no issue
- After investigating effects of allowing editing email there were no significant blockers found, so there is no reason not to allow editing this field
no issue
- This field is usefult when importing from external sources.
- The date format should be compatible with one used internally by Ghost which is RFC 2822 compliant format
- uses `member.toJSON()` to add a computed `avatar_image` property
- if the member has an email address and gravatar is not disabled then we generate a gravatar url using the `?d=blank` parameter to return a transparent image if the member's email has no gravatar
no issue
- When importing through CSV we should remain the defaults of 'subscribed' fields (`true` at the moment), unless it is explicitly set to `false` or `FALSE` (the latter uppercase value often comes from scpredsheets)
no issue
* Updated sendEmailWithMagicLink syntax
* Updated label name selection from theme
* Updated migration version for labels
* Added labels to export/import of members
* Added member labels sanitization for case-insensitive duplicates
* Fixed tests
* Fixed label serialization bug on import
* Bumped @tryghost/members-api to 0.15.0
* Fixed lint
* Cleanup
no issue
We missed handling `undefined` values for fields during csv export for memebrs, which causes csv entries as `undefined` for fields that don't exist. It also added need for extra handling of `undefined` entries during csv import. This PR fixes the bug by properly handling empty/undefined values in export
- `findOne` method in destroy method was usinng wrong options object (unlinke read method id comes from frame.options not thus this was causing 404 errors
- The filename is returned to be able to fetch the backup on demand
- Wasn't able to limit exported tables as exporter doesn't support such functionality
no issue
- When importing large batches of members we should not allow for unlimited amount of parallel requests created as this might lead to connection pool problems and reaching API rate limits (for example Stripe API is limited to 100 req/s)
no issue
- New fields that are accepted through members CSV import endpoint are:
- `subscribed_to_emails` - corresponds to `subscribed` flag in API
- `stripe_customer_id` - links existing Stripe customer to created member
- `complimentary_plan` - flag controlling "Complimentary" plan subscription creation for imported member
- Noteworthy exception in field naming - `subscribed_to_emails` that corresponds to `subscribed` API flag present on members resources. It's a special case of CSV format, where users can be less technical it's more explicit to what the flag does (also the same naming is applied in the Admin UI)
- Failing to either link Stripe customer or assign "Complimentary" subscription to imported member behaves in a transaction-like manner - imported record is not created in the database. This is needed to be able to retry imports when it fails for reasons like connectivity failure with Stripe or Stripe miss-configuration.
- To avoid conflicts with linking same Stripe customer to multiple members there is a special handling for duplicate `stripe_customer_id` fields. Records with duplicates are removed from imported set.
no issue
- We need a way to simulate "premium" membership without any payment from members' side. For this new "Complimentary" plan is introduced
- Allows `comped` flag as an input only on `PUT /members/:id` endpoint which sets free subscriptions based on "complimentary" plan on the member
- Added `comped` flag to members endpoint responses
- Bumped members-api to 0.12.0. This version supports new set/cancel complimentary subscription methods
- As members module has become a core part it makes sense to follow the same principles as in all other controllers and use the model directly instead of calling external services.
- Bumped @tryghost/members-api to 0.11.1 . New stripe-specific methods used in controllers are available starting with this version
- Exposing these new methods is a little hacky because there are no relationships setup on members_* tables. Left notes for future improvements once relations are introduced.
- We don't allow for chaging member's emails at the moment. For this reason had to modify JSON schema a little. It doesn't support OO inheritence: "This shortcoming is perhaps one of the biggest surprises of the combining operations in JSON schema: it does not behave like inheritance in an object-oriented language. " (ref.
- Allow page resource endpoints to accept HTML source. This behavior is the same as the post's resource introduced with e9ecf70ff7372f395b8917340805148bc764e2ef
- The functionality was most likely missed when post split into posts & pages was happening.
- Added symmetric changes to API v2.
- The `plaintext`/`html` fields were empty because `visibility` attribute was not present in response body on output serialization stage. `visibility` field is always needed for content gating to work as expected
- Added `visibility` field in the input serialization layer as it wouldn't be possible to use content gating if added on model layer through `defaultColumnsToFetch`
- Added test cases covering a bug
Allows `comment_id` and `uuid` to be passed in post `add`/`edit` API calls instead of failing requests with validation error, though both properties are stripped out in serializer as we don't allow editing them.
no issue
- This includes the interface change for members-api constructor - now accepts the member's model instead of proxy methods. These methods have been moved ton @tryghost/members-api in favor of using the model directly (ref:
- Moved error handling from the service layer to controller
- Bumped @tryghost/member-api package to 0.10.0
We want to allow admin users to trigger a retry of failed emails without having to go through the unpublish/republish dance.
- fixed resource identifier in email permissions migration so email permissions are added correctly
- added new email permissions migration so that beta releases can be upgraded without rollback (will be a no-op for any non-beta upgrades)
- added `/emails/:id/retry/` canary Admin API endpoint
- follows same URL pattern as theme activation
- only triggers mega service retry endpoint if the email has a `'failed'` status
no issue
- When whole email batch fails we want to allow retrying sending a batch when post is republished
- Refactored naming for email event handling in mega
no issue
- having a `send_email_when_published` property on the Post resource that only has an effect at certain times was confusing and was causing issues with clients that needed to know details of how that toggle worked
- makes `post.send_email_when_published` a fully read-only property in the API
- adds support for `?send_email_when_published=true` query param that can be passed in POST/PUT requests to the posts endpoint when scheduling or publishing a post - this is the only way to set `post.send_email_when_published` to `true`
- adds handling to ensure that `post.send_email_when_published` is always reset to `false` when reverting a post back to a draft _unless_ an email has already been sent
no issue
Adds 2 new dynamic calculated fields on bulk email settings -
`isEnabled` - If mailgun is configured either with config or admin settings
`isConfig` - If mail is configured via config directly
no issue
- Fixed default email property output when the empty value is returned
- This is needed for consistency with other endpoint properties like primary_tag which are null when there is no value assigned
- Updated acceptance tests to handle email property
- Schema had to be updated to not use reference so that the information about email can be independent of the post - can still exist if the post is deleted