no issue
- trying to use the v0.1 Public API when it was disabled led to a confusing error message, see
- adds an explicit check for the Public API being enabled in the client authentication step and throws a useful error message if client auth is attempted when it's disabled
- Removed field filtering in blog owner fetching because it didn't work before (fields weren't reduced) and now broke generated sql queries (ambiguous id field)
refs #10512
- Fixed ability to fetch specific fields when fetching tag resource by id
- Also only returning `url` field when specified in `fields` parameter
- we had a very generic logic to remove "unwanted" null values
- copied from v0.1
- originally added in 7d4107fec4
- this logic transformed: settings = [{key: 'key', value: null}] to [{key: 'key'}], which is wrong
- i've removed this generic logic completely, because i don't know which purpose it serves
- if there a specific case where we want to remove null values, we should either use the JSON schema or use a specific serializer for the target resource
- added tests to proof that settings API behaves as it should
- one test failed because we removed the isNull logic -> if you send published_at = null on a published post
- the model layer has a piece of logic to force a date if you set published_at to null if the status is published
- protected
- added conditional to explicitly set `excerpt` to `null` in the API output serializer when a post has no `plaintext` or `custom_excerpt` value
no issue
- Migrated default scheduling adapter to use Got via the request proxy
- SchedulingDefault is the only module that was using superagent so removed it as a dependency
no issue
- was unable to revert 9dd7aff9c6, because it contains members changes
- functional calls did not work correctly, because the content and admin ctrl differentiation happend in the web layer
- `isContentAPI` returned true for `api.v2.settings.edit(data, {context: {internal:true{})`
- content & admin API are using different controllers
- we can just tell which ctrl is content API and which is not
- the direction fits for the content & admin API split
no issue
- throwing an object from a catch handler is not a good idea
- unexpected and broke functional call to API (always returned a 500, because API returned {err: err, method: ...}
* Required kid be a header claim as according to spec (JWT is an extension of JWS)
* Updated error message for missing kid
* Fixed admin-api key unit tests
* Fixed regression and acceptance tests
- Added member auth middleware to siteApp
- Passed member as context in routing service
- set Cache-Control: private for member requests
- fucked up some tests
- Added member as global template variable
- Updated tokens to have expiry of subscription_period_end
no issue
We're creating tooling to convert HTML to Ghost flavoured mobiledoc, however we have cards that allow arbitrary content without a wrapper element which means that we're unable to do a 1:1 mapping of mobiledoc->html->mobiledoc. To work around this problem we now output HTML comments before/after the output of each card so that our converter can extract card content correctly when parsing HTML.
- added `createCard` method which wraps a card's `render()` method to add begin/end comments and updated all cards to use it
- only takes affect for newly added or re-saved posts/pages