- Updated the reset route to accept token parameter and hand it over to the controller.
- Added ResetController which handles the submit action and the button disabled state.
- Added reset action to the user model to handle ajax request.
- Updated reset template.
- Added fixtures to test reset API action.
- Fixed password variable names to camel cased style (e.g. newpassword -> newPassword).
- Added ForgottenController which handles the form submit event
- Modified the forgotten template
- Added Paths utility tool to get the root/subpath
- Added ajax fixture
addresses #2422
- creates settings user controller
- creates user model object
- updates user fixture to be compatible with user model
- updates settings/user template
- add validator to Ember Admin
- use validator to validate user model is valid
- add mock response to /users/me/ path
- creates models/base file for all models to inherit from
- add mock response to /ghost/changepw/ path
no issue
- this ports over screens from old admin to
allow people to begin working on aspects of the screen
- All logged out screens have been imported: Signup, Signin,
Forgotten password, reset password
- Those screens are now ready for behavior to be ported over
- This also updates templates to be more in line with how they were
in the old admin
- Littered through the code are @TODO comments of functionality that is
missing and will need to be resolved before this is production ready
- Also scaffolds out the settings screen and every tab
If there are no further comments or suggestions for #2386 then I think it would be good to get this in. Remove .bowerrc from base repo but allows it to still be used for people with specialised dev environments by adding to .gitignore
- Adds the images to `core/client/assets/img`
- Adds css with ember hacks to `core/client/assets/css`
- Configures middleware to provide assets as static files at url `/ghost/ember`
- Adds ember option to assets helper
- Modifies default-ember.hbs to use ember option on asset helper
- Remove inline style definition in editor.hbs
- Modifies .gitignore to include ember-hacks.css (in ignored `core/client/assets/css` folder)
references #2273
- test tag creation and tag deletion
- tests image uploader appears after typing `![]()` in editor
- tests image URL matches url inside ``
- tests all input elements of post settings menu
- added routes for /tag/:slug/rss and /tag/:slug/rss/:page
- added support for tag in the rss controller
- added route tests for each extra case
- fixing a tiny typo in some test descriptions
references #2273
- added a test that clicks on both upload (image/cover) buttons and tests the same testing function on them since both modals are exactly the same
- the testing function checks for the '.js-drop-zone.image-uploader' selector, then clicks accept, and tests that a blank success notification appears
- shifted the test email test validation upwards so the ordering of tests matches the ordering of the UI elements
* Adding **user fixtures** for signin
* Adds an initializer for the **current logged in user**.
The created singleton object is injected into all controllers + routes.
It can be used inside routes + controllers with this.get('user').
For simple development the object is instanciated with a userFixture.
Once a proper login and api mock is in place, the fixture needs to be removed.
* Added **route 'login'** on url '/ghost/ember/signin'
* Added authenticated route with an error hook that redirects to the login route, if status 401 (unauthorized) is returned from REST API.
* All "secure" routes now extend from authenticated route
* Add /ghost/ember to noAuthNeeded routes in middleware
If no .bowerrc file is found in the current folder it seems to lookup if one exists in parent folders. Thus, we need to use .bowerrc in order to avoid problems.
hooking into when ghost has finished loading
addresses item 9 in #2078
and makes progress on #2182
- has files that startup ghost return a promise
that is resolved once ghost has finished loading
- moves getSocket into config file
- removes models.reset() as it's not used anywhere
- update functions in server startup
- remove unused version hash variable