(RE: discussion in pull #317)
- Unit tests enforce well formedness of ghostdown processor function
and what it returns.
- Ensures image markup is recognised and replaced accurately.
Updated dropzone regex to capture existing URL flag. Also supports the shorter markdown image syntax, and corrects issues with special characters in the alt field, fixing issue #146.
This introduces a new class of `.form-group` to replace the label containing the elements.
I have also included `name=""` attributes to inputs where there were non.
- removed version from top of file as it was confusing
- updated versioning notes
- updated contributing notes to include installing grunt-cli globally
- grunt-jslint merged my changes and released a new version
- all other packages which have newer versions have also been updated
- nothing *seems* to have broken (ran both unit & functional tests...yay)
Hacky implementation of a suite of casper tests. This is here so that we can start to build up some tests.
Main thing missing is being able to simulate keypresses for CodeMirror
Making the tests run nicely with grunt, travis and be independent rather than interdependent can all come later.
- See tests/functional/base.js for full usage instructions & implementation notes
- added engines and enginestrict properties to package.json
- these provide warnings / errors when installing through npm
- added our own check using this info on start, throws a useful error and stops the app if the node version is not supported
- also switched sqlite3 to the latest version and checked it works with various node versions
Closes#290. In theory.
* moved flashviews to base.js, renamed to notifications
* added failures to post editor screen
* added notifications to settings (success, failure)
* added notifications when deleting posts
Most of these are not visible due to CSS rules, as overhauling that
is a task in and of itself. The notifications do show up in the inspector
though, so all is well.
Should close#37. There are persistent and passive notifications.
Persistent ones:
* are stored on `ghost.notifications`.
* have an api made to add / remove them with client side ajax logic (probably not the most elegant, but works)
* uses a modified `flashes.hbs` template
* will only disappear if user closes the bar
* stack
* added with backbone view / collection combo
* stack
* disappears on navigation and when user closes it
This fixes the event where text would be selected after manipulation from shortcut, the cursor is now placed after the text. On links and images the url field text is highlighted.
Additional shortcuts;
* Ctrl+U: Make text uppercase
* Ctrl+Shift+U: Make text lowercase
* Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U: Make text titlecase
* Ctrl+Alt+W: Select word
* Ctrl+L: Make into list