2022-12-14 13:23:59 +08:00
export const emailRegEx = /^\S+@\S+\.\S+$/;
export const phoneRegEx = /^\d+$/;
2023-03-18 21:22:42 +08:00
export const phoneInputRegEx = /^\+?[\d-( )]+$/;
2022-12-14 13:23:59 +08:00
export const usernameRegEx = /^[A-Z_a-z]\w*$/;
export const webRedirectUriProtocolRegEx = /^https?:$/;
2023-09-07 00:41:51 +08:00
export const mobileUriSchemeProtocolRegEx = /^[a-z][\d+_a-z-]*(\.[\d+_a-z-]+)+:$/;
2022-12-14 13:23:59 +08:00
export const hexColorRegEx = /^#[\da-f]{3}([\da-f]{3})?$/i;
export const dateRegex = /^\d{4}(-\d{2}){2}/;
2023-01-13 12:37:33 +08:00
export const noSpaceRegEx = /^\S+$/;
2024-02-20 13:00:53 +08:00
/** Full domain that consists of at least 3 parts, e.g. foo.bar.com or example-foo.bar.com */
export const domainRegEx =