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Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.0.0-alpha.2 (2022-07-07)
- console: add unsaved changes alert for connector config (#1414) (78407fc)
- console: user settings unsaved changes alert (#1411) (14b27b6)
Bug Fixes
- console: chagne user added modal button to done (#1438) (ec82507)
- console: dashboard chart yaxios width (#1435) (b26fb0c)
- console: fix typo for variant (#1423) (f6be19e)
- console: use icon button in copytoclipboard (#1440) (f8a9743)
- ui: set ui specific i18n storage key (#1441) (5b121d7)
1.0.0-alpha.1 (2022-07-05)
Bug Fixes
- console: dashbaord chart grid color (#1417) (1d5f69d)
- console: leave page button should be primary on unsaved changes alert modal (#1421) (be004fa)
1.0.0-alpha.0 (2022-07-04)
Bug Fixes
- console: disable secondary should remove sign in methods (#1384) (6e3c461)
- console: hide reset description on dark-mode primary color matched (#1394) (de8f476)
- console: remove userinfo endpoint on application details page (#1391) (a837d79)
- console: save sie when secondary method is disabled (#1410) (52fee4c)
- console: use png for calendar icon (#1385) (f01390a)
0.1.2-alpha.5 (2022-07-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @logto/console
0.1.2-alpha.4 (2022-07-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @logto/console
0.1.2-alpha.3 (2022-07-03)
- console: add traditional web guide - express js demo (60c9ceb)
0.1.2-alpha.2 (2022-07-02)
- console: add loading skeleton to sign in experience page (76921f5)
0.1.2-alpha.1 (2022-07-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @logto/console
0.1.2-alpha.0 (2022-07-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @logto/console
0.1.1-alpha.0 (2022-07-01)
- ac: implement admin console welcome page (#1139) (b42f4ba)
- connector: apple (#966) (7400ed8)
- console,core: hide admin user (#1182) (9194a6e)
- console,ui: generate dark mode color in console (#1231) (f72b21d)
- console: add 404 page in admin console (0d047fb)
- console: add app icon and api icon (#830) (373d349)
- console: add application column in user management (#728) (a035587)
- console: add column lastSignIn in user management (#679) (a0b4b98)
- console: add comopnent alert (#706) (60920c2)
- console: add date picker in dashboard (#1085) (5a073ce)
- console: add details summary component in guides (693c4f0)
- console: add drawer animation (#760) (dd8b767)
- console: add integration guide for vue sdk (423b1a9)
- console: add integration guide for vue sdk (4931923)
- console: add mobile web tab in preview (#1214) (9b6fd4c)
- console: add page loading skeleton to data table and detail pages (9b8658d)
- console: add placeholders (#1277) (c26ca08)
- console: add prevew in guide modal (#839) (002f839)
- console: add user dropdown and sign out button (5a09e7d)
- console: audit log filters (#1004) (a0d562f)
- console: audit log table (#1000) (fdd12de)
- console: autofocus in create modal (#785) (b8143ff)
- console: clear search results (#1199) (a2de467)
- console: configure cors-allowed-origins (#695) (4a0577a)
- console: connector detail top card (5288d6d)
- console: connector groups table (#962) (eb3f0cb)
- console: connector in use status (#1012) (542d574)
- console: connector logo and platform icon (#892) (97e6bdd)
- console: connector warnings in sign in methods (#710) (cd03130)
- console: contact us icon and texts (#836) (c3785d8)
- console: dark logo (#860) (664a218)
- console: dashboard blocks and curve (#1076) (c38fab8)
- console: dashboard skeleton (#1077) (5afbe9d)
- console: disable existing connectors when adding (#1018) (19380d0)
- console: disallow management api deletion and renaming (#1233) (568b75d)
- console: display topbar shadow while scrolling (#1340) (b3774cd)
- console: dynamic sign in methods form (#666) (5944ff0)
- console: error handling in dashboard (#1090) (6d3857e)
- console: form field tooltip (#786) (1c7de47)
- console: group connectors in add modal (#1029) (fa420c9)
- console: hard code admin display name with username (#1348) (496b17b)
- console: hide get-started page on clicking 'Hide this' button (7fd42fd)
- console: implement get started page (9790767)
- console: implement get-started progress indicator component (ed9387b)
- console: init dashboard (#1006) (28e09b6)
- console: input error message (#1050) (458602f)
- console: integrate admin console language settings (048290b)
- console: integrate dark mode settings (a04f818)
- console: log details page (#1064) (0421195)
- console: multi-text-input delete reminder (#752) (04fc5d4)
- console: page skeleton animation mixin (de97bb5)
- console: platform label in connectors table (#1034) (96701bc)
- console: preview device wrapper (#896) (540bf9c)
- console: reset user password (#1266) (8c46ead)
- console: show app guide in "Check Help Guide" drawer (e3cab67)
- console: sie form reorg (#1218) (2c41334)
- console: sign in exp guide (#755) (bafd094)
- console: sign in experience preview (#783) (6ab54c9)
- console: sign in experience setup others tab (#662) (875a31e)
- console: sign in experience welcome page (#746) (d815d96)
- console: sign in methods change alert (#701) (a1ceea0)
- console: support dark logo for connectors (#1226) (a8467fd)
- console: support persisting get-started progress in settings config (43b2309)
- console: update connector icons (#935) (f01d113)
- console: update pagination size and color (#1153) (fdb8b24)
- console: update user management table row height and avatar size (#1151) (b2b7f37)
- console: user connector delete confirmation (#1165) (4905a5d)
- console: user icon (#857) (9f94f16)
- console: user logs (#1082) (c4a0d7a)
- core,connectors: update Aliyun logo and add logo_dark to Apple, Github (#1194) (98f8083)
- core,console: change admin user password (#1268) (a4d0a94)
- core,console: connector platform tabs (#887) (65fb36c)
- core,console: social connector targets (#851) (127664a)
- core: add welcome route (#1080) (f6f562a)
- core: identities key should use target not connectorId (#1115) (41e37a7), closes #1134
- core: serve connector logo (#931) (5b44b71)
- core: update connector db schema (#732) (8e1533a)
- dashboard: add tooltip to dashboard items (#1089) (9dd73ac)
- demo-app: implement (part 2) (85a055e)
- demo-app: implementation (#982) (7f4f4f8)
- demo-app: implementation (3/3) (#1021) (91e2f05)
- remove target, platform from connector schema and add id to metadata (#930) (054b0f7)
- ui: implement preview mode (#852) (ef19fb3)
- update field check rules (#854) (85a407c)
- use user level custom data to save preferences (#1045) (f2b44b4)
Bug Fixes
script (#730) (3b17324)- ac: fix ac text input (#1023) (498b370)
- console,core: only show enabled connectors in sign in methods (#988) (4768181)
- console: add border and shadow to preview (#957) (5fc2c99)
- console: add bottom color for connector logos (#1186) (c5cebfc)
- console: add code editor field label (#1170) (9aab5ee)
- console: add connector button in table empty state (#1224) (1905fb5)
- console: add hover state to hide guide button (#1328) (323895a)
- console: add letter spacing for sign-in-experience title (#1033) (cf4bd1b)
- console: add mobile platform preview description (#1032) (6167e5c)
- console: add sie preview nav margin (#1275) (210ddce)
- console: add toast message on save uri success in guide (129ce0b)
- console: adding social connector should complete corresponding get-started task (8797c2d)
- console: adjust preview size (#951) (fa14589)
- console: align added sign-in method with table head content (#1028) (c084b44)
- console: align usage of customizeSignInExperience (#837) (808a676)
- console: application icon size (#1237) (86aec6c)
- console: application integrate SDK guides (b616e71)
- console: auto generate password (#1133) (a424f1b)
- console: back to social connectors (#889) (8cf72d9)
- console: bump react sdk to 0.1.13 to resolve sign in issue (fb34cdc)
- console: button loading spinner position (b41b8f1)
- console: button space on the guide header (#1317) (0e93792)
- console: call settings API after user authentication (3f25d4e)
- console: change account modal margin (#1344) (f1a7cb3)
- console: change checkbox to controlled comp (#1235) (9a72a34)
- console: checkbox style (#1327) (2f3c9ae)
- console: clear error message before saving connector config (#1273) (da48784)
- console: connector card item style (#1192) (ed3c93a)
- console: connector details save changes footer (#736) (2d9b708)
- console: connector guide (#990) (3c37739)
- console: connector guide setup content should scroll in the whole container (#1314) (05399b5)
- console: connector name in user detials (#1147) (94084a4)
- console: connector row clickable (#1108) (2a4a61d)
- console: connector sender test loading state (#1290) (7d47433)
- console: contact us icons (#1181) (e39704a)
- console: create connector form alignment (#1220) (ebfab1d)
- console: dashboard chart style (#1177) (cf47044), closes #1178
- console: date picker input height (#1171) (6ca1395)
- console: details page should not be shrinked (#1338) (d73663a)
- console: display dark mode color setting only when dark mode is enabled (#1027) (a506dc5)
- console: display default avatar when the avatar is empty (#1191) (71ed416)
- console: dropdown max height (#1155) (402d19d)
- console: dropdown padding (#1168) (56d3f96)
- console: error callstack content should not overflow container (933950c)
- console: error message in text input component (#1060) (93916bf)
- console: fetch settings with swr on app init (c7344c2)
- console: fix connector platform label i18n (#1347) (b18388c)
- console: fix dark mode char tooltip background (#1345) (f6bf53b)
- console: fix dashboard date (#1274) (8c0ceff)
- console: fix infinite loading issue when not authenticated (32facc6)
- console: fix info icon vertical alignment (#1106) (888c3d7)
- console: fix margin for SIE section (#1212) (be56c75)
- console: fix platform label prefix caused by merge (#1049) (1dffcd2)
- console: fix SIE title padding (#1211) (ca77a41)
- console: get-started progress style (#1343) (67a87bb)
- console: hide split line when username is empty (#949) (d8c8c04)
- console: hide url input on terms of use disabled (#1270) (1e6ad9f)
- console: hide user column (#1296) (9b19b0e)
- console: icon colors on the action menu (#1179) (d71c18c)
- console: icons in item preview should not be shrinked (#1234) (2d66302)
- console: improve horizontal scrollbar thumb styles (818b1d7)
- console: improve swr error handling to avoid app crash (da77a1d)
- console: item preview alignment (#1159) (5c43da2)
- console: jump to enabled connector (#1225) (833436a)
- console: last button in guide should be primary type (2036570)
- console: limit preview options (#1203) (4d16131)
- console: long text should wrap in code editor (cbe2497)
- console: misc improvements and ui fixes (b653478)
- console: move save changes into form (#712) (aed7442)
- console: mutate settings after SIE guide done (#1198) (ee2578b)
- console: new platform tab colors (#1158) (1bb770f)
- console: new ui in save changes footer (#661) (19b9db8)
- console: only check demo app existence on get-started page (e8ef4b6)
- console: only show enabled connectors in table (#1156) (4dbeb22)
- console: open new tab for setup connectors (#843) (070a52c)
- console: others form height in SIE (#1210) (8d2f88b)
- console: page content should not jump on scrollbar present (#1306) (6d5a4f8)
- console: pass enabled connectors to preview (#1209) (ac74309)
- console: prevent autofill background color (#749) (0f5491b)
- console: prevent cell overflow for user table (#1215) (f5de519)
- console: preview mobile device color (#958) (49b7908)
- console: read-only text field background color should use color-layer-2 (#1154) (ac99c26)
- console: reduce refresh frequency in preview (#950) (b61f70f)
- console: reduce welcome image size (#844) (977b75b)
- console: remove plain copytoclipboard padding (#675) (e7faf32)
- console: remove redundant
label (#1030) (248e43d) - console: remove role edit from user details (#1173) (520f66c)
- console: remove sign in methods form fields in guilde (#1174) (e0be4fe)
- console: remove text input error state from delete form (#1302) (9e67e59)
- console: remove the close button from toast (#1318) (40c8d0e)
- console: remove underline in the empty table (#1180) (1704f57)
- console: remove unused api resource help button (#1217) (e5249e2)
- console: reset password label (#1300) (628ac46)
- console: resolve js warning reported in code editor component (c5d1488)
- console: return to user-details page from user-log-details page (#1135) (294c600)
- console: save changes button on settings page (#1167) (97faade)
- console: sdk selector content in the guide should be left-aligned (#1316) (99cd56f)
- console: select the old primary sign-in method when the primary method change (#1062) (b2b7189)
- console: set input type in connector tester (#1160) (25e94a4)
- console: set preview desktop background color (#1292) (a1726d5)
- console: set switch default value to false (#1197) (f9f646c)
- console: should not append slash in cors allowed uri (#1001) (826f368)
- console: should return to previous page when on sign-in-experience and app details page (#1137) (ae0caa8)
- console: show enabled platforms in detail tab (#989) (0656b6d)
- console: show user id in users table (#1269) (7d5dd1a)
- console: sie guide skip (#1271) (8dedd9d)
- console: sign in exp layout (#1142) (3668b66)
- console: sms and email connector in use status (#1161) (a868c1f)
- console: socialConnectors in preview data (#862) (a2cd983)
- console: special application name for admin console (#997) (a0ff900)
- console: stop swr retry on error 401 and 403 (db59e3c)
- console: text field style in settings (#739) (890028d)
- console: text input autofill styles (e8a433d)
- console: tip icon color (#805) (5b2fe32)
- console: tooltip vertical offset (#1169) (99090e3)
- console: typo (#810) (bc19a29)
- console: ui fixes (#678) (dc976d8)
- console: update get-started enable passwordless button text to "Enable" (f7d2e4c)
- console: update shadow styles (#813) (2e410e7)
- console: update terms of use (#1122) (9262a6f)
- console: update user data (#1184) (a3d3a79)
- console: upgrade react-sdk 0.1.7 (a814e2c)
- console: use box shadow on radio group item hovered (#1321) (953e7c6)
- console: use custom icon in date input (#1172) (43711f2)
- console: use native color picker style (#819) (628e025)
- console: use small size dropdown in sign in experience preview (#1083) (407bd6f)
- console: user connector table bottom line (#1037) (f94a3f8)
- console: user connectors name (#1164) (d36a7ab)
- console: user details card footer (#1175) (7fb88f2)
- console: user management search result (#1130) (3a814a6)
- console: wrap connector id with copytoclipboard (#1025) (dfc51b6)
- console: wrap routes with appcontent (#1052) (88e2120)
- core,console: delete specific user identities by target (#1176) (ad86bc8)
- delete custom domain (#737) (8a48fb6)
- revert "chore(deps): update parcel monorepo to v2.6.0" (877bbc0)
- revert "refactor(console): handle user navigates to 'callback' after authenticated" (8584680)