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synced 2025-03-18 02:21:47 -05:00
Merge pull request #3457 from sebgie/issue#3426
Transfer ownership end point
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 119 additions and 83 deletions
@ -2,27 +2,24 @@ var TransferOwnerController = Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
confirmAccept: function () {
var user = this.get('model'),
url = this.get('ghostPaths.url').api('users', 'owner'),
self = this;
// Get owner role
this.store.find('role').then(function (result) {
return result.findBy('name', 'Owner');
}).then(function (ownerRole) {
// remove roles and assign owner role
return user.saveOnly('roles');
ic.ajax.request(url, {
type: 'PUT',
data: {
owner: [{
'id': user.get('id')
}).then(function () {
self.notifications.showSuccess('Ownership successfully transferred to ' + user.get('name'));
}).catch(function (errors) {
}).catch(function (error) {
errors = Ember.isArray(errors) ? errors : Ember.A([errors]);
@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ roles = {
// TODO: replace with better filter when bluebird lands
_.each(foundRoles.toJSON(), function (role) {
permissionMap.push(canThis(options.context).assign.role(role).then(function () {
if (role.name === 'Owner') {
return null;
return role;
}, function () {
return null;
@ -142,6 +142,11 @@ users = {
newUser = checkedUserData.users[0];
if (_.isEmpty(newUser.roles)) {
return when.reject(new errors.BadRequestError('No role provided.'));
roleId = parseInt(newUser.roles[0].id || newUser.roles[0], 10);
// Make sure user is allowed to add a user with this role
@ -281,8 +286,26 @@ users = {
return when.reject(new errors.ValidationError(error.message));
transferOwnership: function transferOwnership(object, options) {
return dataProvider.Role.findOne({name: 'Owner'}).then(function (ownerRole) {
return canThis(options.context).assign.role(ownerRole);
}).then(function () {
return utils.checkObject(object, 'owner').then(function (checkedOwnerTransfer) {
return dataProvider.User.transferOwnership(checkedOwnerTransfer.owner[0], options).then(function () {
return when.resolve({owner: [{message: 'Ownership transferred successfully.'}]});
}).catch(function (error) {
return when.reject(new errors.ValidationError(error.message));
}).catch(function (error) {
return errors.handleAPIError(error);
module.exports = users;
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ createOwner = function () {
var user = fixtures.users[0];
return models.Role.findOne({name: 'Owner'}).then(function (ownerRole) {
user.role = ownerRole.id;
user.roles = [ownerRole.id];
user.password = utils.uid(50);
logInfo('Creating owner');
@ -60,8 +60,9 @@ Role = ghostBookshelf.Model.extend({
if (action === 'assign' && loadedPermissions.user) {
if (_.any(loadedPermissions.user.roles, { 'name': 'Owner' }) ||
_.any(loadedPermissions.user.roles, { 'name': 'Administrator' })) {
if (_.any(loadedPermissions.user.roles, { 'name': 'Owner' })) {
checkAgainst = ['Owner', 'Administrator', 'Editor', 'Author'];
} else if (_.any(loadedPermissions.user.roles, { 'name': 'Administrator' })) {
checkAgainst = ['Administrator', 'Editor', 'Author'];
} else if (_.any(loadedPermissions.user.roles, { 'name': 'Editor' })) {
checkAgainst = ['Author'];
@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ User = ghostBookshelf.Model.extend({
/*jshint unused:false*/
var self = this;
// disabling sanitization until we can implement a better version
// this.set('name', this.sanitize('name'));
// this.set('email', this.sanitize('email'));
// this.set('location', this.sanitize('location'));
// this.set('website', this.sanitize('website'));
// this.set('bio', this.sanitize('bio'));
ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.saving.apply(this, arguments);
@ -184,8 +178,8 @@ User = ghostBookshelf.Model.extend({
}, options);
//TODO: there are multiple statuses that make a user "active" or "invited" - we a way to translate/map them:
//TODO (cont'd from above): * valid "active" statuses: active, warn-1, warn-2, warn-3, warn-4, locked
//TODO (cont'd from above): * valid "invited" statuses" invited, invited-pending
//TODO (cont'd from above): * valid "active" statuses: active, warn-1, warn-2, warn-3, warn-4, locked
//TODO (cont'd from above): * valid "invited" statuses" invited, invited-pending
// Filter on the status. A status of 'all' translates to no filter since we want all statuses
if (options.status && options.status !== 'all') {
@ -361,7 +355,9 @@ User = ghostBookshelf.Model.extend({
return Role.findOne({id: roleId});
}).then(function (roleToAssign) {
if (roleToAssign && roleToAssign.get('name') === 'Owner') {
return self.transferOwnership(user, roleToAssign, options.context);
return when.reject(
new errors.ValidationError('This method does not support assigning the owner role')
} else {
// assign all other roles
return user.roles().updatePivot({role_id: roleId});
@ -386,24 +382,23 @@ User = ghostBookshelf.Model.extend({
add: function (data, options) {
var self = this,
// Clone the _user so we don't expose the hashed password unnecessarily
userData = this.filterData(data),
// Get the role we're going to assign to this user, or the author role if there isn't one
// TODO: don't reference Author role by ID!
roles = data.roles || [1];
// remove roles from the object
delete data.roles;
// check for too many roles
if (roles.length > 1) {
return when.reject(new errors.ValidationError('Only one role per user is supported at the moment.'));
options = this.filterOptions(options, 'add');
options.withRelated = _.union([ 'roles' ], options.include);
return Role.findOne({name: 'Author'}).then(function (authorRole) {
// Get the role we're going to assign to this user, or the author role if there isn't one
roles = data.roles || authorRole.id;
// check for too many roles
if (roles.length > 1) {
return when.reject(new errors.ValidationError('Only one role per user is supported at the moment.'));
// remove roles from the object
delete data.roles;
return validatePasswordLength(userData.password).then(function () {
return validatePasswordLength(userData.password);
}).then(function () {
return self.forge().fetch();
}).then(function () {
// Generate a new password hash
@ -720,23 +715,40 @@ User = ghostBookshelf.Model.extend({
transferOwnership: function (user, ownerRole, context) {
var adminRole;
transferOwnership: function (object, options) {
var adminRole,
// Get admin role
return Role.findOne({name: 'Administrator'}).then(function (result) {
adminRole = result;
return User.findOne({id: context.user});
}).then(function (contextUser) {
return Role.findOne({name: 'Owner'});
}).then(function (result) {
ownerRole = result;
return User.findOne({id: options.context.user});
}).then(function (ctxUser) {
// check if user has the owner role
var currentRoles = contextUser.toJSON().roles;
var currentRoles = ctxUser.toJSON().roles;
if (!_.contains(currentRoles, ownerRole.id)) {
return when.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError('Only owners are able to transfer the owner role.'));
contextUser = ctxUser;
return User.findOne({id: object.id});
}).then(function (user) {
var currentRoles = user.toJSON().roles;
if (!_.contains(currentRoles, adminRole.id)) {
return when.reject(new errors.ValidationError('Only administrators can be assigned the owner role.'));
assignUser = user;
// convert owner to admin
return contextUser.roles().updatePivot({role_id: adminRole.id});
}).then(function () {
// assign owner role to a new user
return user.roles().updatePivot({role_id: ownerRole.id});
return assignUser.roles().updatePivot({role_id: ownerRole.id});
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ apiRoutes = function (middleware) {
router.get('/users/slug/:slug', api.http(api.users.read));
router.get('/users/email/:email', api.http(api.users.read));
router.put('/users/password', api.http(api.users.changePassword));
router.put('/users/owner', api.http(api.users.transferOwnership));
router.put('/users/:id', api.http(api.users.edit));
router.post('/users', api.http(api.users.add));
router.del('/users/:id', api.http(api.users.destroy));
@ -856,47 +856,41 @@ describe('Users API', function () {
describe('Transfer ownership', function () {
// Temporarily commenting this test out until #3426 is fixed
// it('Owner can transfer ownership', function (done) {
// // transfer ownership to admin user id:2
// UserAPI.edit(
// {users: [
// {name: 'Joe Blogger', roles: [roleIdFor.owner]}
// ]}, _.extend({}, context.owner, {id: userIdFor.admin})
// ).then(function (response) {
// should.exist(response);
// should.not.exist(response.meta);
// should.exist(response.users);
// response.users.should.have.length(1);
// testUtils.API.checkResponse(response.users[0], 'user', ['roles']);
// response.users[0].name.should.equal('Joe Blogger');
// response.users[0].id.should.equal(2);
// response.users[0].roles[0].should.equal(4);
// response.users[0].updated_at.should.be.a.Date;
// done();
// }).catch(done);
// });
it('Owner can transfer ownership', function (done) {
// transfer ownership to admin user id:2
{owner: [
{id: userIdFor.admin}
]}, context.owner
).then(function (response) {
response.owner[0].message.should.eql('Ownership transferred successfully.');
it('Owner CANNOT downgrade own role', function (done) {
// Cannot change own role to admin
{users: [
{name: 'Joe Blogger', roles: [roleIdFor.admin]}
]}, _.extend({}, context.owner, {id: userIdFor.owner})
{owner: [
{id: userIdFor.owner}
]}, context.owner
).then(function (response) {
done(new Error('Owner should not be able to downgrade their role'));
}).catch(function (error) {
it('Admin CANNOT transfer ownership', function (done) {
// transfer ownership to user id: 2
{users: [
{name: 'Joe Blogger', roles: [roleIdFor.owner]}
]}, _.extend({}, context.admin, {id: userIdFor.admin})
{owner: [
{id: userIdFor.editor}
]}, context.admin
).then(function () {
done(new Error('Admin is not denied transferring ownership.'));
}).catch(function (error) {
@ -907,10 +901,10 @@ describe('Users API', function () {
it('Editor CANNOT transfer ownership', function (done) {
// transfer ownership to user id: 2
{users: [
{name: 'Joe Blogger', roles: [roleIdFor.owner]}
]}, _.extend({}, context.editor, {id: userIdFor.admin})
{owner: [
{id: userIdFor.admin}
]}, context.editor
).then(function () {
done(new Error('Admin is not denied transferring ownership.'));
}).catch(function (error) {
@ -921,10 +915,10 @@ describe('Users API', function () {
it('Author CANNOT transfer ownership', function (done) {
// transfer ownership to user id: 2
{users: [
{name: 'Joe Blogger', roles: [roleIdFor.owner]}
]}, _.extend({}, context.author, {id: userIdFor.admin})
{owner: [
{id: userIdFor.admin}
]}, context.author
).then(function () {
done(new Error('Admin is not denied transferring ownership.'));
}).catch(function (error) {
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ describe('User Model', function run() {
describe('Registration', function runRegistration() {
it('can add first', function (done) {
var userData = testUtils.DataGenerator.forModel.users[0];
@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ fixtures = {
insertRoles: function insertRoles() {
var knex = config.database.knex;
return knex('roles').insert(DataGenerator.forKnex.roles);
initOwnerUser: function initOwnerUser() {
var user = DataGenerator.Content.users[0],
@ -258,6 +262,7 @@ toDoList = {
'permission': function insertPermission() { return fixtures.insertOne('permissions', 'createPermission'); },
'role': function insertRole() { return fixtures.insertOne('roles', 'createRole'); },
'roles': function insertRoles() { return fixtures.insertRoles(); },
'tag': function insertRole() { return fixtures.insertOne('tags', 'createTag'); },
'posts': function insertPosts() { return fixtures.insertPosts(); },
'apps': function insertApps() { return fixtures.insertApps(); },
Add table
Reference in a new issue