Adds error handling pattern for facebook and twitter account settings same as old admin, showing error message when incorrect value is added and also on blur updates the value to include the facebook/twitter URL
Moved current email customization functionality that is behind the
`makeItRain` to its own flag (`emailCustomization`) and removed the now
redundant `makeItRain` flag
The api service in admin-x was using hardcoded `x-ghost-version` as we did not have access to version value in the app so far. This change passes the ghost version from ember Admin app to Settings-X app via props, and refactors the api util to use the app version as a common header.
- Adds new services provider to pass common services for the app
- passes API as a service via context for the App
- refactors existing API usage to use api from context
no issue
Added support for `--signup` to `yarn dev`. This will make sure that the signup form preview server is served (with rebuilding) and can be used in admin (instead of using the published version). This is also automatically started when using `yarn dev --all`, but with a twist:
If you only run `yarn dev --all`, it will only build and watch the production build of the signup form. If you use `yarn dev --signup` or `yarn dev --all --signup` it will also serve the demo app on `http://localhost:6173`.
This adds attribution tracking to the signup form. It sends a newly
created url history when sending the signup API call, this url history
will get translated to a proper attribution and saved on the backend. We
send a history with only a single item that contains the referrer
source, medium and path of the Embed form.
This also makes some changes to the E2E tests so that the tests run
in an https environment instead of about:blank.
- We need a way to remove posts form collections without fetching the whole collection's content. This API method allows to remove posts from manual collections by collection id and post id.
- As a response it returns up to date collection state without the removed post.
- Whenever properties of the DTO are undefined they should be removed to avoid unintentional empty assignments to the stored collection
- We need a way to append posts to collections without sending over all of the posts that are already in the collection
- The API would receive post_id and collection_id as required fields and will optionally take in sort_order to control the ordering in the manual collection
- the mobile nav was showing for 404 pages when not logged in
- this adds an additional check, so that the nav is only shown when user is logged in, not only when the user is not contributor
no issue
- Removed the postHistory flag from labs
- Post History will be saved and displayed for all lexical posts,
regardless of whether the lexicalEditor flag is currently set
- Post History will still not be displayed for any mobiledoc posts
- With this change, the logic is simplified as we don't have to worry
about flags, but only the content in the given post (mobiledoc vs
- If someone toggles the lexicalEditor flag on, creates a new post, then
toggles the lexicalEditor off, we still want Post History to work for
the existing lexical post
- product card images have explicit width and height attributes in the markup now, and the image needs auto height for that reason
- without it, the images will lose its original aspect ratio for themes without the auto height images
- replaces the TTF with WOFF2 which is more compressed version
- adds a font file for italic style specifically so that the italic text is rendered consistently across different browsers
* background and button color can be passed in the script tag dataset
* text color is calculated automatically from background/button color