This option will check to see if a subscription is in an unpaid or past
due state, and if so, will cancel the subscription immediately, rather
than cancelling at the period end.
The RouterController was a grab bag of all controller methods, making it
difficult to mock & test. This adds a MemberController with a smaller
API - making it easier to test.
We would like to release @tryghost/members-csv as version 1.0.0 but
lerna will only allow us to release packages which have had changes in
them since their last release. Well, this is a change. And it's solely
for the purpose of allowing us to release 1.0.0. This version is not
tagged, nor is it published to npm.
When seeding the database with fake members & stripe data, it's possible
to create stripe plans without a nickname. Similarly some other services
do not have a nickname on their plans. This ensures that we do not error
when working with these plans.
If we are to perform the `linkSubscription` method inside of a
transaction, the addition of the paid subscription events would happen
outside of the transaction, and cause errors. This ensures that we pass
the options object (containing the transaction) to the models calls to
add paid subscription events
1. We do not want to store payment events for payments of 0 value
2. Stripe webhooks can arrive and be processed "out of order", which can
result in us attempting to add a payment event for a member which
does not yet exist. The change here will 404 in such (edge) cases, so
that Stripe will retry the webhook at a later point, when the Member
has been created, allowing us to store the payment event.
In order to reduce noise, we want to only display newsletter
subscription events which are not likely to be the result of a member
signup. The approach we've taken is to remove any newsletter
subscription (not unsubscription) event, if when sorted in chronological
order, it is to reside next to a signup event for the same member.
An improvement to this approach might be to add some kind of transaction
id to events which would allow us to group together events which should
be considered to have happened simultaneously.
Signup events are captured by status changes with no `from_status`, this
means that the member did not have a status (did not exist) before this
We order the set of all events by created_at, but were not fetching the
individual events with the same order applies, this resulted in
incorrect results.
We must wait for the stripeSubscriptions relation to be loaded before
attempting to loop through them. As well as this we should use `upsert`
so that we can edit a subscription record by `subscription_id`, rather
than the (internal) `id`
no refs
The member id assigned when creating a new status event on member creation was incorrectly using `` instead of ``, which was undefined causing a validation error.
* Added Event Repository
** Added method for MRR over time
** Added method for newsletter subscriptions over time
** Added method for gross volume over time
** Added method for status segment size over time
* Captured login events
* Captured newsletter subscription/unsubscription
* Captured email address change events
* Captured paid subscription events
* Captured payment events
* Captured status events
no refs
The data structure for subscriptions object on member has changed in 4.x from` stripe.subscriptions` to direct `subscriptions`, the change here updates parsing of subscriptions data
* Fixed updating payment method for canceled subscriptions
Stripe considers canceled subscriptions as non-existent, so any attempts
to update them will fail with a 404 not found. Prior to this change we
were attempting to update *all* subscriptions for a customer, including
those which were canceled. This would cause an error and the loop to
* 🐛 Fixed errors for members with multiple active customers
Members with multiple active customers would have their first active
customer found updated with the new payment method. We would then
iterate through *all* active subscription, and attempt to update their
payment method. If a subscription was not owned by the customer that was
just updated, it would error and cause the loop to break out.
* Added ability to update a specific subscription's payment method
In order to remove ambiguity we add the ability to update the payment
method for a specific subscription. This will remove room for errors as
we will not have to worry about if a subscription belong to the customer
or not.
The subscription object here is a database model rather than an
ISubscription from the stripe library, and we need to 1) use the `get`
method to read attributes and 2) read the `subscription_id` attribute,
as the `id` is our internal one.
Fetching relations via the model returns a promise, and this was missing
the `await` keyword. We also need to `get` the subscription_id attribute
as we're working with models rather than subscription objects.
If we receive webhooks out of order, e.g. a
`customer.subscription.updated` with a status of 'active', followed by a
`customer.subscription.created` with a status of 'incomplete'. We would
overwrite the correct value with data from the "older" webhook. This
ensures that we always fetch the latest data from the Stripe API before
storing in the database.
related to ef9cb0862c
In the last patch which fixes the bug for not passing custom redirect urls when a checkout session is created, we missed updating the case where a logged in member tries to update the subscription.