, connectors can now store access tokens and refresh tokens to minimize number of requests to social vendor's APIs.

  • 343b1090f: - Automatically create a new tenant for new cloud users

    • Support path-based multi-tenancy
  • 343b1090f: Add storage provider: S3Storage

  • 343b1090f: Allow admin tenant admin to create tenants without limitation

  • 343b1090f: ### Add privacy policy url

    In addition to the terms of service url, we also provide a privacy policy url field in the sign-in-experience settings. To better support the end-users' privacy declaration needs.

  • 18e3b82e6: Add user suspend API endpoint

    Use PATCH /api/users/:userId/is-suspended to update a user's suspended state, once a user is suspended, all refresh tokens belong to this user will be revoked.

    Suspended users will get an error toast when trying to sign in.

  • 343b1090f: Add API for uploading user images to storage providers: Azure Storage.

  • f41fd3f05: Officially cleanup all deprecated /session APIs in core and all the related integration tests.

  • 343b1090f: Add sessionNotFoundRedirectUrl tenant config

    • User can use this optional config to designate the URL to redirect if session not found in Sign-in Experience.
    • Session guard now works for root path as well.
  • 343b1090f: New feature: User account settings page

    • We have removed the previous settings page and moved it to the account settings page. You can access to the new settings menu by clicking the user avatar in the top right corner.
    • You can directly change the language or theme from the popover menu, and explore more account settings by clicking the "Profile" menu item.
    • You can update your avatar, name and username in the profile page, and also changing your password.
    • [Cloud] Cloud users can also link their email address and social accounts (Google and GitHub at first launch).
  • 343b1090f: remove the branding style config and make the logo URL config optional

  • c12717412: Customize CSS for Sign-in Experience

    We have put a lot of effort into improving the user sign-in experience and have provided a brand color option for the UI. However, we know that fine-tuning UI requirements can be unpredictable. While Logto is still exploring the best options for customization, we want to provide a programmatic method to unblock your development.

    You can now use the Management API PATCH /api/sign-in-exp with body { "customCss": "arbitrary string" } to set customized CSS for the sign-in experience. You should see the value of customCss attached after <title> of the page. If the style has a higher priority, it should be able to override.


    Since Logto uses CSS Modules, you may see a hash value in the class property of DOM elements (e.g. a <div> with vUugRG_container). To override these, you can use the $= CSS selector to match elements that end with a specified value. In this case, it should be div[class$=container].

  • 2168936b9: Sign-in Experience v2

    We are thrilled to announce the release of the newest version of the Sign-in Experience, which includes more ways to sign-in and sign-up, as well as a framework that is easier to understand and more flexible to configure in the Admin Console.

    When compared to Sign-in Experience v1, this versions capability was expanded so that it could support a greater variety of flexible use cases. For example, now users can sign up with email verification code and sign in with email and password.

    We hope that this will be able to assist developers in delivering a successful sign-in flow, which will also be appreciated by the end users.

  • 1c9160112: ### Features

    • Enhanced user search params #2639
    • Web hooks


    • Refactored Interaction APIs and Audit logs
  • f41fd3f05: - cli: use ec with secp384r1 as the default key generation type

    • core: use ES384 as the signing algorithm for EC keys
  • 343b1090f: ### Add custom content sign-in-experience settings to allow insert custom static html content to the logto sign-in pages

    • feat: combine with the custom css, give the user the ability to further customize the sign-in pages
  • fdb2bb48e: Streamlining the social sign-up flow

    • detect trusted email (or phone number) from the social account
      • email (or phone number) has been registered: automatically connecting the social identity to the existing user account with a single click
      • email (or phone number) not registered: automatically sync up the user profile with the social provided email (or phone) if and only if marked as a required user profile.
  • f41fd3f05: Replace the sms naming convention using phone cross logto codebase. Including Sign-in Experience types, API paths, API payload and internal variable names.

  • 402866994: 💥 Breaking change 💥

    Use case-insensitive strategy for searching emails

  • f41fd3f05: Add support to send and verify verification code in management APIs

Patch Changes

  • e63f5f8b0: Bump connector kit version to fix "Continue" issues on sending email/sms.

  • 51f527b0c: bug fixes

    • core: fix 500 error when enabling app admin access in console
    • ui: handle required profile errors on social binding flow
  • 343b1090f: ## Refactor the Admin Console 403 flow

    • Add 403 error handler for all AC API requests
    • Show confirm modal to notify the user who is not authorized
    • Click confirm button to sign out and redirect user to the sign-in page
  • 343b1090f: Add interactionMode extra OIDC params to specify the desired use interaction experience

    • signUp: Deliver a sign-up first interaction experience
    • signIn & undefined: Deliver a default sign-in first interaction experience
  • 38970fb88: Fix a Sign-in experience bug that may block some users to sign in.

  • 343b1090f: Seed data for cloud

    • cli!: remove oidc option for database seed command as it's unused
    • cli: add hidden --cloud option for database seed command to init cloud data
    • cli, cloud: appending Redirect URIs to Admin Console will deduplicate values before update
    • move UrlSet and GlobalValues to @logto/shared
  • 5e1466f40: Allow localhost CORS when only one endpoint available

  • Updated dependencies [343b1090f]

  • Updated dependencies [f41fd3f05]

  • Updated dependencies [e63f5f8b0]

  • Updated dependencies [f41fd3f05]

  • Updated dependencies [343b1090f]

  • Updated dependencies [343b1090f]

  • Updated dependencies [c12717412]

  • Updated dependencies [68f2d56a2]

  • Updated dependencies [343b1090f]

  • Updated dependencies [343b1090f]

  • Updated dependencies [c12717412]

  • Updated dependencies [343b1090f]

  • Updated dependencies [38970fb88]

  • Updated dependencies [c12717412]

  • Updated dependencies [343b1090f]

  • Updated dependencies [343b1090f]

  • Updated dependencies [343b1090f]

  • Updated dependencies [343b1090f]

  • Updated dependencies [c12717412]

  • Updated dependencies [343b1090f]

  • Updated dependencies [343b1090f]

  • Updated dependencies [1c9160112]

  • Updated dependencies [343b1090f]

  • Updated dependencies [1c9160112]

  • Updated dependencies [f41fd3f05]

  • Updated dependencies [7fb689b73]

  • Updated dependencies [1c9160112]

  • Updated dependencies [343b1090f]

  • Updated dependencies [f41fd3f05]

  • Updated dependencies [f41fd3f05]

  • Updated dependencies [2d45cc3e6]

  • Updated dependencies [3ff2e90cd]

    • @logto/schemas@1.0.0
    • @logto/shared@1.0.0
    • @logto/cli@1.0.0
    • @logto/phrases-ui@1.0.0
    • @logto/phrases@1.0.0
    • @logto/connector-kit@1.1.0
    • @logto/core-kit@1.1.0


Patch Changes

  • 5e1466f40: Allow localhost CORS when only one endpoint available
    • @logto/cli@1.0.0-rc.3


Major Changes

  • c12717412: Decouple users and admins


    Logto was using a single port to serve both normal users and admins, as well as the web console. While we continuously maintain a high level of security, itll still be great to decouple these components into two separate parts to keep data isolated and provide a flexible infrastructure.

    From this version, Logto now listens to two ports by default, one for normal users (3001), and one for admins (3002).

    • Nothing changed for normal users. No adaption is needed.
    • For admin users:
      • The default Admin Console URL has been changed to http://localhost:3002/console.
      • To change the admin port, set the environment variable ADMIN_PORT. For instance, ADMIN_PORT=3456.
      • You can specify a custom endpoint for admins by setting the environment variable ADMIN_ENDPOINT. For example, ADMIN_ENDPOINT=https://admin.your-domain.com.
      • You can now completely disable admin endpoints by setting ADMIN_DISABLE_LOCALHOST=1 and leaving ADMIN_ENDPOINT unset.
      • Admin Console and admin user data are not accessible via normal user endpoints, including localhost and ENDPOINT from the environment.
      • Admin Console no longer displays audit logs of admin users. However, these logs still exist in the database, and Logto still inserts admin user logs. There is just no convenient interface to inspect them.
      • Due to the data isolation, the numbers on the dashboard may slightly decrease (admins are excluded).

    If you are upgrading from a previous version, simply run the database alteration command as usual, and we'll take care of the rest.



    Under the hood, we use the powerful Postgres feature Row-Level Security to isolate admin and user data.

Minor Changes

  • c12717412: - mask sensitive password value in audit logs

  • c12717412: ## Creating your social connector with ease

    Were excited to announce that Logto now supports standard protocols (SAML, OIDC, and OAuth2.0) for creating social connectors to integrate external identity providers. Each protocol can create multiple social connectors, giving you more control over your access needs.

    To simplify the process of configuring social connectors, were replacing code-edit with simple forms. SAML already supports form configuration, with other connectors coming soon. This means you dont need to compare documents or worry about code format.

  • c12717412: ## Enable connector method getUserInfo read and write access to DB

    Logto connectors are designed to be stateless to the extent possible and practical, but it still has some exceptions at times.

    With the recent addition of database read and write access, connectors can now store persistent information. For example, connectors can now store access tokens and refresh tokens to minimize number of requests to social vendor's APIs.

  • c12717412: Customize CSS for Sign-in Experience

    We have put a lot of effort into improving the user sign-in experience and have provided a brand color option for the UI. However, we know that fine-tuning UI requirements can be unpredictable. While Logto is still exploring the best options for customization, we want to provide a programmatic method to unblock your development.

    You can now use the Management API PATCH /api/sign-in-exp with body { "customCss": "arbitrary string" } to set customized CSS for the sign-in experience. You should see the value of customCss attached after <title> of the page. If the style has a higher priority, it should be able to override.


    Since Logto uses CSS Modules, you may see a hash value in the class property of DOM elements (e.g. a <div> with vUugRG_container). To override these, you can use the $= CSS selector to match elements that end with a specified value. In this case, it should be div[class$=container].

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [c12717412]
  • Updated dependencies [c12717412]
  • Updated dependencies [c12717412]
  • Updated dependencies [c12717412]
    • @logto/phrases@1.0.0-rc.1
    • @logto/phrases-ui@1.0.0-rc.1
    • @logto/schemas@1.0.0-rc.1
    • @logto/cli@1.0.0-rc.2
    • @logto/shared@1.0.0-rc.1


Patch Changes

  • 51f527b0: bug fixes

    • core: fix 500 error when enabling app admin access in console
    • ui: handle required profile errors on social binding flow
    • @logto/cli@1.0.0-rc.1


Major Changes

  • f41fd3f0: drop settings table and add systems table


    • core: removed GET /settings and PATCH /settings API
    • core: added GET /configs/admin-console and PATCH /configs/admin-console API
      • /configs/* APIs are config/key-specific now. they may have different logic per key
    • cli: change valid logto db config keys by removing alterationState and adding adminConsole since:
      • OIDC configs and admin console configs are tenant-level configs (the concept of "tenant" can be ignored until we officially announce it)
      • alteration state is still a system-wide config

Minor Changes

  • f41fd3f0: Replace passcode naming convention in the interaction APIs and main flow ui with verificationCode.

  • f41fd3f0: Officially cleanup all deprecated /session APIs in core and all the related integration tests.

  • f41fd3f0: - cli: use ec with secp384r1 as the default key generation type

    • core: use ES384 as the signing algorithm for EC keys
  • fdb2bb48: Streamlining the social sign-up flow

    • detect trusted email (or phone number) from the social account
      • email (or phone number) has been registered: automatically connecting the social identity to the existing user account with a single click
      • email (or phone number) not registered: automatically sync up the user profile with the social provided email (or phone) if and only if marked as a required user profile.
  • f41fd3f0: Replace the sms naming convention using phone cross logto codebase. Including Sign-in Experience types, API paths, API payload and internal variable names.

  • f41fd3f0: Add support to send and verify verification code in management APIs

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [f41fd3f0]
  • Updated dependencies [f41fd3f0]
  • Updated dependencies [f41fd3f0]
  • Updated dependencies [f41fd3f0]
  • Updated dependencies [f41fd3f0]
    • @logto/cli@1.0.0-rc.0
    • @logto/schemas@1.0.0-rc.0
    • @logto/shared@1.0.0-rc.0


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [df9e98dc]
    • @logto/cli@1.0.0-beta.19
    • @logto/schemas@1.0.0-beta.18
    • @logto/shared@1.0.0-beta.18


Major Changes

Minor Changes

  • 1c916011: ### Features

    • Enhanced user search params #2639
    • Web hooks


    • Refactored Interaction APIs and Audit logs

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [1c916011]
  • Updated dependencies [1c916011]
  • Updated dependencies [1c916011]
    • @logto/cli@1.0.0-beta.18
    • @logto/phrases@1.0.0-beta.17
    • @logto/phrases-ui@1.0.0-beta.17
    • @logto/schemas@1.0.0-beta.17
    • @logto/shared@1.0.0-beta.17



Patch Changes

  • 38970fb8: Fix a Sign-in experience bug that may block some users to sign in.
  • Updated dependencies [38970fb8]
    • @logto/cli@1.0.0-beta.16
    • @logto/phrases@1.0.0-beta.16
    • @logto/schemas@1.0.0-beta.16
    • @logto/shared@1.0.0-beta.16


Patch Changes

  • Bump connector kit version to fix "Continue" issues on sending email/sms.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @logto/schemas@1.0.0-beta.15
    • @logto/cli@1.0.0-beta.15
    • @logto/shared@1.0.0-beta.15


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [2d45cc3e]
    • @logto/schemas@1.0.0-beta.14
    • @logto/cli@1.0.0-beta.14
    • @logto/shared@1.0.0-beta.14


Minor Changes

  • 18e3b82e: Add user suspend API endpoint

    Use PATCH /api/users/:userId/is-suspended to update a user's suspended state, once a user is suspended, all refresh tokens belong to this user will be revoked.

    Suspended users will get an error toast when trying to sign in.

  • 2168936b: Sign-in Experience v2

    We are thrilled to announce the release of the newest version of the Sign-in Experience, which includes more ways to sign-in and sign-up, as well as a framework that is easier to understand and more flexible to configure in the Admin Console.

    When compared to Sign-in Experience v1, this versions capability was expanded so that it could support a greater variety of flexible use cases. For example, now users can sign up with email verification code and sign in with email and password.

    We hope that this will be able to assist developers in delivering a successful sign-in flow, which will also be appreciated by the end users.

  • 40286699: 💥 Breaking change 💥

    Use case-insensitive strategy for searching emails

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [68f2d56a]
  • Updated dependencies [3ff2e90c]
    • @logto/phrases@1.0.0-beta.13
    • @logto/phrases-ui@1.0.0-beta.13
    • @logto/cli@1.0.0-beta.13
    • @logto/schemas@1.0.0-beta.13
    • @logto/shared@1.0.0-beta.13

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

1.0.0-beta.12 (2022-10-19)

Note: Version bump only for package @logto/core

1.0.0-beta.11 (2022-10-19)


  • update scripts


Bug Fixes

  • add redirectURI validation on frontend & backend (#1874) (4b0970b)
  • core: fix deletePasscodeByIds bug (#2049) (11b605a)

Miscellaneous Chores

1.0.0-beta.10 (2022-09-28)


  • core: update koaAuth() to inject detailed auth info (#1977)
  • core: update user scopes (#1922)


  • core,phrases: add check protected access function (e405ef7)
  • core,schemas: add phrases schema and GET /custom-phrases/:languageKey route (#1905) (7242aa8)
  • core,schemas: migration deploy cli (#1966) (7cc2f4d)
  • core,schemas: use timestamp to version migrations (bb4bfd3)
  • core: add DELETE /custom-phrases/:languageKey route (#1919) (c72be69)
  • core: add GET /custom-phrases route (#1935) (5fe0cf4)
  • core: add POST /session/forgot-password/{email,sms}/send-passcode (#1963) (af2600d)
  • core: add POST /session/forgot-password/{email,sms}/verify-passcode (#1968) (1ea39f3)
  • core: add POST /session/forgot-password/reset (#1972) (acdc86c)
  • core: add PUT /custom-phrases/:languageKey route (#1907) (0ae13f0)
  • core: add ts to interaction result (#1917) (e01042c)
  • core: cannot delete custom phrase used as default language in sign-in exp (#1951) (a1aef26)
  • core: check migration state before app start (#1979) (bf1d281)
  • core: deploy migration in transaction mode (#1980) (9a89c1a)
  • core: machine to machine apps (cd9c697)
  • core: save empty string as null value in DB (#1901) (ecdf06e)
  • core: support base64 format OIDC_PRIVATE_KEYS config in .env file (#1903) (5bdb675)
  • core: update migration state after db init (f904b88)
  • ui: add passwordless switch (#1976) (ddb0e47)

Bug Fixes

  • bump react sdk and essentials toolkit to support CJK characters in idToken (2f92b43)
  • core,schemas: move alteration types into schemas src (#2005) (10c1be6)
  • core: filter out connector-kit (#1987) (f4cf89f)
  • support capital letter "Y" in command line prompt (416f4e8)

Code Refactoring

1.0.0-beta.9 (2022-09-07)


  • core: load connectors by folder (#1879)


Bug Fixes

1.0.0-beta.8 (2022-09-01)


1.0.0-beta.6 (2022-08-30)


  • core: guard session with sign-in mode (a8a3de3)

1.0.0-beta.5 (2022-08-19)


  • core,console: remove /me apis (#1781)


Bug Fixes

  • core: fix ac & ui proxy under subpath deployment (#1761) (163c23b)
  • deps: update dependency slonik to v30 (#1744) (a9f99db)

Code Refactoring

1.0.0-beta.4 (2022-08-11)


  • core: use comma separated values as a string array in the env file (#1762)


  • core,schemas: add application secret (#1715) (543ee04)
  • core: support signing key rotation (#1732) (00bab4c)
  • core: use comma separated values as a string array in the env file (#1762) (f6db981)

Bug Fixes

1.0.0-beta.3 (2022-08-01)


1.0.0-beta.2 (2022-07-25)


Bug Fixes

  • core: resolve some core no-restricted-syntax lint error (#1606) (c56ddec)
  • deps: update dependency koa-router to v12 (#1596) (6e96d73)

1.0.0-beta.1 (2022-07-19)


1.0.0-beta.0 (2022-07-14)


Bug Fixes

  • connector: fix connector getConfig and validateConfig type (#1530) (88a54aa)
  • connector: passwordless connector send test msg with unsaved config (#1539) (0297f6c)
  • connector: refactor ConnectorInstance as class (#1541) (6b9ad58)
  • ui,core: fix i18n issue (#1548) (6b58d8a)

1.0.0-alpha.4 (2022-07-08)


  • connector: connector error handler, throw errmsg on general errors (#1458) (7da1de3)
  • expose zod error (#1474) (81b63f0)

Bug Fixes

1.0.0-alpha.3 (2022-07-07)


  • core: append additional yaml responses to swagger.json (#1407) (100bffb)

Bug Fixes

1.0.0-alpha.2 (2022-07-07)

Note: Version bump only for package @logto/core

1.0.0-alpha.1 (2022-07-05)

Bug Fixes

  • core: do not titlize tags of .well-known APIs (#1412) (5559fb1)

1.0.0-alpha.0 (2022-07-04)

Note: Version bump only for package @logto/core

0.1.2-alpha.5 (2022-07-03)

Note: Version bump only for package @logto/core

0.1.2-alpha.4 (2022-07-03)

Note: Version bump only for package @logto/core

0.1.2-alpha.3 (2022-07-03)


0.1.2-alpha.2 (2022-07-02)

Note: Version bump only for package @logto/core

0.1.2-alpha.1 (2022-07-02)

Note: Version bump only for package @logto/core

0.1.2-alpha.0 (2022-07-02)

Note: Version bump only for package @logto/core

0.1.1-alpha.0 (2022-07-01)


  • ac: implement admin console welcome page (#1139) (b42f4ba)
  • connector-alipay-native: add Alipay Native connector (#873) (9589aea)
  • connector-sendgrid-email: add sendgrid email connector (#850) (b887655)
  • connector-twilio-sms: add twilio sms connector (#881) (d7ce13d)
  • connector: apple (#966) (7400ed8)
  • connectors: handle authorization callback parameters in each connector respectively (#1166) (097aade)
  • console,core: hide admin user (#1182) (9194a6e)
  • console: add column lastSignIn in user management (#679) (a0b4b98)
  • console: dark logo (#860) (664a218)
  • console: sie form reorg (#1218) (2c41334)
  • console: support persisting get-started progress in settings config (43b2309)
  • core,connectors: update Aliyun logo and add logo_dark to Apple, Github (#1194) (98f8083)
  • core,console: change admin user password (#1268) (a4d0a94)
  • core,console: connector platform tabs (#887) (65fb36c)
  • core,console: social connector targets (#851) (127664a)
  • core,schemas: koaLogSession middleware (#767) (4e60446)
  • core,schemas: log IP and user agent (#682) (0ecb7e4)
  • core,schemas: log token exchange success (#809) (3b048a8)
  • core,schemas: save application id that the user first consented (#688) (4521c3c)
  • core,shared: get /dashboard/users/active (#953) (1420bb2)
  • core: add admin role validation to the koaAuth (#920) (cf360b9)
  • core: add custom claims to id token (#911) (9ccda93)
  • core: add etag for settings api (#1011) (d4f38bc)
  • core: add phone number and email mask (#891) (67f080e)
  • core: add role table seed (#1145) (837ad52)
  • core: add sign-in-mode (#1132) (f640dad)
  • core: add smtp connector (#1131) (f8710e1)
  • core: add socialConnectors details for get sign-in-settings (#804) (7a922cb)
  • core: add switch of enabling object fully replace when updating DB (#1107) (efa9491)
  • core: add welcome route (#1080) (f6f562a)
  • core: align connector error handler middleware with ConnectorErrorCodes (#1063) (1b8190a)
  • core: any-type parameter shows empty object in swagger example (#1110) (7339a85)
  • core: append page and page_size to the query parameters in swagger.json (#1120) (a262999)
  • core: convert route guards to swagger.json (#1047) (3145c9b)
  • core: convert Zod union, literal and string guards to OpenAPI schemas (#1126) (511012d)
  • core: cookie keys configuration (#902) (17c63cd)
  • core: dau curve contains 0 count points (#1105) (75ac874)
  • core: disable introspection feature (#886) (b2ac2c1)
  • core: empty path sould redirect to the console page (#915) (207c404)
  • core: expose connector and metadata from sendPasscode (#806) (0ea5513)
  • core: fix connectors' initialization (c6f2546)
  • core: get /dashboard/users/new (#940) (45a9777)
  • core: get /dashboard/users/total (#936) (c4bb0de)
  • core: get /logs (#823) (4ffd4c0)
  • core: get /logs/:id (#934) (bddf47b)
  • core: grantErrorListener for logging token exchange error (#894) (797344f)
  • core: grantRevokedListener for logging revocation of access and refresh token (#900) (e5196fc)
  • core: identities key should use target not connectorId (#1115) (41e37a7), closes #1134
  • core: log error body (#1065) (2ba1121)
  • core: log sending passcode with connector id (#824) (82c7138)
  • core: make GET /api/swagger.json contain all api routes (#1008) (8af2f95)
  • core: order logs by created_at desc (#993) (2ae4e2e)
  • core: register with admin role (#1140) (4f32ad3)
  • core: remove code redundancy (d989785)
  • core: remove unnecessary variable check and unused route (#1084) (bcc05e5)
  • core: separate social sign-in api (#735) (e71cf7e)
  • core: serve connector logo (#931) (5b44b71)
  • core: set claims for profile scope (#1013) (7781d49)
  • core: update connector db schema (#732) (8e1533a)
  • demo-app: implementation (#982) (7f4f4f8)
  • demo-app: implementation (3/3) (#1021) (91e2f05)
  • native-connectors: pass random state to native connector sdk (#922) (9679620)
  • remove target, platform from connector schema and add id to metadata (#930) (054b0f7)
  • update field check rules (#854) (85a407c)
  • use user level custom data to save preferences (#1045) (f2b44b4)

Bug Fixes

  • lint:report script (#730) (3b17324)
  • connector-wechat-native: fix wechat-native target (#820) (ab6c124)
  • connectors platform (#925) (16ec018)
  • console,core: only show enabled connectors in sign in methods (#988) (4768181)
  • console: update terms of use (#1122) (9262a6f)
  • console: update user data (#1184) (a3d3a79)
  • core,console: delete specific user identities by target (#1176) (ad86bc8)
  • core: align jsonb replace mode (#1138) (3cf34b5)
  • core: allow empty condition in logs (#991) (2819859)
  • core: catch interaction not found error (#827) (38ceae7)
  • core: disabled session check for preview mode (#867) (82674ee)
  • core: fix connector readme and configTemplate content parsing (#1267) (05db124)
  • core: fix preview session not found bug (#970) (545a392)
  • core: koaAuth should return 403 instead of 401 on non-admin role (ee16eeb)
  • core: prevent session lost for bind social (#948) (077ed12)
  • core: remove ESM declaration (#687) (e61dba9)
  • core: remove name regex (#1109) (a790248)
  • core: remove unavailable social sign in targets on save (#1201) (012562e)
  • core: revert add custom claims to id token (#919) (fe99928)
  • core: set module in base config (#685) (d108f4b)
  • core: settings api should not throw session not found error (#1157) (e0793fa)
  • core: signing in with a non-existing username should throw invalid credentials (#1239) (53781d6)
  • core: social user info in session (#794) (74f2940)
  • core: update proxy guard middleware (#963) (909535f)
  • core: update role names (#913) (d659995)
  • core: update roleNames to role_names to resolve 401 errors (5a1fa14)
  • core: update timestamp field with millisecond precision (#677) (7278ba4)
  • delete custom domain (#737) (8a48fb6)
  • ui: fix sign-in not found bug (#841) (5d34442)