references #2273
- test tag creation and tag deletion
- tests image uploader appears after typing `![]()` in editor
- tests image URL matches url inside ``
- tests all input elements of post settings menu
- added routes for /tag/:slug/rss and /tag/:slug/rss/:page
- added support for tag in the rss controller
- added route tests for each extra case
- fixing a tiny typo in some test descriptions
references #2273
- added a test that clicks on both upload (image/cover) buttons and tests the same testing function on them since both modals are exactly the same
- the testing function checks for the '.js-drop-zone.image-uploader' selector, then clicks accept, and tests that a blank success notification appears
- shifted the test email test validation upwards so the ordering of tests matches the ordering of the UI elements
If no .bowerrc file is found in the current folder it seems to lookup if one exists in parent folders. Thus, we need to use .bowerrc in order to avoid problems.
hooking into when ghost has finished loading
addresses item 9 in #2078
and makes progress on #2182
- has files that startup ghost return a promise
that is resolved once ghost has finished loading
- moves getSocket into config file
- removes models.reset() as it's not used anywhere
- update functions in server startup
- remove unused version hash variable
issue #2305
- changed validation for 'page' to expect '0' or '1', rather than 'true' or
- Added a 'can change a post to static page' test
- Added a 'can change a static page to a post' test
- Convert to new api usage for both server-side and client-side
- Provide way require a negative response for boolean methods in
- Add field validation functional tests
- Settings (General)
- Title length validation
- Description length validation
- postsPerPage, numeric, min, max
- Settings (User)
- Bio Length validation
- Location length validation
- Url validation
- Login
- Email validation
- Editor
- Title required validation
- Remove libraries from shared/vendor
- Remove libraries from client/assets/vendor
- Add bower to package.json and postinstall
- Add bower.json with dependencies
- Add scripts from bower_components to concat/uglify
- Fix tests
- Serve jquery from /ghost/built/theme/
- added check for tag in coreHelpers.meta_title and use if set
- added test for correct title on tag pages
Rewritting to tag - blogtitle based on comments from PR