- The user view has been extended to have properties indicating whether
the user has rights to make the displayed user an owner or delete
- Handlebar conditionals decide whether or not to display the cog
Closes#3402, Closes#3428
### Components
- Added GhostSelectComponent to handle async select creation (h/t @rwjblue)
- Added GhostRolesSelector (extends GhostSelect) for displaying user role options
- Created StoreInjector for surgically inserting the store into things that normally wouldn't have them.
### Users Settings
- InviteNewUserModal now uses GhostRolesSelector & defaults to Author
- The role dropdown for user settings has permissions set per 3402
### User Model
- Added `role` property as an interface to getting and setting `roles`
- Refactored anything that set `roles` to set `role`
- isAdmin, isAuthor, isOwner and isEditor are all keyed off of `role` now
### Tests
- Added functional tests for Settings.Users
- updated settings.users and settings.users.user screens
- fix spacing on screens
### Server Fixtures
- Fixed owner fixture's roles
- added transfer ownership endpoint
- added owner to roles.permissible
- manually removed owner from roles.browse
- removed hard coded author role
- fixed tests that were passing due to hard coded author role
- added testUtils.setup(‚roles‘)
- Adds redirects based on roles as defined in the case
- Adds new mixin `CurrentUserSettings`
- For authors, all settings pages redirect to `users/self`
- For editors, all settings pages other than specific users redirect to `users`. Any user that is not self or an author redirects to `users`
Refs #3424, Refs #3444
- API and test suite refactoring triggered a conflict with
the way update_check_spec.js was written. Using a running
copy of Ghost is no longer needed in those tests so it
was removed.
No Issue
- Move authentication related handlers to the Application route.
- Switch Sign Out from a button to a link. Use the signout route
to handle invalidating the session and redirecting instead of
an action from a button.
- Clear error messages on signin page when pressing log in button.
- Errors are now always shown on sign in screen and a success
notification is shown after sign out.
- Update functional tests.
- Add the missing return to populateDefault
- Wrap defaultSetting in [] when passing to readSettingsResult
- Populate default value of dbHash in parseDefaultSettings
- Modify migrations.init to only load databaseVersion for export_spec test
- Fix spacing in test util file and null reference error in test
- Uncomment user tests (but add .skip) and remove settings from testUtils.setup()
no issue
- added `invited-pending` when resending invitation
- promise chain was missing a return statement
- email error was masked and front end showed success notification
issue #3409
- DRYs out the controllers/frontend a little by moving common functinoality
into its own function
- adds ability to use home.hbs template file if it exists
- adds unit tests for this functionality
- Ensure that validation errors are always handled by moving them into the
- Ensure that db errors are handled consistently across sqlite and mysql
- Change the errors to be output in a table, with a short failure notification
- Add tests for 003 importing bad files
- Adds a helper which shows a select string deopending on the number of items provided
{{plural empty='No posts' singular='% post' plural='% posts'}}
If `` == 0, output 'No Posts'
If `` == 1, outputs `1 Post`
If `` == 2 or more, outputs `2 Posts`
Credit to @sebgie for making this work.
- no more in-line HTML strings
- adding files for "welcome", "reset password", and "invite user" emails
- added mail.generateContent() to create HTML and plain-text email content
- refactored methods that trigger emails to send both HTML and plain-text emails